Which is Better? PS3, Wii, or Xbox 360

Which is Better? PS3, Wii, or Xbox 360

  • PS3

  • Wii

  • Xbox 360

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I thought i ask this question as I who is one that should not be wasting their money but does owns all 3 systems. I can remeber when the Xbox 360 cam eout there was so much hype about and all that. But to be honest i dont find it all that great as I hardly ever play it. The only game that i ever seem to play on it is Halo and thats about it. Plus buying a subscritpition to Xbox live is crap.

With Nintedo's Wii its very fun actually. Though i will admit that i'm still waiting for some better games to come out. The sports games are fun as their so interactive but i dont care what Nintendo says i have broken my strap. Decent system but more for the kiddies

Playstation 3 is a decent system. I mean the graphics are good and hell its the cheaptes Bule Ray Disc player out there. The games are good though still waiting on better games. And the wireless controller can act like a Wii's can like with Baseball 2k7 as you swing with the controller. Time is still with
this system

I persoanlly find myself playing the PS3 so i guess that means i like it better. So who you think is better?
I have never played any of the systems. But for Value, Graphics, and Gameplay, hands down it's the Wii. Nintendo is going to dominate the next-gen battle folks. They already took over with the DS, and I know that the Wii will emerge victorious.
PS3 imo was all hype. I played it once in an exhibit at Gamestop when they were showing off and pushing the Wii, Xbox 360 and Ps3 so much. Wii sold more copies than both but I believe Wii is for little kids but adults can have fun with it as well. For example, Zelda: The Twilight Princess was a good game and I think younger kids who played orcaina of time and are now adults would love to play the sequel. PS3 and Xbox 360 has graphics over Wii. Wii is better than PS3 imo because its more fun and entertaining than the Ps3. I rather play Super Mario Bros. Brawl rather than Motor Storm because Brawl is funner and has better game play than Motor Storm. Also the controls seem to be much more easier from the previes and from my assumption since the controls on Gamecube for Super Smash Melee were so simplistic. My choice is 360 is the best of the new next gen systems.
I have the PS3 and a few of my friends have the XBOX360 and they are basically the same thing. The graphics on the 360 are better on some games, but the PS3 has the potential to dominate the graphics war (see motorstorm). I got the PS3 due to the fact that I enjoy the Playstations games more than I did the 360 stuff. Right now I would have to say the 360 seems like the better value and since the games for the PS3 arnt where they need to be, its not a bad choice to get the 360 for right now, but Im just waiting for PS to return to its glory. The Wii looks fun but its just a personal arcade game to me, like that boxing simuation. Its fun for some sports games, but when you want to play a serious game its not gunna happen. Def. fun though for a while at least.
I think before we ask a question like "Which one is better?" we should first ask "Which one do you have?" I know if I owned a PS3 I'd be saying its the best thing on the face of the earth in order to justify that $500-$600 price tag in my own mind. Now, I own the 360 and feel like its a better choice. But, like I said, 50% of my opinion on it is more than likely because I own it. I used to be a huge Sony guy, I have both of the previous Playstations and all that business. But there were a few things that I didn't like about the PS3. First would have to be the price tag, I'm not made of money and can't justify spending $600 for something that, in all reality, just like all video games, is just a way to pass the time. I also didn't like the fact that they removed the rumble function from the controllers. In my mind, the Sixaxis business just feels tacked on right now. Don't get me wrong, both systems can do some very specific things better than the other one can do them, so its give and take, but they all pretty much cancel out and make them even. And no matter what anyone says, the core of the PS3 is no more powerful than anything around today. That's because Sony flubbed the Cell processing business and had to have nVidia bail them out at the last minute. My source for that is Electronic Gaming Monthly, in case any fanboys want to try to call me out on that one. Of course, there are other things, but like I said, I'm a 360 owner and I have to justify my purchase by believing its better. And I think that's going to be how this argument is divided a lot of the time, maybe not all the time, but certainly most of it.
Hey, just thought i'd stick my oar in as usual. I could be useful as an impartial judge, as i do not own any of these 3 systems (i'm sticking with the old school PS2) but have played all three at varying freind's houses. And, IMHO, it's in this order:

1st. PS3
Joint 2nd: Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii

The main reason for this decision is the quality. The PS3 graphics blew me away. Admittedly, so did the Xbox 360, but i do think the PS3 is slightly better, and anyone who's played Motor Storm will probably agree here. The reason the Wii draws with the Xbox 360 is, even though, as a teenager, it feels slightly childish, the Wii is just so damned fun! Swinging the controller like nobody's business, "accidently" hitting your friends with the control :) Incidently, that's another PS3 plus, the SixAxxis controller is cool, especially in the Formula 1 racing game (although it is a little sensitive).

