WGN Cancelling WWE Superstars

I haven't seen any links to news articles supporting this, maybe I missed it somewhere.

Either way, Superstars could be a good show if they treated it like it mattered. In fact, all they're doing is airing what would otherwise be dark matches for the live crowds at RAW and SmackDown!

I appreciate seeing these performers, and think they could really have a decent third "brand" with this show, but they do spend too much time with promos and RAW Rewind to make it an enjoyable HOUR of my time. When I do DVR it, I fast forward to just the matches and have a great time with it.

Perhaps, the show as SUPERSTARS is being Axed, but they may be working towards replacing it with something better in the future. You never know what Vince is up to.

Honestly, I'd embrace a third brand, as long as it wasn't a truly separate brand like ECW was. Let the lower card stars shine on this show like they are, but let them get a little face time on the other 2 shows now and then to entice people into watching them wrestle.
Meh. I can't say I care too much about this. I glance at Superstars every now and then, but this show just doesn't have that "must see" feel to it. We could see some nice matches on Superstars, but overall, this show just isn't all that spectacular. Superstars gives the less known mid card wrestlers on Smackdown and Raw a chance at some spotlight, but unless these wrestlers can get a chance to shine on their respective brand, then their exposure on Superstars won't mean anything.

If Superstars does go away, I won't be that disappointed. It's not a great show, so I won't miss it.
I doubt they'll stop producing WWE Superstars (or some near-identical show.) They'll still have dark matches at RAW and Smackdown tapings and they'll still have video cameras on hand to capture them. That's all Superstars was, after all. A way to maximize the resources at TV taping events by turning them into an ultra-cheap tv show.

The show (or at least the matches) will likely move to WWE.com for the time being while they peddle it to networks or even foreign markets (I believe NXT, for example, still airs in Canada and the UK.)
I enjoyed watching it gave me a chance to see kinda the "underground" wrestlers of WWE. There is ussally at least one good match a card. Hopefully it stays on TV and doesn't move to WWE.com. My internet connection is too slow for it. DAMN YOU CHARTER. :banghead:
This is just awful the only place where i can see solid diva matches and my fav douche bag of all time zack ryder and a few others who get no face time on raw or SD. They better be planning to move it on over to wwe.com or im going to have a Batista fit. Try me WWE you're this close to losing me all together keep it up i will commit to the indies for good.:banghead:
I guess you can't blame WGN for canceling WWE Superstars when they are expecting a B to C show and only get a D to F show every week. Chris Masters vs. Tyler Rekks every week in the main event with members of the Hart Dynasty and JTG wrestling the under card aren't going to attract many viewers. Even if Superstars was on a larger network like USA, I doubt the show would draw much.
I guess you can't blame WGN for canceling WWE Superstars when they are expecting a B to C show and only get a D to F show every week. Chris Masters vs. Tyler Rekks every week in the main event with members of the Hart Dynasty and JTG wrestling the under card aren't going to attract many viewers. Even if Superstars was on a larger network like USA, I doubt the show would draw much.

I disagree, it might just be because the show isn't on a big network and not the superstars who appear that it failed. Imagine if it was on NBC on saturday nigths from 7pm-9pm it would work.
Uhm, oh well.

I honestly don't see it. How is it that people can actually religiously watch that garbage? Zack Ryder? Yoshi Tatsu? Curt Hawkins? Please. Those guys are jokes that will never even come close to being considered 'stand-out' material in a place like WWE. Moreover, they have little to nothing to show-case in a show that is so poorly promoted and executed that it makes NXT Season 3 look a thousand times better.

Superstars, more than anything, had one big flaw. It lacked story-lines. Not many every-day 'fans' can say that they watch WWE programming purely for the wrestling involved in it. I bet, most watch it for the exhilarating promos and well thought-out stories that they are able to produce -- not the actual, uh, wrestling.

Superstars is dead. Let's move on with our lives.
So, I just read that the final episode of Superstars is in April. It seems coincidental to me that this show is being cancelled right around the time of WWE's annual spring cleaning. So the questions are 1) which regular wrestler on this show will be released and 2) will any regulars get a push

I say DH Smith, Tyler Reks and Alicia Fox will be released while Yoshi Tatsu, Chris Masters and Tyson Kidd will get some minor pushes.
The only disappointment I have with this is the possibility of people like Masters, Barretta and them appearing on Raw or SD. They're not good enough and I wouldn't like to see them on the major shows.

