What are your gaming pet peeves?

Lol, I personally hated the Block far more than the Stair pieces. Often times I'd get it and have to have part of it hanging off some other piece.

The square blocks could be useful if you formed a tower of them on the far left or far right. Any block can serve a purpose, but I found the crooked blocks to be the most annoying. They have a tendency to show up when you don't need them whatsoever. You are in desperate need of an L block, a 7 block, or an I block, then here comes a crooked block to ruin everything. Unless you have the right place to put them, they just don't fit anywhere. Plus, the T blocks can go anywhere that either of the crooked blocks can. That piece is a lifesaver in many cases.
Sounds pretty interesting, reminds me of a reverse set up to the lore behind the orcs and elves in The Lord of the rings where the elves are immortal and the orcs are the ones born from some weird thing the elves did (I think, it's been too long since I read/watch the trilogy :/ )

In The Silmarillion, Tolkien conceived the Orcs to be Elves who had been enslaved and tortured by Morgoth and broken and twisted into his evil soldiers. In other versions of their origin, including those from Tolkien's notes, the Orcs are depicted as the parodies or false-creations of Morgoth, animated solely by his evil will or perhaps, by his own diffused essence, and made intentionally to mock or spite Eru Ilúvatar's creations — the Eldar and Edain.
Well I was going to exclude this, considering they're card game pet peeves. But since a lot of card games now have online battling/dueling, I guess they can count. Anyway, my biggest pet peeve is OTK decks. It's not that they're hard to counter, well at least not in YGO, but they just get annoying. At times, they can even take the fun out of things. I don't want to wait 5 minutes while you sit there and draw cards trying to find the cards you need to win.

Back to video games, I hate how shooters have all followed the same cookie cutter shit as Call of Duty. I'm really hoping that Titan Fall and break that mold and give us something new because, it was heart breaking to see Gears of War go from awesome to cookie cutter the way it did. I get that Judgment was a Spin-off, but really? Only two weapons?
Closed doors annoy me so so much. When you're in a room and the door's either 'locked' or just painted on a wall.

Ancient robots are another RPG staple. An old technology built by the ancients in a forgotten age. Everything from FF, DQ to Shining Force has it.

Forgetting what I'm doing. That's probably me more than anything but I hate when I'm playing a game, wait a few days to play some more and have no idea where I'm at.

Grinding. Who out there finds this fun? The tales series is a prime example of how laborious this is. Games like Last of Us have it spot on with monster hunting spots specifically for that. Beats cutting grass.
Closed doors annoy me so so much. When you're in a room and the door's either 'locked' or just painted on a wall.

Have to say, the painted on doors thing is nonsense. I hate when you're in a room with six doors and only one is real. What is the point? Pretending its a big world but you only have one way to go.

I hate the trend in RPGs for a boss after the main villain boss. We've built the whole story towards beating this guy and then when he's dead a peculiar monster appears for no reason but to add a "bet you thought that was it!!!" moment. Just stick with the story guys.
I hate the trend in RPGs for a boss after the main villain boss. We've built the whole story towards beating this guy and then when he's dead a peculiar monster appears for no reason but to add a "bet you thought that was it!!!" moment. Just stick with the story guys.

If you're referring to guys like Omega/Ruby/Emerald/Ultima Weapon from Final Fantasy or Abyssion from Tales of Symphonia.... Extra bosses offer a challenge for only the very best players of the game. The last boss should be tough, but he/she/it does not have to be the toughest. I have always liked the addition of extra quests with tougher bosses. I do agree it should be all about the main story, although I have absolutely no problem with optional super bosses. It gives the developers a chance to challenge their players in every way possible that the game can offer, without being restricted to what the main storyline contains.

Or if you mean something more along the lines of what happens in FF9.... Click the spoiler tag.

You finally defeated the main antagonist Kuja after chasing him for 4 game discs, suddenly Necron shows up out of nowhere and is the final boss.

If you meant that.... then, yes, that can be a bit annoying. I still consider the villain you have spent most of the game feuding with to be the true antagonist of the game and the new final boss who just shows up rarely gets more out of me than me rolling my eyes.
Closed doors annoy me so so much. When you're in a room and the door's either 'locked' or just painted on a wall.

This, I think, is one of the worst/dumbest things in gaming... ever.


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