What WWE Wrestler doesn't deserve the push they are getting?


Cena Sucks

I honestly think Finlay doesn't deserve the push hes getting, hes not as talented as Rey Mysterio, although they could just be using him as a card filler til' Edge gets back.

Another one is Khali, he has NO talent, hes just big. They could be doing so much more with a guy like Taker or Batista than with Khali.

Also, John Morrison, he doesn't deserve a World Title push, i think they should move him to RAW and feud him with Jeff Hardy for the IC title, but not World Title...

Whats your Opinions?
I have to agree with all who has said Khali. This guy has a hard time walking and a wwe ring is no place for him. His matches look so fake(yes, i know they are) because no one can go fast. Just awful.

Snitsky- HORRIBLE. Still no one has caught on to his gimmick. He is not scary and not feared. I don't see him lasting much longer b4 another repackaging.

Highlanders- However i don't really have that big of a problem due to the fact they are a tag team and it is nice to see some tag action.
I would have to say Batista, this guy has just never really impressed me especially since he returned from injury last year...he spent most of the year chasing the titlte but never actually acheiveing...i can remember he was in the main event at every smackdown event chasing the title and losing his current reign is just a not entertaining to me he had a nice run as champ once but it's been almost 3 years i think it's time for someone else to be in the WHC Title hunt

I disagree with Finlay, he has all of the ability to put on a great match and as far as Smackdown goes he's proably one of the best true wrestlers on that brand the only thing Finlay's missing is a good storyline...all of his latest gigs have been pointless, either he's stopping Batista from getting a shot, or stopping Rey from getting a shot but what about his shot....also i think Finlay needs to go face since he came to smackdown he's been heel going face would be a great change for him and his charecter...

but back to the topic

Santino Marella doesn't deserve his push at all...now don't get me wrong i love Santino's charecter he's hilarious and fans love to hate him but in all honesty he hasn't done anything to deserve his push at all...like i said i like santino and i'm glad he's getting a push but someone else definitely was more deserving

there may be others but those two are the only wrestlers i really see getting a major push right now, of course you've got Snitsky, Big Daddy V, Cody Rhodes, Jesse & Festus but i think all these poeople are some what deserving

Snitsky and BDV simply because of loyalty to the company, and Rhodes and J&F are rookies so there still reciveing there initail "intro-push"

also lots of people may say Khali...but as long as Snitsky has been with WWE and his run as WHC i don't even consider him to be having a push if anything his push was over when he lost the title
I disagree with Finlay, he has all of the ability to put on a great match and as far as Smackdown goes he's proably one of the best true wrestlers on that brand the only thing Finlay's missing is a good storyline...all of his latest gigs have been pointless, either he's stopping Batista from getting a shot, or stopping Rey from getting a shot but what about his shot....also i think Finlay needs to go face since he came to smackdown he's been heel going face would be a great change for him and his charecter...

Oh, I'm not saying hes a bad wrestler, I'm just saying there are better wrestlers than him, Rey Mysterio, Undertaker, Batista, MVP, Matt Hardy...

They could do alot with Matt and MVP, if they stop this bullcrap contest stuff.. MVP i honestly think would make one hell of a World Champion.. I like his character and he has talent, along with Matt, but i don't think Finlay would fit in that category.. but ya never know, one day Finlay could get a good push, but i wouldn't disagree with it, but right now isn't the best of times for it with the low ratings and injuries and all.
In My Opinion neither John Cena or Batista deserved the pushes they got if u look at how both are used its kinda obvious Vince is trying to make Cena The Next Hogan and Batista the new Warrior. I dont think neither are very talented especially Batista i saw him back when he was in OVW as Leviathan and he wasnt much then and hasnt really changed.

Umaga I feel that if Samoa Joe hadnt caught on in TNA Jamal wouldnt have been brought back to wwe his matches are all kina the same and I just dont see him as a contender for the wwe title when he fought cena for the wwe title even though i wanted cena to lose the belt i knew vince would never allow Umaga to hold the wwe title.

Khali shouldnt even be a wrestler i havent seen wrestling this bad since Andre circa 90-91 when he was close to forced reitirement. His push just came cause Edge was injured.

