What if....Chris Benoit is innocent?

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Mid-Card Championship Winner
I know it is flogging a dead horse, and this story has endlessly be discussed, but, hypothetically, let's say that evidence were to emerge in the Chris Benoit murder case, which causes the case to be re-opened, and it leads to the possibility that Chris Benoit did not kill Nancy, Daniel and himself.

Now, even I think it is most likely he did do it, but there were no witnesses and no trial, only police investigation. But what if new evidence, unavailable at the time, clears Benoit? What would that mean for wrestling?

Let's pretend that it emerges that police find new evidence that reopens the case, and either it means Benoit didn't do it, or it points to an intruder, Kevin Sullivan etc.

What would that mean for his wrestling legacy? Would it be restored?

Would he be rushed into the Hall-Of-Fame, as a "make good" by WWE?

Would Benoit's parents and remaining family start suing people, considering how much their son's reputation was tarnished?

Would the media have to retract statements they made at the time, blaming WWE or wrestling in general, for the reason it happened?

Would Vince appear at the start of "Raw" apologizing to the Benoit family for the WWE's treatment of Benoit's memory, (removing him from DVD's etc), and acknowledge him? Would footage be restored of him? Would his footage be put back into DVD's?

Would WWE have a proper "Chris Benoit Tribute", with wrestlers reliving memories?

Would WWE go back to some of what they use to do, considering that WWE have tread carefully because of the whole Benoit scenario?

Would wrestling fans accept the change in the Benoit verdict, and embrace his memory, or still believe that he is guilty, despite what the law now would say?

You see, if this were to happen, Benoit is no longer not a murderer and monster, he would be a victim-(as the person who killed Nancy and Daniel would most likely have killed him too), but also a victim of poor policing, false accusation and public opinion. He would have lost his life, his family and his legacy. Now, if he did it, he deserves to lose it all. But if he didn't, his legacy at least would have to be restored.

(Please confine this discussion to the scenario posted above. This is not a discussion about Benoit's guilt or innocence, but a hypothetical about the possibility, however slight, that the cops got it wrong, and if so, what would that mean for Chris Benoit, and his standing in wrestling.

Don't say it couldn't happen. There are people in prison who are later exonerated, so you never know. It is doubtful, but not totally impossible).
I think this is a great idea for a thread. Considering there is probably at least a 50/50 shot that he was set up (Kevin Sullivan is a good possibility, I have John Cena as another prime suspect. We all know he isn't the kind of guy he's portrayed to be on TV) there needs to be a serious discussion about this.

If there truth were to come out that Benoit didn't do it(again, something I think is quite likely) there would be major changes. The media would have to answer to all the slandering and whatnot it did not only of Mr. Benoit, but the entire WWE. I expect some big lawsuits and some big payouts.

Popularity wise, it'll do wonders for the WWE. Old viewers would flock back and new ones would come in bushels once they see the WWE isn't about guys on roids who murder people. I would fully expect the WWE to at least double in popularity after Benoit is found innocent.

I could go on and on but when the truth comes out it really is going to be a gamechanger and people will look at WWE and the entire landscape of pro wrestling in a whole new light.
I think this is a great idea for a thread. Considering there is probably at least a 50/50 shot that he was set up (Kevin Sullivan is a good possibility, I have John Cena as another prime suspect. We all know he isn't the kind of guy he's portrayed to be on TV) there needs to be a serious discussion about this.

If there truth were to come out that Benoit didn't do it(again, something I think is quite likely) there would be major changes. The media would have to answer to all the slandering and whatnot it did not only of Mr. Benoit, but the entire WWE. I expect some big lawsuits and some big payouts.

Popularity wise, it'll do wonders for the WWE. Old viewers would flock back and new ones would come in bushels once they see the WWE isn't about guys on roids who murder people. I would fully expect the WWE to at least double in popularity after Benoit is found innocent.

I could go on and on but when the truth comes out it really is going to be a gamechanger and people will look at WWE and the entire landscape of pro wrestling in a whole new light.

While I do agree with this, as I also buy into the John Cena theory but if he were to be found guilty that would be a gut-punch that the WWE just could not recover from, I think it's possible that WWE and possibly the authorities knew about this and went to extreme lengths to cover it up in order to protect their product.

