Week of 11/14/2011 - 11/20/2011 (Monday - Thursday)


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Smackdown got a 1.95, down from last week but still strong.

Monday Night Raw
Date: November 14, 2011
Location: TD Garden, Boston, Massachusetts
Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler

It's another three hour show tonight as Rock returns again. For a guy that vowed to never leave he sure has a lot of welcome back shows. Anyway, other than that it's the go home show for Survivor Series so expect a lot of Rock/Cena stuff tonight. Also we should finally get the Cole Challenge for JR. Let's get to it.

Theme song opens us up.

Jerry does the talking to start which is different. Here's Cole in the ring for the Michael Cole Challenge. There are two things in the ring covered by black covers. Cole calls out JR and here he comes. There are three challenges and if JR wins all three, Cole quits and JR gets the job back as the Voice of Raw. The first blanket is removed and it's an arm wrestling contest. We get a referee out here and JR won't even take off his jacket. Cole does his warmups to waste time and JR beats him in all of half a second. I mean it's go then we're done. Cole says he gave up due to JR's barbecue breath.

The crowd gets to vote on the winner of the next competition: a dance off. Cole dances while holding a red scarf and looks like he's having a seizure. JR actually says it's on and asks the fans to chlap for him. JR dances and there's a meme in there somewhere. JR REALLY loves this business to go through this. The fans of course vote for JR and it's 2-0.

Up third is who weighs less. The fans go quiet save for a few yells. After turning the scales on wrong, Cole weighs about 200lbs. JR about 240 and Cole wins. He declares himself the winner and that brings out....Punk? Good reaction for him too. The arm wrestling table and the scale are gone and Punk says this is a colossal waste of time because there was no way JR could win. “Except for JR dancing. That was awesome.”

Punk says that Cole's fifteen minutes of fame are up because Punk wants him gone. Between Johnny Funkman Ace and Alberto and Cole, this show is awful. With three hours, it already feels like Cole has been out here for six. CM wants this to be fun and he'll do that when he's champion. It doesn't matter what it takes to make the show as good as it can be. This brings out Ace. Punk: “Speaking of untalented.”

Ace says that the fans on his Twitter wanted to see the competition. Punk: “Oh yeah? Well screw you and your 38,000 Twitter followers.” Ace makes Punk/Show vs. Henry/Del Rio. Cole is all smug and demands an apology. Punk does say he's sorry, but Cole is screaming due to being in the Anaconda Vice.

Striker is in the back and a huge limo pulls up. MICK FOLEY IS BACK!

Sin Cara/Kofi Kingston vs. Cody Rhodes/Hunico

Christian is still listed in the graphic for the Survivor Series match. JR has taken over on commentary and Cody has new music. He also has no mask and is smiling now. It's the same song but a new version of it. Cody says in a quick interview that Cody liberated him. Hunico vs. Cara starts us off and Hunico takes some kicks. Cara speeds thins up and it's off to Kofi.

A dropkick puts Cody on the floor and the faces hit a pair of dives (the camera misses Cara's, a rare mistake in WWE production values) and we take a break. Back with Cody holding a chinlock on Cara and then a release suplex. Off to Hunico who hits a slingshot tope and then a camel clutch.

Cara tries a rana but can't quite get it over. He does manage a head scissors to send Cody down. There's the tag to Kofi who gets a nice reaction. The springboard cross body gets two, broken up by Hunico. A big spinning dive takes out Hunico but Trouble in Paradises misses, allowing the maskless Cody to take out Kofi with Cross Rhodes for the pin at 8:05.

Rock is here.

Santino is playing WWE 12 in the back when Ryder comes up (PoP. Not good enough for three capitals), asking him to sign Ryder's petition. They get in a Rock vs. Cena argument and they agree Awesome Truth will lose Sunday. This appears to be more of a commercial for all things Ryder and WWE 12.

Here's Vickie to yell a lot. She cuts JR off on his product plugs too. Vickie has bad news: earlier today, WWE.com reported that Christian is out of the Survivor Series match which is legit due to an ankle injury. She blames Teddy for the injury and Dolph is replacing him. Actually Dolph comes out and cuts her off, saying he's the replacement on Team Barrett. It should be Team Ziggler though because he's the one with the talent. He has Mason Ryan tonight.

