Which wrestler would you push?

i would push John Morrison into the WWE Title picture! it would start with him winning the RAW chamber match to face Miz at Wrestlemania for the WWE Title...i wouldnt give Morrison the title at wrestlemania but i would have him fued with Miz from WrestleMania till about 2 ppvs later and the fued would end with Morrison pulling off the upset and winning the title WWE isnt using him right by having him stuck in mid card/jobbing to main eventers. i really DONT wanna c john cena going for the WWE Title AGAIN at wrestlemania hes ALWAYS in a title match at mania and he always wins its just not entertaining! :banghead:
Whoops, my bad on my last post. I missed that this was in the WWE section, I had just clicked the link from WZ's main page. I know ignorance shouldn't be an excuse, so I wholeheartedly apologize...so I'm not in danger of spamming (from either my last post, or this one), just think of my last post as a hypothetical (this whole thread is a hypothetical idea for discussion anyway, right?):

If Robert Roode & James Storm jumped ship to the WWE (as Beer Money Inc.), they'd still be my choice(s) for a big push. I'd split them up almost immediately, mainly because of the non-existent tag-division...who would they feud with, Santino & Kozlov? The Usos? I don't think they'd be utilized correctly as a tag team in the WWE, but on the other hand -- maybe they could help rebuild the shattered division. That could be a major plus, but I'd still split them up by this Fall...their potential as singles competitors is far too great to keep them together for too long.

I think they'd be a better choice of wrestlers for WWE to steal from TNA than Booker and Nash were (I know that's off topic, Booker & Nash aren't "full-schedule" wrestlers, etc...but just my humble opinion). If I could push any wrestlers in the WWE, it would be Roode & Storm...if I could contract them, I think they would both be great in an immediate mid-card spot. Maybe one of them on Raw (feuding with Bryan for the US Title), and the other on Smackdown going after the IC title. Again, I'd love to see them main-eventing (in any company) by early 2012.

A slow gradual push for both of them would be ideal, but if this were to happen I know that Vince wouldn't give them too much too soon...the old idea that "the competition" isn't relevant enough to matter, let alone get over IMMEDIATELY in the WWE.

I do think that the WWE would be able to provide them with a better opportunity to become stars (as opposed to TNA)...not only because WWE is a bigger company with more exposure, but also because WWE creative is much better at creating "new" stars (as if that isn't obvious already).

Sorry again for my mix-up, I hope my post(s) still have some relevance here in this thread.

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