I also think this was the best course of action, Chris Benoit should remain the fall-guy for the murder of himself and his family and then we can continue to enjoy high quality WWE television.
This is an interesting topic. At first I thought it would be another ridiculous conspiracy theory, but it opens up for interesting debate.

Honestly, I think if it were to ever come out that it wasn't Benoit then nothing would change. Sure they'd probably re-include Benoit on DVDs and integrate him onto releases and such. But Vince is a proud bastard and there's no way after being embarrassed by first addressing Benoits death, then striking it from the record, that he (or anyone else for that matter) would go on TV and correct themselves.

They'd just simply continue to ignore Benoit unless they had to. It makes their life easier.
While I do agree with this, as I also buy into the John Cena theory but if he were to be found guilty that would be a gut-punch that the WWE just could not recover from, I think it's possible that WWE and possibly the authorities knew about this and went to extreme lengths to cover it up in order to protect their product.

I also think this was the best course of action, Chris Benoit should remain the fall-guy for the murder of himself and his family and then we can continue to enjoy high quality WWE television.

Completely agree. Cena is too much of star, especially at this point, to take the fall. We at know the WWE has a lot of money at their disposal and certainly have the capability to pay off whoever they like.

In the end I suppose it all worked out. Cena continued to get his push to the top (surely Vince realized he needed to make him happy lest he got disgruntled a murdered another star he felt threatened by) and the WWE still is in pretty decent shape, despite the bad PR for awhile.

If Benoit's innocence was revealed at this point I guess it could do more harm than good as far as the company is concerned, especially with SummerSlam on the horizon.
I think this is a great idea for a thread. Considering there is probably at least a 50/50 shot that he was set up (Kevin Sullivan is a good possibility, I have John Cena as another prime suspect. We all know he isn't the kind of guy he's portrayed to be on TV) there needs to be a serious discussion about this.

If there truth were to come out that Benoit didn't do it(again, something I think is quite likely) there would be major changes. The media would have to answer to all the slandering and whatnot it did not only of Mr. Benoit, but the entire WWE. I expect some big lawsuits and some big payouts.

Popularity wise, it'll do wonders for the WWE. Old viewers would flock back and new ones would come in bushels once they see the WWE isn't about guys on roids who murder people. I would fully expect the WWE to at least double in popularity after Benoit is found innocent.

I could go on and on but when the truth comes out it really is going to be a gamechanger and people will look at WWE and the entire landscape of pro wrestling in a whole new light.

Dear lord Jesus. Do you really believe that stuff or are we just role playing? If Benoit were set up (Which he wasn't. He's 100% guilty and that's a fact.) and it turned out to be another wrestle it would hurt the business even more. People have tried to put this behind them. Bringing it back to the forefront would not bring on this golden age you describe. Hell, Benoit was never popular enough to draw people in life so it's doubtful that he'd draw any better in death.
I think it's quite a tough subject to discuss. You make some valid points but i think though you are being hypothetical, the evidence is pretty damning and IF there was to be some sort of inquest it would be the same result.


Hypothetically, if Benoit was to be found Not Guilty it would open up so many doors for WWE marketing wise and respect wise. If WWE were to start acknowledging him, it would be seen as a bold move and would command respect. Also, if Benoit was in the clear think about how much many they could make from a DVD, or including him in a game or even being able to use him in video packages, it would automatically change the landscape. They could also start a foundation up in Benoit's honor because in his autopsy, murderer or not, the man did have severe brain injuries and his mental health couldn't have been in much good shape.

But would WWE change there stance on the issue ? It's been such a well documented thing that WWE might not want to get involved in it again because as i said its quite a tough situation.

Although there are many pros and cons, i think it would be interesting to see the IWC's stance on this thread as its such a very interesting topic.
Dear lord Jesus. Do you really believe that stuff or are we just role playing?

The idea of the thread is to keep an open mind. I don't think anything I've put out there is too far fetched.

If Benoit were set up (Which he wasn't. He's 100% guilty and that's a fact.)

There's no way you can know that with 100 percent certainty.

and it turned out to be another wrestle it would hurt the business even more.

I agree, after what Miko pointed out to me if it was another wrestler (Cena) the WWE would surely try and sweep it under the rug. I'm not saying it had to be another WWE wrestler that set him up. Hell, it could've been AJ Styles for all I know, in which case things are in the WWE's favor.

