When will CM Punk's WWE Title reign end?


F*ck Friends, Rather die wiv ma AK!

CM Punk's title reign has just about hit the 6 month mark, making him the longest reigning champion since Triple H in 2008. Since then, we've had 24 WWE title changes in those four years, with only the Miz getting a title reign longer than 3 months in that time. To say this has been refreshing is, in my mind, a total understatement. In terms of his performance as WWE Champion, I think he's been comfortably the best WWE Champion since Cena in late 06-late 07 and in fact their reigns have been fairly similar. He's beaten the likes of Dolph Ziggler, Alberto Del Rio, the Miz, Mark Henry and Chris Jericho decisively in that time period.

The question is, when do you think his title reign will end? Who will end his title reign? Could it be Daniel Bryan on Sunday? Perhaps John Cena could rekindle their feud and win it back? Or what about a returning Brock Lesnar? Or even the Rock?

And if you'd like to, how would you eventually end his title reign?
IMO, it shouldn't end anytime soon. I'm glad that you mentioned Cena's 06-07 reign, because that's what this reminds me of too. And assuming Punk stays healthy, I'd like to see this reign last longer than Cena's 380 day reign. Which means it would have to last until at least TLC in December. But I think Royal Rumble in January would be a much better place for him to lose it, as it could dovetail right into his WrestleMania 29 feud. Maybe Austin is the special guest referee at Royal Rumble and accidentally causes Punk to lose the title, or a returning Brock Lesnar interferes. Unless Brock is the one that beats him for the title.

EDIT: It's impossible to say who should beat him for the title, since so much could change between now and then. But right now, The Rock would be a good choice. If he wants to be the WWE champion again, he needs to be willing to give a full three month commitment to being on TV live every week.
Personally, I'd love Punk's reign to end at WM29. The person I think should beat him is Cena. Not the Cena today, the Cena he could be if he is indeed "fired".

Basically he could use the same logic as Show. I was fired and no one stood up to help me, I do so much for so many strangers and when my family was falling apart. people were more worried about the grisly details than how I was doing. After sacrificing so much for so many people over the years and getting nothing in return, this time I'm in it for me.

A surprise Rumble return/win, dominating a top tier face at EC (think supercena+doing anything to win), and beating Punk to end a 15+ month title reign would easily establish his new character and during his time off, his void would be filled. People thought WWE was in trouble when Austin and Rock left within the same year and it just kept moving along. This time period could be used as a test run, because honestly WWE cares a lot more about ratings during the road to mania than it does the rest of the year and the summer months and football season are known to be slightly lower than the other half of the year.
No Way Out seems like a tailor-made opportunity to take the belt off of CM Punk, but I'm not so sure it's the best route to go down. The Triple Threat Match gives WWE a way of having someone -- Daniel Bryan, probably -- win the WWE Championship, without pinning/submitting the champion -- pinning/submitting Kane, probably. I think this is the likeliest scenario, if only because of the result of the last Daniel Bryan/CM Punk match for the WWE Championship -- it ended with Punk pinning Bryan, tapping out RIGHT after the count of three. The WWE basically made it seem that Bryan and Punk were equals, with Punk surviving by the skin of his teeth. You'd think, in turn, that this would only futher that, but this time, the other man would win. I'm no so sure, though.

WWE is in a bad situation right now -- the roster's thin and the main event is suffering in particular -- and John Cena may be taking time off. That means you won't have 2 of your top 3 superstars (John Cena and Randy Orton) actively wrestling, with a plethora of others out, and you'll be taking the belt off of the only guy close to them (CM Punk)? Somehow, I don't think that's all that likely. You'd want to push Punk as the champion and the face of your company EVEN MORE, at that point. Plus, Punk's reign has been very good, and considering that he has beaten plenty of great competitors, I think he'd only lose the title to someone like a John Cena or a Brock Lesnar, setting up for the major feuds going into WrestleMania 29.