Mason Ryan vs. Dolph Ziggler

Ace comes out and throws Ross off commentary as Cole is ok again. Otunga plans to sue Punk. Cole of course is incapable of shutting up so the match isn't going to get much attention. Ryan uses a bunch of power stuff and Vickie slaps Ryan for the DQ at 1:08. Next.

Morrison runs out and throws Ziggler back in for a full nelson slam.

Foley runs into Ryder in the back and Ryder asks for a signature on the petition. Foley does a fist pump and Woo Woo Woo. Awesome.

Here's Foley for the first time in like three years. He says he's back here where he belongs and it's to talk about serious business. This Sunday there will be a team that will be together once and then never again. Foley hopes it'll be again in the form of the Rock and Cena Connection. He talks about how the fans boo Cena and while that's their right, he wishes the fans would view Cena as one of the greatest ever.

Foley brings out Cena in his hometown. Cena says he appreciates Mick's efforts, but he and Rock aren't going to be friends. Cena requested him to be his partner because Rock is electrifying, not because they're friends. Foley says they know each other a bit and their relationship is based on mutual respect. Foley talks about writing Cena a hand written letter as he respects Cena for treating everyone equally.

However when it comes to Twitter, Foley got in some trouble because he said everyone should respect Cena a bit more for all of his great matches. Preach it Foley. Foley has a hybrid Cena/Rock shirt and he's going to bring them together, because John Cena.....THIS IS YOUR LIFE!

Cena isn't sure what to do here but Foley says roll the emotional video tribute! We get a video on baby Cena with some sappy song to it. We also see teenage Cena and his rise through WWE. This is bizarre and once it's done, Cena isn't sure what to think again. He asks about the song which sounded like a theme song from a Care Bears movie. The first person Foley brings out is his former little league coach.

The coach tells a story about a game Cena was in where he was the last hitter up and he struck out looking to end the game. The coach said that it was a learning experience but Cena cried his eyes out that day. Foley: “Everybody strikes out once in awhile.” Cena: “You're striking out with this right now.” Up next is Bull freaking Buchanan. They really brought him out of mothballs for this?

We get a video of Cena rapping from 2003. Cena is either not expecting this stuff or he's a better actor than he's credited for. Buchanan talks about how great Cena's career has been. His life after the team split hasn't gone so well. He was fired, his wife left him, he lost his money, and his dog bit him and gave him rabies to end his career. Buchanan blames Cena for ruining his life and storms off. Cena: “Finally something worse than the Shockmaster.”

Foley has one more person left: Cena's dad. This can't go bad can it? Cena's dad goes off on the fans for chanting Cena sucks. Cena Jr. looks like he wants to go jump in front of a bus. Dad says the fans suck, not Cena. Children love him. So what? The son begs his dad to stop and says this is awful. Cena's dad leaves and Cena says that wasn't his life. This is his life here in the ring. He thanks Foley for trying but this was up there with the Gobbledygooker. Foley says he has one thing left. It's some chick but instead here's Rocky.

Rock hits the ring, Rock Bottoms Foley and leaves. That was GREAT. I love Foley but that was hilarious.

Sheamus vs. Jack Swagger

Sheamus is now introduced as the Great White. They're going to get that over as a nickname by force if need be. Power match to start and Swagger takes him to the mat pretty easily. Sheamus clotheslines him to the floor and we take a break. Back with Sheamus hammering the forearms into the chest but Swagger takes out the knee to take over. Suplex gets two. Sheamus comes back and pounds away on him, hitting a powerslam for two. High Cross is countered and the Vader Bomb hits the back of Sheamus. Ankle lock goes on but Sheamus kicks him to the floor. Irish Curse and Brogue Kick end this at 8:55.

Ryder tries to get signatures from the Bellas who reluctantly sign. They go to see Alberto and he's having a party when he wins. Ryder barges in and says the girls should party with him on Long Island. Everyone leaves Ryder there.

Kelly Kelly vs. Natalya

After a look behind the scenes of Kelly's Maxim photoshoot, Kelly is in a Patriots jersey and there's a Stinkface very quickly. Sharpshooter is countered into a small package for the pin at 52 seconds.

Ace talks on the phone with someone and says they'll do it next week. It's Brodus Clay who will be debuting next week. Great, more bait and switch. Alberto and Ricardo come in and Ace says Punk could be trouble if he wins the title.

