What card would you of done to Wrestlemania 25?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
well like my last post where we dicussed what we would change about Wrestlemania 13, Im going to go with Wrestlemania 25 because this was'nt very good apart from HBK/Taker which was awesome but for the 25th Wrestlemania you would of thought WWE would of pulled out all the stops.....

I know Hogan was due to compete but if I remember him and VKM could'nt agree a price to job to Cena so Hogan decided to have that Back surgery which left WWE throwing John Cena into a program with Edge/Big Show which was a ok match but the whole PPV didnt have that 25th Annuel Wrestlemania feel like Wrestlemania 20 and WM 10 had so like my title says what would you of changed about the card..........for me

Main Event
John Cena vs Hulk Hogan

ok I know this would of been a really shit and proberly doubtful but it was being discussed at the time from both parties but Hogan/Vince could'nt agree a price the WM moment would of been classic and with this main eventing the card would of got alot more buy rates then what the PPV had, SuperCena vs SuperHogan the build up would of been great and I would of paid Hogan what ever he wanted cause in the long run WWE would of made 10 times as much back.

Streak Match
Shawn Michales vs Undertaker

this was just awesome the build up was great and the match *****

WWE Title
Ref: Ric Flair
Batista vs Triple H vs Randy Orton

I would of brought back Batista earlyer and then through him into the feud, and turn this match into the battle of who was the man in Evolution and then by adding Ric Flair add's to the Drama of the match and the build up who would of been who's side will be ric be on? would of made the fan's get into this more.

Chris Jericho vs Ricky Steamboat w/Roddy Pipper,Jimmy Snuka
I think Steamboat/Jericho had a decent match at Backlash so would of prefered to see it at Wrestlemania it would of ment more to the fans and I still would of kept the same storyline going into the PPV like they did and just change the Match they had and Proberly dropped Flair cause ive put him into the main event.

World Title
Edge vs Rey Mysterio

this would of been better then Edge/Big Show feud they had and I think having another Edge/Rey feud would of been great because Both men was last in the Elimation Chamber so Rey could of said I would of won unless you didnt cheat to get into the match and these 2 work really well together.

Extreme Rules Match
Jeff Hardy vs Matt Hardy

I enjoyed the feud and the build up plus the match had some ok spots in it.

MITB Match
CM Punk vs John Morrison vs Big Show vs JBL vs Kofi Kingston vs MVP vs Shelton Benjamin vs Miz

Changing the guys in the match would of made the match better

ECW title
Christan vs Jack Swagger

instead of happening at Backlash these 2 could of had a decent match at Wrestlemania instead and could of gave the PPv more of a Wrestlemania feel

so what do you guys think? and what would you of done to make Wrestlemania 25 to grandest 1 of them all since it was the 25th Anniversary
WWE Championship
Triple H vs. Jeff Hardy
- Triple H holds the title until WM25. Jeff Hardy wins the Rumble, Jeff wins. WM moment think of Armageddon Ending but 10 times more awesome.

World Heavyweight Championship
John Cena vs. Randy Orton
Special Guest Enforcer: Stone Cold Steve Austin
- Orton wins the rumble, Cena is World Champion. This is during the story where Orton has attacked the McMahons. So Vince McMahon has no choice but to make Austin the special guest enforcer againts Orton and Legacy.

Streak on the Line
The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels
- Yeah no explanation here

Grudge Match
Edge vs. The Big Show
- Edge and The Big Show fight for Smackdown! Supremacy ... and for Vicky.

A Legend's Return
Chris Jericho vs. Ricky Steamboat w/ Ric Flair
- Considering Steamboat was the highlight of the handicap match. Might as well make it just Steamboat.

Unification Match: Tag Team Championship
Carlito and Primo vs. John Morrison and The Miz
- Should have been left in the card.

Diva's Battle Royale
- W/O Kid Rock and an actual Diva winning like Phoenix ... this could be worth it.

Money in the Bank Ladder Match
- Keeping the same people in. Maybe replace Mark Henry with Matt Hardy?

Intercontinental Championship
Rey Mysterio vs. JBL
- Eh ... it got the job done. Probably would have made it longer. I mean considering I would NOT have Kid Rock in the show.
First things first, op, good thread.


Now to the card that should have been:

Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker

WWE Title Cena vs Big Show

WHC HHH vs Orton Vs Batista
I like the idea of the members of Evolution having a blowoff match for the belt.

Edge and Christian vs The Hardy Boys
When the whole mystery attacker was going on, we all know it was supposed to be Christian. This would have been set up perfectly if they had kept it the way they were going.

Jericho vs Steamboat
I was going to say Jericho vs Rourke, just so Jericho could end his life, but since that wouldn't happen let's keep the only 2 men in the matchup who could actually wrestle.

JBL vs Rey
I still can't believe that was the sendoff for JBL. The feud was built well, and he had a good career, why squash him and have him disappear like that?

