What WWE Wrestler Needs a New Finisher

Shelton's T-Bone Suplex looks like a standard move that someone like Tazz or Chris Benoit would've used in the openings of their matches. That being said at least it looks like COULD be effective, Umaga's Samoan Spike just looks like his drunk friend dared him to do it and when he did, his opponent sold it. Thus the birth of one of the worst moves in wrestling, second only to The Great Khali's brain chop. Also I agree with the people who dug Punk using the Anaconda Vise, because it was a submission and pretty dope, but even when he did that sometimes it looked like he took too long to lock it in. I wouldn't have it as his finisher but I'd like to see him break it out every once in a while.

The Samoan Spike is probably one of the most realistic finishes in WWE right now, seriously if someone was to heavily tape their thumb the way Umaga does, and then jab it into your throat with the amount of force he does, they would cause serious fucking damage to you, if someone did that to you in a real fight you'd be fucking done
The Samoan Spike is probably one of the most realistic finishes in WWE right now, seriously if someone was to heavily tape their thumb the way Umaga does, and then jab it into your throat with the amount of force he does, they would cause serious fucking damage to you, if someone did that to you in a real fight you'd be fucking done

Riiiight. If he casted his finger and jabbed it into my throat he'd wreck my shit, but I didn't come into this thread subbing finishers with ones that are more realistic (with the exception of the comment I made about Shelton's. I really just don't think that should be a finisher.), I'm really just talking about the style. I think it looks ******ed, especially when the camera angle is crap, or when he doesn't do it as well as usual and you can openly see Umaga just slap his wrist across the top of the guys chest.
Riiiight. If he casted his finger and jabbed it into my throat he'd wreck my shit, but I didn't come into this thread subbing finishers with ones that are more realistic (with the exception of the comment I made about Shelton's. I really just don't think that should be a finisher.), I'm really just talking about the style. I think it looks ******ed, especially when the camera angle is crap, or when he doesn't do it as well as usual and you can openly see Umaga just slap his wrist across the top of the guys chest.

Then you need to understand that type of move fits Umaga's style the best. What do you expect the guy to do? A hurricanrana? I mean, the only thing he has other than the Samoan Spike is the spinning Rockbottom looking move. While thats a great move as well, I'm siding with Justin in seeing the Spike as a great move for someone like Umaga.

If you want style, then watch someone like Rey Mysterio, The Rock, or Scottie Too Hotty.. because they take forever to hit their finisher, but when they do, it looks "amazing."

If you want a finisher that fits, then Umaga's current is best he has or likely will have.

Paul Burchill: While he did upgrade to the Regal-like neckbreaker, I still think he needs to branch out on his own and find something that noone else is currently using. He'll never standout, if all hes doing is repeating moves that weren't that big to begin with.

Cody Rhodes: Now that hes with Ted Dibiase, he needs to upgrade that D.D.T. to something a little more powerful. If Rhodes were to face anyone of big importance, they'd laugh their ass off at Rhodes trying to put them away with a D.D.T.
Then you need to understand that type of move fits Umaga's style the best. What do you expect the guy to do? A hurricanrana? I mean, the only thing he has other than the Samoan Spike is the spinning Rockbottom looking move. While thats a great move as well, I'm siding with Justin in seeing the Spike as a great move for someone like Umaga.

If you want style, then watch someone like Rey Mysterio, The Rock, or Scottie Too Hotty.. because they take forever to hit their finisher, but when they do, it looks "amazing."

If you want a finisher that fits, then Umaga's current is best he has or likely will have.

Paul Burchill: While he did upgrade to the Regal-like neckbreaker, I still think he needs to branch out on his own and find something that noone else is currently using. He'll never standout, if all hes doing is repeating moves that weren't that big to begin with.

Cody Rhodes: Now that hes with Ted Dibiase, he needs to upgrade that D.D.T. to something a little more powerful. If Rhodes were to face anyone of big importance, they'd laugh their ass off at Rhodes trying to put them away with a D.D.T.

