What Do You Think About This about Kane and Taker?

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Look they say that Kane is quitting. He could quit in January then i has the best storyline. Triple H and Shawn Michaels can become Heel. The DX is killing Taker! Beating him up avery week. Then in one match between Undertaker and King Booker (?) at Royal Rumble, The DX comes in beating up Taker. Suddenly the arena goes dark and then its red for a while. This is about 10 seconds. Then it comes back to normal. The DX goes crazy wondering what happend. Taker sits up and chokeslams them and then tombstones Booker for the win. Before No Way Out, you get to see an video message of Taker. He is at an Cemetery and talks to Paul Bearer. Taker is begging Bearer to help him. Bearer doesn't know how to help him. Then at No Way out Triple H (?) beats Taker after an Pedigree and an Sweet Chin Music by Michaels.

Paul Bearer then comes in to the ring. He asks The DX that he got the best idea ever for the Wrestlemania! It's an Tagteam Match. It will be The DX vs Undertaker and someone as his tagteam mate. It will be an Hell In A Cell Match.

Not untill the last RAW before Wrestlemania you can get an view who it can be. Taker sends an videomessage where you can see an house burning and a child and an woman scream. Then it comes back to Undertaker who closes his eyes. He says that he regrets what he has done in his life and after Wrestlemania he will go to his grave and Rest In Peace... but he won't get any Peace if he doesn't win that match. Then at Smackdown! Just after the main event match: The DX has just beaten Rey Mysterio and Batista. They gets an videomessage.

First you can see Paul Bearer with an smile. He is in an WC. He smiles and says that Undertaker will Rest In Peace because his family will help him. Then the camera looks at the mirrors. You can see someone dressed in red holding an mask in his hands (The Whole mask). You can only see the man from behind. He looks at Paul Bearer who rubbs his hands. The man lifts up the mask to the air and you can see that it's the old Kane mask. The man says:

- It's Time To Put The Mask On Again.... One Last Time!

The Video message closes and the crowd should by this time know who it can be... (it's Kane for you who didn't notice it)

Then at Wrestlemania The DX comes in first. Then comes the Undertaker then the arena wents dark... The old Kane theme with the organ in the beginning starts to play. (Notice: When the guitars starts it's the new and not the old theme)!!! TWO GIANT PYROS EXPLODES at the same time as the arena colors red!!! The announcer introduces him at the same time as Kane in his oldest clothes comes in.

Announcer: Ladies And Gentlemens let me introduce to you all the tagteam mate for the Undertaker.... Weightning at 326 pounds.... KANE!!!!

The crowd will go wild and if McMahon has made an good card it will be the best Wrestlemania ever.

(How Taker and Kane wins)

In the match Mankind interrupts when Kane is fighting Triple H on the floor and Taker is fighting Michaels on the top of the cell. There is a lot of tables set up on the ground on top of eachother. Kane nails Triple H with an sidewalk slam and starts to punch him. Taker lifts up Shawn Michales for an chokeslam, but suddenly Mankind comes up on the cell and low blows Taker! He then hits Taker with the Double-Arm DDT. He then shows up Mr. Socko! It's time for the Mandible Claw! Taker sits up and goes against Mankind who is going for the Mandible Claw, but Taker hits him with an big boot. Mankind is quickly up, but goes diractly into the hands of Taker who nails him with an chokeslam and Mankind falls down from the Cage crashing through the tables. Taker then nails Michaels with an sidewalkslam. Kane comes up on the cell and walks to Taker and looks at him. They then looks at Michaels. They lifts him up and delievers an double chokeslam. Then suddenly Triple H comes up. He clotheslines Taker and then Kane. He has the Sledge Hammer with himself up. He signalates the end as he is going to nail the sledge hammer on Taker. Kane goes first up. He looks at Triple H and then at Taker. Triple H starts to insult Taker and Kane does nothing about it. Triple H then throws away the hammer and he and Michaels starts to punch Taker. After an while they stops and gets an microphone and starts to talk. HHH says:

- I thought you knew that your stupid brother hated you! How dumb can you be? You know what, Taker... i'm gonna Pedigree you to hell now and then you can Rest... In... Peace!

Shawn Michaels then grabbs the mic and says:

- Any last words, Taker?

Then he puts the mic to Takers lips and he says:

- Kane... you are my brother... you... will always be... brothers sticks together whatever happends.... brothers love eachother.... .... ... i love you my brother!

(i know it sounds gay, but it's the best way to break the fans heart and if Kane turns the DX back they will go wild)

Kane looks at Taker and shakes his head. HHH and Michaels laughs. HHH lifts up Taker, but Taker strikes back with and low blow and, but gets taken down by Michaels. Taker kicks away Michaels and grabbs the mic and says:

- Help me brother... Brother of Destruction... We are one!

