Should I Buy A Wii?

I recommend a wii, it's more fun that it sounds in my experience.

Really? Because a Wii sounds like great fun.

The other thing to remember is that Nintendo is likely to start working on a new console very soon, if they're not already. It's a 4 and a half year old console, and one in which both Xbox and Playstation have adopted it's most interesting premise.
Have you played All Stars, Sly? I think it accommodates your wrestling video game taste. You liked TNA Impact and LOW in part because of the simplicity. All Stars is a fairly simple game to play as well, with a lot of depth, and way better than the aforementioned games.

Anyone play it?

Edit: Sorry for digressing, Brain.
Have you played All Stars, Sly? I think it accommodates your wrestling video game taste. You liked TNA Impact and LOW in part because of the simplicity. All Stars is a fairly simple game to play as well, with a lot of depth, and way better than the aforementioned games.

Anyone play it?

Edit: Sorry for digressing, Brain.
Nah, a game like that will be $20-$30 in 8-12 months. I'll pick it up then.

And where the fuck have you been anyways?
That's what I'm looking for, a controller like the old school ones I grew up with. I want to park my lazy ass on the couch and just play simple games. Thanks to all for your input so far.

Might I suggest slapping this thing on a Wii remote?


SNES styled and NES schemed.
The Brain I can be of great use to you on this thread because we own a Wii and have both of these games.

Donkey Kong Country Returns is one of the best games I have played. It is filled with action and challenges and is extremely similar to the SNES games. You will have to get used to Wii controls, but it really takes little to no time at all before you're a pro at them. Surprisingly I can use a Wiimote and Nunchuk better than my 360 controller. This title alone is worth a Wii in my opinion.

Super Mario Brothers Wii - We bought the red Wii because it came with this game (and because I wanted a Red Wii). The gameplay is great, it's a bit tricky with 4 players because assholes like my roommate forge ahead without waiting for everyone else and this kills those of us back off screen, but once you get used to it, it's great. Single player mode is awesome. The levels are much longer and actually more challenging (in a good way) than other Mario games. Great buy.

I have played WWE All-Stars if thats what you're asking about and I think the game is really fun. Controls are a bit tricky, but I'm lucky because I have a classic control that I got which plugs in to the bottom of the Wiimote and works like an xbox or PS3 controller. I highly recommend you buy two of those, they're worth the money and make the downloadable Old-School games awesomely more fun to play.

Other games I would recommend you to buy should you choose to buy your Wii.

Rayman: Raving Rabbids 1 & 2 - this is NOT what you think it's going to be. Entirely different Rayman concept that makes this game one of the best games ever. It's a bunch of hilarious and challenging mini-games that pit Rayman against the Rabbids (demonic and ******ed rabbits). My personal favorite mini-game is what I call the "jerk-off" game. Essentially this mini-game is a time game where you try to last the longest. Rabbids come out of the water wearing scuba goggles and you have to fill their goggles with carrot juice. This is done frantically shaking the Nunchuk up and down like you're jerking off and aiming the Wiimote. Oh, did I mention this Minigame is first person so all you see is a stream of carrot juice squirting on to their faces? Haha. You can buy both games for like $40. Well worth your money and make for great fun when you have friends over. We used to have people over just to drink and play this game.

Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2. It's a full 3-D Mario game that, literally, uses every part of the screen. You do get a little vertigo at first much like Ecco The Dolphin for Dreamcast, but once you get used to flying all over the screen, it's awesome fun.

I would buy a Wii, I've actually purchased two since my first one was stolen. I hope you find this helpful and I'll be happy to answer any questions you have regarding the Wii or these games.
Killjoy, that thing is okay, but they make a much better one with the analog sticks and every button you'd need for the N64 and Gamecube games you can download, too
I just use my Wavebird controller. Works perfectly, and I still maintain that it's one of my favorite controllers of all time.
I need some advice from some video game guys. I am not a video game guy. I had NES and SNES as a kid, but nothing since. I’ve never been into Playstation, Xbox, etc. I don’t like first person games. I loved the Mario games and Donkey Kong Country and DKC2. Now I see Wii has a new game for both Mario and DK that are supposedly a throwback to the SNES games. My question is would I, someone who hasn’t played anything since SNES, enjoy these games and would it be worth buying a Wii for those two games?

Great games for Wii, but unless you have kids, lady friend, or just party games, don't get it.

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