What is the best thing going in the WWE right now?


WZPC Intercontinental Champion
Pretty self-explanatory, but what, in your opinion, is the best thing that the WWE is producing right now. There are many choices to choose from such as the Orton/HHH/Batista angle, Cena/Miz/Show, Jericho/Mysterio, Swagger/Christian/Dreamer, Punk/Hardy, the Trump angle, or the women's titles and the unified tag belts, or anything else that I left out.

In my opinion, I am really enjoying the Jericho/Mysterio fued. They have put on some great matches so far, the intensity in their promos and their general (kayfabe) disregard for each other is playing out very well. The mask angle also gives it a good twist and a new element to each match.

Runner up for me is the Punk/Hardy situation. I like how CM Punk's character is developing, as he teeters between face and heel. We haven't seen much of them yet, but it seems like they work well together and the triple threat match on RAW could be a sign off things to come.

So, what is your favourite thing in the WWE right now and why do you like it.
The single angle that's best in the WWE right now is probably the Jericho vs Mysterio feud. These guys have rocked the house on two seperate PPVs, and delivered a good little TV opener. They're bringing back a lot of meaning to the IC title, because unlike Jericho's feuds last year, where personal issues overshadowed everything, this time around the belt is just as important as the personal issues and the mask. They're looking to produce another great match at the Bash, and the story is escalating ever higher. Week in and week out, these two tell a great story and if they wrestle, will put on a damn fine match, and at PPV, they produce the MOTN. It doesn't get much better than that.

The ECW Championship angle is damn good as well. Dreamer is shaping up to be a great champion. No, he's not a great wrestler anymore, but what the hell, he's Tommy damn Dreamer, he's spent years jobbing, and now he's finally getting the title run he deserves. Pair him up with great wrestlers like Christian, Swagger, Finlay, and the Harts, and you're making great matches and great angles. The title scene is fluid and unpredictable, and it keeps several guys in there, and I really like that. Overall, it makes ECW a lot of fun and has been producing some top notch PPV matches as of late.
I like the Punk/Hardy/Edge and Rey/Jericho feuds, but I'm sure most people will say them so I'm going to go with something else.

I, for one, am really intrigued by a legit Miz/Cena feud. I know it looks like it probably won't happen for one reason or another, but I still hold out hope. If you look at the top guys on Raw (Orton, Show, Trips, MVP), Cena has either feuded with them already or, in MVP's case, has no possibility of a feud at the moment. On the other hand, you have the Miz, who is great on the mic and has grown a ton as far as his in-ring skills go, but hasn't really had a shot at the big time yet. This would be a chance for Cena to have a new feud in which he can not only show off his mic skills, which I believe are slightly underrated, against a very good promo man, but also help make a younger talent look good, which he is very good at (Swagger anybody?). The Miz probably wouldn't necessarily even have to go over Cena cleanly to gain card position if it is handled right.
While I'm really into the Punk/Hardy feud I'd have to say the main event picture in ECW is the most fun I'm having watching WWE TV. It was a great swerve to have Dreamer win the thing in the first place and it's doing a world of good for Swagger to be paired with Christian and Dreamer from week to week. ECW is actually a great show. Granted it's not the ECW of old, but what it has become is pretty damn good.
Jericho/Mysterio is BY FAR the best thing in wrestling today. Jericho is the best wrestler on the WWE roster, and Mysterio is the best high flier of all time. Not to mention Jericho being the best talker on the WWE roster also.