HHH hits Taker with an kick to his head. HHH looks angry and grabbs Takers hair and lifts him up. He pushes him back to Michaels who holds Taker. HHH then goes to take the hammer, but Kane has an foot on it. HHH looks up at Kane and smiles and then bends over to pull it away, but the heavy Kane is still standing on it. HHH rises up and screams at Kane:

- What the hell is your problem you dumb idiot! It's not my fault that Taker made all that crap to you! Now... Let him suffer!

Kane then suddenly grabbs an chokeslam hold on HHH and the crowd goes wild! He chokeslams him and the crowd goes wild (I'm telling y'all they will!). He then hits his patented sidewalk slam on Shawn Michaels. Undertaker rises up. They have an staredown. Undertaker rises up his hand. He wants to shake Kanes head. After a long while they do it and Kane lifts up Michaels and Taker lifts up HHH. Kane hits an chokeslam and Taker an Tombstone Piledriver. Taker pins and gets the three count.

The both of them rises. They walks around a little before Taker grabbs the microphone and starts to talk:

(He has a little mushy mushy speech shit before he turns against Kane.)

- Kane... averyone.... At Judgement Day... we will have an funeral... and i will once and for all... Rest... In... Peace!

Kane takes of his mask. They looks at eachother. Kane grabbs the microphone and says:

- I will be there brother... i will follow you to the death! Then i will return to hell... where i once escaped from...

The Kane Theme starts to play as the PPV quits....


Look in this way Kane will be in an wrestlemania main event

Brothers Of Destruction will be re-united

They will meet 2 of the greatest wrestlers today

Mankind will make an apperiance

Masked Kane returns... not the half masked, but the full masked

Kane and Undertaker has an excellent last match in the WWE and they are quiting in Wrestlemania

The band between the brothers is tightning up when Kane saves Kane

I'm telling you all... it will be on of the best matches ever. The Masked Kane vs Undertaker Staredown will be better than the Hulk Hogan vs Andre The Giant Staredown.

It will be one of the top-5 moments in the WWE History!

At Judgement Day in the ring there is an Casket. It's closed. Paul Bearer, The McMahons, Hogan (because he is an legend), The World Heavyweight Champion, The WWE Champion, The RAW GM and the Smackdown! GM and Kane is standing in the ring. The Smackdown! and RAW roster is standing on the entrance ramp. Kane has his speech and in the end he says:

- Now it's time for me to go back to... hell and for you... (looks at averyone in the ring)... i will take you with me!

He chokeslams everyone in the ring and makes the Kane Taunt and pyros explodes from the turnbuckles and the arena is colored red and Kanes leaves the arena with an evil smile on his face.

And that is the last time we see Kane...

What do you think?

Gimme long answers...
I gotta say thats pretty freakin detailed i would love to see that also i liek the way you included Mankind. That sounds really wicked
Hell In A Cell isn't the same without Mankind dude! And if he gets chokeslammed by Taker (AGAIN!!!) down from the cell it will be an immortale match.
wow, that truly would be great if that happened, very unlikely, but that would be a really cool end of their careers
^^^^haha, ya it was a great writing, and should happen, even though i'd like to see kane be champ again
Extremely detailed...great story...I would love to see that match happen at wrestlemania to end Taker's great career and Kane's great career. I would like to see Kane win the title before he retires but this would be amazing.
I'm going to be honest with you amigo, I read through a few lines and said, "This guy has wayy to much time on his hands lol". It's cute that you have such passion though.
okay, see the whole thing about mankind is kinda random, i know that kane and the undertaker have had a past with mankind but still you need to somehow add mankind into the storyline. one thing, undertaker is not retiring but it would be awesome to see him leave like that (though instead of kane leaving, i'd like to see him disappear after a blinding pyro in the ring). also at the end of the match, it was too movie-like. too much talking, really all the talking goes on before the match and after the match, not during. otherwise it has real potential.
Well i know it was mushy mushy in the end, but that's the best way to twist the heart of the crowd. Can't you imagine Kane, suddenly grabb and chokeslam hold around the throat of Triple H that moment tights an band between him and Taker.

At Judgement Day. Undertaker Becomes Dead and Kane goes to hell... just that Kane stops his career with a devastating force by chokeslamming avery fucker in the ring!

I know that DX won't be for Wrestlemania, but Shawn Michaels and HHH is two of the besta and famous in the WWE. It would be better with DX then Batista and Mysterio.... that would only be wrong because Batista and Mysterio is still: "The New Guys" in a way.

I know that it was strange that Mankind came in, but a Hell in a Cell is nothing without Mankind...

Mankind and Edge, they wouldn't fit together and no offence to Edge-fans, but Edge isn't worthy to be in Takers and Kanes last match.

I got some good ideas:

Mankind and Steven Austin?

Mankind and Kurt Angle (Even if Angle doesn't fit in HIAC match)

Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle?