People have tried to put this behind them. Bringing it back to the forefront would not bring on this golden age you describe

I think it would. Like I said, if people had a new perspective on the WWE and saw it as a clean place without roids and murder/suicides popularity would at least double, likely triple, based on the numbers I've seen.

Hell, Benoit was never popular enough to draw people in life so it's doubtful that he'd draw any better in death.

The outcry of support for an innocent Benoit would certainly draw. Imagine all the merchandise that could be sold. It'd be incredible.
The idea of the thread is to keep an open mind. I don't think anything I've put out there is too far fetched.

There's no way you can know that with 100 percent certainty.

I agree, after what Miko pointed out to me if it was another wrestler (Cena) the WWE would surely try and sweep it under the rug. I'm not saying it had to be another WWE wrestler that set him up. Hell, it could've been AJ Styles for all I know, in which case things are in the WWE's favor.

I think it would. Like I said, if people had a new perspective on the WWE and saw it as a clean place without roids and murder/suicides popularity would at least double, likely triple, based on the numbers I've seen.

The outcry of support for an innocent Benoit would certainly draw. Imagine all the merchandise that could be sold. It'd be incredible.

You don't think the idea that John Cena murdered Chris Benoit and his family is far fetched? Ok, agree to disagree. And what kind of new perspective would people get if the murders were caused by someone else in the business? All it would do is undermine all the PR work they've done since then by dragging it all up again. Forgive me, but this is all very scatter brained. And yes, there is a way to know with 100% certainty. It's called not being a dumb mark. This was an open and closed case. No rational person believes Benoit was innocent.
Completely agree. Cena is too much of star, especially at this point, to take the fall. We at know the WWE has a lot of money at their disposal and certainly have the capability to pay off whoever they like.

In the end I suppose it all worked out. Cena continued to get his push to the top (surely Vince realized he needed to make him happy lest he got disgruntled a murdered another star he felt threatened by) and the WWE still is in pretty decent shape, despite the bad PR for awhile.

See, if you ask me, this is the perfect opportunity to turn Cena heel. All of the IWC smarks who turn out to boo Cena each night will have real fuel for their fire and the children who view Cena as a hero will now villainize Cena as a conspirator to murder. It's safe to say John Cena would draw some of the most, legitimate heat ever as a heel. If he's gonna go heel, may as well go all in. No better time than when WWE can take advantage of a real life situation such as this.

Tremendous OP I might add.
Dear lord Jesus. Do you really believe that stuff or are we just role playing? If Benoit were set up (Which he wasn't. He's 100% guilty and that's a fact.) and it turned out to be another wrestle it would hurt the business even more. People have tried to put this behind them. Bringing it back to the forefront would not bring on this golden age you describe. Hell, Benoit was never popular enough to draw people in life so it's doubtful that he'd draw any better in death.

First, it is roleplaying in this case (I am not espousing any new theories or anything, though I have some, but that is for another time).

Second, you can't say it is a fact. There were no witnesses. It was never tried in court, because the acussed died before being tried. Unless you were there, you can't say for certain.

Police try their best, but things can be missed. In my country, Australia, we had the huge miscarriage of justice of the Azaria Chamberlain case ,which is chronicled in the Meryl Streep movie "Evil Angels". There are people who are cleared years later because of advances in DNA and other testing. With advancements in technology, who is to say that something the cops couldn't test for wouldn't emerge years later, say DNA evidence, which points to Benoit not being at the house when Nancy and Daniel were, and he walked in on it, so had to be killed too. Kevin Sullivan certainly had motive to set up Chris Benoit.

Thirdly, if Benoit is innocent, then society would want his reputation to be restored. This would be a wrongly accused man, and would make the police and WWE look bad, rightly or wrongly. If you got falsely accussed, wouldn't you want your reputation cleared? Why, if hypothetically, Benoit was completely innocent, shouldn't he have his reputation restored in death?

It isn't just about a wrestler. Any wronged person shouldn't have to keep being held accountable for crimes they never committed. Any right-thinking person should want that of anyone.
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You don't think the idea that John Cena murdered Chris Benoit and his family is far fetched? Ok, agree to disagree. And what kind of new perspective would people get if the murders were caused by someone else in the business? All it would do is undermine all the PR work they've done since then by dragging it all up again. Forgive me, but this is all very scatter brained.