Elijah Burke I don't see what the big deal is with him if i were booking for ECW he wouldnt ever be contender for the ECW title. His matches are mostly stale in my opinion he seems like he is trying to be a black Mr. Kennedy
In My Opinion neither John Cena or Batista deserved the pushes they got if u look at how both are used its kinda obvious Vince is trying to make Cena The Next Hogan and Batista the new Warrior. I dont think neither are very talented especially Batista i saw him back when he was in OVW as Leviathan and he wasnt much then and hasnt really changed.

How can you seriously say John Cena isn't talented? Yes i know, my name is Cena Sucks, but thats because of his character. John Cena is one of the most talented Wrestlers on the WWE Roster, and he can make the ratings go through the roof.

Also, how can you say Batista hasn't changed? He basicially carried Smackdown on his back. When Rey Mysterio became injuried batista was the ratings for SmackDown. He is very talented. He can brawl, grapple, lift and is even good in Speciallty matches, like Hell in a Cell and Last Man Standing and Hardcore, he has it all, he brings ratings and can wrestle.
CM Punk is great in the ring but other then that he is boring, I like Morrison and Elijah Burke way more then CM Punk, Kahli is just big and nothing more

and I agree about the Highlanders, only reason why they are getting a push is because Cryme Tyme is no longer with the WWE
Highlanders, Cade and Murdoch, Big V, Khali, Snitsky.. Don't think any of them are all that great and barely get any reaction from the crowd. Even as heels

As for Burke.. I think this guy is a great athlete and could be something but the WWE will find a way to mess it up...
How can you seriously say John Cena isn't talented?

His matches look fake. On the mic, he sounds like a bad actor from a spanish soap opera.

John Cena is one of the most talented Wrestlers on the WWE Roster

How is he talented?

he can make the ratings go through the roof.

First of all, that isn't "talent". And if he can make the ratings go through the roof, why hasn't he yet?

Also, how can you say Batista hasn't changed? He basicially carried Smackdown on his back.

That must be why the ratings are so high :laugh:

Moving along.. Who doesn't deserve the push they are getting?

Mr. Kennedy - He has put out two wrestlers in a row. His mic skills aren't what they are hyped up to be.. they pale in comparison to Edge's, Triple H etc. Bobby Lashley - Who? Randy Orton - He is a great wrestler and ok on the mic. Does he deserve to be WWE Champion? Hell no. Batista - Another big guy that lacks talent. Cena - Not as bad as everyone says, but shouldn't be anywhere near the main event picture. Jeff Hardy - Santino Marella gave the Intercontinental title a better name than Hardy does. Jeff is a spot monkey, he can't wrestle, he can't brawl, he is terrible on the mic, he can't even keep his job. Matt Hardy - He has improved slowly.. 10 years in the business and he is almost ready for the US title.
^ there are a few things I disagree with you on. First off, Mr. Kennedy is my hero now. Not only does he take out Bobby Lashley...he takes out Cena. Now, dont get me wrong I wouldn't want to wish serious injury to anyone. However, I'm not really a fan of either of the two and I can use a break from Vince shoving them down my throat 24/7. His mic skills are not as good as Edge or HHH that I will give you, but you named basicly the best two promo guys in the buissness. There are a few more guys better than Kennedy but he has charisma and is one of the better ones on the mic.

As for Orton, Im a pretty big fan of him as well. Besides, if you look at whos been champion for a year...he should be champion. I dont know about you but 3 years ago I was sick of seeing Triple H with the title for nearly 2 years, I'm pretty happy that there is kinda a change with Orton as the champion.

Now onto the Hardy Boyz. Jeff might be a "spot monkey" but he keeps the match entertaining. On RAW I usually enjoy his matches the best...its either my fav or 2nd fav of the night. Plus, he can get the crowd going...now I will agree with you that hes not bad on the mic, but he is miles better than Santino Marella. And Matt...he wasn't given a chance really to be a main guy. I think that he could have been something bigger with his V1 character, but I'm glad hes finally getting an oportunity now.

