What is your ringtone?

Hollywood Naitch

The current reigning and defending
For my mobile phone, I always put a bit of thought into my ringtone. Obviously, I want something that I like, but I never use any of my favourite songs as you end up hearing it so often it spoils the song. I made that mistake when I used Ian Brown's "F*E*A*R*" as my ringtone and ended up going off the song for ages.

I have started using wrestling themes as my ringtones. I have previously used Kurt Angles WWE theme, the nWo, Bret Hart and for my new Blackberry I have chosen this little gem.

I've been using wrestling themes as my ringtone for ages.

Anyway this is mine.

With the limited ringtones available for an iPhone I use this:


I'm still waiting for someone to call me in public so I can show off just how cool I am. It will happen. Someday.
Vicarious by Tool for texts (30 second ringtone), Isolation by Alter Bridge for regular calls, multiple for important people ranging from Inside the Fire by Disturbed, Clubbed to Death by Rob Dougan, and what the fuck ever is on my phone.
on my old phone I had Start Wearing Purple by Gogol Bordello, but last Christmas I got an iPhone so I resolved to assign all of my friends wrestling themes in line with their personalities

but then I couldn't find a good version of dusty rhodes' theme so i was all "screw that"

so I made it CM Punk's theme, then a few months later, Daniel Bryan's theme, and just the other day I changed it to Del Rio's

run from me women, run far away

For most calls/texts, starting at roughly 45 seconds.


For when any of my exes try calling. Just the chorus.
My text tone, I hear you ask?

Never be bested.

I have that as my text tone as well, but only for a select few friends.. I have this for everyone else.

As for my ring tones..

My default/everyone without a custom one.. (Without question, my favorite of any ringtone I've ever had.)

My Wife's ringtone..

My Job's ringtone.. (Start at 0:45)

I also use the theme song's from Zelda and Super Mario, Scotty Doesn't Know, "Famous" by Puddle of Mudd, and various others that don't go off enough for me to remember them.

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