What is the best show on television today?


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Simple question as is my custom. All the time we hear someone become a fan of a show and say that it's the best show ever. While this is pretty much always an overstatement, to that person there is at least some truth to this idea. Thererfore, what in your opinion is the best show on television today?

I'm going to be in the minority as I say Supernatural. Not a lot of people watch it, but there's not much missing from this show. It has comedy, drama, a touch of romance, violence and good storytelling. The show does a great job of building up to a great climax and you find yourself getting sucked into the show very well. There's very little missing from it. The plots are woven throughout the entire season but there are also several episodes that have only one stand alone plot to them. Overall it has almost a perfect balance to it and is hard to top in my eyes. Your selections?
Well I would have said something different a few months ago, probably The Office, but I have changed my mind. My new favorite show is ABC's drama "Lost". It is a show that slowly develops the characters week after week, showing how complete strangers are actually related to one another in small ways. Every episode, you are filled with countless questions and you want to watch more. The fact that the show has so many main characters you never get bored, as there is always a great storyline. It is my favorite thing on TV and I am excited for season 5.
Well, with so many good shows on tv. It's hard to pick just one. On one hand you have Supernatural who Klunder so eloquently put has everything you could ever want in a show. Then you have The Office which is just a flat out riot. Or even Scrubs. But in all honesty. I just cant get over the sheer awesomeness of Lost. It's a truly fantastic show with plot arcs and an evrchanging storyline to keep you intrigued. I like TM can't wait for season 5 as I'm sure it will make you love the show as well as throw your drink at the TV when it goes to commercial.

My money says that Lost is the best show on Television today.
I don't watch alot of TV anymore since coming to school but like TM & Monkey, I'm a Lost supporter. While it is alittle far out and gimmicky at times it has excitment, great plot and the writers are able to keep the show interesting after 4 seasons and keep it fresh The character development is great and the actors on the show give some of the best performances on TV(Terry O'Quin, Naveen Andrews, Yunjin Kim, Michael Emmerson, and Elizabeth Mitchell)just to name a few. While everyone's taste varies and what I think is the best, isn't automatically the best, I just think Lost is a grade A show.

Hon. Mention goes to Mad Men. Alot of people on here probably haven't watched or heard of this show but it's worth checking out. Set in the 1950's the show has a great overall package and is a true gem. The acting, directing, storyline, and everything just connects very well and it truly is something great.
I think for me it comes down between two shows. First is The Office, and many people know why, its just an awesome show. The next show isn't as well known, but its so good, Burn Notice on U.S.A. Michael Weston, the lead character is fucking amazing. It's just such a good show, and its one of the shows where you just watch it and wish you could do the shit he does cause its just so awesome. For those of you who haven't seen it, you need to check it out sometime, you will not regret it.
I'm going to go with the majority here and say Lost. It's a great show, that makes you think about what's going to happen next, and what does this mean etc. It is a great show, it has a great plot with numerous subplots, and so many twists and turns that for some people its hard to keep up, and they get a bit Lost. Haha. I can see why some people wouldn't like it, but for me, Its easily the best show on TV. It still makes sense in a roundabout sort of way, and like M_F said the show is still fresh even after 4 seasons. I can't wait for the next season.
:( Lost just confuses me.

I am going to get off of the bandwagon here and say Dirty sexy Money. this show has everything. Money, Drama, Suspence, Comedy and Girls. Wow the girls are smoking. Every time i watch this show i feel sad when it finishes and can;t wait until the same time next week.

Another one is Bones. i don't watch that much Tv but i always every week watch this show. the way she works on the show is just unbeliavable. and with how "dumb" she is with normal things it makes you wonder how she solves the cases.
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I'm gonna put my vote for Nip/Tuck. If you want to talk about a show that has everything from personal relationship to internal struggle and more plot twists then anyone could possible comprehend. This show for 5 seasons has been beyond entertaining, and even though I dread the direction this season will go with Christian being diagnosed with breast cancer that will undoubtedly take away from his player image, at least it does give us character development
The office.

This show has it all in my opinion.
The only thing that this show has ever done wrong is they brought in Holly.
Which was a totally mockery of a Micheal's Character. I won't get to much into that.

Other then that, I would and do tell every to watch this show.
I'm on the fence between two GREAT shows...

1) Heroes- If you've never seen it, WATCH IT! It's the first show that's had me gripped to my seat at the end of each episode. I never thought about watching it until a buddy pulled it up on Netflix on the 360... He made me watch the first episode, and within the next 2 days, I had watched ALL 3 seasons... GREAT show.

2)CSI- Quite possible one of the best shows tv has ever seen. It's very well done and sucks you in every week... I can't even describe why this show is awesome, but I'm sure you've all seen it...
I cannot believe that no one said ENTOURAGE. That show is amazing. You have Jeremy Piven and Kevin Dillon as the comical characters and all the funny segments that they are in. Then, you have Kevin Connelly, as the serious characters. You have comedy, drama (no pun intended), and real hollywood situations.

Ari Gold is by far one of the best characters ever written. The way Piven conveys his anger, joy, sarcasm and wit is great. Plus, the character has great segments with almost every single character. This show is still going strong after 5 seasons and will go to a 6th season now with a new plot and a new adventure for our boys from Queen.
Sadly, my job prevents me from faithfully following anything, so most of what I watch is syndicated. I love Seinfeld, CSI, Law & Order: SVU, and Family Guy (as well as many others), but I don't get to watch too many new shows. I loved The Unit for the first season, and I liked the first season of Lost, but after the first season of anything, it's tough for me to "stay tuned" enough to watch any more.

