What Does Paul Heyman do After CM Punk?


Dark Match Winner
I've been wondering this for awhile, what does Paul Heyman do after his CM Punk alliance? A lot of people probably think he's behind The Shield and Brad Maddox, but I don't really buy anyone being behind them. Having a higher power of sorts just doesn't really go with what The Shield or Maddox is going for.

Assuming Paul Heyman will be permanently stuck at the hip with Brock Lesnar, he's gonna have a "pet project" to hold him over while Lesnar is away just like what CM Punk did this year.

I doubt this would happen, but I hope he aligns with Wade Barrett. When Barrett joined, (at the time) Team Punk, Barrett told Heyman that he owes him a favor. I'm hoping that means his managerial services. Heyman would definitely elevate Wade Barrett to the main-event level.

So what do you guys think?
IMO Wade Barrett doesn't need a Manager, he has the mic skills, and the in-ring ability to make it on his own.
Makes his debut as a wrestler and ends the streak.

Seriously, God knows. All I know is, on-screen, Heyman is Gold at anythign he does. Commentary, manager, GM... whatever. He will be fine if he decides to stay around, and will strive as normal.
So does CM Punk, in fact he's the best in both categories out of full-time wrestlers. It doesn't change the fact that his Heyman alliance isn't great.

To be honest I find CM Punk rather boring on the mic.

His promos are all like "Wee! Look at me! I've been Champ for over a year! Aren't I cool?!" and I just go "No! You suck"
Probably, you know, leave.

He came back originally to represent Brock Lesnar in the angle with Triple H, it developed into the managerial role because Heyman felt like he wanted to do this again, but as hes stated on Twitter and has been reported, apparently he has no contract with the WWE. Which is justified due to his past experiences with Vince McMahon, WWE Creative, his opinions against there's and so on so forth.

Unless Brock resigns for another year, which is pretty plausible considering hes sitting on his rear end, Dana White has said Brock isn't coming back, hardly going to become an actor, once Paul finishes his alliance with Punk unless there's an angle with it I'd expect him to leave and focus on his other ventures.

His promos are all like "Wee! Look at me! I've been Champ for over a year! Aren't I cool?!" and I just go "No! You suck"

It's as though hes trying to play the irritating bad guy or something... oh, wait.
After CM Punk he'll go back to Lesnar, managing him when he faces The Undertaker at Wrestlemania. Paul Heyman will slowly split away from Punk and will go back with Brock. It will be awesome to see Heyman talk about the streak being ended and all!
Well i kind of like the idea of Hayman teaming up with a heel Randy Orton. Everyone knows that Ortons weekness is his mic skills, But with Hayman by his side to do all the talking. I believe he would quickly become the number one Heel in the company again.
Well, I think it would be pretty cool if Paul Heyman convinced Big E Langston to turn on Dolph ziglar down the road and allign himself with Big E. This would accomplish a few things. By this time Dolph could easily be the WHC on smackdown and have AJ and Langston backing him up like he does now. If they go through with a storyline like this it could be what gets Dolph over as a face and he could show that more aggressive side that he has not yet shown. An example of this is when HBK was Champion back in 1996 he started to wrestle guys like Vader and Mankind which showed he could go toe to toe with any kind of wrestler and prevail as WWF Champion. This would also put Big E Langston in the main event picture and give him a chance to prove he could hang in the main event. As for AJ she would be a wild card I would have Langston destroy her to get a lot of heel heat. This would also spark that aggression in Dolph that I think we would need to see to get him over as as face. Paul Heyman and Big E Langston would be similar to Heyman and Brock Lesnar which I think was a highly successful pair up. For the record I am not a typical IWC guy that is obsessed with Dolph Ziglar but I do believe this is one of the best ways to utilize Heyman to create an intruiging storyline.
It would be great if he stays but I doubt so. It's been well documented with his problems with The McMahons. I was surprised that he returned in the first place because of those problems. But if someone sensible enough to put their problems aside and hire him, probably Triple H as seen with him trying to get Bruno into the HOF, he is an incredible manager and a great mouthpiece for so many guys in their roster that needs someone like him. As for who, if Ryback turns heel he would be the prime candidate. If not, probably Big E Langston. Personally I would like to see him with Joe Hennig and Ted Dibiase Jr. They are both potential great superstars that can't seem to get their breakout, someone like Heyman can certainly help them with that.

Wade Barrett is great on the mic and already got his big breakout with Nexus. I mean how many people can say they pushed John Cena around and threw water on his face? What WWE needs to do is to push him up higher in the card and I'm sure he will thrive.
Yeah, this whole "Guy doesn't need a manager" line of thinking needs to die. It's a byproduct of McMahon's own depushing of managers over the years, and is just silly. CM Punk proved anybody, even the Best in the World, can benefit from having a manager. Especially a manager like Paul Heyman.

The Horsemen didn't need a manager either, individually or as a unit, and yet there was JJ Dillon.

It's a numbers game, and two is always greater than one, especially for a heel.
ok how bout this. a few people have him managing different people all over the board. why not a stable. dangerous alliance anyone? i mean everyone has wanted stables back for a while and that could lead to flair reforming the horsemen also. imagine a new age D.A. vs horsemen jus like back in the old wcw
Who the actual fuck is Dolph Ziglar? I've heard of Dolph Ziggler.

Oh and Big E Langston sucks, I know that and I don't watch NXT.