Forgive me, I do have a lot of thoughts running through my head and it's tough to get them all out there. First off, it certainly isn't too far fetched to say John Cena could've been behind it. We all know John Cena wants nothing more than to be at the top and he could've seen Benoit as a threat to that. Besides, he wouldn't be the first Boston area superstar to pull off a shocking murder (see Aaron Hernandez)

And as far as the new perspective thing, as long as it isn't someone involved directly with the WWE I think they'd certainly find a way to spin it so that they come out looking better in the long run. Having the biggest black eye in company history erased could do nothing but good for Vince and company.
Completely agree. Cena is too much of star, especially at this point, to take the fall. We at know the WWE has a lot of money at their disposal and certainly have the capability to pay off whoever they like.

In the end I suppose it all worked out. Cena continued to get his push to the top (surely Vince realized he needed to make him happy lest he got disgruntled a murdered another star he felt threatened by) and the WWE still is in pretty decent shape, despite the bad PR for awhile.

If Benoit's innocence was revealed at this point I guess it could do more harm than good as far as the company is concerned, especially with SummerSlam on the horizon.

Exactly, especially with Cena as the perpetrator. Although this does get me concerned over the welfare of Daniel Bryan, another who has been compared to Benoit. I think we can guarantee a Cena win at SummerSlam, or we might just get another bowflex case.

On the other hand, if it was indeed Sullivan, it should be brought to light, don't you think? The only question is how he did it, I am not sure if you've watched HBO's Game Of Thrones, but a worshiper of a fire God was able to cunjor shadow assassins by giving birth to them, well we all know what Sullivan worships. Seriously, a man with that kind of power needs to be brought to heel, plus the inevitable ratings spike spawned from Benoit's innocence. We can only hope it was actually Sullivan and not Cena.
Forgive me, I do have a lot of thoughts running through my head and it's tough to get them all out there. First off, it certainly isn't too far fetched to say John Cena could've been behind it. We all know John Cena wants nothing more than to be at the top and he could've seen Benoit as a threat to that. Besides, he wouldn't be the first Boston area superstar to pull off a shocking murder (see Aaron Hernandez)

And as far as the new perspective thing, as long as it isn't someone involved directly with the WWE I think they'd certainly find a way to spin it so that they come out looking better in the long run. Having the biggest black eye in company history erased could do nothing but good for Vince and company.

I heard a similar theory, but I don't accept it.

I heard a theory that Vince McMahon put a hit out on Benoit and his family, because Benoit had realized that the steroids that he had used had rendered him sterile, and blackmailed Vince that if he doesn't compensate him, he will go to the media about the WWE's joke of a Wellness Policy, which WWE promised to maintain after the death of Chris's friend, Eddie Guerrero. So, Vince, afraid of another steroid trial, ordered someone to murder Benoit and his family, and make it look like Benoit could do it, and since he was never a major star, it wouldn't hurt their business as much.

I doubt this theory (because of the amount of cover-up involved), but this theory is similar to yours.
First, it is roleplaying in this case (I am not espousing any new theories or anything, though I have some, but that is for another time).

Second, you can't say it is a fact. There were no witnesses. It was never tried in court, because the acussed died before being tried. Unless you were there, you can't say for certain.

Police try their best, but things can be missed. In my country, Australia, we had the huge miscarriage of justice of the Azaria Chamberlain case ,which is chronicled in the Meryl Streep movie "Evil Angels". There are people who are cleared years later because of advances in DNA and other testing. With advancements in technology, who is to say that something the cops couldn't test for wouldn't emerge years later, say DNA evidence, which points to Benoit not being at the house when Nancy and Daniel were, and he walked in on it, so had to be killed too. Kevin Sullivan certainly had motive to set up Chris Benoit.

Thirdly, if Benoit is innocent, then society would want his reputation to be restored. This would be a wrongly accused man, and would make the police and WWE look bad, rightly or wrongly. If you got falsely accussed, wouldn't you want your reputation cleared? Why, if hypothetically, Benoit was completely innocent, shouldn't he have his reputation restored in death?

It isn't just about a wrestler. Any wronged person shouldn't have to keep being held accountable for crimes they never committed. Any right-thinking person should want that of anyone.

