Which Jobber Has The Best Chance At A Career Revival?


Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
This is a pretty basic question...Which wrestler, currently on the WWE roster, has the best chance to turn their current jobber status around?

Charlie Haas - He's shown in the past that he has the talent to be on TV, and he worked as a part of a credible tag team. He's got an OK gimmick right now, that makes for good TV, but doesn't leave a lot of room for career advancement.

Hacksaw Jim Duggan - He had a great career. But, let's face it, he's past his prime, and has definitely seen better days. His best bet for a turn around, is to use his Legends status in the same way that guys like Piper and Slaughter have used it. Make occasional appearances, get a cheap pop, and go about his business...

Jamie Noble - He had a great run as a cruiserweight champion, and even had some decent TV time in his feud with Chuck Palumbo, and fairly recently with Williams Regal. However, most of his TV time and matches, has turned into him jobbing to guys that haven't done anything with their careers since then. He could have a decent chance at a turn around, if they find him a tag partner, or move him to ECW, where there is less of a crowded title picture.

Hawkins & Ryder - They got a big push when they aligned themselves with Edge and Vickie, but seem to have fallen off the radar, most recently jobbing to Khali and Finlay. With a shallow tag team division, they do have a shot at returning to a title run, or they can continue to be the designated tag team jobbers for the WWE.

Hurricane Helms - I've already explained my reasoning behind how he's become a jobber. I do think he can salvage his comeback, if they put him right back into a feud with someone on the midcard. He's already feuded with Shelton Benjamin, so maybe it's time for him to feud with R-Truth or MVP, and get his name back in the title hunt.

Jimmy Wang Yang - For a while, he was the shoe-in for the cruiserweight title. His moonsault was a fan favorite, and no one could get enough of the redneck gimmick. As soon as the Cruiserweight Title was retired, he fell into obscurity, except for a brief tag run with Shannon Moore. He can probably get himself back in the hunt for title, if he chases the US Title, or if he's moved to ECW, where anyone has a shot at the title, due to such a shallow roster.

Kung Fu Naki - He's been WWE's resident jobber for over a decade, and the fans love him. Except for his time with Kaientai, he's had little to no success, outside of being a jobber. it may be too late to push him past that role.

Victoria - Yes. She's a jobber. And, a damn good one. When's the last time you remember her winning a match? She's jobbed to put over the likes of the Bella Twins and Michelle, but she used to be a seirous contender for the Women's Title. It wouldn't be hard for her to return to glory, but with Maryse blossoming into a potential superstar, and Natalya having the bloodlines, it may be a while before she has her day in the sun, if she doesn't retire first.

Tommy Dreamer - I hope I'm not alone when I say I truly feel for the last ECW Original left in the WWE. I can't help but say he is the ultimate company man, by swallowing his pride, and jobbing to everyone that comes through the sham that ECW has become. We all know his reputation and his accolades, and it would be nice to see him hold the title, and make ECW respectable again. Will it happen? Who knows. Matt Hardy reigns supreme, and Mark Henry, Miz, and Morrison seem to be next in line for the title at all time. Let's not forget about Jack Swagger as well, since he is the young up and comer that is bound for a run with the gold.
Um, Hurricane Helms...without doubt.

They guy is way over in terms of midcardness, and I can say that I was SUPER PISSED when he lost the US Title match last week on SD. The guy used to have a SWEET old school superhero gimmick, and now he's got a more serious look going. It's working really well. It's no question that SD has a much better midcard roster than Raw, and Helms is definitely a player there. He may never win a world title, but expect him to win the US Title before his run is over. He's clearly not a jobber.
um dude, you forgot one.. MVP

So obviously I'm going with MVP. The man can generate heel heat, he can put on decent matches. MVP has shown that he can carry a title around, and make it mean something. His gimmick can't get stale, as a heel he can be MVP, and face, Montel Vontavious(sp) Porter. MVP could use a face run, and i believe they are heading in that direction, they took out the pyro and all that cool stuff which generates him heat, and they are having Kennedy interfere in his matches. So, MVP can revive his career if the WWE puts the little comment behind them. He's got it, he just can't win a match.
I'm going to say Paul Birchill. The guy has loads of talent but WWE has never really have him a fair chance. I could easily see him being a mid-card heel for the next 5-8 years. Now that he's in ECW i think he can have a good career revival. I love his "Ripper" gimmick and i think if the WWE would really get behind it he it would become huge. If Paul can just get a small push i think he will prove to the WWE that he could be a credible mid-card champion for years to come.
Out of your list, easily Hawkins and Ryder, if only for how young the both of them are. Besides that, they are both very athletic, bump really well, and have some pretty decent charisma. I mean, they gave them sweetass theme music and everything. There is no rush, and I think WWE will have something for them someday, if they can work on differentiating their looks a bit.