The second best thing going in WWE is ECW. The entire show. There is NOTHING on the show that I find boring, or that I don't like. The Championship feud is amazing, because Dreamer is going good right now, Christian is still great, and Swagger is the 2nd best heel in the company (behind Jericho). Mark my words, he will be BIGGER THEN BOCK LESNAR EVER HOPED TO BE. The Mark Henry/Evan Bourne feud is/was extremely compelling, I actually don't mind the Kozlov stuff, The Hart Dynasty is doing well, and most importantly, as soon as WWECW gives him a win against someone important, Zack Ryder is going to be going places. His character is the biggest Douche In The (WWE) Universe, which is a good thing, and he needs to be pushed up the card. If WWE fed him some real opponents, as supposed to the Jobbers he has been given, they would be putting HIM in the Scramble Match, as supposed to Mark Henry, who is the only singles heel besides Swagger who is anywhere NEAR the top of the card on ECW. Having Evan Bourne beat him last week on Superstars (does anybody watch that show?) did nothing for either combatant. With Bourne's "injured ribs" last week, it was the perfect time to have Ryder go over somebody, because Bourne had an excuse for losing, and Ryder needs the big win. So if you want a good hour of WRESTLING, then watch ECW.

A close 4th is the Hardy/Punk feud. While I love Punk being the Champion, I am worried that they will have Hardy win at the GREAT AMERICAN Bash, and until Punk wins there, I will not have faith in the feud. Plus, he needs to complete his heel turn at the PPV, maybe by having some help from Matt Hardy, or by cheating to win.
For the first time in a couple of months Creatives has some good solid angles going. Yes they still have one of the worst still going. (trips vs orton)

Right now the best thing going is Jericho vs Mysterio. Ever since Mysterio moved back to the midcard he has been really good. And since his return, Jericho has been amazing. Not only is it a good feud, with Jericho having some great promos, but the matches have been nothing short of amazing. They have great chemistry together, and in the process they are bringing the IC title back up in worth.

Another great thing that they have going right now is Miz, this guy has been getting some of the best heat on raw. Hopefully his feud with Cena will get kick started here in the next week.

One other think that I'm looking forward to his the Hardy vs Punk fued. These guys have some great chemistry together. They both look great in the triple threat. That coupled with possibility of punk turning heel. It should be good.

Beside trips vs. orton, and the women's division has been lost. All in all I'm pretty happy with the direction that wwe is going. They have a lot of good feuds building.
I love Smackdown's midcard. Morriosn, Shelton, R-Truth, even Charlie Hass have all been very entertaining, I'm just waiting for the IC title to get thrown in the mix.
The Miz, to me, is the best character to come along in years.

Unfortunately, I generally don't get a chance to catch Smackdown, and as a hardcore loyalist to the original ECW, I refuse to watch that Tuesday night abomination as long as it retains the "Extreme Championship Wrestling" moniker.

The Miz is really the only reason to tune in on Monday nights. Orton has gotten stale, mainly due to the horrible way he's been booked since WrestleMania. Pre-WrestleMania, I was really enjoying RAW, with the sadistic, uncowardly Randy Orton terrorizing Triple H, as well as the awesome weekly Jericho promos. Now, RAW has the Miz and little else.
imo the best things going in wwe right now are, jericho,mysterio fued as posted befroe there having great matches every week, and tbh there making the ic title look damn legit,

R-TRUTH is looking incredible if the guy doesent become a main eventer then ile be shocked the crowed loves him week in and week out his performences are always fun and energetic and his in ring work is great + he looks cool. :)
Mysterio/Jericho feud all the way. This is bringing the IC title's prestige back. Then the Punk/Hardy feud. As long as CM Punk finally turns heal then it will be a good feud.
For me right now, its Ecw. I was shocked to see Dreamer actually win the belt. He probably wont have it long, but thats beside the point.
And being the HUGE Bret Hart mark that i am, I am loving the Hart Dynasty. I swear the first time their new music hit, I got chills.
Add in the hugely talented Swagger and Bourne, and ECW is THE best 60 minutes of Wrestling on T.V. today.
jericho/mysterio: it gets better by the week. they are bringing back the prstige of the IC title

the miz: i like him bashing cena but i don't like where he is at the moment in between cena and the big show.he's not fitting in that well so far.

edge/hardy: i was really happy when they began their feud when jeff won the wwe title for the fist time but then jeff went on to feud with matt and now he's back and better.i am loving their feud. they work so damn well together. and now with punk in the mix, it got even more interesting...i wonder what will edge do on the bash, hope he's added to the match in the last minute or so
On Raw or Smackdown? Absolutely nothing. Raw has not changed one bit since Mania. It's the same show with the same angles. Smackdown at least has the distinction of trying to be daring, but failing horribly. CM Punk is a horrible champ, and the #1 contender is the sloppiest guy in the biz. Jericho is trying, but working with Smackdown's Hornswoggle isn't helping.

