Wrestling Tournaments


Pre-Show Stalwart
I used to find King of the Ring throughly enjoyable, and whenever they run championship tournaments, number 1 contender tournaments, or qualification tournaments they always seem to go down well. It also gives meaning to matches that otherwise are just fillers on TV. Alternatively they could dedicate a PPV to a tournament like survivor series '98 for example, to frshen up one of the B PPV's, or even Survivor Series itself which has been a disapointment the last couple of years in my opinion.

So do you beleive we are overdue one? Or do you not like the idea of a tournament? Could it be a ratings winner, or increase buyrates, or would it be a flop?
Yeah i like the tourneys like KOTR. It does give good meaning to otherwise filler matches like you were saying. I like the tourney to all be done together though, that IC one went a bit too long for me.

It would be sick to see a US Title #1 contender tourney that ran for one show then the next week it could be defended.
I love wrestling tournaments, especially the one night ones. Unfortunately, they couldnt draw peanuts to a circus, so there is unlikely to be a whole lot more. I would love to see it as a way to push people, as it was so beautifully used before, but the PPV itself, and last years raw special, drew horrible ratings, and buyrates. Possibly if they put higher profile people in it, put a shot at the title at summerslam on the line, and made the second round all gimmick matches, it might have a chance to up the interest in it, but for whatever reason, right now, there just isnt a lot.
So do you believe we are overdue one?

Mo, we just had the IC number 1 contenders tournament, which I thoroughly enjoyed.

I love tournaments, it brings a certain air about it, and you always have a tag team face each other which is good to watch as they don't have to explain WHY they are facing each other.

If there was one to happen I think it should be onn ECW, this would really help the brand as the entire ECW roster would integrate, something they don't really do at the moment.
I love tournaments as well. They are a good way to build hype/feuds towards a belt or match. Tournaments can also help the non winners too, and can establish feuds for them with the other participants.

I think an ECW tournament would be useful for that brand. Right now you have one main feud Christian/Swagger/Finlay and that's about it. Having a tournament would give the other guys something to do and add a solid attraction to the show.

I'm glad the WWE doesn't do alot of them or they would be overkill and wouldn't seem special but I think they should do at least 1-2 a year. Tournaments could be big if they get the right hype and have the right wrestlers.
To begin with, are we forgetting the IC #1 contenders tourney that ended like 6 weeks ago?

I love the idea of brackets and seeing the path that someone has to take to get to the finals and to a victory, but they're not the best in practicality. One night tournaments with 8 people or more just never work because the fans get tired of seeing the same guys all night long. The wrestlers get tired and the matches suffer because of it. They go on too long and there's almost always a draw or a bye of some kind, which is just dull. Over a few weeks tehy can work very well though, as long as they're worth something. I can't stand #1 contenders touranemnts. The IC one just felt odd as the title wasn't on the line, but just a shot. They can work if done properly, but they rarely are.
I wouldn't mind a tournament of some kind down the road. Maybe if a real injury or a kayfabe injury occurs to a champ, we can see a tournament done to crown a new champion. Or even if by chance do the King of the Ring tournament on PPV and the winner gets a title shot at Summerslam or something. There are just so many ways for a tournament to be put into place. Like the two examples above and another could be if the WWE introduces a new championship, say on ECW, we can see a tournament to crown the new champ. As you can tell I am a big fan of tourneys, as long as they mean something and as long as they aren't overdone. I'd say 2 a year at the max.
yeah i liked kotr..i went to the one where edge one won it and i saw kurt angle fight three times including when he almost killed shane o mac by throughing him through the glass but i also liked it when it was a big deal..it sucks ass now..i liked the idea of the winner getting the number one contenders spot on the summerslam card. im not buying the regal king of the ring B.S. it seems like its nothing more than an angle for a heel now a day just to give him something to do. i'ld like to see a wwe version of the x division tourney just to see guys like jimmy yang and low-ki go at it
I have only been a wrestling fan since 2005. I like the KOTR the had on Raw. But I would love to see it on a ppv with all the matches taken place in one night.

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