Which to watch? ROH IPpv or WWE Fatal FourWay?


Dark Match Winner
Im not sure how many people know this but ROH is actually putting on a PPV on the internet the same day as the WWE is doing Fatal 4way. While most of you know what is going down on Fatal 4-Way, not alot of you know the same about Death Before Dishonor, or who is even wrestling on the card. For that matter who these wrestlers are. So instead of comparing the talent involved. I thought I toss out a few reason why it would be more worth your time to order the lesser known event than the one put on by they publicly traded company.

1. Its pretty much a fact that all of the matches will last longer than 10 minutes. When you look at the card, its pretty easy to assume that.

2. Its just $15 dollars. $35 for Fatal 4Way right?

3. No Diva matches..........period.

4. The Steen-Generico storyline is the best one in America this year. Can you imagine a Cena v Orton fued that lasts half a year without them wrestling each other one-on-one once? (Without an injury being a factor).

5. There are no HHH's, Cena's or types like that involved. I mean that in a good way. All the wrestlers are great, and you really dont know who is going to win. Makes the matches that much more interesting. Which was my #6........anyone really going to watch to see if Eve keeps the belt? Didnt think so.

7. The crowd, tho smaller, gets into it big time. No censored chants, genuine reactions to kick butt moves.

8. Its not the WWE or TNA. ALot of people are fed up with both. Blood will be spilled (Steen/Generico, and a no DQ KOR/Briscoes match), there will be good fun chaos (6 man gauntlet match), and most important, there will be great wrestling.

Feel free to add on any other reasons...but these are the top ones to me. Choice is yours.......Davey Richards v. Tyler Black (which could last an hour in itself), or Cena/Sheamus/Edge/Orton. Thanks for reading.

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