What do you want to see WWE focus on?

I want them to go back to one thing that always worked in the Attitude Era....no, not cursing, TnA, TV-14, etc....WWE needs to go back to having storylines that intertwine. Here's an example I posted earlier in another thread....

Like I've been saying all along, any division is better when there are intertwining storylines. Right now, it's Hell No against RS, but PTP looked to be having a decent start to a feud with HN....can they be involved in a feud with another team, and still cost HN a match? This goes for anybody, whether in the tag division, mid card for a title (or not for a title), or for anyone in the Main Event.....can we have wrestlers involved in a primary feud, but also have a secondary feud that is used to plant seeds of a future feud when the timing is right or when the stakes are bigger? The biggest reason the Attitude Era was so popular and successful, in my opinion, wasn't because of the cursing and the t.its and a.ss, it was because nobody ever looked like they were feudless and sputtering their tires.....any feud that was going on was the culmination of a smaller feud that started while both wrestlers were involved in other feuds. I'm waiting for WWE to go back to that.....that's when people will stop complaining about boring RAWs and predictable storylines.

I didn't know this until the other day, but apparently, Stone Cold and Rock have only had 5 one on one matches ever. That's incredible to me, since I thought it would have been more, but it's very telling.....back then, despite these two being the biggest stars and many times being on opposing sides, WWE was able to hold off on overdoing this feud by always having each of them involved with other people at the same time.

I like this idea the most.

Compelling storylines that feature wrestling and not existing for the sake of existing, with everybody having a storyline or some reason to be competing against each other than one's heel & one's face/someone wants the belt the other person holds. In a three hour show, even in a two hour show, it's entirely possible to have storylines for each wrestler/stable/tag team, because it doesn't mean you have to spend forever on it. You can tell a five minute story with a ten minute match, or however you want to work the numbers, even if it's just a short promo with the person explaining why they're going after someone, that's something that can be built upon into a story. At the same time, the stories should be done well, and not arbitrary or frankly stupid. It is possible.

Right now WWE is not making me care about the wrestlers. If I watch a horror movie and someone gets killed with no background or sympathy built up for them, am I going to feel bad because they died? Or if they were a douchebaggy character modern horror films seem to love nowadays? The parallel to the latter is a wrestler with an annoying/stupid gimmick - I won't care if they win/lose, I won't care what they want, because I'll just want them off my screen. We don't care about the douchebag (wrestler with bad gimmick/no storyline/low ability), we care about the "final girl" (wrestler with a good gimmick/storyline/ability) because they've been through hell and have fought to stay alive. That's what I'm missing with the product, along with Divas being wrestlers and not models. They need to focus on reminding fans, informing new/casual fans that women's wrestling is legitimate and stop portraying it as they do. People won't care about a wrestler if the company doesn't care about them, because sheeple will buy whatever is sold to them. They won't think "Why aren't they using [insert wrestler name here] properly?" they'll just think "That guy sucks. He's always losing." The IWC will think differently, of course, but Vince doesn't answer to us and frankly doesn't give two swinging nuts about our opinion.

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