Right now, I just don't think his title reign will end any time soon. Like I said, though, I can see it happening down the line, to the likes of a Cena or a Lesnar. It would have to be something of that ilk, because nobody else can really hang with those bigger names, and with all the rumored WrestleMania 29 bouts, and the fact that the title will most likely be involved in one of those matches, you have to think Punk will hold on for the foreseeable future. I have no issue with that, though. Punk's a fine champion and deserves to have a nice long title reign. Plus, stability for the WWE Championship is what's needed, not a game of hot potato.
Punks reign will end at No Way Out. It's time Daniel Bryan gets a run with Punk as champ. I believe Bryan(c) vs Punk will be better for Bryan than it will be for Punk. Daniel Bryan will be so over as the heel champ and make Punk's struggle to get it back great tv. Once Punk gets the title back then he could have a super long reign.
I feel that there is a good story-line war brewing between Punk and Bryan, the battle of the Indy Guys. I can see this feud going on for a while. I could see Bryan winning by pinning Kane at NWO, then Punk winning it back at MITB or Summer Slam, maybe in a Submission match. I could also see Punk holding on to the title for a lot longer. Possibly, losing it to Lesnar at the Rumble, only for Lesnar to lose it to Cena at Elimination chamber due to interference by the Undertaker. This sets up Undertaker vs. Lesnar at Mania 29, and Cena defending the WWEC. against The Rock at Mania 29 in a Mania 28 rematch. Maybe both scenarios can happen. First, Punk feuds with Bryan, losing and winning the title back, then a long reign til the Rumble where Brock takes it off him due to Austin being the Ref and messing up the match. This would get the feud between Austin and Punk started up proper for Mania season. I could really see it happening this way.
I see Punk holding it until MITB where I see him losing it to a Cena or someone of that nature. Cena could exercise some demons at WM and Punk could get ready for an epic encounter with someone like Ziggler or even, Bryan for the WHC.
I'd like to see him lose it to Bryan at No Way Out, but I wouldn't be shocked if he retains the title. The thing about his title reign is this. He's not having some epic title reign where he retains because of overwhelming popularity and drawing power. He's retained the title this long because the WWE has decided the title doesn't matter anymore. Which is stupid if you ask me. The sad thing is that there's no one on the roster who's going to elevate the title back to the main events so at this point Punk is just as good as anybody. Anybody not named Cena that is.
I think that Punk's reign will end at No Way Out. While Punk's reign has been good, I think that WWE should capitalize on Bryan's recent popularity and make him the champion. Plus, having Punk chase the title would make for some interesting moments and give Punk's character a bit more momentum.
Daniel Byan will pin Kane with the assiatcne of AJ to become WWE Champion this weekend.
This way, we get a great heel in Bryan carrying the belt through to Summerslam where we will get a one on one Daniel Bryan vs CM Punk iron man match for the WWE Championship. With Cena having no suitable heel to work with come Summerslam and Lesnar vs HHH due to headline the evenmt, WWE need a huge co-main event to headline and an iron man match for the belt between these two would be great. Kane is only in this match to take the pinfall, thus keeping Punk looking strong.
As much as I agree that Punk's lengthy title reign is refreshing, Daniel Bryan is where I do think the belt needs to go right now.
One way or another Punk's reign is going to end soon and Bryan will be the one to take it from him. If Bryan doesn't win the title at No Way Out, he will win it at the next PPV.

Daniel Byan will pin Kane with the assiatcne of AJ to become WWE Champion this weekend.
This way, we get a great heel in Bryan carrying the belt through to Summerslam where we will get a one on one Daniel Bryan vs CM Punk irson man match...... Kane is only in this match to take the pinfall, thus keeping Punk looking strong.
This may very well be exactly what happens. (Except for the iron man match part maybe. Great idea, but at this point pure speculation.)
I think that Brock lesnar will beat him at summerslam. There both Heyman guys:worship: and they can throw on a great match. It makes sense though. The Rock said he'll come back early 2013 so that could mean royal rumble; he wins and then goes on to face lesnar (heavily rumored match) at mania 29. He even said he wants to win he championship once more. Then I think CM Punk should beat the rock because he is the face of the company and should stay champ but have some falls so he does not bury any talent. The reason Punk should beat him is because of the mini feud on air (punk used to trash talk dwayne during his feud with cena) and part of punks change is to have the youth on top.