I apologize I was looking up Zig Ziglar earlier who was a well known sales person and public speaker and recently died. I am sorry I got my Zigglers mixed up. I am not saying Langston is great, but thats why having Heyman would probably improve him a lot the same way it did for Brock Lesnar. Not saying that Langston is as good as Lesnar, but there are obvious similarities between them if you have ever seen Langston in the ring he his Big, Fast, Agile, and Very Strong. I also like the idea another person had in here that said Heyman could manage Joe Hennig that would be awesome to help get him over. Joe Hennig is one of those guys that could be elevated with the help of Heyman for sure, but he needs some character development for sure.
I believe it's going to go 1 of 3 ways. It'll be revealed that Heyman is the one behind the Brad Maddox screw job at Hell In A Cell. And the mastermind behind The Shield. Pissing Punk off because he felt he didn't need the help because he is "best in the world" thus their break up. OR Brock Lesnar comes back and Heyman pays more attention to Lesnar while Punk is still champ and Punk feels that he's not getting respect from Heyman and Lesnar. But most likely after one of the two theory's happens Heyman will just leave because The Shield will be strong enough on their own and Lesnar will probably leave again also and Punk will become a face again and hopefully WWE lets him loose in the ring and on the mic. If they do that I believe Punk can over take Cena as the top face in WWE. Take it to the bank!
Well I can only assume that Lesner is making his return soon for his fight at Wrestlemania and one would assume that Heyman is going to be managing him up until then, since Punk doesn't really need a mouth piece, and if he does lose the WWE title, he won't need Heyman following him around holding it for him.
I personally think Paul Heyman will use The Shield to turn on CM Punk. Or just Dean Ambrose but I feel like that group is the perfect place to stick Heyman.

Or a GM role would be cool also.
I think Heyman is just going to finish up with WWE when Brock leaves and when Vince and creative decide to finish the alliance with Punk. If i was booker though I would have Heyman manage an up and comer ffrom NXT like Bray Wyatt. I know Bray has the mic skills and the monster persona but with the evil Heyman in his corner directing him I think would be brilliant to introduce him onto the main roster.
Well in a perfect world he would go on backstage to be in creative and bring about some new and interesting ideas.But obviously that is not going to happen so he will prolly move on unless Brock Lesnar signs again and WWE feels they still need Paul.

I would love for him to stay as much as possible because he is one of kind in his own way.He's a beast on the mic and the man has passion for wrestling.
I expect the WWE to take a complete shot in the dark at a fucking stupid idea of which they'll blame Paul Heyman if it doesn't find legs.

I hope that he's granted more time as a heel manager. I hate him with all my heart on a personal level, but I really do love the character he plays on tv.

You mentioned something that I'd really like to see. Perhaps it turns out that Paul has been paying off The Shield to do their run ins. When they seem to be ready to strike against The Rock at the Royal Rumble, they back off and let Rock score a clean win because it turns out that Paul's check for that run in bounced. Have Punk set up stronger emotions for whatever Wrestlemania match they give him by showing that he's ditched Paul, who as it turns out has always pulled strings to make the lengthy title reign happen. The Shield destroy Paul Heyman and that becomes his excuse for leaving tv for a little while, Paul maybe comes back a couple months later with a returning Lesnar or Ryback.
Paul is a genius.Id be very surprised if he just up and left after he is done with punk.The think the obvious choice is that he is the leader of the shield and he gets more involved with them post wrestlemania.
I don't think we have to worry about where Paul goes or what he does next for a while.

The part of Punk's promo on Monday night where he promised / guaranteed that he would still be WWE Champion next year on New Year's Day (2014) spoke volumes to me.

Call me batty, but I actually think Punk is going to hold the title throughout 2013 and on January 1, 2014, he will have held the title for at least 741 days (which is what his streak would have reached by 01/01/2014). If that's the case, I see no reason for Paul to not be by his side the entire time. They're excellent together.
I'm think we'll see a major shake-up for the direction of Heyman's character soon enough. WWE must have some plans for Brock Lesnar's return during the upcoming Wrestlemania build-up. CM Punk doesn't need someone to talk for him, but Lesnar? He NEEDS Heyman. Heyman carried Lesnar on the mic during the feud with Triple H, and I highly doubt WWE is going to trust Lesnar to carry a Wrestlemania feud on the mic by himself. No, he's going to need some help, and Heyman is the man for the job.

After that, I wouldn't be surprised to see Paul ride off into the sunset. Punk doesn't need help in promos, and Lesnar's future is uncertain.
I don't think we have to worry about where Paul goes or what he does next for a while.

The part of Punk's promo on Monday night where he promised / guaranteed that he would still be WWE Champion next year on New Year's Day (2014) spoke volumes to me.

Call me batty, but I actually think Punk is going to hold the title throughout 2013 and on January 1, 2014,
he will have held the title for at least 741 days (which is what his streak would have reached by 01/01/2014). If that's the case, I see no reason for Paul to not be by his side the entire time. They're excellent together.

You're batty.

It all depends on how much longer he stays with Punk. If he's not with him much longer, then I would love to see him manage the Shield. It would be live the ECW invasion.
I see two things turning out.

1. Hayman turning on Punk and is behind The Shield/ Maddox. Which will be great I think. He would bring a lot to the table for those guys. And Having Paul managing The Shield will draw more interest not they are not interesting.

2. Going back to Brock for WM which I wouldn't be surprise if this happened.

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