Not sure what to do with them then..
I am so mad right now.

I honestly don't see it. How is it that people can actually religiously watch that garbage?

WWE Superstars is an entertaining show that almost always guarantees an hour of little-used guys putting on fun matches, with new commentators like Jack Korpela or Scott Stanford practicing their shtick and getting in some training before moving to the main show. It is, in a way, the new WWECW, though with less promo time. It's not as good as WWECW was, but it's still a decent show.

Zack Ryder? Yoshi Tatsu? Curt Hawkins? Please. Those guys are jokes that will never even come close to being considered 'stand-out' material in a place like WWE.

It is taking all of my self control not to smash the keyboard of my newly-repaired laptop computer. Zack Ryder can work a great match and is incredibly charismatic. His Youtube show and Twitter are both absolutely hilarious, and it is because of this that he has built up a rather sizeable fan following despite rarely being used on RAW. Yoshi Tatsu, despite not speaking English, is exciting in the ring and emanates a lot of positive energy and enthusiasm. He is also trying to learn English so he can become the first Japanese WWE Champion - how cool is that? As for Curt Hawkins, he's not bad, and can work a good match. he hasn't shown me much yet, but I won't judge without giving him a shot. His team with Archer was pretty cool and his matches with Trent Barretta were all entertaining.

Moreover, they have little to nothing to show-case in a show that is so poorly promoted and executed that it makes NXT Season 3 look a thousand times better.

First off, "little or nothing to showcase"? How about their ring skills? How about the promos that some people on their do deliver? This is a show where midcarders are sent out to put on entertaining fifteen minute match ups to show that they DO have something to showcase.

Second off, how is the show poorly put together? Three matches an episode, sometimes four, with recaps of RAW and NXT sprinkled in between. Sounds like a solid formula for a wrestling show to me. You know, make it about the WRESTLING? Have you even watched an episode of Superstars in your life?

Superstars, more than anything, had one big flaw. It lacked story-lines.

Wrong! Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong wrong! Tyler Reks vs. Chris Masters was a storyline that happened mostly purely on superstars, with the two interfering in each others' matches before finally facing off for one last bout. Trent Baretta vs. Curt Hawkins was a storyline featuring two friends trying to one-up each other. Even Ted DiBiase and Daniel Bryan had their stories pushed, with Bryan facing off against DiBiase in a match that saw Yoshi Tatsu run in to try and woo Maryse, who had kissed him on the RAW Valentine's Day episode. Again, did you ever even watch the show?! Just because most of these stories were not told by mic, doesn't mean they were not stories. Actions can speak louder than words, and that was the point of Superstars.

Not many every-day 'fans' can say that they watch WWE programming purely for the wrestling involved in it. I bet, most watch it for the exhilarating promos and well thought-out stories that they are able to produce -- not the actual, uh, wrestling.

Oh, so you mean WWE shouldn't try to get the demographic of those that do like wrestling with a one-hour show a week, just because you don't care about wrestling matches? Well, you're certainly a smart businessman.

You're ridiculous. You really think that just because you didn't like a show full of wrestling that no one else did? Superstars week in and week out delivers a solid hour of just matches, and helps show that WWE has something for everyone. If you like stories and promos, you watch RAW. If you like seeing new guys cut their teeth, you watch NXT. If you want a healthy mix of wrestling and promos, you watch Smackdown. If you want a solid hour of good matches, you watch Superstars. It's simple.
I am so mad right now.


WWE Superstars is an entertaining show that almost always guarantees an hour of little-used guys putting on fun matches, with new commentators like Jack Korpela or Scott Stanford practicing their shtick and getting in some training before moving to the main show. It is, in a way, the new WWECW, though with less promo time. It's not as good as WWECW was, but it's still a decent show.

You mean Superstars is a show that bearly has 3 matches and has a third of its less than an hour program to show-case events that happened on Raw prior to that Thursday.

Look, dude. I can understand the analogy that you make with WWECW; but the fact is, the majority of the wrestlers that are on Superstars are nothing but jobbers. Sure, one or two of them MIGHT have some potential; but more likely than not, they will never make it far on the main brands. Jobber is what they've been and jobber is what they will keep being.