Overall, although it's close, the PS3 edges it out for me.
I have to agree with Lilniatch2009, and not only because I am also an xbox360 owner but the fact that I was pro sony untill after the 360 came out, I was working at Toys R Us at the time of the release and I was still pro PS3...but after doing my research I still have to find that the 360 is the more suitable choice for many reasons...Not only the choice of games out already and still to come for the 360 compared to any other system...but I believe that the graphics are better, not by much, but better. The Wii currently has better games out than the PS3...but i'm sure that will change soon with the holidays coming up soon.

1st. Xbox 360
2nd. Wii
3rd. PS3

Easy as done.
Well it's all what you're after.

You want fun and gameplay you go for the Wii
You want amazing graphics you go 360

I haven't played a PS3 so I cant comment on that.

But I am a Nintendo mark as it were so would go with the wii, you can play gamecube games as well as download NES, SNES, Megadrive (sega genesis) and even N64 games. And of course the controls are just something different, although with some games (sonic) the controls are crap.
The Wii is nice, but it has a lack of games right now, there is only 2-3 I would actually Recommend. Same goes for the PS3, great system, great graphics, choice of games are meh, not worth 600 bucks imo. 360 is probably the best one for most games. Personally i prefer PC games actually :p, there is much more you can do especially as a wrestling fan, there is EWR (Still looking for the link), Master of the Squared Circle (mscwrestling.net) also a simulator (you can find on google by typing in wrestling simulator). Not to mention i think PC has the best "mods" and variety.
gotta go with the 360 here, the graphics from what i've seen are on par with the ps3, they gotta alot of games, alot of good exclusive games, xbox live is rated the best console online system, the control is pretty good, and there not forcing hd playback down your throat if you want to buy an hd playback player you can if you don't its not forced down like the ps3 does
I, like LilNaitch and Mr. Kennedy, used to have both of the old PSs before I traded my PS2 in for and Xbox, which I enjoyed way more then any PS. I got a 360 a year after it came out for Christmas, and I have to say I think it's the most enjoyable system-considering that I haven't play full-scale on a PS3 (only played it at GameStop) or Wii. The graphics are great, the controller has easy controls (once you get used to it), and the choice of games is very large, considering the 360 has been out for almost 2 years. AND Xbox Live isn't much of a hassle to pay for every month, assuming you don't buy games or special accesories at the drop of the hat. So my vote goes to 360.
Well here's a question i have for all of those that have bought the systems.

Xbox 360 Elite: 470 Dollars
PS3: Now 500 dollars

Which one should I get, if you could choose jsut one. I'm happy the PS3 went down 100, because honestly 600 is just fucking crazy.

I'm leaning with the 360, simply because of the titles coming out sooner, Halo 3 will own all, and GTAV comes out for the 360 first.

But then I want PS3 for the blu-ray, because Blockbuster is Blu-Ray exclusive and most of the better movies are choosing Blu-Ray.

So to all of those that own, which one is the better buy.
Well here's a question i have for all of those that have bought the systems.

Xbox 360 Elite: 470 Dollars
PS3: Now 500 dollars

Which one should I get, if you could choose jsut one. I'm happy the PS3 went down 100, because honestly 600 is just fucking crazy.

I'm leaning with the 360, simply because of the titles coming out sooner, Halo 3 will own all, and GTAV comes out for the 360 first.

But then I want PS3 for the blu-ray, because Blockbuster is Blu-Ray exclusive and most of the better movies are choosing Blu-Ray.

So to all of those that own, which one is the better buy.