I will say this, I do agree with you That Lashley, and Batista shouldn't be getting a push...both those guys blow. Khali shouldn't be getting one either. I was at No Mercy on Sunday and those two I can say easily had the most boring match. Its sad b/c the most entertaining part of the match was when it was over....thats how bad it was watching it in person...i cant imagine how bad it was on tv. Other guys who In my opinion should not be getting a push are....(aside from the 3 named above) Hardcore Holly, Big Daddy V, Chuck Palumbo (RIP OFF OF BAD ASS TAKER!), Mark Henry, The Boogeyman, and Snitsky.
Hey man, I gotta go with Cody Rhoades man. He's already held victories over both of the members of "The World's Greatest Tag Team." And he was featured on a ad for the upcoming raw this monday. I dont see why he should be getting this amount of attention.
To answer Oasys dumb @$$ questions and in response to some of his comments...

John Cena started out with a character in which he could use all the moves he wanted in his arsenal... His character has changed, he can't use all the moves he has in his arsenal.... When is the last time you've seen so many WWE Legends commend a superstar for his work inside the ring... 265 days out of 365 days, he's working his ass off to entertain the world.. that's not talent?!?! excuse me if I and all other Cena fans think that he's got more talent than stoner Orton or steroid abusers like Kennedy and Booker and Edge.. Cena can work a match the way no one else can(**off the steroid $#!t**), he can play the babyface, he can play the heel... Given there are superstars like HBK HHH and Y2J in the same category... But even they have had dumb @$$ promos or worked bad matches because of their limited move set... It's already been pointed out that many have been limited to a six/seven set of moves because they were champion...

In all honesty, there isn't a superstar that hasn't earned where they are, although Orton is a worse kiss-@$$ than any other superstar... he was caught for vandalism, caught smoking weed, caught using steroids TWICE, yet he is WWE champion.. that is upsetting because of what he's done and got away with, and how he's treated afterwards.. like nothing happened, he didn't get cut out of the Cena feud, and he's world champion.. Now that s truly an undeserved push
Randy Orton- this for me is personal reasons along with in the ring stuff.

I don't think a guy with his reputation should be representing the company. Notice the ratings went down the night after he won the title. I think it''s partly because he is champ. Last time he was the champ ratings went down.

He's not good on the mic and his matches are mediocre at best, unless he's in the ring with someone who can sell his matches.

the only thing he has going for him is his heel persona. that's not at his character though. People just really hate the guy. I don't think there is any way the WWE benefits from Orton being champion.
I honestly think Finlay doesn't deserve the push hes getting, hes not as talented as Rey Mysterio, although they could just be using him as a card filler til' Edge gets back.

Another one is Khali, he has NO talent, hes just big. They could be doing so much more with a guy like Taker or Batista than with Khali.

Also, John Morrison, he doesn't deserve a World Title push, i think they should move him to RAW and feud him with Jeff Hardy for the IC title, but not World Title...

Whats your Opinions?

Agree witht he Khali and Finlay but To John Morrison I dont agree , the guy has un-limited amount of potentiol and is very very talented. His match with CM Punk were CMpunk won it yea it was short but one the greatest matches weve seen in a loooooong time.
Why are we calling Kennedy a steroid abuser? Because he has previously used them? Look at his physique lately compared to what it was in OVW. And what about Cena? I was watching old footage, he was MUCH smaller when he started out. Hmm... Lets get the facts straight before we start making blind accusations.
Batista - does not deserve the puch he is getting. I mean sure, hez not a bad wresltler, but I think that he should be competing for the U.S title.


Rey Mysterio - I understand that eddie was close to him, but if u were gunna put the title on someone for that reason, it should have been chavo. Im not saying chavo should be champ, but for eddie dying he should be instead of Rey. I think both chavo and rey should feud over the United States cuz Matt and MVP are concentrated on Tag Team or whatever. Chavo and rey are both above the cruiserweight status, but under heacvyweight status.

John Cena - Alot of people say John Cena sux. I dont completely agree with that. I just think that like John Morrison and Batista, he should be a respective singles champ (IC or U.S) becuase that is his only abilities.

Bobby Lashley - Should be at least feading for IC title

Cade and Murdoch - im fine with cade burdoch suxxxxxxxx haas and bejamin or the londircks should be world tag team champs

Mark Henry - hez been in wwe the 3rd longest (out of SD superstars) and hez only been awarded the european title and thats his only accomplishment, plus, he can hardly move!!!

The Miz/The Boogeyman/Big Daddy V/ steven richards - Do i even need to say anything about any of these guys?


