What now for Booker T


The King of Swing
I am amazed I could not find a thread on this. If there is then I apologize. But is Booker T back in the WWE for good or was it a one time deal? If he is back for awhile then what will he do? What brand will he be on and who would you like to see him feud with?
I have read reports that he will be working as a manager for the most part and will compete in the ring periodicly, like Ric Flair's role in TNA. I am excited for this because I love Booker T. I didn't order the Rumble, but if I did, then I probably would have marked out and did the Spinarooni right there in my living room as I watched. He is great on the mic and is going to make for a great manager if the rumors are true. I just don't know who he is going to manage. I guess he could help out some young guys who aren't the best on the mic. I just don't know who. Maybe the Usos. I would like that.

On a side note, I am suprised there has been more threads made about Diesel than Booker T. I love them both though and would like for them both to return full time in a non wrestling role.
I could see this as being the same case with Nash. I think Booker will sign a legends deal, get his HOF induction in the near future, and be appearing here and there. I think he could help put someone over as a manager/mentor figure for someone like Kofi or be used to put an up and comer over maybe Drew or Cody. More importantly I think he needs to be on SmackDown, I think the creative team will have more ideas for him than the Raw team.
I would like to see Booker as an active persona on the program. He'd be great in whatever capacity they use him in whether managerial or wrestler. With the upcoming return of Tough Enough, I wouldn't be surprised to see him and even Nash doing some stuff on there to help the prospective competitors. So, all in all I'd likely place him in an all around supporting role. But I do hope to see him more often than not.
If he manages someone I hope it's Ted Dibase. Dibase needs help to elevate to the next level and not hangout to dry and Booker T is the perfect person to do just that. When he was King Booker a few years back he got massive heat and if he could help Dibase get over that would do wonders for a potential fued between Daniel Bryan and Dibase for the United States Championship.
I would love to see Booker T starting to get in Kofi's ear and trying to push him.
Maybe even a tag title run to give Kofi some steam. And then Booker turns on him and Becomes King Booker once again....
I would assume Booker will be working some type of backstage role. If he does return to the ring, I would hope he would work with the young guys and put them over so I'd love to see him on Smackdown. Also, with Tough Enough returning, I'd love to see him be a coach on the show.
I wouldn't mind seeing Booker be a mentor for Truth or Kofi depending on what show he would go to.

Either way I could see Booker elevate one of them to the main event, maybe a title.

And then a heel turn. Either by Kofi/Truth saying they are better than Booker ever was or a turn by Booker saying they are nothing with out him.
Manager for someone eh? How about the guy we've seen wandering around the back: Tarver? Tarver's ringwork wasn't horrible, but he did need some mic help. It seems the WWE has something for him in mind, and what better way to give him some relevance (if he is not joining Corre/Nexus) then have Booker T as a manager and potential tag team partner.
Manager for someone eh? How about the guy we've seen wandering around the back: Tarver? Tarver's ringwork wasn't horrible, but he did need some mic help. It seems the WWE has something for him in mind, and what better way to give him some relevance (if he is not joining Corre/Nexus) then have Booker T as a manager and potential tag team partner.

This actually wouldn't be a bad idea. Tarver does have a genuine intimidating presence and his mic skills are already quite good. But there always is room for improvement. Tarver could be booked as a monster heel (or something of the like) with Booker as his manager and speaker sometimes. And besides, I'd like to see the both of them in some time of in ring capacity so this works for me.
Its good that booker will be around but i do belive it will be smackdown as with diesel if he comes back just to have some more mic power because thats whats missing a little bit.

On a side note what about a mania angle where it's former kotr winners to have an ultimate king likr thiple h vs sheaus vs booker t vs someone else?
He obviously isn't back for a full time wrestling run and going to be capturing any world titles or anything like that.

Anything they do with him though, I will be satisfied. I happen to really like Booker and I am glad he is back where he belongs. Hopefully they can give him some sort of angle that keeps him relevant.

As suggested in a post or 2 before mine, a manager role and occasionally wrestling would be great. Booker could be a GREAT mouth piece for someone (Heel Or Face) and could truly help elevate the guy they put under him, or beside him.

I truly hope it wasn't a one time thing. He has a lot going on with his book deal and what not. So it would be a perfect time for him to go into the HOF and also try to help elevate someone in the mean time.
actually great idea about booker t managing kofi... coz kofi isnt that good on the mic and booker could help him out on that and plus they were make a awesome tag team.
I think Booker T could feud with some of the big dogs like Cena, Orton, Sheamus or Punk. It would help freshen on the main event scene. He looks like he hasnt lost a step in the ring. Booker and Cena had a descent feud and matches back in Cena's early "Thuganomic" days.
it's likely he will either be a road manager or just a manager, BUT i dont think they should unless they want to build up a new face, maybe Michael Tarver??? Anyways, Nash being a manager or not being on WWE full time is wise, but i think Booker T. should be used more on Smackdown considering the lack of talent right now, but anyways, we will see what happens.
I know... Booker with Tyler Reks? Surely the guy should be getting some sort of mini push in the near future and thats the ideal way to hide him and make him a secretive ass kicker(?)