The likely suspect is usually the correct one. But ok, you're correct. There's a 0.99% chance that it was space aliens. I'll give you that. If there were any shred of evidence to support the idea that Benoit didn't do it, it should be heard. Unfortunately for his loyal fans there is no such evidence. So I ask you, what other than your fandom leads you to believe that Benoit is innocent? Unless of course this is truly all hypothetical, but then why would it be amusing to hypothetically muse about the possibility of innocence of someone you know to be guilty? For fun? I don't think Benoit's crimes were very fun.
I heard a similar theory, but I don't accept it.

I heard a theory that Vince McMahon put a hit out on Benoit and his family, because Benoit had realized that the steroids that he had used had rendered him sterile, and blackmailed Vince that if he doesn't compensate him, he will go to the media about the WWE's joke of a Wellness Policy, which WWE promised to maintain after the death of Chris's friend, Eddie Guerrero. So, Vince, afraid of another steroid trial, ordered someone to murder Benoit and his family, and make it look like Benoit could do it, and since he was never a major star, it wouldn't hurt their business as much.

I doubt this theory (because of the amount of cover-up involved), but this theory is similar to yours.

I agree the amount of cover up would be a little overwhelming, but if anyone could pull it off it'd be Vince. I don't doubt something fishy went on or that we aren't getting the whole story, but it's hard to determine what exactly with the lack of information to go by.

I think is says a lot that we came up with similar theories independently though. That was not on accident, we are clearly on to something here and while we my not be able to come up with the whole story our speculation and thoughts on the possible ramifications are certainly worthwhile discussion.
Exactly, especially with Cena as the perpetrator. Although this does get me concerned over the welfare of Daniel Bryan, another who has been compared to Benoit. I think we can guarantee a Cena win at SummerSlam, or we might just get another bowflex case.

On the other hand, if it was indeed Sullivan, it should be brought to light, don't you think? The only question is how he did it, I am not sure if you've watched HBO's Game Of Thrones, but a worshiper of a fire God was able to cunjor shadow assassins by giving birth to them, well we all know what Sullivan worships. Seriously, a man with that kind of power needs to be brought to heel, plus the inevitable ratings spike spawned from Benoit's innocence. We can only hope it was actually Sullivan and not Cena.

I'm sorry, but I'm not buying this. Cena could've been behind the death of Benoit and his wife, but the child? Why would Cena get rid of at least ten dollars worth of merchandise revenue? It doesn't add up.

Kevin Sullivan birthing a demon spawn from his vaginal flaps is a theory that has some weight, however. It explains a lot of loose ends.

Sullivan being exposed as the killer would prove that Benoit is innocent, something which the posts in this thread have proven already with its expert analytical work. It wouldn't affect WWE much, since no one actually knows who Kevin Sullivan is. I legit had to Wikipedia him before replying. And his Wikipedia page is only a few paragraphs long.
You know I had people give me so much crap about a post I made about Benoit and HOF and people saying he wrecked the business but I'll go ahead and bite...

Chris Benoit was a great technical wrestler, and there are some who still can't believe he didn't do it, but all the CSI evidence points to the scenario that Benoit murdered his family and then commited suicide, so what if there was someone else that day who came in and killed his family within a span of three days, lets say his family had been murdered by someone and he knew it and caused himself to commit suicide....

There would not be a tribute to Benoit, and for those of you who remember his death they cancelled the show, cleared the arena, and put on their own 2 hour version of a tribute show to an empty arena.

Benoit's face would be back in the WWE, but wrestling in general would still be tarnished, because people would never know the full truth. or believe the truth presented.

There is a part of me that wishes that was the case, but 98% of me says its not with the proof the doctors gave, the evidence his sister in law said about him calling and leaving like he didn't do it, it does set up a conspiracy theory, but in reality he did, and he did hurt the business and the belief that wrestling is dangerous and with that we can't change how things are and will be...
The likely suspect is usually the correct one. But ok, you're correct. There's a 0.99% chance that it was space aliens. I'll give you that. If there were any shred of evidence to support the idea that Benoit didn't do it, it should be heard. Unfortunately for his loyal fans there is no such evidence. So I ask you, what other than your fandom leads you to believe that Benoit is innocent? Unless of course this is truly all hypothetical, but then why would it be amusing to hypothetically muse about the possibility of innocence of someone you know to be guilty? For fun? I don't think Benoit's crimes were very fun.

Did you know that Kevin Sullivan was never interrogated by police about his whereabouts or what his alibi was for that weekend, because police immediately suspected Benoit?

