Weak looking finishers.

I dont know if this is a finisher but...... the 5 knuckle shuffle.

Come on at least when Morrison does the SSP he actually makes contact with the other guy, but when the 5 knuckle shuffle happens cena punches the mat 2 feet away from the head of his opponent.

Also i dont think Santino(aka "the" jobber) does a neckbreaker, really a 10 year old could do a neckbreaker on someone, unless that dude has a freakin' broken neck it doesnt look like it would hurt.

Lastly i dont like Shawn micheals SCM because itr looks like all you would have to do is sidestep it or duck under it, and he stomps the ground 7 times wich should warn the opponent to get out of dodge(aka the ring) and it would be useless
Some comments on what other people said first: R-Truth's lie detector looks pretty weak, but it has some flash, so I won't call it the worst. Yoshi Tatsu's kick to the head isn't that impressive since plenty of guys (CM Punk, Morrison, even Shelton to an extent) give kicks to the head and doesn't look flashly like sweet chin music or trouble in paradise. The zig zag has a setup and is usually timed well, and there's decent impact, so I don't think it's that weak at all. The KO punch shouldn't be in this discussion, in my opinion, unless you're commenting on how it's hard to sell a KO punch when the guy can't actually hit you. Because yes, Show could technically hit it whenever he wants, but he doesn't because he has to "soften up" his opponent first, and I buy that. I also buy that his punch is worse than anyone elses, since he's the biggest in the company. Edge's spear only looks weak to me when he does it to someone huge (like the Big Show last night). Even with a head of steam, he couldn't take Show off of his feet like that realistically. The future shock looks awesome, I understand that it doesn't always look like the guy's head hits, but that's a problem with who is selling the move, not delivering it. Paydirt would look awesome if someone knew how to freaking take the move. Ziggler f'ed it up last night on Smackdown. The generic name of that move is called a "Complete Shot" and you're supposed to land on your face, not your back, ugh.

Moves that I think are as weak or even weaker than the above mentioned ones: The attitude adjustment (he is a power wrestler, yet he doesn't really slam his opponent with this, he just throws them. A superplex would be higher off the mat with more impact, THAT would be a better finisher in theory), the 619 (if you count it as his finisher, that is. If you hate the Lie Detector, you have to hate this one, because even though this has a setup, all he is doing is delivering a flashy kick to the face instead of a flashy elbow to the face. Although lately, guys have been reversing Rey's springboard moves after being hit with the 619, so I guess Mysterio is allowing it to look like the 619 by itself is not powerful at all, which is admirable), Shad's STO (he swings his leg because it's supposed to look like he's tripping his opponent, but he never even touches the opponent's leg! This just looks like a weak takedown).

And because I feel like saying it, the move that should be a finisher but isn't: Mike Knox's "Flying Bear" (I hate that name) running cross-body. Without ranting about how I think Knox is grossly underused, this move has to make everyone cringe when it's delivered. This move looks absolutely disgusting and could easily be a finisher. Since he hasn't won a match in months though, I guess it's good it's not his finisher so I get to see it every week. His finisher is a swinging complete shot that doesn't have a name (to my knowledge, I've been calling it the Knoxout) if anyone is trying to remember what it was.
and as far as orton's new taunt thing, i fucking love it. it shows that he's borderline insane. the knuckle pounding thing shows his impatience and his ''hunting'' persona. with the added stress of having cody and ted fuck with him constantly and causing him to lose title shots and main event matches, of course he's losing it. people have put too much into the internet spoiling things and it's no longer randy orton the insane head kicker, now he's randy orton PLAYING as such and every one wonders why he does all this. it's the wrestler randy orton, the WRESTLER is an insane, merciless hunter
I agree with everything ppl have said in this thread. so im not gunna repeat any of it.
but to me rey mysterios 619 is weird, sumtimes it knocks out the opponent and sumtimes just makes the opponent look like they got slapped, and hardly does any damage.
another example of this is sadly shawn micheals sweet chin. Its been terebly downgraded recently and sometimes does no damage and sumtimes ko's them.
wow ha are yall forgetting john cenas attitude adjustment not only is the name bad but seriously its a fireman carry or however you say it haha he needs a new one asap because that is just horrible
I have to go with John Cena's Attitude Adjustment.
It really does not look that great in my opinion. All he is doing is throwing them down to the mat, thats it. It just does not look that impressive to me
OK, people, the Playmaker is just a modified swinging neckbreaker. MVP doesn't perform it right. The RKO isn't just about hittin your face on the mat, Orton's in mid air and puts around 250 lbs of pressure on your neck. The Mandible Claw/Mr. Socko is a pressure point that can paralyze people. The weakest fimisher I've seen in ages though is definitely the Additude Adjustment, Cena puts no power in it anymore.
R-Truth's Lie Detector is the only move in the history of wrestling that gains power with motion after the impact, honestly.

I have no idea how anyone gets hit by the Playmaker.

World's Strongest Slam looks boring.

I think the Carbon Footprint sucks, but that's because Matt Morgan used the Hellavator before, it took me a fair amount of replays to figure out how that move worked. (Hellavator, not the footprint)
I have noticed that there are a lot of weak finishers in the WWE as of late.

Here's a list of the worst
1. Dolph Ziggler's Zig-Zag (Jumping Neckbreaker)- Just TERRIBLE I hate it! How is this supposed to knock me out for three seconds? A regular neckbreaker would be better...BUT I do like him using that Sleeperhold he's been doing, hey its a submission finisher I guess...albeit a little gay.

2. R-Truth's Lie Detector (Corkscrew Forearm-Smash)- Should stick to the Axe kick he was using before. This doesn't should be a setup move instead of his finisher

3. MVP's Playmaker (Overdrive)- Just not executed very well. The timing on both ends has to be perfect for this to even work half right. It takes 4ever to set up and Porter has waste even more time getting his balance. He needs to find a completely different finisher all together.