We run down the Survivor Series card.

Awesome Truth says nothing as Striker asks them questions about the PPV on Sunday.

Punk is headed to the ring for the tag match but Alberto jumps him and beats him down.

Alberto Del Rio/Mark Henry vs. Big Show/CM Punk

Punk is holding his arm and chases Del Rio around a bit pre match. Del Rio vs. Big Show starts us off and Show has his t-shirt on still. After Show destroys him for a bit it's off to Punk who is out after about 15 seconds. Time for the big showdown with the ring breakers. Henry shoves him away and Show shoves Henry away. Show goes for a slam but Henry falls on him instead for two.

Back to Del Rio who stomps away and then it's Henry again. Del Rio and Punk are barely in this at all. Show fights up from his knees and Henry is staggered. Henry runs from the right hand and Del Rio isn't happy. They argue as we go to a break. Back with Mark standing on Punk's chest. We hear a tweet from Ace who praises Cole for toughing it out. Back to Alberto who works on the arm as Cole runs down the Anaconda Vice.

Punk fights back with a neckbreaker and Henry takes a kick to the head. Show comes in for a superkick to Henry but Punk springboards into the Slam. Show runs Henry down but is sent into the post. Del Rio steals the pin on Punk at 12:08 total. He needed to get a pin over him to give him some momentum.

Del Rio puts on the armbreaker post match. He remembers that Punk's left arm was hurt so he switches sides. Well at least he's thinking. Big Show makes the save.

Here's Santino who talks about Del Rio winning the Rumble by last eliminating him. He talks about Boston a bit and sucks up to the fans. Santino is going to put his career back on track now, and that brings out Kevin Nash. Nash says he's a big fan of Santino and asks to see the Trombone. If you can't see what comes next, stop reading this and go watch some old matches.

With Santino out cold, he talks about the Rumble where he got the biggest ovation of the night. He talks about HHH not hiring him after that reaction and points out that he's here and HHH isn't. There's a Jackknife to Marella and Nash leaves.

Jonah Hill is the guest host next week.

Here's a video on WWE 12.

Wade Barrett vs. Randy Orton

Barrett's SS team comes out with him. This is a rematch from Smackdown where Barrett got a huge upset via a thumb to the eye. Barrett says he's the future and all that jazz. Randy has his team with him as well. Gee think there's going to be a brawl? The bell is after a break. Orton takes Barrett down quickly and hits a suplex and knee drop for one. Boss Man Slam gets two and control for Wade. Barrett's hair is all messed up again like it was on Friday. A long chinlock eats up some time until Orton gets out and hits the elevated DDT. And everything breaks down for the DQ at 3:40.

Hunico gets destroyed post match.

It's 10:45 so here's Rock to close the show. He says at 3:15 AM this morning he woke up and by 3:30 he was eating breakfast (“Not a Fruity Pebble in sight!”). He goes through his daily schedule and says he was in New Orleans filming G.I. Joe 2 earlier today. At 6:45 he landed in Boston and had a security guard talking about....something. Rock talks about wanting to have dinner on the North End but instead he came here because he wanted to say that FINALLY, the Rock has come back to Boston.

In six days he's wrestling again, but that's not right now. That's why he Rock Bottomed Foley: the segment earlier was hot garbage and he had to do something about it. Rock plugs Twitter and says that if he says something, it'll knock off the Kardashians, Bigfoot and anything else. He wants Awesome Truth right NOW.

Here they come and they imply Rock isn't going to do anything to them tonight. The truth is that whenever they're on the show, Raw gets........AWESOME. They threaten Rock and it's a staredown. Scratch that as they're leaving and here's Cena. He says that Rock is Team Bring It, but the only thing he's brought for seven years are messages via satellite. The crowd is right: ooooooh!

Rock says you'll have to excuse Cena because he's not used to having an adult support him. Rock makes more juvenile jokes and Cena talks about Survivor Series. If Rock's ego gets in the way of the team, Cena slaps Rocky will be trending.

Miz says he's tired of this because he's tired of Awesome Truth being an afterthought. Last time that happened, Miz won in the main event of Wrestlemania. This Sunday will never be forgotten because of the beating Rock and Cena will get. Little Johnny and Little Rocky can talk all they want and the Little Jimmys can enjoy it. The fight is on and Rock punches Truth out. He loads up the Rock Bottom and Truth gets got. AA looks to put Miz down but Rock pulls him off and into a Rock Bottom. Rock leaves and Cena isn't happy at all.