May I quote CM Punk: "...and the fact that Dwayne, is in the main event of Wrestlemania makes me sick!"
I'd imagine when they feel as though there is enough prestige on the title, that they will hand it over. All I know is I'm not complaining, as long as it isn't Cena who gets it.
Looking at how things seem to be lining up for No Way Out, his run might end tonight. The inclusion of AJ in this three way feud has added an element of unpredictability that wasn't there at the very beginning. Based on AJ's words, you have to think that she'll interfere somehow during this match. After all she said that the "best man will win" or something to that effect, so it's a great tease that something will happen if nothing else.

It might be just that, a tease with which to get people interested in ordering the show. AJ might simply come out to ringside at some point during the match without really interfering and Punk comes out with a win, in which she leaves with him. Maybe she'll run some interference that'll allow Punk to get the drop on Bryan or Kane. Maybe she'll turn & help Bryan or maybe she'll try to help Kane. The element for a title change without Punk being the one to have to take a loss is there.

Right now, I don't think it's the right time for WWE to take the title from Punk. He's had a strong run in my eyes. If he retains tonight, he'll have officially been the longest reigning WWE Champion since John Cena's 380 day run began back in September 2006. He's extremely over right now, he's had a great run and, if reports are true & WWE is planning some big stuff for Punk in the second half of this year, he needs to retain here. A month or so ago, I read an article stating that Punk would start to feud with Big Show over the WWE Championship. If WWE does intend to go through with that feud, then not only does Punk retain but Show will go over Cena, resulting in Cena being "fired". I made a thread talking about Cena being "fired" and what it could mean to WWE already if Cena takes time off. There's been talk about a "big summer angle" like WWE has done, so maybe John Cena being "fired" and being off of WWE television for a few months is it. If Cena is "fired", then it's an opportunity to really capitalize on Punk's popularity and push him to a level similar to Cena.

I'll be a little disappointed if it happens tonight, especially if Kane winds up winning it, but I don't think it'll go down tonight. I think WWE has created a good scenario and a great tease for a title change, but I think that's as far as it'll go. I look for Punk's run to last at least until SummerSlam. If he keeps it past SummerSlam, then it might be Survivor Series and that'll mark a year since he held the title.
Cm punks title reign has put an end to the Hot potato Championship switching that has been going on the past few years. Its put an end to John Cena being in the title picture all the time.
And now thanks to that, I really wouldnt be pissed off if Cena did become champion again in the next few months......given a storyline made it worthwhile.

I think Bryan might walk away with the title and AJ Lee tonight, but if Punk kept it for a few more months, the WWE Title needs to be the MAIN event. John Cena may be the top guy and the biggest Draw. But the Title needs to be the Last segment of the night every week. Reguardless of who is holding it.
The man who will beat CM Punk for the WWE Title will be none other than Mr. Money in the Bank at the time, Cody Rhodes. Tonight, Michael Cole kind of hinted that there would only be one briefcase this year. He said "...the winner of the Money in the Bank ladder match will recieve a title shot at the WWE and World Heavyweight Championships..."

Notice, he said THE Money in the Bank Match. That means Cody can win the briefcase, and cash in on either champion. And he'll do it the Raw after Survivor Series, just as Punk reaches the one year mark of being champion.

He'll do it because not only have there been talks of a Punk vs. Rhodes feud, but he is the next big thing.
I have liked Punk's reign, and it is hard to see him losing it anytime soon given how over he is. It's a good thing but a shame at the same time for other talent given the WWE's current title-or-bust state where simple feuds don't exist.

