Which WWE superstar will use a music artist track as their theme song next?

CM Steel

A REAL American
For over the years in the WWE Jim Johnston has been the man behind alot of WWE superstars theme songs, even Fandango's theme song. But some times the WWE would pay the bill for a superstar to use a music artist's song as their entrance theme song. Like CM Punk's "Cult of Personality" by Living Coulor which was a big hit. And is a copywrite in which Living Coulor would receive royalty's from the track being used by the WWE.

Another example of this is the Undertaker's american bad ass persona when he debut it using Kid Rock's "American Bad Ass". And then a year later he used Limp Bizkit's "Roll'in" as his new entrance track riding to the ring on his motorcycle. There could be more WWE superstar's who have used artist tracks from over the years but those are the only two WWE superstars that come to mind right now. But which WWE superstar will use a music artist track as their theme song next?

Any requests?
Jim Johnston has done a lot but also the band Downstait? They do the Miz's theme song and Ziggler's if memory recalls. Also I don't know if Jericho or Jeff Hardy count but didn't both of them use music by their bands?

Also Rey Mysterio's theme music is by POD right? Or do you mean like a song that wasn't built for the guy?
Undertaker also used the Johnny Cash song for his match with HBK I believe.

If I were to make a guess I'd say Dean Ambrose. His music isn't really that exciting and I could see the WWE changing it to something established to help give him a big pop when he comes out. Maybe something by like Shinedown? I could also see Rollins getting new music.

Cesaro would be another guess, his theme seems like just the damn siren, plus he doesn't even have music sometimes. So I could see them giving him something...don't know what being as he has little character now.

Could you imagine Bray with something like Nine Inch Nails? I'm thinking like Hurt. But I feel like people would be mad.

I'd find it hilarious if they paid attention to pop culture enough to have some heel come out to hated modern music. Think like one night they come out to Nickeback or U2 or Coldplay. It'd just be a neat little idea.

I could also see some diva coming out to Party In The USA by Miley Cyrus xD or Adam Rose.
I'd love for Seth Rollins to use a Slipknot song.

He's from Iowa and so is the band. I could definitely see him coming out to either My Plague or Before I Forget.

But honestly I think it's the whole licensing thing. Songs by well known acts aren't cheap and to pay out royalties on top of that would be a lot also. If a band performed a song specifically for WWE that would be different but to get an existing song would probably be more expensive.
There's plenty of examples of real bands producing entrance music for the WWE.

Batista used "I Walk Alone" by Saliva
Chris Jericho used "King of My World" by Saliva
Dudley Boyz used "Turn The Tables" by Saliva
Triple H uses "The Game" by Motorhead
Evolution used "Line In The Sand" by Motorhead
Randy Orton uses "Voices" by Rev Theory
Hulk Hogan used "Voodoo Chile" by Jimi Hendrix
Christy Hemme used "Walk Idiot Walk" by The Hives

I think it really just depends on which wrestler WWE is willing to spend the money on. They'd either have to either pay an artist to write/perform a song for them, or pay so the artist would allow WWE to use one of their tracks as an entrance theme. I think WWE would rather write their themes in house if possible, as surely it would be cheaper to get Jim Johnston to do it than paying Motorhead to record another song, but sometimes they want to do something a little different, or are willing to splash out on a band to give a particular wrestler a boost and a new theme.
Don't know who could use it, but I always thought that Kansas' Carry On Wayward Son would be a generally exceptional entrance music for a babyface. The starting chorus sounds just like a face pop waiting to happen.

Also I don't know why but I could really see Baron Corbin entering to The Book of Knots' Microgravity
Also, if they had gone forward with the Xavier Woods/Kofi Kingston/Big E stable, they should just had something like Kanye's Black Skinhead as their entrance music.
Well when i get to WWE for my stable theme song i want to use .... "Bad Boy's" by Inner cirlce. As a singles competitor want to use "My time" -Fabulous. So, I will.
There's plenty of examples of real bands producing entrance music for the WWE.

Batista used "I Walk Alone" by Saliva
Chris Jericho used "King of My World" by Saliva
Dudley Boyz used "Turn The Tables" by Saliva
Triple H uses "The Game" by Motorhead
Evolution used "Line In The Sand" by Motorhead
Randy Orton uses "Voices" by Rev Theory
Hulk Hogan used "Voodoo Chile" by Jimi Hendrix
Christy Hemme used "Walk Idiot Walk" by The Hives

I think it really just depends on which wrestler WWE is willing to spend the money on. They'd either have to either pay an artist to write/perform a song for them, or pay so the artist would allow WWE to use one of their tracks as an entrance theme. I think WWE would rather write their themes in house if possible, as surely it would be cheaper to get Jim Johnston to do it than paying Motorhead to record another song, but sometimes they want to do something a little different, or are willing to splash out on a band to give a particular wrestler a boost and a new theme.