Kudos for the anouncers, though. That much I agree.

It is taking all of my self control not to smash the keyboard of my newly-repaired laptop computer. Zack Ryder can work a great match and is incredibly charismatic. His Youtube show and Twitter are both absolutely hilarious, and it is because of this that he has built up a rather sizeable fan following despite rarely being used on RAW.

You mean those IWC guys that cream themselves for an amazing number of dime-a-dozen wrestlers? Yeah, ok. That shows alot. Zack Ryder -- while although can put on a decent match from time to time -- is a low-carder whose only purpose is to make other wrestlers look good. His constant teaming up with Primo in order to take on Santino & Kozlov prove my point. They lose alot more than they win; ultimately, showing that their purpose is to only keep Kozlov/Santino relevant and, well, the better wrestlers.

Yoshi Tatsu, despite not speaking English, is exciting in the ring and emanates a lot of positive energy and enthusiasm. He is also trying to learn English so he can become the first Japanese WWE Champion - how cool is that?

Very cool. Now let me crush his dreams by saying it'll never happen.

Yoshi Tatsu has been on the WWE roster for almost 2 years, man! If he had any kind of potential whatsoever he would have shown it by now. Moreover, he should have been in the mid-card doing something and not on seem cheap-ass brand that not many people watch. Superstars hurts Yoshi more than it does him good. If you're so content in saying that he has potential, then he should be on Smackdown where he CAN get some real in-ring action against bigger players and not other jobbers like Tyler Reks.

As for Curt Hawkins, he's not bad, and can work a good match. he hasn't shown me much yet, but I won't judge without giving him a shot. His team with Archer was pretty cool and his matches with Trent Barretta were all entertaining.

Yea, no. Don't kid yourself. Curt Hawkins is shit. His short run with Vance Archer was beyond boring. All they did was beat a feew locals and, uh, beat some more locals. They never accomplished anything as a team; and the time he gets on Superstar goes to show why: he sucks.

Also, Trent Barreta was the one that made the matches entertaining.

First off, "little or nothing to showcase"? How about their ring skills? How about the promos that some people on their do deliver? This is a show where midcarders are sent out to put on entertaining fifteen minute match ups to show that they DO have something to showcase.

Correction. It is a place where the "extras" and jobbers go to wrestle because the WWE has no use for them on the main brands.

See the difference? Look, Doctor. I can understand your mark point of view as a wrestling fan; but logically speaking, almost everyone that shows up on Superstars is because WWE has nothing to do with them or they just feel that said wrestlers aren't good enough to be on Raw or Smackdown. As a result, it's either Superstars or future endeavored.

Guys like Chris Masters, who have been on the WWE roster in two different times has had more than enough time to prove that they are worth something. But seeing as how they have stayed on a brand filled with jobbers and "extras" goes to show how much he is really worth.

Second off, how is the show poorly put together? Three matches an episode, sometimes four, with recaps of RAW and NXT sprinkled in between. Sounds like a solid formula for a wrestling show to me. You know, make it about the WRESTLING? Have you even watched an episode of Superstars in your life?

Yup. Dozens of times. And what do I notice whenever I tune in to see Superstars? Same matches. Same people. Same matches. And same people. It's never anything new. It's the same thing over and over again. One week we'll have we'll be seeing Zack Ryder and Primo vs. Santino/Kozlov. The next week we'll see Kozlov/Santino vs. Primo and Zack Ryder.

Wrong! Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong wrong! Tyler Reks vs. Chris Masters was a storyline that happened mostly purely on superstars, with the two interfering in each others' matches before finally facing off for one last bout.

Easy there, mark-boy. They only had one match against each other? Could have sworn it was like 4. Meh. Boring stuff anyways.

Trent Baretta vs. Curt Hawkins was a storyline featuring two friends trying to one-up each other. Even Ted DiBiase and Daniel Bryan had their stories pushed, with Bryan facing off against DiBiase in a match that saw Yoshi Tatsu run in to try and woo Maryse, who had kissed him on the RAW Valentine's Day episode.

Cool. One interesting segment...out of how many episodes that Superstars has been airing?