Just because I'm talking about style doesn't mean I expect Umaga to do some ridiculous high spot. That Black Hole Slam that he does is pretty cool, and I could've seen that as his finisher. It's just when I see him in a match tossing his opponent around and using his large build as a weapon during the entire match, I expect his finisher to be the same. Something that can be seen as him using his strength and weight to put the guy away. Instead he sticks his tongue out and stabs him in the neck with his thumb. Just because it's different doesn't necessarily mean it was the best choice.
Just because I'm talking about style doesn't mean I expect Umaga to do some ridiculous high spot. That Black Hole Slam that he does is pretty cool, and I could've seen that as his finisher. It's just when I see him in a match tossing his opponent around and using his large build as a weapon during the entire match, I expect his finisher to be the same. Something that can be seen as him using his strength and weight to put the guy away. Instead he sticks his tongue out and stabs him in the neck with his thumb. Just because it's different doesn't necessarily mean it was the best choice.

That IS him using his weight to his advantage. Do you think Colin Delaney or Rey Mysterio could win a match by jabbing their thumb in a guy's throat? No. Why? Because they don't have 300-400lbs. behind that thumb, in Samoan form coming for your neck. Umaga is just fine, you leave him alone.

Go pick on The Great Khali. While the Brain chop is honestly just the same as the Samoan Spike in many ways. (both have great effects when coming from a large athlete) The fact is, Khali is the type of guy who needs a chokeslam. His double handed chokeslam is fine and all, but the chokeslam overall is just outdone and over used.

Khali would possibly kill someone if he used a Powerbomb, or even a Last Ride.
Mr. Kennedy needs a new finisher for sure, the Mic-Check is horrible. I think he should do a Razor/Outsider's Edge like Scott Hall, its an awesome finisher that no one in my memory has done since Scott Hall, and I guess he could keep the Mic-Check to do on bigger opponents.

The Miz needs a new finisher too, he'll never be a singles star with a knee to the head and a neck breaker.(aka Reality Check).Maybe after he hits his signature clothesline in the corner,he could grab his opponent's head and use the turnbuckle for a Tornado DDT.
I really can't get on board with the Samoan spike, I don't get it. Is the thing he wears on his hand supposed to increase the impact? Either way, it doesn't really work. That being said, I think he will start using the slam where he spins his opponent around his body.

I like Go to sleep, but it keeps looking clumsy because people go on their feet for too long, it just looks like a knee to the face. The Mic check is another that seems to take forever to lock in and ends up looking clumsy.
kane needs a new finisher. the same old chokeslam over and over again isn't too exciting anymore. especially when other wrestlers break the hold, then he grabs their throat again, then they break the hold, he grabs 'em again, another break.... you get the point.
That IS him using his weight to his advantage. Do you think Colin Delaney or Rey Mysterio could win a match by jabbing their thumb in a guy's throat? No. Why? Because they don't have 300-400lbs. behind that thumb, in Samoan form coming for your neck. Umaga is just fine, you leave him alone.

Go pick on The Great Khali. While the Brain chop is honestly just the same as the Samoan Spike in many ways. (both have great effects when coming from a large athlete) The fact is, Khali is the type of guy who needs a chokeslam. His double handed chokeslam is fine and all, but the chokeslam overall is just outdone and over used.

Khali would possibly kill someone if he used a Powerbomb, or even a Last Ride.

I apologize for picking on Youmanga's finisher lol That being said, someone like Khali I think is so large and powerful that in order to avoid botching a move and legitimately hurting someone, he should probably use a submission finisher. I wouldn't mind seeing that head vice as it being that his hands are so large and anyone looking at him knows he's powerful enough to make it work.
Cody Rhodes. The DDT is so plain and unoriginal. It's nice to use it during a match but as a finisher? Randy Orton uses a DDT with his opponents legs suspended from the middle ropes! How are we supposed to buy a DDT from Rhodes as a lights out maneuver.