Hunico/Cody Rhodes b. Kofi Kingston/Sin Cara – Cross Rhodes to Kingston
Mason Ryan b. Dolph Ziggler via DQ when Vickie Guerero interfered
Sheamus b. Jack Swagger – Brogue Kick
Kelly Kelly b. Natalya – Small Package
Mark Henry/Alberto Del Rio b. CM Punk/Big Show – Del Rio pinned Punk after a World's Strongest Slam
Randy Orton b. Wade Barrett via DQ when Cody Rhodes interfered


Raw got a 3.3. The usual two hours got a 3.4.


Date: November 15, 2011
Location: Webster Bank Arena, Bridgeport, Connecticut
Commentators: William Regal, Jack Korpela

We're back in America for this week and we're rapidly approaching the time needed to have a full pregnancy with this season. There's still no talk of eliminating anyone or anything like that and I'm sure we're leading up to a wedding or some jazz like that. Also we'll have more Johnny Curtis matches to suck the life out of all that is good and pure in the world. Let's get to it.

The opening video includes Young in the list of finalists. Oh give me a break.

Watson and O'Neil are in the ring to start the show. Waton introduces O'Neil and Titus barks. There are leather chairs in the ring so this looks like a talk show segment. Titus says this show has been long with people coming and going. However he's been one of the constants and after being eliminated last year, he's following the light to being the next WWE Breakout Star.

Cue Tyler Reks and Curt Hawkins who I guess are back together again. Reks thinks Titus has been here two months. This season has been going on for 9 months now so I guess math isn't Reks' strong suit. Hawkins says O'Neil has no heart. O'Neil gets fired up and says he's earned his way here (I'd ask for a refund) and he isn't going to listen to these guys talk down to him.

This brings out Bateman. “Worst show ever!” PREACH IT BROTHER!!! O'Neil and Watson make fun of Bateman and Maxine with fish noises included. Now we get fish jokes and a brawl breaks out. Striker says calm down and makes Reks vs. O'Neil for the main event. Bateman vs....someone but he won't turn around to listen to Striker. It's Bateman vs. Watson.

Percy Watson vs. Derrick Bateman

O'Neil sits in on commentary here. Watson controls to start and pounds on Bateman which doesn't mean much. Derrick is sent to the floor as Regal talks about Maxine being able to yodel with a dinner plate in her mouth. You can't say Regal is boring. Percy asks Regal to coach them but he says they don't have enough of a mean streak. Bateman and Titus yell at each other and Watson makes his comeback. Spinning splash gets two. Persecution (the fireman's carry into a pancake) ends this at 4:14.

Maxine is flipping through a wedding magazine and Johnny Curtis comes up to hit on her. He wants things to be like they used to be and puts his hand under her chin like he's going to kiss her. She moves it away and says she invented this game. Maxine had no idea Bateman had a match. She says she doesn't need his help and slaps him. So are they engaged now too?

Yoshi Tatsu vs. JTG

JTG has Tamina with him again. The crowd is SILENT when the bell rings. The announcers talk about England to try to avoid the match. A neckbreaker gets two for JTG and it's off to the exact same half nelson that Bateman used earlier. Is that a required move to use anymore? Regal talks about meeting the French inventor of the sandal: Fillipe Fillop. That's how boring this match is: that line was amusing by comparison. Yoshi starts his comeback but Tamina distracts him. JTG throws him into the post and a rollup ends this at 4:08.

Raw Rebound eats up some time by showing the end of Raw for about ten minutes. The Rock schilling Twitter is still annoying.

The Usos run into JTG/Tamina and the twins are left standing there with nothing being said. JTG and Tamina keep walking and run into Bateman who is looking for Maxine. We stay on Bateman who runs into Curtis and asks where she is. Maxine pops up and they get in an argument over where she was during his match. I have no idea what the point of this is. Bateman gets on the phone and calls for Teddy Long. Ok then.

