What if Undertaker and Kane had a Sister?


Championship Contender
I want to get directly to the point and basically say I thought of this when thinking of how impressed people are with the fact that Taker's gimmick has gotten over as much as it has being a fantasy gimmick and not having been a flop or laughed at.

I actually would like to know if you guys think them adding a supernatural Diva wouldve been good or bad. Would it have helped the Divas Division today after Trish and Lita left to have a Diva, supernatural, be the main attraction for the division and be a greater force to stop than a Chyna 2.0 like Beth that they tried to mold her into (nothing against Beth) or a Kharma who wouldnt have the mystic mystery appeal as a supernatural Diva.

Would it be too much supernatural stars? I had the idea that had they brought in too many supernatural characters involved directly with Taker, it couldve gotten tacky.

Kane seems perfect enough and almost needed, infact you could say adding a secondary supernatural character linked to Taker to balance out that type of wrestler on the roster may have helped his character in the future along with his waaay different gimmick in 2000 and just changing with the times in general, but I think Kane has helped his gimmick stay over with the fans with his adding a lot to Taker, so maybe just one more family member couldve worked

And let's go deeper and say what if Kane never existed as a character and instead Taker had a sister?

Actually what if Taker never existed, would you have bought into a female Taker?
It definitely could work, but it's probably way too late for it now. If they tried it, Paige in FCW would be perfect for it.
remember that tall girl that was suppose to go into the divas NXT but was bad in the ring so they cut her?
she would be perfect, she's 6ft11. give her an EMO gimick instead of Goth. Let her say she used to cut herself to get through the domestic violence in her home. have her say Kane and Undertaker used to torture her and Paul Bearer would laugh.

Scratch that, i found the perfect sister for Kane. Daffney, the chick who used to be in TNA. Her gimmick would fit perfectly with taker and kane. and since kanews heel, she could help him win matches.
Didn't they have plans at one point for Kane's sister, named Jezebelle?
I think she would have been Kane's half sister, with no relation to Undertaker if I remember rightly
Didn't they have plans at one point for Kane's sister, named Jezebelle?
I think she would have been Kane's half sister, with no relation to Undertaker if I remember rightly

I think I remember something about that also, but they couldn't find the right diva I believe (This was back when Kane was first unmasked if I remember correctly)
Personally, I would love to see that. Wrestling becomes a really unique form of live theater when a fantasy/supernatural gimmick goes over properly and I honestly love the hell out of it. My favorite memories of wrestling include some of the craziness that Undertaker, Kane, and Sting brought to the table with their unconventional mind games.

The way AJ is being used in WWE right now is the proper way to set up a gimmick like this. She is being presented as a little off center. Over time they can elaborate more and more and could probably evolve her character into a "Carrie" style vengeful psycho.

Daffney could enter the WWE with a supernatural gimmick and sell it from day one. I would like to see her debut a new character who dresses like a funeral attendee, maybe outdated vintage clothing and pale makeup. At first she could be presented as quiet, reserved and mysterious. It would be cool to see her as a valet who somehow causes bad luck for her wrestler's opponent and over time is revealed to have powers. I'm not sure why Daffney never made it into WWE but I would love to see a character like hers on Raw or Smackdown.
Interesting idea nad, if they were to run with it, I'd be inclined to go with the former "Voodoo Queen" Roxxi Laveaux (Nicole Raczynski) from TNA who is very talented in the ring and has worked a similar gimmick to what would be required.

Her physique is more in line with the 'Brothers of Destruction' (5'9" athletic) than the more diminutive AJ (5'3" slim) and Daffney (5'6" voluptuous). At 33, she's a more believable sister than 25 (going on 17) AJ who was only 3 when Taker debuted.
I think the perfect person for the Undertaker and Kane's sister would be DDP. He's got clear feminine features, has about the same wrestling ability as Kelly Kelly and is liked as much as Sable was in the locker room.
I know i am going out on a limb here but maybe that is what they are heading towards with the A.J. stalking Kane programme.

Maybe after Kane wins the Wwe Championship, Paul Bearer could come out and tell Kane that A.J. is his sister. Then Kane, Paul Bearer and A.J. take over the whole of the Wwe, A.J. as Divas Champion, Kane as Wwe Champion and Bearer as the Father and Manager.
An extremely interesting topic.

I think it would definitely have been cool to have seen a supernatural diva being the kayfabe'd sister of Undertaker and Kane. How successful she'd be would depend on when she gets brought to the roster though. Back when Trish and Lita were still around, they had more divas that could actually wrestle. In today's division the supernatural diva would stand out and be a candidate to center the divas division around. It would also depend on who played it. You'd need someone who would be able to pull off the same style of promos that Taker and Kane do. She would need to be believable in using darkness, thunder, or fire like her kayfabe brothers do.

Now.... if Kane had never existed and instead we only had a sister, then we would have missed out on a long list of memorable storylines that we got with Kane. Obviously Taker would have had different opponents at Wrestlemania's 14 and 20 had this happened. For all we know, Glenn Jacobs might have ended up playing another character who Taker's kayfabe'd sister would be associating with, so we'd in a sense still get the matches we got. We will never know. If we never got Taker either and only the female counterpart, then the gimmick would likely have flopped after perhaps a Womens Championship run. Without Taker himself it would never have worked.
I was actually thinking about this type of thing the other day... (except it was for my blogs and it was about Taker having a daughter [don't ask])

If Taker were to come back to announce his retirement, that might be the perfect time to introduce a sister. I mean, you figure Kane would come out to interupt, they'd argue and then out of no where this random theme song hits and out walks a emo and/or goth chick who yells at them and pretty much spills that she's their sister.

Daffeny would be good for that gimmik since TNA dropped the ball on her epically. Or as someone else said, maybe even Vickie's first NXT rookie. Just dye her hair black, give her the goth look and you're pretty much set.

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