Mankind and Fake Undertaker? (i know)

There is according to me only those guys who is worthy to meet Kane and Taker.
Nah, he is in TNA... you can't seriously think that TNA gives Nash to him.
great strory, ending could use a little work but a great story anyway and it would draw HUGE ratings. i would like to see kane get a big push before that tho.....maybe this storyline could start a few more months before with kane winning the title, HHH unfortunately getting the title put back on him when with the help of hbk he beats kane and i dunno they do something prety hardcore to him like putting him through the stage or burying him alive or somethin. then this leads to the match. taker and kane win, they retire, and then the push of benjamin begins and he and hhh start a feud
You people Kane ain't retiring it was comfirmed by kane at a house show thats all a rumor that kane's retiring, Kane said he ain't retiring, he still have lots in him
well, this would make undertaker resign and i heard he doesnt want to. also, mankind has nothing to do with them at all....And plus, seeing him fall off a cage again into tables would upset me because the first time was unscripted and totally their decision.

dont get me wrong, id love to see this happen...but you asked for detailed answers so this is what i think
I haven't said anything bad to you. It's good that you make your voice heard. I think personally that they could have putten Mankind in that storyline in one way or the other.
I liked it a lot, but I didn't like the ending and I didn't like the Mankind part.

I didn't like the Mankind part, only because it would be cheesy to see him fall off the top and then not make another appearence in the match...

Didn't like the ending, because you can't just walk away from your own burial.

Here's how I would have done it.

At SNME instead of RAW, because that's both rosters together in one arena, instead the whole roster in one half of the roster's arena.

Two Caskets are set up beside the ramp, in front of a dirt pit and a bulldozer.

Both GMs are in the ring, Undertaker, Kane, and Paul Bearer, with the WWE Champ and the Heavyweight champ, The McMahons, and EVERY legend alive and available that they would be able to get that have been affected by Kane and the Undertaker, (Ted DiBiase, The Rock, Stone Cold, etc.), and the whole roster at the top of the ramp.

Vince McMahon: "Well, this is a very sad day today. Two of the greatest superstars to ever set foot in the ring, are passing away today. The Undertaker and Kane won one of the greatest matches ever, in Wrestlemania history. They defeated another two of the greatest superstars ever, Shawn Michaels, and Triple H in a tag-team match inside a Hell in a Cell. Today, they decided to die together. That is their grave."

Points to the caskets on the dirt pile. One has a red plaque with "KANE" enscribed on it, and one has a blue plaque, with "UNDERTAKER" on it.

Undertaker, Kane, and Paul Bearer begin to walk towards the grave. When they are on top, The face Mr.McMahon again.

Vince: "You two had your greatest matches ever, at Wrestlemania 23. You went to Hell and back again, to escape that punishing cell. Now, both of you, will Rest In Peace."

Both Kane and the Undertaker turn to face the graves, but Undertaker stops. Kane turns and looks at him, but Undertaker grabs him by the throat. He lifts him up, holding him for about ten seconds, and slams him into his casket. He closes the door, and locks it with a padlock. He grabs Paul Bearer by the throat also, and chokeslams him into his own, (Undertaker's), casket. He closes the door and padlocks it also. He lifts both caskets up, and throws each one into the dirt pit. The crowd boos. Undertaker grabs a mic.

Undertaker: "I killed him. My brother. I killed him a long time ago, but this will be his resting place. Once and for all. Kane is dead."

He looks up and rolls his eyes back into his head.

Taker: "Rest... In... PEACE!!!!"

Then the screen dims with the crowd booing and him smiling.
Rowheart said:
Well i know it was mushy mushy in the end, but that's the best way to twist the heart of the crowd. Can't you imagine Kane, suddenly grabb and chokeslam hold around the throat of Triple H that moment tights an band between him and Taker.

At Judgement Day. Undertaker Becomes Dead and Kane goes to hell... just that Kane stops his career with a devastating force by chokeslamming avery fucker in the ring!

I know that DX won't be for Wrestlemania, but Shawn Michaels and HHH is two of the besta and famous in the WWE. It would be better with DX then Batista and Mysterio.... that would only be wrong because Batista and Mysterio is still: "The New Guys" in a way.

I know that it was strange that Mankind came in, but a Hell in a Cell is nothing without Mankind...

Mankind and Edge, they wouldn't fit together and no offence to Edge-fans, but Edge isn't worthy to be in Takers and Kanes last match.

I got some good ideas:

Mankind and Steven Austin?

Mankind and Kurt Angle (Even if Angle doesn't fit in HIAC match)

Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle?

Mankind and Fake Undertaker? (i know)

There is according to me only those guys who is worthy to meet Kane and Taker.

How about Fake Undertaker and Fake Kane? Then the real ones completely obliterate them and then destroy Michaels and Triple H.
The Greatest End for the Kane persona would be for him to beat the undertaker at wrestlemania not team with him, He is the one that should have that right as it is only fitting. Will never forget there first wm match when Kane kicked out of 2 tombstones. The only way kane will be memorable will be if he defeats taker in his last match, Which i think should happen
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