Where does Wade Barrett fit in at Wrestlemania?


Occasional Pre-Show
The former leader of the Nexus and presently a member of The Corre don't seem to have any matches set for him at Mania. I doubt that he will go one on one with the Big Show with Ezekiel Jackson looking the most likely to face the World's Largest Athlete. Mysterio is busy with Rhodes, he will not face Undertaker, Edge and Del Rio is more or less confirmed for Mania.

The burning question is 'Where does this leave Wade Barrett at Wrestlemania?'

The closest bet is to team up with The Corre either against a group formed by Big Show or The New Nexus. Getting into a random program with Kane is a long shot. He could be in the MITB ladder match if there is one anyway.

But what do you guys think about Barrett being involved at the Grandest Stage Of Them All? Discuss.
I think that there is two options for Barret;

1. 1 on 1 with The Big Show. Since coming to SmackDown, hasn't he been after Big Show pretty much? Big Show slammed him through a chamber pod too which was awesome, so Barrett's going to want to get some revenge and a 1 on 1 match at WrestleMania with Barrett and Show could be a decent enough Mania opener I guess, but I wouldn't expect it to be just 1 on 1, Ezekiel Jackson would probably have a run in. That's if it's Barrett and not Jackson facing him. I don't like a Corre vs team Big Show match, I think Corre will face Nexus for the tag titles, Or..

2. Money in the Bank participant if Money in the Bank happens. If it does, I would expect Barrett to be a pretty good chance of securing the briefcase as there is nothing stopping Jackson or other Corre members from running in and helping Barrett up the ladder assuming Barrett is the only Corre member in the match.

Either way, I don't see Barrett being left off WrestleMania, he will have something to do.
Yea he will prolly be in a tag match with the corre. I think it will be the corre vs nexus at mania. He deffinitly will not be left off the card. He was sopposed to face the undertaker for christs sake. If not the tag match then he will be in the MITB ladder match if there is one, which i hope there is.
The Corre Vs Team Big Show. Big Show finds another three people to help him take on The Corre at Wrestlemania. I don't see it being Wade Vs Show as Big Show's biggest threat seems to be Ezekiel Jackson, and not Wade Barrett.
I like the idea of maybe having the reformed Kane and Big Show facing The Corre: 2 on 4 Handicap. Have The Corre go over, then have Kane and Show challange Gabriel and Slater AFTER Mania. But in response to Richard, I dont think MITB would suit Barrett. Maybe have a more high-flying Corre member like Gabriel enter.

But if Big Show would have to face ONE of the Corre members then its down to Barrett or Jackson. Jackson would pose more as a threat, but Barrett would make more sense as Barrett is the "leader" of the Corre. Maybe have Show join Nexus in a 5 (as Punk is pretty much guarenteed to face Orton at Mania) on 5 (have Tarver and Sheffield return at Mania with the announcment from Wade Barrett) at Mania, similar to ECW Originals vs New Breed at WM23.
It seems like it could go any direction now. I just hope whatever they do, WWE just has him win.

I could easily see 2-3 decent names being put together to face The Corre in some kind of a Handicap Match.

But, that wouldn't be my first choice. I would prefer to see Gabriel and Slater defend the tag Titles. I don't really care if Ezekiel Jackson is left off the card or not. He does nothing for me at all, as far as his entertainment value goes.

I guess something they could do would be to have Barrett square off against Kofi Kingston for The Intercontinental Championship. I am sure he will be World Champion sooner then later. But a nice IC Title run for him will help solidify his stature when he actually does capture a World Title.

So, that is my suggestion, at this point, Wade Barrett Vs. Kofi Kingston.
You have to think that The Corre's big man is going to be doing something more special than the rest of the group at Wrestlemania. Despite The Corre's reassurance that they are all equals, I am fairly certain that the WWE knows Wade is the most hated of the group and will therefore be rewarded with a more high profile match.

That said, I still don't know where Wade fits in on the card. What faces are there left for him to feud with that aren't already in a match?

If the WWE gets rid of the MitB match, that opens up the likes of Kofi Kingston and John Morrison, but he has no history with either opponent, and I think the WWE would be forced to put Kofi and JoMo over Barrett which is not what Barrett needs at this stage in his career.

Christian would be an option, but Christian would be much better utilized in a triple threat with Edge and Del Rio than a random match with Wade Barrett. Once again, Christian has no history with Barrett but tons of history with Edge and Del Rio.

A one on one match with Big Show would be a little better, but what would make it any different from the matches with Big Show on Smackdown? Would The Corre be banned from ring side? If so, how does the rest of The Corre fit into Wrestlemania?

In the end I keep going back to an 8 man tag match between Team Big Show and Team Corre with The Corre going over in the end. It's the only way you can involve the entire faction at Wrestlemania and have them all come off looking strong.
You know, I never even considered the possibility of Barrett challenging Kofi for the Intercontinental Title. But in a small way it kind of makes some sense. I mean, it does seem a little odd that the uncrowned "leader" of the Corre is the only man in the group that has never actually held a championship.

On the other side, with the possibility of Del Rio winning the WHC at Wrestlemania it wouldn't be too far of a stretch to have him defend it against Kofi once or twice. It can't hurt to throw Kofi into a sink or swim situation to see if he can hang at the top of the card with the big boys and all the while, Barrett gets a little bit of credibility by having a championship reign.

I still see some kind of Corre vs Big Show thing going down as that is the program they have been working on, but hey, Kofi vs Barrett could possibly work.
Corre vs. Team Big Show sounds logical.. especially when there was a staredown of Show and Diesel... how about Show/Diesel vs. Barrett/Jackson, with Slater and Gabriel defending their tag titles in possibly the opener...
Corre vs. Team Big Show sounds logical.. especially when there was a staredown of Show and Diesel... how about Show/Diesel vs. Barrett/Jackson, with Slater and Gabriel defending their tag titles in possibly the opener...

It will be tough to find a legitimate contender for the titles, but they really need to be defended at the biggest show of the year. I'm not sure what Diesel can really bring as far as a good match anymore, but seeing two of the best big men of all time together would be cool. Corre really needs to win to give them some credibility.
Well seen as though Barrett and Corre are in a programme with Show then makes sense for them to face off. I dont want to see Corre vs Nexus, without Punk in the match it makes no sense, plus Hennning has been punted and will probably disappear back to FCW right now.

Already stated is Show will put a team together and face off against The Corre. Be a good way to get more of the card but obviously alot depends on if there is a MITB match.

Team Show - Big Show, Regal, Booker T, Diesel. Its in Atlanta right?
Its going to be a 3-on-4 Handicap Tag match, with Big Show/Diesel and Kane (yes, I think the WWE are going to turn Kane face, again) vs. Wade Barrett/Ezekiel Jackson/Heath Slater & Justin Gabriel.

Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if it was a simple 2-on-2 Tag with Wade & Ezekiel Jackson vs. Big Show & Kane.

And just to predict the ending, Jackson is getting the pin.
There are already many 5 "singles" match booked for Mania with Rhodes/Mysterio coming in too make it 6. I would prefer seeing The Corre face Big Show and Kane reunited in 2 on 4 Handicap and have Corre go over.
I think he will be used to interfere in the HHH vs Taker match . Wade Barrett always talked of "higher plans" and after attacking Taker in his buried alive match vs kane it could be revealed that triple h was the reason behind that. Thus after undertaker is beaten, Barrett could take all the credit saying he took out the Undertaker. and it could lead to a fued between him and triple h

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