Tag Titles The Colons vs Miz and Morrison
I will never understand what makes WWE put things like Kid Rock on in place of Championship matches. Why not have those people perform for the live audience and save us the torment at home.

Same participants, same result.
I'm only going to use people who were on the roster at the time.
Not using Batista (believed he was injured), Ric Flair, Hogan and Steve Austin were all retired

So with that said here is my order of matches:
-Newly created Cruiserweight Belt- Steel Cage: Rey Mysterio vs. Evan Bourne
-Intercontinental Championship- Selton Benjamin (c) vs. Kofi Kingston
-Chris Jericho vs. Steamboat- great match they had at Backlash that should have been at Wrestlemania
-World Heavyweight Championship- John Cena (c) vs. Randy Orton
-Tag Titles, Ladder Match-Edge and Matt Hardy (both heels at the time) (c) vs. Christain and Jeff Hardy (both faces)- at the time I wanted to see this match
-WWE Championship (Fatal Four Way Elimination Match- HHH vs. Big Show vs. CM Punk vs. JBL
-Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels- If they had the same match, def have it as the main event.
WWE Championship
Triple H vs. Jeff Hardy
- Triple H holds the title until WM25. Jeff Hardy wins the Rumble, Jeff wins. WM moment think of Armageddon Ending but 10 times more awesome.

World Heavyweight Championship
John Cena vs. Randy Orton
Special Guest Enforcer: Stone Cold Steve Austin
- Orton wins the rumble, Cena is World Champion. This is during the story where Orton has attacked the McMahons. So Vince McMahon has no choice but to make Austin the special guest enforcer againts Orton and Legacy.


Streak on the Line
Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels
-No reason to change

Extreme Rules Match
Jeff Hardy vs Matt Hardy
- I enjoyed their feud

World Heavyweight Championship
Edge vs Christian
- Would have been a great feud

Mask vs Title
Rey Mysterio vs Chris Jericho
-Have Jericho be IC Champ and get this feud going

WWE Championship
John Cena(c) vs Batista
-have this feud a year earlier

Street Fight
Randy Orton vs Triple H

Money in the Bank Ladder Match
Rtruth vs Punk vs Shelton vs Kane vs Big Show vs Ziggler vs Bourne vs Kofi

US Title Match
-Instead of him dropping the title to Shelton he could have had a feud with JBL and done the whole class vs criminal angle

Unification WWE Tag Team Championship Match
John Morrison and The Miz vs The Colons
-Should have been on the show
Good thread. Always fun to try and relive and rewrite Wrestlemanias.

However, first I have to say people seem to be mixing up the words OF and HAVE.
Incorrect: What would you OF done?
Correct: What would you HAVE done?

(Im not writing that to be snarky or saracastic, just trying to help)

Now, onto the thread at hand. My Mania 25

Seeing as how this was the Anniversary Mania, why not use the retro ring? The red white and blue ropes and the simple yet classic curtain entrance? I think that would have been a nice retro touch. Other than that, there's no need in going overboard with the retro stuff. Hogan had already returned at WM 18.

1)Shelton Benjamin wins Money In The Bank.
Money...Benjamin...All about the Benjamins. I mean, come on, it just works. Plus, this guy deserved it after having so many classic ladder match moments. Besides, Punk had already won it the year prior.

2)Chyna should have participated in the Divas battle royal and had a confrontation with Beth Phoenix.

3)I like the idea of Batista being added to the Orton/Hunter match that someone else came up with

4)Bret Hart should have returned at THIS Wrestlemania. Seeing as how it was the 25th anniversary, it would have made more sense to have him return and confront Vince here than at WM26.

5)John Cena should have been involved with either Rock or Austin in some capacity, if at all possible. Maybe one of them could have been the special referee for the title match.

And finally...

6)Undertaker vs Shawn Micheals should HAVE (not OF) been the main event. This classic should have been the last match of the night. NOT Hunter/Orton.
1. Shelton Benjamin vs CM Punk vs Kofi Kingston vs Chavo Guerrero vs Bryan Kendrick vs Yoshi Tatsu. MITB Match
2. Miz + Morrison vs The Colons vs Hart Dynasty. Tag team title unification Match
3. Chris Jericho vs Ricky Steamboat. Lumberjacks, Dusty Rhodes, Jimmy Snuka, Ric Flair, Roddy Piper, Hulk Hogan, Ted Dibiase sr and Bob Orton. Lumberjack Match w/ Legend Lumberjacks
4. Chyna, Trish Stratus, Sunny, Jaqueline, Lita vs Melina, Mickie James, Michelle McCool, Natalya, Candice Michelle. Past vs Present, Elimination Tag Team Match.
5. Rey Mysterio(c) vs Evan Bourne. Intercontinental Title Match
6.Jeff Hardy vs Matt hardy. TLC Match


1st ME. Edge (C)vs Christian vs John Cena. World Heavyweight title Match
2nd ME. HHH w/ Stephanie and Shane Mcmahon vs Randy Orton(c). Last Man Standing, WWE Title Match
3rd ME. Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels. Streak Match
I love threads like this, I'm going to even pick who I'd have win.

