Welcome to TNA, Jay Bradley, Now Get on TV!

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Bradley, as most of you know, was given the yes vote by two-thirds of the Gut Check judges, giving him a contract with TNA/IW tonight. That's fine and dandy, considering he deserved it seeing as he's easily the most talented guy they've had come through that pipeline thus far, but now comes the real key. Television time.

Bradley's got a great look, and for whatever the reason (ex-WWE?) he's already got the crowd booing him, and he's already working them in the process. It's time to get him on television in a feud right off the bat. Don't let this cool, and don't let this guy go down the same route so many of the other worthless Gut Check "winners" went down.

You hot-shotted a much less talented Christian York, so you can most certainly hot-shot someone like Bradley. The fire's hot, boys. Get cookin'!
I like this guy, I really do. To me, this guy could be their equivalent to Wade Barrett in WWE. He's got a nice Running Clothesline, and from what I've seen tonight, he can really work the microphone. I think he's been in NWA a few times, but I'm not sure which territory... not that it matters really. I'm hoping TNA doesn't drop the ball with him. Aside from Taeler Hendrix, this is probably my most anticipated GutCheck winner.
I like this guy, I really do. To me, this guy could be their equivalent to Wade Barrett in WWE. He's got a nice Running Clothesline, and from what I've seen tonight, he can really work the microphone. I think he's been in NWA a few times, but I'm not sure which territory... not that it matters really. I'm hoping TNA doesn't drop the ball with him. Aside from Taeler Hendrix, this is probably my most anticipated GutCheck winner.

On a scale of 1-10, I'd probably give him a 5 in terms of his mic work, but I think there's enough there everywhere else between look and work rate that'll turn him into a really nice piece for the company. The key is not letting up on the momentum he seems to be building, especially with the crowd, who already hate him, and get him out there as soon as possible.

There's no reason you can't get him involved immediately in a lower card feud to get his face on television for a while as they build him up.
As much as they need more/new Knockouts, I'm not so much looking forward to Taeler Hendrix. I look at her and all I see are boobs, huge, disproportionate boobs, and not much else. There are more polished female indy wrestlers that I would love to see on my screen, but I think with Taeler looks is a big reason why she was chosen. She does have a different kind of look, so I'll give her that. As for Jay Bradley, I liked what I saw in him last week. I liked how he got some personality across in the match last week (because I skipped some of the video package), and I liked how people were booing him. Not to be rude, but at least in the pic above he does have the perfect face for a douchebaggy character. That smirk is on point.
I feel confident they will do something with him quick. This guy has experience and remember the only two guys who had an actual track record, Joey Ryan and Christian York, both made it to TV right off the bat.

The people who were younger with no established run in the indies all went to OVW to train and rightfully so. I know people want those guys on TV, but I see it as prospects in baseball. Just because you sign them and there is potential doesn't mean it will immediately translate at the big league level.
As much as they need more/new Knockouts, I'm not so much looking forward to Taeler Hendrix. I look at her and all I see are boobs, huge, disproportionate boobs, and not much else. There are more polished female indy wrestlers that I would love to see on my screen, but I think with Taeler looks is a big reason why she was chosen. She does have a different kind of look, so I'll give her that. As for Jay Bradley, I liked what I saw in him last week. I liked how he got some personality across in the match last week (because I skipped some of the video package), and I liked how people were booing him. Not to be rude, but at least in the pic above he does have the perfect face for a douchebaggy character. That smirk is on point.

If he had longer shaggy hair he would kind of look like Dean Ambrose.
I was hoping both of them would get brought up as I know Brian Cage personally, and have wrestled him in several companies here in So Cal, but oh well.

Jay Bradley is a sizeable tough looking Mutha, who has an extensive career in wrestling. He was in WWE developments, and was even brought up to the main roster, if I am not mistaken back in the day.

Jay has interesting mic work. Very Barrett like, almost like a dark charisma. If done right Bradley could be a solid upper tier card guy. Almost like a smaller Matt Morgan, but with better wrestling ability.
I agree. Jay Bradley is easily the most talented wrestler we've seen involved in Gut Check so far. As I said in a previous thread about the guy, he has a look and a style that reminds me of Wade Barrett in WWE. He looks strong and solid. He's in good shape but he's also not someone that's completely jacked. His style inside the ring also has a physical appeal to it, especially the clothesline that he uses.

His promo for the Gut Check judges last night was also easily the best we've heard from anyone in Gut Check thus far. He didn't try to put in some sort of lame sob story, he didn't try the old "I've sacrificed so much for this business" chesnut and he didn't try to overdo things as far as his acting went. He let the crowd do their thing by booing him, but he didn't react in some negative way that might've caused the judges, kayfabe, to reconsider their choice.

I think the guy's more than ready for television. Last night meant nothing if Bradley disappears for another 6 months. He's already shown far too much talent to be put on the back burner.

If TNA puts him on television immediately, then great. It'd be even better if the company had a viable mid-card title picture rather than just a roster full of mid-carders wandering around with no title goal to work toward.
I like Bradley a lot too. This is an opportunity for TNA to take a guy that didn't get over in WWE and make him a star in it's own company. This is where WWE ultimately had success in a lot of it's major players of the attitude era. Stone Cold was overlooked and let go in WCW. He used that as motivation when working in WWE. Same goes for Triple H, Diesel, Razor Ramon, and a few others. These guys were odd ball characters in WCW and given a second chance in WWE. Look what happened.

If TNA can turn Ryan Braddock's failure into a success in Lonesome Jay Bradley, then I'm all for it. Hopefully, he can find a "character" that suits him. Which I think we're seeing the beginnings of. He actually reminds me of an early JBL before the whole rich guy gimmick. Bradshaw-esque. It's too bad the TV Title is a joke. Because if TNA truly had a mid card championship that was given adequate TV time, Bradley would be a great fit for an instant feud right now.

