What does your WZ username mean?

I do variations on art-y things atm because I think of myself as an art-y kindof guy. Currently it's encompassed within the name of Descartes although I later found out I'd spelled the first name wrong making any kind of intellectual inferrence null and void. But Descartes currently also because I like phlosophy.
Because Kaneda is not as obscure and it's often taken.

It also leads to annoying people posting TETSUOOOOOOOOO!
The idea was a temporary spoof on the name Mark Madden (which I'd then change to Dick Paglino and Dustbin LaBar)... But then I thought, "hey, this isn't a bad name" and decided to keep it for the long run. I've also been using James Bond movie titles as my custom user title, replacing one word with 'smark' :D
All my usernames have Jam in it since Jam is part of my real name. And no, my real name isn't Benjamin. Take out the Ben and you have my name. Kind of a boring explanation though. Why can't I be cool!? :confused:
My current name is part of The Kliq names Dynamite, Spidey, Jam, Bagpipes and I did after our Skype group.

I have a request in to become The Phenomenal Matrix as both a tribute to my current favorite wrestler AJ Styles and my favorite character from VGHS, Jenny Matrix.
My first name was an attempt to make me seem awesome (it sucked) then I realised Lee was just going by Lee so I thought I'd do it with my name
When I was 15-16 a movie called Fubar came out that was filmed in Calgary with the 2 main characters being Deaner and Terry. Since that movie came out one of my nicknames has been Deaner, the Terry part just happened to get added on because I don't like having a ton of different usernames and Deaner by itself was too common to use consistently.
Current user name is a tribute to a character in a visual novel that I really like. Old user name was a play on the E.C.H.E.L.O.N surveillance network used to monitor electronics. Thought the name was fitting when I was first modded. Stuck with it because it sounded cool.
I started out with a horrible username: Undertaker's#1fan! I just wanted people to know that 'Taker was my all time favorite wrestler. It sucked.

So one night, I was browsing the forums while I was watching I Am Legend. So I got the idea to change my name to I Am Phenom. It still shows my love for 'Taker and its not as sucky as Undertaker's#1fan.
My name is Nathan. ICP used to talk about an old homie they had named Nate The Mac in a few of their songs. Every Juggalo I ran into would always refer to me as Nate The Mac. I turned The Mac into DaMac. Voila.

Noticeably F.A.T. was a character from Fry's past on Futurama.

Sandy Cervix was a News Reporter on South Park.

Chuck Finley was Sam's alter ego on Burn Notice.
Hmmm, three aspects - Fit Finlay was one of my favorite wrestlers as a young one (despite being a heel) as he was from my wee country. When he turned up in WCW and kicked Steven Regal's ass, he cemented his place as one of my all time favorites (still hoping KB'll include me in the WZT list contributors at some stage so I can attempt to bring the Belfast Bruiser back in to the 128). The '4Life' aspect comes from the nWo and my love for WCW back in the day.
X comes from xfearbefore, which has been my username for years, which is something I made when I was about fourteen years old because I was obsessed with the band Fear Before the March of Flames, who conveniently enough changed their name eventually to Fear Before.

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