Which should I pre-oder?

Wade's Public Transit Bomb

Championship Contender
So, I am at a bit of a dilemma. Being a proud owner of a Wii and PS3, two games are coming out in the next few months that I want.. So, for the first time like ever, I am going to pre-order.



It's a fucking Zelda game and that Wii control looks sweet.


I was disappointed by Twilight Princess. :(





I get so bored with wrestling games that don't have any depth to their season mode and I don't know jack shit about the game other than the roster.

I might pull a rich bitch and get both, but idk idk. Which should I get? :)
You should get what your mind desires at the time of you being at the store when you go and pre order your game. I personally think the WII sucks and wouldn’t buy a single game for it. It just doesn’t interest me whether it is Zelda or Mario. I have a ps3 and I have yet to play the last two WWE games. I think they are all the same now and after you beat the story lines in the game modes there aren’t really much left to do. Personally though I am not sure as maybe you should get WWE 12 and when you can get Zelda. But, that is all on you though. Not to many games that have come out look good besides Dues EX or however you spell it.
Nah. Killing people can only be entertaining for so long.

Not really. The gameplay never gets old. Otherwise, I would not have played Gears 2 multiplayer for over a month. Seriously, I checked my stats online - my total multiplayer play time adds up to over 30 days. It's honestly the best game I've ever played, but of course that's only my subjective opinion.
I'm going to go with the WWE '12, that game looks sicker then sick, plus...what wrestling fan doesn't have the newest SVR game?

I'm not a Zelda fan though. Or a Mario fan...or anything else Nintendo-ish.
I don't understand? You can't play online? Is that what you mean? If so, then other modes (campaign and such) are amazingly fun as well.

Sorry, but you are wasting your time trying to sell me on this game. I hate third person shooters. I hate game with blood and guts galore (sans a certain franchise from Sony Santa Monica). That and I will be damned if there is a 360 in my house.

I am happy for you that you enjoy the games so much tho. :)

And I am liking Stinger's logic.
Wasn't trying to sell you on the GOW franchise, Eboney, just recommending it to you. I accept that every gamer has a differing taste. To each his own. It's one of the better games I've played, though, and I'd recommend it to anyone who was a serious gamer (or one that likes shooters).

And I'm a bit baffled as to why you don't like the 360. Again, personal preference I guess, but I absolutely love mine. It's made every other entertainment medium obsolete.
WWE 12 will drop price in a short deal of time. I'd bet you get it at half price in a few months. Zelda won't. Buy Zelda now, 12 later.
And I'm a bit baffled as to why you don't like the 360. Again, personal preference I guess, but I absolutely love mine. It's made every other entertainment medium obsolete.

Just never was my thing. I've always been a Nintendo girl, and when the PS2 came out, I thought it was a cool DVD player. Man, was I wrong. I know that on the surface the 360 can do everything a PS3 can (cue the 'real' video game players telling I am wrong), but I have never had a problem with my PS3 (minus that lil hackin' on the network earlier this year) and I sure as hell as would trust any of my Nintendo products to take a bullet for me.. That's how reliable they are. :p

I am rambling again, forgive me. :)
No matter what, you need to get the Zelda bundle. Gold Wii-Mote? MUSIC CD?! Hells fucking yes.

However, The Rock is a pre-order exclusive. If you like Dwayne, then reserve that, and just buy the Zelda bundle as soon as it comes out as well.

Here's the other idea. Pre-order both.
They'll probably make the Rock DLC eventually on 12. I wouldn't fret over it, if you want him.

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