I am not saying space aliens, and it is 99% chance of Benoit having done it. However, if there was even a 1% chance that an innocent man is being held responsible, wouldn't you want the real perpetrator to be found?

This is more than a wrestling debate. In all walks of life, would anyone really want to see any innocent person be found guilty without evidence (and there has been no evidence presented, since there was no need for a trial).

I have always said that, in one way, if Benoit was alive, we would get more answers, as things would be asked at his trial. He would be interrogated, his defence and the prosecution would put their case. But dead man tells no tales. I would like to know if Benoit did it, why he did it (I would guess that the defence would put up insanity, due to his damaged brain, and he would be put in a criminal mental hospital, in order to avoid the death penalty).
Ok, one of the posters on here is 13 years old, I'll have to give this one a break, but OP I have to say this, I do acquiesce that strange shit happens all the time in this world. However, in regards to playing the obvious hand here and thinking that Kevin Sullivan has anything to do with this, that's just typical tabloid craziness. I mean, who knows, there have been times that law enforcement has been incompetent and have botched investigations. In this case though, if something were to come out, it'd be a hell of a feat to bring Benoit's profile back into the annals of WWE history, and I'd say it'll be harder obviously than it was to erase him in the first place.

And for all we know, even if for some reason Benoit was posthumously exonerated, WWE still might decide to stay away from this whole matter. Either way, this subject is one that's going to lead to nowhere, let's be honest.
No one's suggested Rey Mysterio. Remember Rey v Eddie, remember how he capitalised on his death? Maybe offing Benoit was a good way to get revenge on Eddie's BFF? Why else did Saturn and Mop go into hiding? Obviously he couldn't kill malenko who is apparently immortal.
I'm sorry, but I'm not buying this. Cena could've been behind the death of Benoit and his wife, but the child? Why would Cena get rid of at least ten dollars worth of merchandise revenue? It doesn't add up.

Kevin Sullivan birthing a demon spawn from his vaginal flaps is a theory that has some weight, however. It explains a lot of loose ends.

Sullivan being exposed as the killer would prove that Benoit is innocent, something which the posts in this thread have proven already with its expert analytical work. It wouldn't affect WWE much, since no one actually knows who Kevin Sullivan is. I legit had to Wikipedia him before replying. And his Wikipedia page is only a few paragraphs long.

Thats a good point, which makes this more and more a Kevin Sullivan venture, and as you mentioned he is not exactly well known so him being the perpetrator damages the industry far less than it would if Benoit did it, which means to me Vince and co covered it up because Vince knows a truth we all don't. Kevin Sullivan is Azor Azhai reborn.
I think this is a great idea for a thread. Considering there is probably at least a 50/50 shot that he was set up (Kevin Sullivan is a good possibility, I have John Cena as another prime suspect. We all know he isn't the kind of guy he's portrayed to be on TV) there needs to be a serious discussion about this.

I have evidence that Cena also sank the Titanic and killed Cock Robin.

We still don't know who it was in 2000 who let the dogs out, but I'm pretty sure it was Cena also.

If there truth were to come out that Benoit didn't do it(again, something I think is quite likely) there would be major changes. The media would have to answer to all the slandering and whatnot it did not only of Mr. Benoit, but the entire WWE. I expect some big lawsuits and some big payouts.

Chris's parents would be the richest men and women in the world, as every media outlet in the world would give them over $9,000.

Popularity wise, it'll do wonders for the WWE. Old viewers would flock back and new ones would come in bushels once they see the WWE isn't about guys on roids who murder people. I would fully expect the WWE to at least double in popularity after Benoit is found innocent.

And when he is found innocent, and his name is cleared, he can finally go back to work for the WWE.

I could go on and on but when the truth comes out it really is going to be a gamechanger and people will look at WWE and the entire landscape of pro wrestling in a whole new light.

Alright, now that I'm through trolling Coco, I don't think anything will change that much. They could say his name on TV now, but no formal apologies or anything. I doubt they're going to hot-shot him to the Hall of Fame.
I have evidence that Cena also sank the Titanic and killed Cock Robin.

We still don't know who it was in 2000 who let the dogs out, but I'm pretty sure it was Cena also.

You'll find that everything pre-2003 is Triple H's fault actually. Lets be realistic with the Cena hate for once guys, please.
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