It makes you wonder: will this be the first time a MITB winner doesn't win the title?

The more I think about it, I feel the best way for him to lose the title would be to have Bryan win his second MITB. This could continue their feud, which people clearly want to see.
I thought last night was the perfect time to have Punk drop the title to Bryan to continue there fued and have Punk chase the title until SummerSlam with the two having the oppertunity to put on an epic match there. But with Punk retaining again, Bryan is going to fall into the Jericho zone where he keeps losing making it tough to justify another match.

I would expect something new for Punk now. I have no idea what that could be, but I can't see them going back to Bryan now that he has lost 2 ppv's in a row to Punk.
I thought last night was the perfect time to have Punk drop the title to Bryan to continue there fued and have Punk chase the title until SummerSlam with the two having the oppertunity to put on an epic match there. But with Punk retaining again, Bryan is going to fall into the Jericho zone where he keeps losing making it tough to justify another match.

I would expect something new for Punk now. I have no idea what that could be, but I can't see them going back to Bryan now that he has lost 2 ppv's in a row to Punk.

But Bryan hasn't lost, not decisively. They clearly made it so that Punk and Bryan have yet to have a one on one match that ended with a 100% clear victor. Their matches on Smackdown and RAW earlier in the year ended with shenanigans, Over The Limit ended with a fluke victory from Punk, and Bryan was not beaten here at NWO, Kane was.

Jericho lost clean at Wrestlemania and lost clean at Extreme Rules, that was 100% Punk victories.
I see Punk losing his title at Money in the Bank with the Money In the Bank ladder match winner cashing it in on Punk to become the new WWE Champion
Yeah, I've enjoyed Punk's reign too. I don't think a lot of people really "get" CM Punk. They want him to come out every week and shoot, but all along he's said he was a wrestler, not an entertainer. He couldn't have possibly been more clear about that. So he's been wrestling matches for months -- maybe you think they were great, bad, or a mixed bag -- and spent less and less time cutting promos. And when he does, sure, they're a bit watered down and repetitive. But he's the champion. What does he have to shoot about?

If you hate Punk at large, that's fine. But when this whole run started for him, there were plenty of people who loved the guy and backed him when he touted "wrestlers" over "sports entertainers." Plenty of people complained not just about John Cena winning everything, but about the way in which the title was passed back and forth between Cena and whomever. People wanted wrestling and long title reigns. Yet now that Punk's focus is exactly where it's always been -- being the best wrestling in the world -- and he's carrying the title for months on end, people have turned on him. It doesn't make any sense at all, except to prove that wrestling fans are fickle and in constant search of the next big complaint.
There are so many different ways this thing can still end, but I am glad they have left it on him for now.

This feud with Bryan and the involvement of Kane and AJ has been super solid and definitely has good interest with solid characters involved.

There is a level of believability that any one of them can come out champion or screwed by the lunatic woman ... which makes the entire scenario interesting even with one payoff match already in the books.

I think the WWE is leaning more and more toward pushing Bryan to the championship. But they are in a little of a bind. Bryan and Punk are clearly fan darlings and that is going to cause a problem when they need to move Cena back into the championship picture.

I think that the current plan is to have Punk feud with Bryan all the way to SummerSlam ... and I am not sure when or if they switch the title during the feud or even to end it.

It is definitely good television and interesting though.
Soon I'd say at Summerslam plain and simply because they've considered making him drop it before and it's only a matter of time before they make him drop it and stick with the decision. Plus there's a new WWE title ready to come out and I wouldn't be surprised if its Kane who he drops it too as I can't see the current "spinner" belt suiting Kane so it would make sense for him to bring the new title.
Well last night Cole made mention of how long his reigns been, and I don't think they do that unless they've decided to let him run with it longer.

Things seem to change constantly in the WWE today, but I can see them letting him run with it at least until Survivor Series... and then deciding if he's the guy they want defending at WM, or if not, dropping to the guy who will be champ for WM.

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