Who is your favorite Shield member now?


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So simple who is your favorite shield member now. Its been over a year since they broke up. so where do they stand in your eyes. for me Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins are holding their own but Roman reigns is useless. I just wonder what u all think. Simple right.
Dean Ambrose, he is a star waiting to explode. Rollins is really good. I hope they build Reigns up the right way so that when it does become his time to wear the belt, he's ready for the spotlight. All three of them are good.
i liked seth rollins in the shield he was always my favorite even when they made ambrose out to ve the best then all of a sudden roman reigns who was the worst out the 3 shot up from nowhere and tbh look where that got him not very far as he became a flop so rollins imo is still the best as he is still my favorite even though ambrose is awesome
I like all of them, but Ambrose has always been my favourite. His character has so many facets to it, he can do or be anything. I like his style in the ring, and his mic skills are fantastic. Even with all his losses he's still getting a lot of TV time and a good pop from the crowd.

Everyone says Reigns got the huge push and he did, but Rollins has turned into HHH's golden boy. Rollins is another one who is great in the ring, face or heel, mic skills are gold, and he's just such a cocky bastard. He's the perfect heel, never satisfied with what he has, always wants more, and pisses everyone off to get it.

Reigns needed the most work, and in a way still does. Yes he had a hell of a match at Mania, but again he's still getting mixed reactions from the crowd. He has the longest way to go, and that's down to his inexperience. He has the best look out of the three, but that will only get you so far. Once he gets more comfortable in the ring and on the mic, he'll look a lot better. Maybe add a couple of moves, we all know he has them, just watch his NXT matches, he could surpass the other two. Unfortunately he's a little damaged right now because of the Rumble fiasco, but I think he can recover and over time he'll be fine.

So all in all, the three of them are off to nice starts, and if Vince doesn't fuck up again, they should be the future of the WWE.
Dean Ambrose, as it always has been. Strongest talker, strongest charisma, strongest X factor, strongest crowd reactions. It makes sense in the insane world of WWE that the best performer of the three should be in the lowest position, while a skilled born-mid carder is world champion and a useless lump with good looks is being primed to become the public face of the industry. Sigh.
Right now, I'd say Seth Rollins. He's the best ring worker of the three and a decent talker. He just needs to stop having two midgets in suits protect him, it makes him look pathetic. He's become a generic WWE chicken$hit heel. He also needs to ditch the generic music.

Roman Reigns has the potential to be a big star, but WWE pulled the trigger on him WAY too early. It will take years for him to recover from the disastrous booking of mid-2014 to now.

Dean Ambrose was always the weak link for me, but being in The Shield covered for his weaknesses somewhat. Now that he's solo, I've gone from disliking him to outright hating him. He's just bland and uninteresting. He's mediocre in ring, a horrible talker who can't cut a promo to save his life, and like the other former Shield members, he's saddled with boring, generic music that isn't doing him any favors. He needs to stop making goofy faces and acting like an idiot, and stop pushing that "Lunatic Fringe" crap. He's just a worthless piece of crap.
Dean Ambrose- Probably my favourite now. I can see him being an unpredictable, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin type, who the fans love, but who bucks authority because they can't control him.

I think Dean needs to do a program with the Authority,ultimately leading to Ambrose v Triple H, and be like an Austin-McMahon feud.

Seth Rollins- Great heel. He acts like such a dick, who you want to see someone punch his smug face in.

However, after his run as a heel is done (and I hope it isn't for a while), he has the talent to do spotfests and stunts, and be like a modern Jeff Hardy.

Roman Reigns- still needs time, but can get there. Unfairly maligned, and not given credit for his performance at WM, which makes me want to see him succeed more, to stick it to the haters.

All three bring different things to the table, and all three will be amongst the top superstars in WWE in the next decade.
I still have high hopes for all three, and as they got over through good booking by the WWE, they will succeed based on such as time goes on.

Seth Rollins has been booked wonderfully during his entire Singles run and unsurprisingly, he has made the most progress and is now a 'deserved' WWE Heavyweight Champion.

Roman Reigns has been booked very strong, but he hasn't been handled properly beyond that, and doesn't have a fixed character as yet. He had a great showing on the Road to WrestleMania with good bouts vs Bryan and Brock, but it remains to be seen how he will progress with much less pressure going forward, and whether fans embrace him as the WWE obviously want.

Dean Ambrose is currently in limbo. Indeed, his initial singles push was brilliant, but since then he has been floating around and whilst his momentum has held up rather well, it is clear he will need some sort of direction by the time SummerSlam rolls around or he risks dropping down big time, lMO. Still, he has unfinished business with Seth Rollins, and that, lMO, is like his own Special MitB case to easy relevance at some point in the near future.

Oh, as for my favourite, it has always been the Roman Empire and that hasn't changed. The guy has continuously improved in all aspects in spite of some frankly horrendous booking, and if he can stay humble and continue on the path he is on, he will get where the WWE want to him to go. Of that, I have no doubts whatsoever. BOlieve in Roman Reigns!
Dean Ambrose has been my favorite of the 3 since the split. Despite their sporadic booking of him. His promo about Rollins the RAW after their split sold me. And his lunatic fringe gimmick has allowed for some entertaining moments in the past few months. I hope the WWE sees what they have in this guy and gives him a proper push.