and the real answer, not on your list, would be MVP. He has become THE quitissential jobber, but it appears from things I have read that the whole thing will be part of a storyline arc, were he turns face. MVP is just WAY too talented to be nothing but a jobber, as we all remember what sort of height he was at just as recently as NWO of last year. He will rise again, for sure.
Scotty Goldman AKA Colt Cabana. He has basically gotten thrown around and squashed in all of his matches but i think he has phenomenal talent and given the opportunity he can get so insanely over. He has that natural charisma, his promos are good and he cna be fuckin hilarious. I know 100% that the WWE audience would fully take to him. Also, his in ring work is great as well so the fans would respect him in that regard and could see him as a legitimate title threat. Colt Cabana has everything you could ever want in a wrestler.
out of that grouping I'm gonna go with Paul. He was just switched to ECW and can probably be put into a storyline with a champion the easiest. I could easily see him getting a story and challenging a Matt Hardy or some face champion on the brand if it does change. Second I would go with Hawkins and Ryder because of the lack of depth in the tag team division.
I'm actually going to say Hacksaw Jim. I'm pretty sure that he's never won a title and his only claim to fame is winning the Royal Rumble. Thats a big deal and all, but that was 20 years ago. I feel like while he's still wrestling, creative might give him a small push towards mid card status and have him feud for either the IC or US title as either a way to give him something before he retires (kind of like Ric Flair winning the IC title) or because they pity him. Even though this is really going out on a limb, he could be elligible as a hall of famer one day just because he was a fan favorite and because he won the first royal rumble so why not give him at least one title reign?
Helms is not a jobber he has been back for one month and has two losses, furthermore he was just in a feud for a championship.
A jobber by my definition is someone with no storyline who just shows up to lose. They have no purpose other then go out and put someone else over

Helms is what you call. A glorified jobber. For the mid-card. While staying over with the croud, by wrestling people, that mean absolutly nothing. He jobs, to guys like, R-truth, Shelton..etc...etc..

Your deffinition, dosen't really matter. When, he is, what he is. Its like trying to say the word, n*gger. And say in your deffinition, it means. Ozzy osborn. It just dosen't work like that.
Hurricane Helms. The fans all love him, and he can still play off his huge injury. He lost recently to Koslov, in a job match, but that doesn't necessarily make him a jobber. He will be getting a United States Title run within the next few months, possibly being an early Wrestlemania match. I can see him being in the rumble, and perhaps even eliminating Shelton Benjamin. That would reunite the feud, as Shelton would be pissed off from being eliminated, and seek retaliation. By No Way Out, they will be ready to go, perhaps in a 3 on 3 match, involving the Colons vs Kendrick and Ezekiel. Then they can have a 1 on 1 match for the title at Wrestlemania.
I like Helms a lot and I think the WWE will slowly use him in a higher capacity but I think they can make Noble tag up with Jimmy Wang Yang (if he has a different gimmick). Noble did good when he revived the Pitbulls with Kid Kash. I loved watching them, i thought they were pretty good together. Bring Noble back to Smackdown since he isn't being used correctly on RAW. Noble has the possibility of making a good tag-team with Yang again if they don't make them have singles matches and having them get their a$$ beat by a returning Umaga, a moveless Boogeyman, a pist off HHH, or squash match needing Koslov. They wrestled together in WCW, why not try it here?
I didn't include MVP because his losing streak is all part of a storyline. He's jobbing, but he's not jobbing because his career is over. He's jobbing because he's getting a revival. I also didn't include Paul Burchill, because he just switched brands, and we have yet to see what they're going to do with him.

As far as Scotty Goldman and Ryan Braddock, I didn't include them, because honestly, I haven't seen enough ECW to know what they're doing, and how they look in the ring.

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