Titus O'Neil vs. Tyler Reks

Power battle to start as Titus hammers him down to take over. They head to the floor and Hawkins gets involved. He also gets punched down by Watson, making both of them get ejected. After a break we're back with Tyler in control due to ramming O'Neil into the railing during the break. Reks hammers on him more with really basic stuff. This is a boring match so far. Off to that same quarter/half nelson which we've seen in both matches so far. Titus hits a backdrop to put Tyler down and hammers away. Clash of the Titus and we're done at 7:20. It was as abrupt as it sounded.

Post match.....oh you have got to be kidding me. DARREN FREAKING YOUNG is back to beat down Titus.

Percy Watson b. Derrick Bateman – Persecution
JTG b. Yoshi Tatsu – Rollup
Titus O'Neil b. Tyler Reks – Clash of the Titus


Jesse Neal was asked to go to OVW by TNA. He said no and will likely be leaving soon.

Impact Wrestling
Date: November 16, 2011
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tazz

Well we're after the Turning Point PPV now and head towards Final Resolution which is likely going to see AJ vs. Roode II because AJ was injured in the previous match. Also because there really isn't anyone else to face Roode at the moment. Other than that, expect more Bischoff vs. Bischoff stuff to bore the fans out of their minds. Impact has been good lately though so let's get to it.

We open with a recap of the main event of Turning Point where Roode cheated to keep the title.

Here's Roode to open the show. He says it's a shame to think he was part of Fourtune. He was the star, he was the leader and he was the future of the company. Roode says he got rid of the two of them and here's Storm. They've made him the real star of the company in this. Storm wants to know why Roode jumped him, which Roode denies. Storm doesn't care so he charges but security stops him. He turns around to have AJ behind him and the beating is on. Security pulls them apart and are about as successful as they usually are.

Post break AJ rants some more and Roode says no rematch. The brawl starts up again and cue Sting. He makes a 30 minute iron man match for Final Resolution for the title.

After we hear Taz and Mike talk a bit, Roode goes after Dixie in the front row. AJ makes the save but Roode hits him in the back to knock Dixie down as well.

Joe comes up to Storm in the back and says it wasn't Roode as he saw him the whole time. Joe says it wasn't him either. They fight anyway since this is TNA where backstage brawls are required by law.

Sting goes after Roode post break, saying that was like putting Roode's hands on Sting.

TV Title: Robbie E vs. D-Von

Pope is hitting on some blonde outside. D-Von takes over to start and runs him over with a clothesline. Some shoulders and a side slam put him down as well. D-Von throws him to the floor right in front of Pope. Pope slaps Robbie and is drilled by Terry for his efforts. D-Von's kids go after Terry for no apparent reason and Eric Young comes down to pop Terry with a chair which does nothing. D-Von's distraction lets Robbie roll him up at 2:00 to retain.

D-Von yells at his kids post match and they stay with Pope.

Sting talks to Garrett, praising him for his match last week. Garrett wants more of Gunner and Sting isn't sure. Garrett leaves when Morgan and Crimson come up. They wind up with a tag title shot later in the show. Sting is worried about the lack of a tag division or something.

Eric and Flair rant about Garret when Sting comes up to them talk about the rewriting of Bischoff's contract. However Eric doesn't have a signed contract so it doesn't mean jack. Sting makes Garrett vs. Gunner for later.

Kid Kash/Austin Aries vs. Jesse Sorensen/Brian Kendrick

Kendrick has dark hair now. Jesse vs. Kash to start because we haven't seen that enough yet. Cross body off the top gets two for Jesse. Aries won't tag in and Kash gets rolled up for two by Kendrick. Aries comes in for about a second, ducks an enziguri and here's Kash again. Hot tag to Jesse and he gets a northern lights for two. Aries walks out to make this a handicap match. Kash misses a moonsault and Sorensen hits a reverse Cross Rhodes (it ends in a DDT) for the pin at 5:02.

Karen is her usual self and gives Gail the night off.

Anderson is playing a football game in the back when Storm comes up, wanting to know if Anderson had anything to do with it.

Gauntlet Match

There are ten chicks in it and the winner is #1 contender. Velvet vs. Rosita starts us off. I'll only be giving the total time for this. Velvet is in blue which I highly approve of. Velvet hits a facebuster to end Rosita in about 4 seconds. Tessmacher is next and we have some good looking women in TNA. Brooke takes over and hits her Stinkface thing and takes her top off. A bulldog ends her a second later.