Seth Rollins, no doubt has been the heel of the year in my opinion. He's just a natural in pretty much every aspect of the game. It's a shame they took away his Curb Stomp because that is an ultimate heel finisher. And as a previous post said, he needs to get rid of J&J Security. Not that they haven't been somewhat entertaining. It just that it makes him look weak and cowardly.

And then there's Roman Reigns, the Chosen One. Now I have nothing against him being the star for the next generation. He's got the look and the lineage. Did he need some work in the ring and on the mic? No doubt. I thought him being out with that injury would get him some sympathy points. I was wrong. That Royal Rumble was a complete sh*t storm. But he shrugged it off and did his thing. He IS improving, you can't deny that. And he will get his day. And I hope he does.
Seth Rollins without a doubt. It was a debate until Ambrose/Wyatt started. While that feud really sucked(to me at least) Seth was in the Main Event as a leader of the locker room type to feud with Cena up till Royal Rumble. He had a great match, one of the best Triple Threats in years with Lesnar and Cena. Then he had a decent feud with Orton, had 2 of the big Wrestlemania moments this year: the Curb Stomp reversed into the RKO and cashing in at Mania. He's become the quintessential chicken shit heel since the Shield broke up!

Ambrose has lost every match of importance since the break up. He lost every important match with Rollins, Wyatt and even the IC title matches. While he is still over, his star fades a little bit every single week.

Reigns on paper has had the best run aside from losing at Mania. But I'm not sold on him yet.

I legitimately mark out every time I see Seth Rollins, if Miz was doing something more interesting Seth would be my number 2 but at the moment Seth is my favorite active competitor. Hopefully he keeps this interesting for a long time, a long long time
I've been a fan of Ambrose since his Moxley years, and I legitimately always thought he was going to be the next big thing when WWE signed him. When he made his debut with The Shield, I immediately saw him as the breakout star. My opinion of Ambrose hasn't changed, but my amazement at Seth Rollins has shot through the roof. It's tough to say who my favorite at this moment is, but I still gotta go with Ambrose, especially considering he's thrived as a face when he's obviously more comfortable as a heel.

You give Ambrose the heel booking that Seth Rollins has gotten since last year and I don't think much changes... I sincerely think Ambrose would be champ today had he been chosen for the super push... that's not to take away from Rollins at all, just saying I think both have a vast amount of talent and their roles could have very easily been switched.
Rollins surprised me. I had him pegged as fading into the mid-card. His heel run had been nothing short of spectacular, and the mid-card fade out has gone to Ambrose.

Ambrose is still my favourite. His promos are right up my alley, I don't see the issue with his fighting style or how he throws a punch like so many others are careful to point out. I'm not one of the hipsters who only likes the Indy guys. Letting Ambrose pin Rollins clean wouldn't have hurt the former briefcase carrier. Ambrose had to put Wyatt over to prepare the eater of worlds for the Undertaker. Bugs me that they gave the IC title win to Bryan instead of Ambrose. Would have preferred Bryan vs Ziggler one on one.

I think Ambrose has a great future. It's really we hardcore fans who notice the losses. The crowd still pops for Ambrose. He had great match with Cena the night after Mania. I'm really hoping Ambrose gets the win over Harper Sunday. I predict Ambrose to capture the IC title later this year. Some are predicting him for the MITB winner. He has to be within the top 5 guys they're considering.

I like Roman, I always have. A lot of the hate he gets is because it's the cool thing to do. It's not like he's putting on crappy matches. It's not like he isn't trying to improve. He's the company's top priority, and that had everything to do with his incredibly impressive look. He's only going to get better. A poorly timed injury and terrible writing have been what have set him back.

I don't know why WWE thinks everyone has to be able to do the 20 minute opening promo. In fact that model itself is broken. Many legends have gotten insanely over without saying a word. See Goldberg and Sting. The stick is Roman's biggest weakness, let his high impact moves tell the story. He can live down all the lame dialogue. They could even incorporate that into his story.

My favourites last year: Dean, Roman, Seth

My favourites today: Dean, Seth, Roman

Who's been booked the best: Seth, Dean, Roman
I'm still in Roman Reigns' corner. I believe he has the best upside of the three, although the success of Seth Rollins is a marvel; the guy is terrific.

But Roman's look is so great and the learning curve he's on makes him the guy I believe will take the company into the next decade. He showed more of what is to come in losing to Brock Lesnar at WM31 than he would have done in winning. Once he gains the polish he needs, there will be no stopping him.
Roman. He was my favorite since their tag title run and he really became my favorite at Survivor series and the Rumble. He's got It, the perfect mix of confidence, infectious enthusiasm, and being able to project his presence. There's no wasted motion in his game and it probably comes from his football background. Rollins has the same thing, but Roman's feels more natural than character. Unable to avoid a cliche thanks to his catchphrase, it's easier to Believe Roman than Seth. I wanna like Ambrose but his gimmick treatment is bad and he doesn't win so I'm apparently not supposed to take him seriously.
while a skilled born-mid carder is world champion

Can you please elaborate on what exactly makes Rollins a "born mid carder"???