I also feel like Kennedy needs a new finisher, or atleast a submission move. The Mic Check is ok but I'd rather see that as his set-up move. Perhaps Kennedy could start using the sharpshooter or some variation of the Rings of Saturn. Either way, Kennedy's move set is growing stale and the mic check is simply uninspiring.
First on my list is punk's GTS, but since that has been mentioned already I won't say any more about it. Second, and I think I mentioned this in another thread (not sure where), but Burchill's "curb stomp" needs to go. The set up is awkward, and because of that awkwardness, it doesn't really look successful half the time. And although I know we need to suspend reality to some extent in wrestling matches, it would be really easy to escape getting set up in that move. The only reason you wouldn't be able to would be if you were already down for the count, in which case a finishing move wouldn't be necessary.

Although on the other hand, if you are a wrestler who is not getting pushed and is likely to only be a jobber for a while, I guess your finishing move is not really that important overall.
I think Rey Mysterio needs a new finisher. the 619 and the West Coast pop arent impressive to me. He should be going off the corner rope into a 450 or something that looks luchador. or a move he can hit quickly as a reversal. He is a small guy, and small guys need to be able to hit reversals on their much larger opponents. His finishers now are almost comical as opposed to impressive.

Mickie James and her Mick Kick is a downer. Every time I hear Mick Kick, i think of the Chic Kick of Trish Stratus. I know she started using the move against Trish in their feud, but that was years ago, and its time for her to have a more impressive/unique move. If shes as good as WWE thinks she is, give her something explosive that she can pull of in a matter of seconds against much larger opponents (Beth Phoenix).
Paul Burchill. At least back during his pirate gimmick he was able to use the C4, which is an awesome finisher. Now he has that curb stomp and a reverse neckbreaker. The curb stomp seems like it needs an exact setup and the reverse neckbreaker is too common. He should go back to using his C4
Lance Cade: While it was only recent that he even was allowed to show what his finisher even was. (The sitout powerbomb, of sorts) The fact is if hes going to become something moderately big, hes gonna need a more impactful move than that.

His current sitout powerbomb seems like what could be a great counter from a running attack, or even a very good set-up to a top rope move. But its not worthy of being a finisher.

I believe since Lance Cade is on this "anti-Shawn Michaels" ordeal.. perhaps he should attempt adapting a Superkick thats very similar to H.B.K., but if at all possible, somehow alter it. I know what most of you are thinking.. "How the hell do you alter a Superkick?" But its honestly rather easy..

H.B.K. goes to the counter, hops out and delivers. Cade could do something similar, only instead of hopping out and delivering, he could catch you low when you think hes going for the original kick, by taking out your shin (ala Foley's 'shin music') then Cade could blast you suddenly with a straight standing Superkick.

He could even call it the "De-Cade." It could symbolize how far hes come, as hes no longer the student.. but instead trying to become the master.
Brian Kendrick
With a new heel gimick comes the need for a new move, the shiranui has gotten old afrer a while and right now it dosent make much sense. Now if he could do it standing that would be cool. Or he could set it up and drop it into a DDT. Variations would be nice but the standered move dosent impress me anymore
MVP- He needs something much more powerful looking than the Playmaker. Maybe a good submission move would fit his style. But I think he could use something with much more impact like variation of the kicks he uses all of the time.

CM Punk- The GTS is a very pretty move but I never did like the idea of people having finishers that can't reasonably be used on everyone. It sort of reminds me of The Hurricane's Choke Slam. The Anaconda Vice was pretty impressive back in the day and he should go back to it.

Cryme Tyme- Exactly what are thier finishers? I have no clue. Shad is one of the most underused big men in the WWE today. He is comparble in size to both Snitzky and Kane so maybe he should do like a power bomb or slam. JTG on the otherhand should use that crazy DDT he used the other night on Raw. That was pretty impressive.

Santino- One of the things that could really help santino's credibility is a believable finisher. Just imagine the heat he could get if he had a submission finisher and could talk on the mic while doing it lol

Lance Cade - He did a move that sort of looked like Edge's old finisher on Monday. While it was pretty decent I agree with the other poster who said he should just do a super kick. That would be interesting!
Basically what I'm saying is, none of these guys need fancy new finishers, and reading this thread you would be denying a huge number of moves to the other wrestlers (because you can't use another wrestler's finisher as an ordinary spot in your match).