Well Shock I would go with the PS3 as that is what i find myself using more. As it needs some games true, but you can not beat the fact that its a blue-ray disc player. So for movies and whatnot i say go Ps3
You gotta keep in mind though that the 100 dollar price drop is just a temporary thing. Once the 60 Gigs are out, the 80 gigs will come in and the price will go up again. I got it the weekend it dropped since I was planning on investing in a PS3 to accompany my entertainment system in the basement =D, and what a better time for the PS3 to drop haha. Personally I love the PS3, first I can't wait for 300 and Transformers t o come out on Blu-Ray, and the games that are coming out look impressive (Killzone 2 for example). I'm thinking long run here, and I think in the long run, PS3 is going to be a dominant system. I'm not at all a fanboy, I used to own a 360 before it broke, but I have high hopes for the PS3 in a few years.
Xbox 360 because I just got it and I don't want to think there's something better & I wasted my money on the wrong thing.

Just kidding.

As of now, there's not all that many titles for PS3. Xbox 360 more has the best games currently. I'm not too turned on with the Nintendo Wii's new movement feature. Occasionally it would be good to play but I really don't feel like doing all these movements, I just want to sit back, relax and move some joy sticks and press some buttons. Besides, there's only very few games I like for the Wii and I heard the new online feature/s sucks alot.
Occasionally it would be good to play but I really don't feel like doing all these movements, I just want to sit back, relax and move some joy sticks and press some buttons. Besides, there's only very few games I like for the Wii and I heard the new online feature/s sucks alot.

There's a few 1 player games I've played where I've found are really good and you don't realise you're moving your wiimote, it's not all like on the adverts, I@m quite impressed with the wii even by the fact you can play gamecube and download a load of back games from NES/SNES/ Megadrive. AND ...

I own the PS3, and am damned happy that I do. As you said Shock, the Blu-ray thing really tips it. Even the new releases in the UK are going Blu-Ray.

However, I think you should decide on one thing: what you have at the moment. If you have an xbox, go for the 360. If you have a PS2, go for the 3. If you don't have either, go for the 3 for the movie capability. That's what I'd say.
A PS3 is a more expensive, less game-packed Xbox 360. Oh no, sorry, it also doubles as a blu-ray player (the same movies but barely discernable hi-def) and a George Forman grill. I've played all 3 extensively, and yet the PS3 is nothing compared to the Wii or 360, it just crudely steals ideas from both. Sony really dropped the ball after the PS2.

EDIT: And I'm happy with plain DVD. Hi-def is the biggest scam since, well, DVDs.
A PS3 is a more expensive, less game-packed Xbox 360. Oh no, sorry, it also doubles as a blu-ray player (the same movies but barely discernable hi-def) and a George Forman grill. I've played all 3 extensively, and yet the PS3 is nothing compared to the Wii or 360, it just crudely steals ideas from both. Sony really dropped the ball after the PS2.

EDIT: And I'm happy with plain DVD. Hi-def is the biggest scam since, well, DVDs.

The 360 has been out for almost 2 years, of course it has more games, but the PS3 is STACKED more than any other system in 2008. Sony did fine with the PS3, M$ dropped the ball with the 360 by rushing it out and waiting so long to give a good warrenty. Three rings of doom and the elite scratches disks....Nintendo messed up BIG TIME with the Wii, low memory, slow CPU and complex controls? It lives on going after people who never played games before, if it did go after a market that did play games before it wouldn't have sold 2 units. It's funny, The N goes after casuals, I have heard people talk about horror stories, like one guy who got Madden 2008 for the PS3 and the cussed at the guy because it wouldn't play on the PS2...He thought it should because they were both playstations.

How HD a scam? Better color, better sound...How is that a scam? The whole world is going HD and stuff like Blu Ray was needed so games could go at HD and it has more memory. How is it a scam? Seems like a great thing to me.

Get a PS3...GTA4, FF13, MGS4, RE5, LA Noire, Lair, Heavenly Sword, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Driver 5...So in 2008 look pretty good to me.
Nintendo messed up BIG TIME with the Wii, low memory, slow CPU and complex controls?

I don't find it has a CPU, memory all depends on what memory card you buy! Complex controls I've yet to see that happen. like I said earlier it's the biggest selling console by far, outselling PS3 12 to 1 in Japan.
I don't find it has a CPU, memory all depends on what memory card you buy! Complex controls I've yet to see that happen. like I said earlier it's the biggest selling console by far, outselling PS3 12 to 1 in Japan.