Either way, he's already 32...so now's the time to see what he's got.

P.S. I could easily see Brian Cage winning the Second Chance Gut Check Tournament...
I think Jay Bradley just gets it. He knows who he is and he knows what he's got to do.

Bradley knows he's an unlikeable type of guy and he embraces it, which is why he'll make a good heel. Mainstream, he might not get over marketability wise, but from a wrestling stand point I think the legends of the business would say Bradley has a better grasp of what wrestlings about compared to a guy with a lot of hype like Kenny King.

Kenny King is suppose to be a heel, right? Then why does he come out to the ring dancing ala Brodus Clay and have a move set comparable to only that of a create-a- wrestler in a video game? King's moves are meant to entertain the fans and get them behind him, but that's the baby faces job! Christian York has been getting some slack as of late and I can't help but think it has something to do with King not making him look good in the ring, which he's suppose to be doing as the heel. Also, with all of King's moves, what is his finisher and what is the name of it?

On the other hand and in the one match we've seen, we've seen Bradley make his baby face opponent look good - second rope suplex - and he's already gotten over the "Boom Stick Lariat." Bradley is straight and to the point, no flash, no pizazz. He's a mean bastard looking to go out to the ring and hurt his opponent, not to dance or tell funny jokes or be a "tweener."

Bradley knows his role and should be able to play it well. I also agree he needs to remain on tv, though I'm uncertain where he'll fit in with all that's going on - especially with the heel/face ratio - and I don't think it's a good idea turning him face. I also wouldn't want to see him losing to Christian York or James Storm. He would of made a good A&8s but no use throwing him in now. See you after Lockdown?
I am glad I received a warning for commenting on a post about Bradley's look. Apparently on these forums if you don't write a paragraph you obviously are not allowed to post here.

Stay classy wrestlezone forums and continue to be the only place that hands out warnings for staying on topic.
One good thing Bradley has going for him...

How many heels are there on the TNA roster that can draw real heat right now??

Most of the over heels are of the "too cool for school" variety.

Do Kaz/Daniels draw heat? Sure. But they draw the "douche-bag antagonist in an 80s high school movie" kind of heat. The heat where smarks love them for it, and even when people boo them they recognize how cool what they are doing actually is. You boo them to play along because its fun. That's not traditional pro wrestling heat.

Do Aries and Roode draw heat? In the Impact zone they do, and they may other places as well. But the heat they draw is still very much like the heat that Bad Influence draws, you only satiate their attempts to draw heat because playing along feeds what they're doing and increases the entertainment value, yet you're still a fan.

Many of the other heels draw "X-pac heat". Get off my screen heat.

If used correctly Bradley has a chance to be that rare heel on the roster that draws something more in line with traditional heat. It's a testament to him how well he has already drawn the ire of the Impact Zone. And he has played off of it well so far. He's shows that he gets it. He is clearly a polished professional.
One good thing Bradley has going for him...

How many heels are there on the TNA roster that can draw real heat right now??

Most of the over heels are of the "too cool for school" variety.

Do Kaz/Daniels draw heat? Sure. But they draw the "douche-bag antagonist in an 80s high school movie" kind of heat. The heat where smarks love them for it, and even when people boo them they recognize how cool what they are doing actually is. You boo them to play along because its fun. That's not traditional pro wrestling heat.

Do Aries and Roode draw heat? In the Impact zone they do, and they may other places as well. But the heat they draw is still very much like the heat that Bad Influence draws, you only satiate their attempts to draw heat because playing along feeds what they're doing and increases the entertainment value, yet you're still a fan.

Many of the other heels draw "X-pac heat". Get off my screen heat.

If used correctly Bradley has a chance to be that rare heel on the roster that draws something more in line with traditional heat. It's a testament to him how well he has already drawn the ire of the Impact Zone. And he has played off of it well so far. He's shows that he gets it. He is clearly a polished professional.

You know what one of the craziest things is about him here? His smirk. Look at the photo int he OP again. Tell me you can't learn to just loathe that thing. It's totally natural, the same way fans learned quickly to hate Steve/William Regal's frown.

Can you imagine him using cheap tactics (low blows, foreign objects, etc) to set guys up for the Boom Stick, climbing up the card as he celebrates every post-game match exactly like the OP, with that fuckin' smirk? I smell success in the making...
He looks like a fat cousin of mine. The issue with him isn't with himself or his skills. The problem is with TNA's midcard. If you aren't in Ace's And 8's, the main events, a prominent Tag Team or even an X Division regular, chances are you won't get much airtime. Look at guys like Samoa Joe, Mr. Anderson, Matt Morgan and Gunner (TNA wanted to do something with this guy, remember?). If they aren't one of the above mentioned things, chances are they fall from whatever grace they've had. Jay Bradley may easily suffer the same fate. Him and the other guys mentioned would be great as TV Champions who get at least one match a week to showcase themselves, but instead TNA insists on giving that belt to that piece of shit Devon for "relevance".

I'm hoping I'm wrong because Jay Bradley looks like something good. At least a good midcard heel. You know, like they tried to do with Gunner.
After watching the ending of last week's Impact, i'm convinced Bradley is in A&8's. The guy in the red shirt had a very similar build as Bradley. I'm also convinced Brian Cage, Wes Brisco and Garrett Bischoff is in there also.
Not usually one to have too many good comments about TNA rising stars, but in Jay Bradley I can see a young Justin Bradshaw. other then his Brodus Clay looking face

out of all talents to come through "gut check" he's the best to date overall. Didn't look nervous, didn't mess up his Gut Check promo and in ring he did a great job.

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