EDIT OMG Booker was on fire in RR xD I loved it and yes I completely marked out when it went "Can You Dig i-" thats the point I marked out =]
Good lord, remind me what century this is?

Booker T so far in this thread has been suggested as a mentor to Kofi, Truth and now Tarver?

What on earth does he have in common with any of the aforementioned other than skin colour?


for what its worth, Booker definitely works best when a heel, his royal court with Regal several years ago was actually quite entertaining. I find it unlikely - but not impossible - that he'll get involved with The Corre - but he would be an excellent mentor type to many of the freshest faces in WWE just now, but particularly on Smackdown.
soo.. a few years back Booker T made his debut on TNA Genesis, and almost everyone was like.. ooh nooo here they go again, another old guy, Booker T is too old! and now he's in WWE, still THE SAME GUY, even older.. and out of nowhere it's awesome to see him? When TNA does the exact same thing, suddenly it's bad writing.
Good lord, remind me what century this is?

Booker T so far in this thread has been suggested as a mentor to Kofi, Truth and now Tarver?

What on earth does he have in common with any of the aforementioned other than skin colour?


for what its worth, Booker definitely works best when a heel, his royal court with Regal several years ago was actually quite entertaining. I find it unlikely - but not impossible - that he'll get involved with The Corre - but he would be an excellent mentor type to many of the freshest faces in WWE just now, but particularly on Smackdown.

Someone did mention Dibiase and another mentioned Reks, but I digress..

I agree, Kofi and Booker have nothing in common. Although Booker and Truth both had a hood gimmick and it could work. When Tarver goes off on someone, for some reason, he reminds me of Booker just because of the energy given. They could work as a unit too. As a matter of fact, the only illogical Booker/other black dude pairing mentioned was Kofi, but Truth and Tarver would fit perfectly, and this is a black man you're reading this from.
Good lord, remind me what century this is?

Booker T so far in this thread has been suggested as a mentor to Kofi, Truth and now Tarver?

What on earth does he have in common with any of the aforementioned other than skin colour?

I personally feel that Kofi is like a young Booker. He uses his feet as his main weapons and just as Booker is someone whom many felt deserved to win the world title in his younger days before he did it, people are saying the same about Kofi.

I think he'd be a great mentor to Kofi, especially when it comes to mic skills because Kofi really lacks them. He would help Kofi get to the main event scene and hopefully become champion, then as someone else said in this thread they'd eventually feud and that'd be awesome as well.

I get the feeling that he'll be doing commentary for the Elimination Chamber PPV due to Lawler fighting Miz for the belt. While that should be entertaining, I hope that doesn't become his only role. Booker T is one of my all time favorite wrestlers and I wanna see him being featured prominently. He definitely hasn't lost a step and I loved seeing him at the Rumble. I'm looking forward to seeing what more they do with him.
if he doesnt wrestle how bout him as the raw play by play guy as he did do an awesome job when he was on the mic in the wwe or tna. He could be the one who gets passed the mic from Jerry. It looks like Jerry is done after this year.
I've been surfing the net for the last hour or so and there's a story I've seen on a few sites hinting that Booker T will be a commentator for SmackDown!, possibly in the near future. If this is true, I'm not really sure how I feel about this because the few times Booker did commentary in TNA, he was impossible to understand. I'm assuming that he was just embeleshing his character but, then again, who knows.

Booker T could possibly add a different flavor to Friday nights I suppose, but I'm just not sure about this. Generally speaking, however, I don't really see how he can do any damage. It might be refreshing instead of hearing Cole, Matthews & Striker bitch at each other like a trio of 14 year old high school freshmen.
Supposedly this what Booker wanted to do post career, I this see as a good opportunity and practice. If this gets Cole off of SmackDown than I'm more than happy. Never had the opportunity to hear him commentating so I'll wait and see.
Stick Booker in a part time wrestling role and commentary on SmackDown similar to Jerry Lawler, Booker can still go at it in the ring and is capable of having a feud, even though he will be announcing, plus he is very good on the mic and can work well as a face or heel.
I know this sounds ******ed but maybe have Booker as the "anonymous" gm. I dont know it was just a thought.

Or maybe a feud with Nexus as Mason Ryan eliminated Booker T from the Rumble.

I didn't think of this until you said that but it was afterall. Bret Hart who "took Booker T. out" for some time years ago at Bash at the Beach. And the GM was quoted as saying "I've never liked Bret Hart".

But from what I've read and such Booker will be an announcer. That is fantastic though because let's be honest he has a huge wrestling knowledge and it won't seem like watered down dribble being fed to us by means of commentary. It'll actually be someone who has sacrificed for years for us.

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