Everywhere major that he has been over the last 5-6 years he has moved relatively quickly up the ranks and captured the top championship- ROH World Champion, FCW Champion, NXT Champion, and now WWE World Champion. And he's still only 28 years old, he's played his character phenomenally well, he has a great look, and he's elite in the ring. What about him screams anything besides born Main Eventer?
So simple who is your favorite shield member now. Its been over a year since they broke up. so where do they stand in your eyes. for me Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins are holding their own but Roman reigns is useless. I just wonder what u all think. Simple right.

I'm a little biased. I like heels so I'll go with Rollins, nothing against Ambrose and Reigns - I like them both. I just don't like how the writers are booking them.
For me since day 1 it has been Reigns, Rollins then Ambrose a long way behind. With Reigns you don't a great talker or a massive move set but you get intensity and excitement which is exactly what you want from a powerhouse. Rollins was always that excellent counterbalance to Reigns power with his athleticism and its why they formed a team that help make the tag division the best it has been for years and that talent has carried over excellently to his singles career, he has the talking and character development down as well as excellent in ring talent, the new finisher should go immediately as it didnt look good and it should be the Phoenix Splash but he has almost no weaknesses and is very entertaining.

Onto Ambrose, excellent talker and brilliant at portraying a character but for me his in ring style just doesnt look good. His moves look stupid or weak, his rebound clothesline thing looks stupid, his finisher doesnt work in when superstars are prepared to take the DDT bump properly (dont blame them, I wouldnt want to be dropped on my head), his bumps look a bit comical and over the top and basically when I look at Ambrose I see a worse version of Cena with weaker moves and worse selling and I think dont rate Cena too highly
Ambrose was my favorite when The Shield was in action, now he has actually taken third place after Roman Reigns has redeemed himself in my eyes after the Lesnar match at WrestleMania, then taking a match last night - with The Big Show - and turning it into arguably the best match on the card. He's been working on selling, and his versatility as a talker. I see him being "ready" in a year or so for the spot they originally intended on him having before the crowd turn. I hated the corny Jack and the Bean Stalk promos as bad as anyone else.

Rollins had the perfect slow burn with his Money in the Bank contract and was able to show that he was more than just the high flier of The Shield. He is basically this generation's Shawn Michaels as far as ring work - and plays the Heel role excellently. I can see him having many years as a top guy in the company.

Ambrose is in last place for me now and has had an interesting transition into a singles wrestler. At first he was compared to a "PG Stone Cold" by a lot of people which he hasn't really turned out to be. His last memorable shine to me was when Reigns was injured last year and Ambrose was running with things for a couple months. I think they have made a mistake in the amount of gimmick matches he is wrestling - some that come to mind are the Halloween Trick or Treet Street Fight (DDTing Cesaro with a pumpkin on his head and beating him with a candy corn kendo stick or something) and the Christmas street fight, all the way to last night's Chicago Street Fight. It's trash PG "Hardcore" wrestling and comes off silly to me. I am also not crazy about the wild punches all the time and the Double Arm DDT does not look devastating to me, I liked the Headlock Driver but it was probably not practical for larger opponents. Everyone clowns Cena's limited moveset - here is Dean Ambrose's... the crazy punches, the Elbow drop onto a standing opponent, the Tornado DDT (Cena also uses), his off the ropes clothesline and his finish.

I will say Ambrose hasn't been booked great at all lately, and has made the best of it. I don't think he's been damaged because he's over and a lot of people are crazy about him.

All in all - Rollins, then Reigns, then Ambrose at this point.
Dean Ambrose - by a loooong way. When you look at a superstar and how they are currently, and where they could go in the future, how they could be moulded, Ambrose certainly has the more dynamic persona and skills to be pushed in whatever way 'The E' would want.

Reigns could be good, if he can develop his mic skills and get the hell out the ring gear and develop a new look.

Rollins - Can't stand him. listen to his voice and all he does is come across like a sniveling little runt (Not intentionally). He's decent in ring, but to me.... Hasn't got a great style that could become synonymous with him and him only... Something Ambrose has.

My pick - Ambrose
After the initial Shield break up I was a big fan of Dean Ambrose but somehow WWE has found a way to mess that up and completely water the guy down before he could explode.
I think thats very stupid...Ambrose is a bomb and the fire had been ignited..it was a matter of time till the explosion came but hey they put out that fire pretty fast.

I think Seth Rollins has grown on me quite a bit. I wasn't a fan of him in the Shield simply because at times he did end up playing the third wheel to Reigns and Ambrose. This dude reminds me so much of Edge and his character that maybe thats why I like Rollins the most.

I'm not saying I'm not a Roman Reigns fan because I am a fan. It's just that im tired of seeing some of the lame things he's done since the split. Also I believe he could use some new moves in his arsenal to really get over.

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