The one new show I am going to try and faithfully watch, is The United States Of Tara on Showtime. Only the first episode has aired, but it ranged from funny, to sad, to "Wow, that's my family!". Thankfully, I have onDemand, so if I miss a show as it airs, I can catch it anytime after that weekend.
ENTOURAGE with out a doubt. The show has drama, comedy & real life situations that you see in Hollywood. I also like it how you have 1 serious character(Kevin Connelly) to go with the 2 comical characters(Jeremy Piven & Kevin Dillon).

I can;t wait til the 6th season cause I wanna see what goes down with the new plot & all the characters as i'm pretty sure it's gonna be gold.
The only on-going television show that I watch currently is House. I never got into E.R., or any other Doctor related television shows, but House is amazing all around.

He's the type of Doctor that I truly wish were real, when the fact is.. I'd say a good portion of Doctor's out there have his attitude, but with the lack of solving illness abilities.

When it boils down to it though, I can't get beyond the fact that this is the same guy who was the Father in the Stewart Little Franchise. Amazing.
heroes. without a doubt.
also watched lost season 5 online the other day an i'm considering checkin the whole thing out. unless sum1 would care 2 fill me in on whats gone on so far.?
Heroes...Totally love it! Quite a few people at work had been talking about it, so I thought I'd check it out and was hooked from the first episode. Series 2 wasn't as good as the first and the current series did get a bit confusing at times, but I still love it and still hooked on it.

Same goes to Prison Break. The first series was just amazing. Every episode just left me wanting more. Was slighty disappointed with the 3rd series, but they bought it back with the 4th. Slightly gutted that its ending, but it has run its course unfortunately. Just hope the last few episodes are good and its goes out on a high!
I cannot believe that no one said ENTOURAGE. That show is amazing. You have Jeremy Piven and Kevin Dillon as the comical characters and all the funny segments that they are in. Then, you have Kevin Connelly, as the serious characters. You have comedy, drama (no pun intended), and real hollywood situations.

Ari Gold is by far one of the best characters ever written. The way Piven conveys his anger, joy, sarcasm and wit is great. Plus, the character has great segments with almost every single character. This show is still going strong after 5 seasons and will go to a 6th season now with a new plot and a new adventure for our boys from Queen.

AMEN. You really cannot talk about great shows on TV these days without mentioning Entourage. Everything is on point with that show. The Cast, the hot women, hell even the songs that are played in the episode are diverse and awesome. Jeremy Piven as Ari Gold is one of the most funniest and wittiest character I've ever seen.

I know alot of people like to hate on CSI (Las Vegas), but this show is just more about people solving murders on every episode. There are great storylines and just about every character is in-depth. The backgrounds of the characters tie in great with the murders they have to solve. It's really a great show.
Current in my opinion, the best show on television (over here in England at least) is Skins.

It's addictive to watch, dramatic, funny, sexy and just an absolute riot. Plus its fair to say the two lesbian teenagers in this new series are HOT!!!
My favourite show even though it hasn't been on in a year is probably Rescue Me. It's funny, provocative, engaging and incredibly tragic. Not only that but the show deals with issues as diverse as firefighters dealing with post traumatic stress, homosexuality, various family dynamics dealing with divorce, alcoholism and then intricately weaves them all together creating very complex and compelling thematic relationships.
Curb Your Enthusiasm, hopefully the new season will start soon, this show is great, Larry David is one of the funniest TV characters of all time, and he's playing himself! I don't think there's ever been a bad episode, Jeff, Susie & Richard Lewis are funny too, but Larry is definitely the star of the show.
Definitely House.He is brilliant and hilarious.He is quick enough to cut anyone downand the cast are all different and contrast each other.Unfortunately,I'm only as far as series 2 and i believe there are 5 now.Boo!

Scrubs aswell.Nothing is funnier.Except Top Gear.
AMEN. You really cannot talk about great shows on TV these days without mentioning Entourage. Everything is on point with that show. The Cast, the hot women, hell even the songs that are played in the episode are diverse and awesome. Jeremy Piven as Ari Gold is one of the most funniest and wittiest character I've ever seen.

I know alot of people like to hate on CSI (Las Vegas), but this show is just more about people solving murders on every episode. There are great storylines and just about every character is in-depth. The backgrounds of the characters tie in great with the murders they have to solve. It's really a great show.

I cannot get into Entourage. I think it's a great show, funny, well written, finely acted but there's one thing that I just can't get over when I watch the show... Turtle. Man I hate this character. I find him grating and not funny. Probably the only character on the show I find unfunny. That said I'm sure the actor is playing him exactly that way but I can't stand the character, so much so that I cannot watch the show. I guess because I have friends exactly like that character and when I'm watching television I want to escape from reality not be constantly reminded of it. Then again, it could just be that I hate the character for discernible reason whatsoever.
My favorite tv shows right now would have to be How I Met Your Mother, Psych, Monk, and Big Bang Theory. HIMYM because of Neil Patrick Harris' character of Barney, truly awesome. Pysch is hilarious, Shawn (James Roday) and Gus (Dule Hill) gel so well together. I've been watching Monk for the past 4 or 5 seasons, Tony Schaloub is great, and Big Bang Theory because of Kaley Cuoco.

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