ECW with Dreamer/Christian/Swagger and The Hart Dynasty is the only interesting thing going right now.
I'd say the midcard/future main event stars were the best thing atm.

Kofi, Morrison, MVP, the Miz, the Hart Dynasty, Swagger, Evan Bourne are all gonna be huge main event stars when the people like HBK, and the undertaker retire.
i'm loving the Jericho/mysterio fued,it's the best thing in WWE today.Ever since mysterio and jericho went to smackdown,there talent has really been seen and there also bringing back prestige to the IC title and thats been needed for a long time now

I'm hoping now that jericho/mysterio fued cools off so jericho can move on with a fued with Kane for the IC title
in my opinion it would have to be john morrison's. he is having non stop great matches. he'll beat benjamin then clash with jericho and have another classic. he's going to be big by wrestlemania 26
i like Jericho and reys feud alot. it is well played and jericho is doing a good job helping plan the angles.

ECW is awesome to me, although it shouldn't be called "ECW" it does however have alot of good talent. The hart dynasty is awesome and is some of the best newcomers i have seen in a while. Swagger was over ratted when i first watched him, but he is growing on me. He seems to be getting better and better. Christian is good and dreamer as champ is cool.

Raw has my favorite "Randy Orton" who to me has the best character, which is just my opinion. Orton has the "Viper" assets which i like it does suit him well. Raw just seems to be getting better but we will see.

Smackdown is good with the rey angle which i stated earlier, and the whole cm punk as champ is cool. also like dolph ziggler he has alot of aggressiveness which is perfect for him.

But for me the best thing going right now is morrison. they are pushing him right and he's had some damn good matches
Here are a few things that I really like as I just can't pick 1 thing so I will list the 5 things that has entertained me the most.

Rey/Jericho: Rey has been on fire since No Way Out & it helps that he doesn't have to always face the 300 pound fuckers which is stale, but anyways him & Jericho feuding is bringing back the prestige for the IC Title & just the entire feud has been great as they have great chemistry together & their matches have been spectacular so far.

The Miz: I am loving the shit that he spits out about John Cena. He's one of the only reasons why I still even watch Raw cause his character is fresh, not stale & most of all he is entertaining.

Hardy/Punk/Edge: I thought the Edge/Hardy feud was great, but now with CM Punk in the picture it has been better. I just hope that Punk can have a decent long enough reign & turn heel soon.

The Hart Dynasty: T.J. Wilson & DH Smith are a great part of ECW as their actions just entertain me & it doesn't hurt that they have Natalya as their manager cause she is hot as hell.

John Morrison: His matches have been on fire as of late. He's going places & I believe he will be big very soon.
I think HHH/Orton might be the worst thing going right now. They both wrestle at a snail's pace and do the same 4 moves apiece every match. I like the CM Punk leaning towards a heel turn. Another thing I like is that HBK has disappeared without a mention and hasn't made a peep, which I think means when he comes back he's gonna come back with a bang. Him staying off TV and watching from home shows him how bad RAW is and how bad they need him.
I'm really feeling the Miz/Cena feud. Everyone knows it's gonna be a matter of time until Cena comes out and beats the holy piss out of The Miz, but right now Miz's promos and everything on Cena are pure gold. Definitely gonna go with the Punk/Hardy angle because i'm praying that CM Punk gets turned heel.

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