Again, did you ever even watch the show?! Just because most of these stories were not told by mic, doesn't mean they were not stories. Actions can speak louder than words, and that was the point of Superstars.

Oh, so you mean WWE shouldn't try to get the demographic of those that do like wrestling with a one-hour show a week, just because you don't care about wrestling matches? Well, you're certainly a smart businessman.

:lmao: Smackdown, anyone?

Superstars BEARLY has any viewers at all. That's a very short demographic the WWE is going for. Superstars is a place to show-case jobbers and "extras" whom WWE has no place for them on the main brands. Moreover, it's a good way to make them some green. But I bet you, once Superstars is no more. Half of these regulars on Superstars will be future endeavored.

You're ridiculous. You really think that just because you didn't like a show full of wrestling that no one else did? Superstars week in and week out delivers a solid hour of just matches, and helps show that WWE has something for everyone. If you like stories and promos, you watch RAW. If you like seeing new guys cut their teeth, you watch NXT. If you want a healthy mix of wrestling and promos, you watch Smackdown. If you want a solid hour of good matches, you watch Superstars. It's simple.

Again with the assuming...

God-damn it, dude. Pull that shit out of your ass and breath already. You've over-reacted to all of my thoughts assuming things that aren't there every step of the way. That's not very mod-like. My tactics for this thread have been the usage of hyperboles in order to create a better image of what they basis of my ideas are.

Also, you missed my point entirely there. I wasn't speaking for myself when I said that people tune in to watch the promos and stories; I was speaking for a good deal amount of the WWE fan-base. Alot tune in to see their favourite characters get on the mic and just see them out there and general. Sure, they'll be happy to see them wrestler. But more than anything, they want to see the 'story' more than the actual match.

'N any case, as a closing, I'll tell you this much:

I can understand where you are coming from saying that Superstars is a good place for low-carders to show-case their stuff and prove to everyone that they do have what it takes to be in the WWE -- and that's a good way of looking at it. However, that's not the way I see it. The way I see it is Superstars is a show that may contain quality wrestling from time-to-time; but in reality, it's the place where guys who have no place on the main brand go to and stay relevant. It's as if to say: "Hey, at least they're still there."
Very cool. Now let me crush his dreams by saying it'll never happen.

Yoshi Tatsu has been on the WWE roster for almost 2 years, man! If he had any kind of potential whatsoever he would have shown it by now. Moreover, he should have been in the mid-card doing something and not on seem cheap-ass brand that not many people watch. Superstars hurts Yoshi more than it does him good. If you're so content in saying that he has potential, then he should be on Smackdown where he CAN get some real in-ring action against bigger players and not other jobbers like Tyler Reks.

You mean the Yoshi Tatsu who operates and is trained under the Japanese Young Lions system? Where you train years abroad with the sole intention being to expand your repertoire and gain experience of working a variety of opponents? The same Yoshi Tatsu who challenged for Christian's ECW championship, had a somewhat interesting tag-team with Golddust for a short while that reminds one of the Booker/Goldust teaming? They did try things with him on ECW. He's just not been used at all on Smackdown since he went over. I don't think they even tried, despite the pops he gets on Superstars. :shrug:

Not to mention that he's not exactly the best English speaker, which kills the push of anyone in WWE who's wrestlers are required to cut decent promos to carry storylines. :shrug:

And on a final note, not all wrestlers come in at their full potential. Many develop their craft over years and even as main-eventers still advance their skills and bodies, case in point Randy Orton, who's own father said he's healthier now than he was starting out in the WWE. Hell, Undertaker pulls out new shit every once in a while. :shrug:
Superstars is nothing more than a recap show of what happened on Raw this week and to build up for Smackdown later on in the week while having low profile wrestlers working television matches. The storyline in the show is clearly non-cannon, and are usually ignored or not built upon on the main brands. The wrestling may be decent to good but there is nothing to hook viewers long term.

Superstars is like friendly matches between two sports teams, some will watch it but the majority will not care about it since there is no significance in whatever happens. The quality in a friendly match might be better than a regular season match, but the regular season match will matter to more people due to it being recognized as legitimate competition. Similarly, Raw and Smackdown will matter to more people because they are recognized as the main brands of WWE with actual rosters while Superstars is just 'there'. Nice to have but able to live without.
I like Superstars a lot and always watch it when WWE posts it on YouTube (don't get WGN). It allowed wrestlers who are never used on other shows to gain some experience, show what they can do in the ring, and maybe get a following going enough to be boosted somewhere on Raw and SD!.