If the wrestler is over, and his finisher is a front facelock, the fans will go crazy for it.
Paul Burchill, John Morrison and the Miz ALL need new finishers. They all have horrible finishers in my opinion. Mr. Kennedy also needs a new finisher, that seems to be a big problem for him.. he's got the character, he's got the charisma, he's got the ability to cut promos, he's got the look, but he's never had a really good finisher. The senton bomb he can no longer use because of Jeff Hardy, and I think he needed a different finisher anyways back then. The Green Bay Plunge was great, but I'm guessing it was too dangerous a move? His new finisher I don't like at all, much like I hate Jeff Jarrett's finisher which is basically the same but reversed. He needs something that stands out.
Kozlov's headbutt finisher has got to go. Man, it's lamer than the Fingerpoke of Doom. Give him a powerbomb of some sort, or the Mexican Stretch Buster (which would probably cause the crowd to chant "TNA!") .

Cena also needs a new finisher. He renames the Death Valley Driver/Fisherman's Carry and all of a sudden it's more damaging than a stunner? Gimme a break. I'd also like it if they dropped the STFU, because pushing Cena as a submission wrestler is just pure disrespect to technical wrestling.
But it just looks crap. It just doesn't look like a knockout move, and it doesn't make any noise or anything. I liked it when he did it to opponents in mid-air, but just colliding into them has no impact and just leaves me thinking "what was that?"
Paul Burchill's finisher is horrible and his opponent would have to already be KO'd in order for him to pull it off effectively. He'd be better off using a Claw hold with his gloved hand or Kenzo Suzuki's old Rising Sun finisher(Clawhold STO).

MVP definitely needs one. Maybe a reverse shining wizard.
I could see MVP using something like a crossface chickenwing. That move would suck to be put in. I really just don't like his playmaker..

As much as I hate Cena's fireman carry, he doesn't need a new finisher. The casual audience loves his finisher! It's like the leg drop, stupid, but it's been made to be unbeatable.
Kevin Thorn- Its called a Crucifixition and will fit well with his vampire gimmick. HE Stands on the turnbuckle with his opponent. the opponent is behind him and facing other way. Then Kevin grabs arms. then the opponent looks like he is on a cross. Kevin steps down off the turnbuckle while heeving his opponent over his shoulder while the opponent goes crashing into a table.
Kevin Thorn- Its called a Crucifixition and will fit well with his vampire gimmick. HE Stands on the turnbuckle with his opponent. the opponent is behind him and facing other way. Then Kevin grabs arms. then the opponent looks like he is on a cross. Kevin steps down off the turnbuckle while heeving his opponent over his shoulder while the opponent goes crashing into a table.

Didn't Kevin Thorn already use that finisher? And when will we ever see him for him to use it again?

Anyway, like many have mentioned, MVP definitely needs a new finisher, the Playmaker just has to go and depends way too much on the opponent making it look good which sometimes does not go as planned, don't know what he could use, I love the big boot he uses, though I think he overuses it sometimes in matches but it's simple and effective.
I think specific finishers are great for video games, but they really take away from the match itself. Think about it. Most WWE/TNA matches are booked as If the only was to pin your opponent is with your specific finisher. If that's the case, then what the hell is the point of going for pins earlier in the match. When a wrestler hits a big move, but it's not the finisher, does he ever get the 3 count? No. The trend toward finishers actually has killed the drama of the match. What fan really beleives Matt Hardy is going to actually get the 3 count after the Side Effect?

And I saw a match where Umaga did a top rope Superfly splash on his opponent, got a two count, and then later in the match got the pin with the thumb of doom. That's just stupid. How in the hell does a thumb poke do more damage than a 350 pound man doing a top rope splash? I think that more matches need to be decided by moves other than the specific finishing move. It would only add to the drama of the match itself.

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