Fourth is Angelina who counters the facebuster into a rollup with tights to end it. I hate gauntlet matches because most of them are quick wins that are totally unrealistic by comparison to regular matches. Velvet kicks Mickie in the face on her way to the ring and we take a break. Back with Love hammering on Mickie which doesn't last long as Mickie kicks her head off for a quick pin.

Off to Sarita in 6th and this is UGLY. Sarita botches a springboard move, landing on Mickie's head despite Mickie ducking. A sloppy jumping DDT (head didn't hit) ends this a bit later. Tara is 7th and they hit the match. Tara throws on a heel hook and then the standing moonsault for two. Another somewhat bad jumping DDT gets us to Winter who is still gorgeous. A bridging suplex gets two as Mickie is getting tired.

Mickie escapes a fireman's carry and hits a SICK kick to Winter's head for the elimination. ODB is in at 9 and is A LOT slimmer. She even had abs. A fallaway slam sets up a nipup and a Bronco Buster. She's in camo pants now which works a lot better for her than the long shirt she usually wears. Top rope Thesz Press gets rid of ODB and Madison is last. ODB drills Mickie before leaving and hits a TKO (love that move). Madison walks around forever and Mickie rolls her up for a surprise pin at 15:02.

Ray is talking to some ugly chick (joke from Turning Point I think) when Storm comes up. He says take a free shot because he thinks Ray was involved. Ray says no but he knows who it was and that person is here. He offers Storm a spot in Immortal and Storm turns him down flat.

Garrett says he hopes Gunner underestimates him again tonight.

Here's Hardy and we get a quick shot from Turning Point where he beat Jarrett three times in a row. He says thanks to the fans and promises to always be there for them. His sights are shifting to the world title and that brings out Karen. She says someone with some balls needs to put Hardy in his place. She has the biggest set here and says Hardy needs to do more than just have sad eyes.

What he did at Turning Point wasn't being a man and Hardy needs to be one. She calls Hardy disrespectful and talks about Hardy's wife Beth. Karen pretended to be Beth's friend and performance problems are implied. She tries to get Jeff to hit her and says he didn't beat Jarrett fairly. Karen goes to slap him but Jeff blocks it. Here's Jeff Jarrett with the AAA belt but Hardy sees it coming. Karen tries a low blow but Hardy grabs it and the brawl is on.

Flair and Bischoff give Gunner a pep talk, saying destroy Garrett tonight.

Tag Titles: Mexican America vs. Crimson/Matt Morgan

Crimson vs. Anarquia starts us off and the chicks distract Red Boy so Hernandez can clothesline him down. LAX beats on Crimson who can't get anything going in the first three minutes or so. A shoulder/spear takes down SuperMex and it's a double tag for Morgan and Anarquia. Morgan throws everyone around and chokeslams Anarquia for two. Exploder suplex and the Carbon Footprint give us new champions at 5:21.

Storm thinks he knows who the attacker is.

Garrett Bischoff vs. Gunner

Sting, Eric and Flair are in corners. Garrett has his own song now. He uses basic stuff to start and it's off to Gunner in control because he's, you know, not a referee. A charge of his hits the post but Eric grabs Garrett's foot and Gunner takes over again. A spear in the corner has Garrett in trouble but you know the fluke pin is coming. And there it is as Garrett counters a suplex into a DDT for the clean pin at 3:56.

Here's Storm for the big finish. He says he's being passed over because he's too southern and that's not right. Storm calls out AJ of all people and Styles is a little banged up still. AJ: “Are you kidding me?” AJ doesn't think that makes sense because he's been the one behind Storm the entire time. Storm points out that ever since Storm has been on the shelf, AJ has gotten two shots at Roode. Styles says Sting made those decisions and denies being the attacker.

They're about to fight when Kaz comes out to break them up. Kaz gets AJ out of the ring and Angle comes in from under the ring for the beatdown. We have an attacker.

Robbie E b. D-Von – Rollup
Jesse Sorensen/Brian Kendrick b. Kid Kash/Austin Aries – Spinning DDT to Kash
Mickie James won a gauntlet match last eliminating Madison Rayne
Crimson/Matt Morgan b. Mexican America – Carbon Footprint to Anarquia
Garrett Bischoff b. Gunner – DDT

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