Memory card? You do know the Wii has about 84 mb of ram no matter which system you buy and you can't upgrade it..The other 2 have 512 total. 12 to 1 in Japan? Please, not even close and the Wii's sales there have slowed and the PS3 is closing the gap. I would go as far to say the PS3 will start outselling it on a weekly basis by the end of the year. Maybe it was 12 to 1 at a point, but now it's about 2 to 1, the PS3 has some good games coming, this is only a slowing point due to not many good games out right now.
That's just an extra £300 pounds and a replacement blu-rays for over 200 DVDs in my collection. That's not a scam at all. Blu-ray can't even live up to the promise of it's ridiculously large what-the-hell-ever because the PS3 is way too hard to develop for. Right now, the PS3 has no good exclusives, none on the way, a ridiculous price tag, poor online service, and graphics on par with the 360. Who would want that!? It makes me sick that people think PS3 is the best just because it costs more. Right now, Nintendo is completely owning the market with DSs and Wiis, and the 360 is doing solidly in North America and Europe. I know about 3 people who have a PS3, and these are the sort of people that buy expensive shit for the sake of it. They have more money than sense.
That's just an extra £300 pounds and a replacement blu-rays for over 200 DVDs in my collection. That's not a scam at all.

Not this again! Listen, Blu Ray is for HD tv only so if you don't have a HDTV you need NOT replace anything! In fact the PS3 has 8x DVD media playback, so no need to replace anything and NOT a scam! SO no, you won't have to replace your DVD's and can play the on the PS3, so no need to get angry or worry there...And the PS3 also has 24x CD rom playback as well.

Blu-ray can't even live up to the promise of it's ridiculously large what-the-hell-ever because the PS3 is way too hard to develop for.

Very few people have said that, some Devs have even praised the Blu Ray and admitted they needed to scale down stuff for the 360. So I don't see your complaint here. It is a new tech and only 1 or 2 people have said that, Sony even sends people to companies to help them develop for the PS3...So even if it is hard to work with Sony is aware and is aiding in fixing that.

Right now, the PS3 has no good exclusives, none on the way, a ridiculous price tag, poor online service, and graphics on par with the 360. Who would want that!?

Lair, Heavenly Sword.....Next year it's LA Noire, Metal Gear Solid 4, Final Fantasy 13....No good exclusives coming? The price tag doesn't bug me at all and in fact it's being dropped and unlike the 360 the online is free and has Playstation Home which looks awesome. And it's been out for what..9 months? The graphics will improve and there is nothing wrong with them anyway..so I want it.

It makes me sick that people think PS3 is the best just because it costs more.

WTF? People think it's the best because it has Blu Ray and a ton of awesome games coming out. I have yet to see one person say what you did. So pardon me if I doubt you there. I mean how told you that? Not even the people who love it like the price....I don;t get your comment here.

Right now, Nintendo is completely owning the market with DSs and Wiis, and the 360 is doing solidly in North America and Europe. I know about 3 people who have a PS3, and these are the sort of people that buy expensive shit for the sake of it. They have more money than sense.

The Wii's gimmick is starting to fade and beyond this year they have nothing to offer beside Mario Kart and a joke of a game called Wii Fit, and the 360 is lagging and is starting to fail in keeping the PS3 at bay. And maybe those people like it? It's not good to say people have no sense because they own a PS3...Right AJ? I can't go one day online where people don't talk about their Wii collecting dust due to lack of games...Seems the N's luck is running out.
Lair, Heavenly Sword.....Next year it's LA Noire, Metal Gear Solid 4, Final Fantasy 13
Five games in two years. One's a God Of War rip-off, one's a gimmick, one's something I've never even heard of, two are sequels, one of a franchise that, with one exception, has always been loyal to Sony. What a list. The 360's list of existing exclusives pisses on this, never mind the upcoming ones. Halo 3, Project Gotham, Fable 2, Bioshock, Splinter Cell. Plus, there's rumours of MGS4 going the way of Resi 5, DMC 4, Virtua Fighter, the list goes on. Plus, it has rumble and no dodgy motion control which is completely useless.

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