But it makes sense to cancel it. It wasn't drawing ratings and most people don't even get the channel it comes on. It's good fun for us marks and wrestling enthusiasts who want to watch guys like Yoshi and Hawkins because we want to see what they can bring to the table and can't see them on the other shows. But that's really the only audience that would be watching it, other than young kids who love wrestling and watch any kind they can find on T.V..

I just hope WWE gives some of the Superstars mainstays a chance to shine on one of the bigger stages, surely some of these guys have shown they can get over and produce solid matches and some interesting feuds. But sadly with NXT and Tough Enough and the Raw and SD! rosters crowded as is this will be the end of the line for some of these guys in WWE. That's probably the worst part of it in my mind. The guys who night in and night out put their bodies on the line and have to put in extra effort each night just to prove that they deserve to be there, will probably be left behind and future endeavored.

It's sad but that's how it works I guess, if it's not drawing, it's not worth keeping from WWE and WGN's point of view.
This just came up today. The fact that WGN (read Tribune Entertainment) has spent millions on a new network called Antenna TV has nothing to do with it.

Cut & Paste:

By Ryan Clark | March 20, 2011 | Comments (27)

Partial Source: PWInsider.com
WGN reportedly canceled WWE Superstars because the network was paying too much for what they were getting. The network was hoping that the show would help their national ratings, as they don't have a huge amount of coverage across the country, and because WWE is a proven ratings draw, the network thought that they might help them get picked up by other cable systems.

Unfortunately, due to the show's third-tier status, it did not get the ratings the company was looking for. Some talent in the company are concerned for their status with the loss of the show.
With Superstars getting the boot. It makes me think was it no $$, or not enough push, or lack of writing and and the script? I personally feel it the lack of script. As with any good show you need dialog not just matches. The time slot could play a factor in the cancellation but prob just 10%. (if that) WWE has plety of amazing superstars and needs to push them but with lack of push and time slot i feel thats what held superstars back
It was very simple. WGN was paying enough they were expecting a show that would at least have regular appearances by the WWE mid-card. What they got was a bunch of jobbers, and saw no reason to pay that much for programming, especially since for that same amount they can get much better programming with a wider reach.
I dont get WGN through my cable but I watched via legal online ways ever once and awhile and what I gathered was a lot decent storylines that was sometimes better than RAW and Smackdowns. In my view.

You had The Dudebusters who (sorry but they were) a tag team that were suppose to be two best friends who played video games and the best tag team you ever seen EVER in a wrestling ring...very familar to a TNA team that a lot of people love (MMG).

They needed someone to feud against. Enter The The GateCrashers! Vance Archer and Curt Hawkins basically the idea were they felt left out and they were going to earn their spot in the company thanks to the GM giving them 30 days to prove them self and if they could they would stay. Well, they did and they stayed ...until Vance Archer was randomly deleted from the WWEs mainframe.

Then the WWE randomly cut Croft for seemly no reason yet the same reason as Archer so the WWE had to come up with something creative for Trent and Curt. Lets have them feud. But what for? Why? How? Enter Matt Striker and his sliver tongue!

Matt Striker tells us that not only did Trent and Curt Hawkins train together but they use to travel together and now its all about who is better than who? We also learn that Hawkins idolized HBK growing up and thats why he uses The Elbow Drop (we learned this earlier but it was more focused on during the singles feud). So, we get a few matches back and forth great matches. Insane matches, crazy matches, awesome Tornado DDTs, High Flying Moves, Fast Paced Action I swear if I didnt know any better I would of thought TNA started an hour earlier and this was a TNA X DIVISON TITLE MATCH!

Hey look even Curt Hawkins is using Suicide's finisher!! This is something new to the WWE. This is an actual match. This isnt bull crap rest holds and chatter. This isnt John Cena. This isnt Randy Orton. This isnt Undertaker. This is Trent Baretta and Curt Hawkins one on one and this better than any thing Ive ever watched on recent WWE TV.