And they all cost shit loads of cash....

Voodoo Child cost them over half a million dollars to use for about 3 moths...and didn't do anything to help Hogan, it was just an ego trip for him to make Vince spend the money.. to be fair "Cult Of Personality" was just that for Punk too, but it worked and is now indelibly linked to him.

WWE won't spend if they can have Johnston or a house band "appropriate a song" look at Cesaro's first theme or Adam Rose's themes so far... all are basically variations of "Chelsea Dagger" by The Fratellis... this is not a "big band" it wouldn't have cost them much, but they still went with the cheap "soundalike" versions...

Bray isn't changing, he has his "guy" now, even if Crozer comes up with a new tune for him, he won't change the formula... but they did change one thing, they went from "Time Is On My Side" to "He's Got The Whole World"... one is in the public domain, one is a Stones song and thus expensive...

It's interesting to see the difference real music makes, there is a version of Mania I out there with all the original music intact... Born In the USA for Windham and Rotunda, Eye of the Tiger for Hulk and T... Another One Bites The Dust for JYD...even the old links/themes for WWE shows was "Modern Love" by Bowie... massive difference in credibility... but that cred costs more than WWE perceives it is worth... for every dud WWE theme there are 3 or 4 classic ones that do fit... Barrett has the Manic Street Preachers offering a theme for him cos they like him and they are his fave band (his tattoo is their lyrics, would seem a match made in heaven) but Vince don't let it happen... Band would probably do it cheap/for free but labels and publishers get in the way...

I can see them throwing some money at Reigns for a theme to restore him after the injury... Can't quite see them doing it for Ambrose cos he is "plan B"...If they could get the rights, a version of "Sympathy For The Devil" would be perfect for him...and I would love to see Bryan get to use "The Final Countdown" at Mania.. Next real opportunity I think is Neville, he is a Geordie... for some reason I can see AC/DC (with their fellow Geordie lead singer) lending a theme to him... something like Shoot To Thrill or a new track would fit him perfectly... It'd be the kind of thing someone like Brian Johnstone would do, and Vince or Trips would get behind cos they're "big enough"... would certainly help Neville become A-List...
Roman Reigns. It'll make his return even bigger. When he makes his first WrestleMania solo entrance, he could have a live band perform his song.
Hey you guuuuys!! Do you remember when....


No matter what happens, I don't think it can go nearly as bad as that.

I'm trying to find an example that nobody had mentioned yet, so pardon me if I'm a little vague here.

There's an old ditty called Live is Life which was the one hit from the band Opus. I imagine it would be a cheap, yet crowd pleasing serenade for Sami Zayn if he's ever called up.
I think Bryan could be a candidate for this type of treatment. While he's done very well with "Flight of the Valkyries", a different tune may be a cool way to go when he returns from his injury hiatus... and if that tune could be "Final Countdown" I'd mark shamelessly.

As for more of a fantasy scenario, though I think it has no chance of happening, my preference would see WWE allowing Kevin Steen to keep his entrance music; "Unsettling Differences" by Blue Smock Nancy.

It sounds perfect for him, and is arguably the best entrance music in the whole industry right now:
Ladies and Gentleman by Saliva would be good for Ryback if WWE just edits the beginning.
Theme starts off with "Ladies and Gentleman please, would you bring your attention to me?" And than go into the harder part.. Lots of BOOM.
Final Countdown for D-Bry....BUT only as a one time thing at the Royal Rumble and he takes his time coming out at the right moments.....and then parades a full circle around the ring. He would probably have to go last to pull that off. Which would be perfect seeing as we all wanted him as 30 but Rey Kneebreak got it.
Thinking about it I think something like Fun.'s Some Nights with the right entrance would be such an awesome face entrance.


Just think about the lights going dark, the music starts, after a handful of seconds timed with the music a big flash of light, and omg it's Daniel Bryan, he's back.
Also having a dominant mexican stable entering to Rage Against The Machine's People of The Sun would be damn amazing. But yeah, as long as Vince is in charge we probably won't have dominant mexican wrestlers :p

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