Who from FCW would you most like to see move up to the main roster?

"Cool Guy" Jensen

Undertaker for Champ!
I'm sure you all know that there are dozens and dozens and dozens of superstars in development just waiting for their chance to shine on the main roster. Some are better than others of course, while some still need a little work. You have some people in FCW who are just there for a few months, while some have to be there for several years. And then you have some people in FCW who were on the main roster, but WWE noticed they needed more work.

So, I ask the question, from what you hear about the superstars on FCW, who would you most like to see moved up to the main roster? This can be from your own biased opinion or from actual details if you happen to watch FCW.

Mine would have to be...
Joe Hennig: He is a 2nd generation superstar and has name value, so that helps. In my opinion, I think that the fact that he looks nothing like his father "Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig can actually be a plus. I believe that this can give Joe some lee-way to shine and be compared to his father because of ring skills and actual talent, as opposed to just "looks". I think he can succeed on his own on Smackdown moreso than he would going to Raw and joining Legacy. However, a problem I hear about him is that he doesn't have a very solid arsenal.

Also I would like to see Ryan Reeves move up because I was a fan of him since he was part of "Tough Enough" in 2004, and I'm sure he's improved since then. I want to see how much. And also DJ Gabriel when he is ready... hopefully not too long from now.

How do people really even know what the FCW talent is made of? I look at their roster once every month or so and all I really see is a "mug shot" of them. Even if you watch the videos its hard to see what the development process has been like. Besides the 2nd generation guys I would like to see Lance Rock on ECW. His name is VANCE ARCHER now but I thought he had potential in TNA. It also looks like they have some jokers on the roster too who probably won't amount to anything because they don't even has anything close to resembling a "look."
I would like to see Johnny Curtis move up. I am saying this because I know him and saw him wrestle right out of High School.

I have asked others what is keeping him down and never get answers. Can someone give me the answers?

I recently moved to Florida and am planning a trip to FCW to see it live. Has anyone been? Any pointers: when to get there, food prices, etc.?
vance archer was pretty cool in TNA andi think he could have a decent roll on ECW but the guy i really want to c move up to the main roster is kaval because i've watched his indy wrestling and he is awesome! his double foot stomp (sounds like an awful finisher) is actually pretty brutal
Some of the FCW Divas should definitely move up, maybe putting Serena Deeb on Smackdown so they don't have the hinted Maria vs Michelle McCool thing.
Because they're in FCW and not on WWE TV I barely know any of them so I would be hard pressed to tell you which FCW wrestler I look forward to being called up. I guess if Danielson or McGuinness end up there they should be called up but apart from them I really don't know.
Probably Low Ki. wait, is Low Ki in FCW? I don't know much about him at all. I don't even remember him in TNA that much. Was he in TNA? I've just heard people talk about him a lot, and hopefully he can do flippy things and whatnot.

So Low Ki
There is some really decent talent down in FCW that could make it in the WWE. Joe Hennig could obviously make the jump on name alone but would need more than simply being the son of one of the best wrestlers of the 80s/90s. Brett DiBiase has now been seen on WWE TV and has been rumored as being calmer and more natural in front of the cameras than older brother Teddy. Low Ki, or Kaval, is there and his ability is well renouned. Aside from these I wouldn't really rate many more but I only get to see FCW on you tube so I probably haven't seen the best of some. Honourable mentions go to - Justin Angel, Gabriel and Vance Archer (who is a better big man than most who have been called up to the WWE).
Like others have said before i would love to see kaval (low ki/senshi) move up i think he is a phenominal talent and his kicks look devestating, i think he could have some awesome matches with people like john morrison, rey mysterio, christian, chris jericho, even CM punk, believe me that would be a match to watch.
I have to go with Joe Henning. He seems to have the potential and look to make it big in WWE. I think he would also make a good member of Legacy.
i have had the pleaseantries in facing Kaval/low ki /senshi in a match a while back at a Tna House Show. And if he was brought up he would be wwe champion within 4 months. He is like evan bourne but a million times better.
Low Ki is injured at this point which is why I completely forgot about him. Hopefully when he does get back to health he can start that Mysterio feud that was being talked about by the sheets.

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