But the causal fan...never saw it...never cared to see it....doesnt want to see it. And why? Because after these amazing matches Trent is sent to Smackdown to get almost killed by Drew and then again recently being squashed by Cody.

Well..thats just one of the storylines I picked up on from watching three...four episodes of WGN SuperStars....and I enjoyed the matches that went along with it better than Cody being worried about his face or whatever Big Show and The Corre is suppose to be.
Superstars made money for WWE. A Program that features recaps and dark matches probably cost WWE little in production compared to what they were getting. Nobody watches it but WWE would not care as long as broadcasters buy it.
Superstars made money for WWE. A Program that features recaps and dark matches probably cost WWE little in production compared to what they were getting. Nobody watches it but WWE would not care as long as broadcasters buy it.

I hate to post back to back but they werent dark matches.

Superstars had their own taping. I believe it was two before RAW and One before Smackdown but after NXT. This is how they changed aprons, ropes, tables and annoucers soo quickly. It was one big edited show. Recently, it was more of a recap of Rock Promos and stuff like that.

WWE still had dark matches before the show and often dark mainevents.

"Dark Matches" would occur but usually feature either try outs or non WWE talent against WWE talent. Everyone who wrestled on WWE Superstars I believe was always WWE Superstars.

Like when they said Shelton wrestled a dark match awhile back...you wont see that on Superstars. As someone who reads spoilers its always pointed out that Dark Matches are occuring and then Superstar Matches. Its not the same I am sure the WWE treated it just like ECW, Smackdown and RAW. Just with lower talent.
I hate to post back to back but they werent dark matches.

Superstars had their own taping. I believe it was two before RAW and One before Smackdown but after NXT. This is how they changed aprons, ropes, tables and annoucers soo quickly. It was one big edited show. Recently, it was more of a recap of Rock Promos and stuff like that.

WWE still had dark matches before the show and often dark mainevents.

"Dark Matches" would occur but usually feature either try outs or non WWE talent against WWE talent. Everyone who wrestled on WWE Superstars I believe was always WWE Superstars.

Like when they said Shelton wrestled a dark match awhile back...you wont see that on Superstars. As someone who reads spoilers its always pointed out that Dark Matches are occuring and then Superstar Matches. Its not the same I am sure the WWE treated it just like ECW, Smackdown and RAW. Just with lower talent.

My mistake in calling it Dark matches if they can only be used in reference to tryouts. I meant to say they are used to warm up the crowd for the actual main event, which is true if what you said about Superstars being taped before the bigger brands. With or without Superstars these matches will still take place.
No, WWE is a billion dollar company.

Supserstars was canceled by WGN, not WWE. Infact, it will still show on WWE.com

It is also still gonna air on overseas networks. so yeah it was the US network that canned it, not WWE

WWE will never be in hardship unlesss everyone suddenly stops watching, they make millions of dollars a month minimum and that's in a time when wrestling isn't anywhere near as popular as it was.

Not to mention the investments, advertisement deals, outside of wrestling stuff they do, they would more than cover there bets.

Personally i don't care, Superstars sucks anyway, i don't even watch it anymore :)

and yes as posted above, Superstars is taped b4 RAW and b4 Smackdown a few weeks in advance no doubt, that way they don't have to pay for extra travel arrangements and the rings already setup, they just change the apron and the stage graphic. not to be confused with dark matches wich are part of the in between or after RAW or Smackdown stops airing while they are changing staging or in the case of an after show dark match, it's to give the people who attended a bonus that home viewers don't see. Don't know for sure as i've never been at a double show, just using common logic.
Totally agree with WZMember####. Hawkins V Barreta was in the top 5 matches of the last year. And Striker told the story very well. Sometimes it's nice to just watch some wrestling without all the storyline that goes with it. The recaps of Raw now take up about a third of the show which is annoying, but it's definitely worth a look to see some of the lower card. And Regal still wrestles on it now and then which you know is a good thing. Lucky for me I'm in Australia so I'll keep tuning in every week.
WGN might be feeling the recession, but WWE is fine. They are still making incredible money on a yearly basis and have maintained a decent look on the stock market while most companies have continued to struggle.

WGN was paying more than they felt it was worth/then they were making. WWE made a profit off of that show, I'm sure.

Regardless, they make the proper cut backs and roster changes they need to still turn a few bucks. They'll be fine.

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