- Jericho is coming to save the WWE - Save us Y2J!!!!
well there are many choices but lets look for some REAL pushes

khali - hes just so damn horrible, im sorry khali i know ur trying... but i think ur the worse wrestler ive seen in ring.. its unwatchable, i never watch khali anymore, i know he wont do anything for me, sometimes batista can pull a good match out of his ass, but khali.. my god he hasnt had one DECENT match

batista - in terms of mic skills, in ring skills, promo skills, he really shouldnt be WHC, hes only champ cuz ''he draws'' but i think he doesnt deserve that belt

and last, but not least

RANDY ORTON - ya im one of those ppl that actually hate the person that he is, i really think he should be in ECW at max, OVW if WWE wanted to punish him a little, and fired if WWE would treat him as every other wrestler, but even if he didnt do all the crap he has done, i dont think he should be WWE champ, hes amazingly boring in ring nowadays, his promos are also boring he never has any emotion in them, his mic skills are ok but they could use more work, so in terms of just what a pure wrestler needs to be champ, randy orton doesnt have anything special, he should at max be feuding for the IC title.. but thats about it...
chuck palumbo (couldnt even beat spike dudley with spike wearing a blindfold and two hands tied behind his back) and big daddy v (put your shirt back on)
Bobby Lashley - To me the guy has no talent whatsoever, yeah he's big so what!!! He's absolute muck on the mic aswell,no way he deserves any sort of push like he got before he was injured.

Mark Henry - Another person who in my opinion is terrible, guy can hardly more or have a match without actually hurting someone!

Cody Rhodes - Far too small to ever be anything great on Raw. Yeah i know guys like Eddie & Benoit were small but Rhodes just does not have anything that makes me wanna watch him.
i dont think that carlito should get pushed as much as he does, i think the wwe has a problem with its midcard, they seem to think its not imprtant so cram wrestler after wrestler into the main event picture all at the same time which takes away from potential world title feuds.

i dont think carlito is a bad wrestler i just think that he is a wrestler crying out for feuds in the mid card for now, sure he will be big one day, just right now why rush him?
Dude you guys are right i mean khali the only reason he had the world tittle is because he is soooo huge they should just keep him againt all those people who want to be wrestlers. I do think the push for Randy Orton was cool he deserved the championship he beat triple Damn H one of the best wrestlers.
snitsky, this guy will never get over he plain sucks he was better back then in his feud with kane but after that he went nowhere, big daddy v will never be a champion so watss the point of his push
I think the least deserving of a push of ANY kind is The Miz....now, I know he's been feuding with ECW also-ran Balls Mahoney, but when you add him as a choice to face CM Punk at Cyber Sunday...that seems like a push to me. Especially since WWE seems to throw together feuds and tag teams after the event.
COACH - he's a heat magnet in a good way i guess but mostly just cuse he's such a weener at all times, Regal in a couple weeks on air absolutely put him to shame in the g.m. role...plus he doesnt act like a suckup tool now he acts like he actually believes he is good at what he does
BATISTA - timed fireworks and big veins arent really characteristics of a great champ but some people like to make that argument here and that's dandy
VICKIE GUERRERO - the way she talks makes me think she knows absolutely zero about the business and about the characters/purpose of storylines
LASHLEY - obviously excellent technical wrestler and his suplexes are fun but no character at all (not even a vague attempt at one) just a guy whos tough and has a hunger for gold and blah blah... and sounds like maria for pete's sake
REY - never really had a character, always been really really bad on the mic he's just a cena type marketing tool(reminds me of vickie with the choppy pace and poor eye contact)

Also i found it so gay how people recycle the hardy critiques and call them their own...Jeff is probably the only guy on the roster who has natural charisma and gets pops strictly from his matches and wrestling NOT because of his 2 dollar rapper character or marine one or black brock lesnar gimmick...his executions flawless and he sells moves really well
Wow, well i guess if it was up to all of you, none of the new stars would get pushed. The only problem with Cena was he had the title too long, but his matches were entertaining and the fact that he never lost, made you want him to lose, so every match for the title was exciting. Batista is one of the top stars on Smackdown!, would you honestly rather see MVP the WHC, come on. Well for people not deserving a push, Khali-once he lost he should have been out of the company, John Morrison-horrible gimmick and horrible mic skills, and Snitsky-wasn't bad on ECW, could have been the champ, but on Raw his gimmick doesnt fly, thats the only thing keeping Big Daddy V off my list, he's on ECW.

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