WWE Championship
Jeff Hardy (c) def. Triple H
Anyone who watched SD in late 2008 or 2009 knows that Jeff Hardy was the undisputed face of the show during that time. He deserved much better than a meaningless feud with his fat brother, he should've gotten over a monster heel Triple H as a first time champ.

World Heavyweight Championship
John Cena def. Chris Jericho (c) vs. Edge
This is John Cena's era so it's only fitting that we give him the memorable title win at the silver anniversary of WrestleMania. I don't consider Big Show to be main event worthy in 2009 so I replaced him with one of the best heels of the decade.

Streak Match
Undertaker def. Shawn Michaels
This is one of the best WrestleMania matches of all time so I won't change this at all.

Randy Orton def. Batista
These two Evolution members were extremely over at this point and their history is enough to write the story. An easy and convenient match to draw money.

Money In the Bank Ladder Match
Christian def. John Morrison, CM Punk, Shelton Benjamin, MVP, Kofi Kingston, Evan Bourne, Ted Dibiase
Christian should've been World Champ this year instead of feuding with Swagger on the meaningless show ECW.

Divas Championship Submission Match
Beth Phoenix def. Natalya (c)
Easily the two most dominate divas at the time this would be a classic for the Divas divison.

Intercontinental Championship Match
Ricky Steamboat def. Rey Mysterio (c)
Ricky proves in Backlash that he can still go, so why not put him in the ring with another great in-ring worker? Give him the belt here for the special WrestleMania moment and he can drop it back at Backlash or something.

WWE Tag Team Championships
Kane and Big Show (c) def. Cryme Tyme
I admit this is lazy booking but I didn't think it'd be right to leave Kane and Big Show off the card. At their height Cryme Tyme was extremely over and made a credible run for the titles and I think they could've done another one in 2009 to put over the 7-foot duo

Matt Hardy def. Carlito
Two more decent in-ring workers to fill up the card. Put these 2 in a feud over heel Carlito not believing that Matt Hardy v1 (as a face) isn't cool or something. A decent WrestleMania opener that should get a decent pop when Hardy goes over.
Somethings to consider at WM25.

1.) A lot of people are putting Batista on the card. Keep in mind Batista was injured at the time. So there was no way he could have competed (Though he did return 2 weeks later so who knows).

2.) I'm sure WWE offered Chyna a spot at the Battle Royale. I guess Chyna turned it down? I'm pretty sure there was no chance for Chyna being in it. Same goes for Trish Stratus and Lita since, I believe Trish turned it down also.
First off, they should have made the show 5 hours because a 25th anniversary is pretty special.

WrestleMania 25

United States Championship
MVP def. Vladimir Kozlov to become new champion

Money in the Bank Ladder Match
CM Punk def. R-Truth, Finlay, Kofi Kingston, Shelton Benjamin, Mark Henry, Jack Swagger and Umaga

WWE Unified Tag Team Championship Triple Threat Match
Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase def. Carlito & Primo and John Morrison & The Miz to unify the World Tag Team Championship and WWE Tag Team Championship

Chris Jericho def. Rey Mysterio

Intercontinental Championship
Kane def. John “Bradshaw” Layfield to become new champion

Extreme Rules Match
Jeff Hardy def. Matt Hardy

ECW Championship
Tommy Dreamer def. Christian to become new champion

Trish Stratus won the 25 Diva Battle Royal

Edge def. Big Show (Vickie Guerrero was special guest referee)

World Heavyweight Championship
John Cena def. Batista to become new champion

The Undertaker def. Shawn Michaels

WWE Championship
Triple H def. Randy Orton to retain
First of all I would have reduced Kid Rock’s time in order to get the tag title match on the main show. My second change would be Chris Jericho’s opponent. Seeing three all time greats competing against and losing to one man didn’t seem right to me. I would have had Ric Flair tease a surprise opponent for Jericho and reveal him to be Batista a week before mania. I know Shooter just reminded us all that Batista was injured but I could have sworn he returned the night after mania. I’m sure he could have handled a match 24 hours earlier at mania. He wouldn’t need to do anything physical before the show as Jericho and the HOFers could have still built the match.

My next changes involve switching the main events around. John Cena vs. Randy Orton is a match worthy of a WrestleMania main event and WM25 was the time to do it. It wasn’t exactly a fresh match, but it was more fresh than Orton vs. HHH. As for HHH I would have simply given him one of Cena’s opponents; Edge. They never got a good one on one feud and I think they could have given us a good one. The rest of the card could have remained the same.
The only thing I would have really changed is that it should have been just Cena vs. Edge for the title. Big Show didn't need to be there plus Cena and Edge had so much history over the past three years that it would have been kind of cool to have seen their feud end at Wrestlemania.
My WM 25 card:

Streak Match:
HBK vs 'Taker. Nuff said well worth the spot on the card espically with the teases at the 07 and 08 rumbles.

ECW Title Match:
Jack Swagger (c) vs Mark Henry vs Evan Bourne vs Tommy Dreamer. Henry was hot asa a heel in ECW, Bourne was rumored for a title run, and Dreamer would give the match a legit ECW feel.

Unification Tag Title Match:
The Colons (c) vs Miz/Morrison (c) This match was actually good, would of been great on the PPV. I would have Miz/Morrison go over on the PPV.

Tag Team Match:
Edge/Matt Hardy vs Jeff Hardy/Christian. this is simple, Matt turns on Jeff at the rumble, joins up with Edge. Jeff brings in Christian.

WWE Title:
HHH (c) vs Randy Orton vs Batista. Someone said this earlier, I love the idea of the Evolution triple threat match.

Money In The Bank:
Kennedy vs Punk vs Big Show vs Kane vs Kofi vs MVP vs DiBiase vs Rhodes

Legends Challenge:
Y2J vs Steamboat/Piper/Sunka w/Flair. this was fine for what it was I wouldn't change it.

I-C Title:
JBL (c) vs Rey Mysterio, Again 2 big names that I'd have go more than 18 seconds.

Main Event:
John Cena vs Hulk Hogan. I know they were in talks, Hogan didnt get the $$$ he wanted. For WM 25 I would of given Hogan the $$$ to job to Cena.
To be honest, I feel that WM 25 was a fairly well booked card, especially if you talk about the main event matches. I think that where WM25 failed was in the execution department. If left to me, I would have just made a few changes.

Firstly I would have cancelled both the Divas Battle Royal and Kid Rock's concert to free up some time for HHH vs Orton, Hardy vs Hardy and Jericho and Cena's matches. Secondly I would have changed Jericho's opponent to just Steamboat instead of a handicap match. Steamboat showed that he could go and I would just let him go and have a classic with Jericho.

The booking of Cena's match is a place where I will take a slightly unconventional route. I would have built up Batista's return like Triple H's in 2002 showing videos of his surgery and all the jazz. Then a few weeks before Mania I would have had Cena defeat both Edge and Big Show in singles matches and have Cena proclaim that he has no one to fight for Mania. Then you could have Batista's music slowly starting up and him returning to a big pop to take on Cena and win the title from him at WrestleMania. It would have also set up Cena vs Batista II for Mania 26 very well.
WWE Championship
John Cena vs. Hulk Hogan

Hulk Hogan of this generation vs. Hulk Hogan himself, nuff said.

Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels
No real explainations needed, this should not be changed cause it made WM 25.

World Heavyweight Championship
Triple H vs. Edge

Excluding their forgettable match at The Bash, these two have never faced each other nor had a real feud as the main focus of their match at The Bash was about Vickie & Edge. These two could have had a good feud together and their first match together should've been saved for a WM.

Randy Orton vs. Batista
As mentioned, Batista did return the night after WM 25, so they could've brought him back early and Orton did put him out of action, so it's only fitting his return match be against Orton and would be a match to determine the better student to come out of Evolution.

Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy
Second best match to Taker vs. HBK, should not be changed.

IC Championship

Since this was JBL's last match and it lasted only a few seconds and he was IC Champion at the time, I would've put MVP up against him cause nobody really cared about these two in the ring at this point in time whereas Mysterio could've done something better at Mania like being in the MiTB match and these two could've just feuded over who was more richer & has more gold or whatever since that was their gimmicks at the time.

Chris Jericho vs. Ricky Steamboat w/ Ric Flair
Obviously these two had a good match back at Backlash, so it would've been better we had this instead of that dreaded 3 on 1 featuring Piper & Snuka. Piper & Snuka weren't needed since Flair was there but if Flair hadn't been there to help Steamboat carry the feud on Raw then maybe Piper & Snuka would've been a helping hand.

Tag Team Championship Unification Match
The Colons vs. John Morrison & The Miz

I would've had this on the card instead of that awful 25 Diva Battle Royal to determine Miss WM. The Battle Royal should've been on the pre-show instead.

Money in the Bank
CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Big Show vs. Kane vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. R-Truth vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Christian

With this fresh lineup, I think this would've gone down better and with the addition of Rey in the match, we could've seen more spots in the match.

But since Batista & Hogan were injured at the time, I would've just had Randy Orton vs. John Cena for the WWE Championship since these two are treated as the next Rock & Austin of this generation and like Austin & Rock, have a history of matches together.
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