4. Zack Ryder's Zack Attack (Inverted Overdrive)- LAMEST. NAME. EVER. This is the best they could come up with? Zack Attack? That's sounds so childish! This is more to do with the name and setup rather than the impact of Zack's finisher. Rough Ryder leg lariat is fine. it's a cool, athletic move. Zack Attack is just flat out stupid because its sounds like something a 5 year old would say. The setup takes a little long for my taste, and like MVP, needs to find his balance quicker.

5. Yoshi Tatsu's Roundhouse Kick- Stereotypical Japanese stuff here folks. Just because he's from japan doesn't mean they all know karate and stuff! (although he probably does) He needs something WAY more devastating. Although he does have some cool moves, he needs something more solid, like a type of facebuster. I think that could suit him.

6. Rey Mysterio's 619- (Tiger Feint Kick)- Very cool move, but it just doesn't look believable. A lot of it has to do with two things: The selling and the speed of his kick. In order for this to work, Rey needs to come into the ropes harder, so he swings with more velocity. Second, opponents need to sell way better. Falling two feet from the ropes doesn't do anything, so they need to sell like Eddie Guerrero did, and fall back to the center of the ring, get up dazed, then let Mysterio do the West Coast Pop. It's that simple. thats way more that could be talked about, but I listed 6, so that should be enough.
What about the Ultimate Warrior's finisher? Where he runs off the ropes and splashes the back of his opponent? I'm not even gonna talk about the 3 weak ass looking clotheslines he hit Macho with to retire him.

As much as I don't like Big Show's KO punch, I think it works. Big Show isn't fast where he can come in swinging @ opponents to knock them out. They'll simply dodge and he'll end up gassing himself in the opening minute. In this context, and considering the size of his hand, it's an effective finisher. I see nothing weak about it. It might be the most realistic finisher in a fake sport.

The People's Elbow...definately weak, but it always got a pop and made an entertaining finisher.

Does anybody know who the originator of the Playmaker is? That person should have atrocities committed upon him. What is that move suppose to do? I couldn't figure it out when Orton used to do much less now that MVP is. That move definately is not going to get him into the main event.
Don't get me wrong I don't hate this move it just bugs me at times. It's one of the best finishers ever.

But when someone tries to do the tombstone to the undertaker like Orton at Wrestlemania, not only does he look bad but he looks stupid. Never ever should that finish be done.

Edge's spear- God I am a HUGE edge head but that move just ugh. I can't beleive that when he hits the big show that he's going to get a pin. Seriously, it shouldn't be done on anyone bigger than Cena really. It looks bad most of the time when he does.
I already posted, but after reading other posts after mine, I forgot to mention any one of Cena's finishers. I just didn't think it was even neccessary to mention his dreaded moveset. But yeah.

The Attitude Adjustment...jesus, it's a firemans carry. This move is pretty terrible. It is a modified body slam. Now, when he does it to someone like Big Show, I have to give him credit. But then again, it is pretty obvious that phycisally, Cena is a monster. But this move just looks so weak, it's amazing to me.

The STFU, or whatever he calls it now, it's an STF, you idiot. This has to be the most God-awful attempt at an STF I have ever seen. He puts zero tork on this thing. It looks like he is taking a nap on someones back. Come on, Cena, do something with that hold. It's a good hold (when done by other people). It is a believable submission hold, if only this guy knew how to apply it.

Also, I read some idiot said the stunner! Are you KIDDING ME? That was one of the most sudden, devestating finishers in WWE history! Sure, some guys like the Rock and Scott Hall reacted to it in an overblown fashion (they did look cool doing it however). But if you want to see HOW a Stunner should be taken, just watch old videos of Vinny Mac getting dropped on that stack of dimes he called a neck. He would lay out for that thing (whether he meant to or not), and it looked pretty damn painful.
Finishers aren't what they used to be. I remember the days of the "Gordbuster", which was Arn Anderson's finisher. It was a modified suplex, only he dropped you on your head. There are many others, but the bottom line is there are LOTS of finishers that don't quite cut the mustard as far as looking legit is concerned. I'll list a few here.

1) MVP's Playmaker
This move makes me wonder why he's employed in the WWE. It's the dumbest finisher I've ever seen and not many finishers can compete with the weakness and flat out goofy nature of this move. It's not effective as a regular SET UP move, much less his finisher. I'd no sell it if I were wrestling with him.

2) Cody Rhodes' Crossroads
This move's not near as bad as MVP's, but it's not good either. Should find a way to incorporate some sort of submission finisher in order to sell his heel nature. This move's dangerous and it doesn't even look like it. I'd be embarrassed knowing my career ended on such a shit finisher.

3) Sheamus' Celtic Cross or whatever
Umm... Razor Ramon/Scott Hall already done this. And it wasn't that good looking of a move when he done it. No impact, much danger to it. Doesn't equal a good finisher to me.

4) John Cena's Attitude Fuck You Drop
It's a fireman's carry drop. That's it. I'm sure it has high impact, which is crucial in a finisher, but there's no way this move should be a knockout blow. It's a glorified body slam. He'd be better off spinning around and dropping him like a Samoan Drop instead of this.

5) Jack Swagger's Power Bomb
He's trying to do a variation of the Doctor Bomb. Just do the move. It'd be a tribute to Dr. Death Steve Williams, who went to the same school as Swagger, and it's a high impact, devastating finisher. And with the right person, could look real good.
I have to defend Edge and his spear, come on people how many of you have speared and been speared? I have done both and it fucking hurts no matter how big the person is, Iv been speared by people my size and bigger. Sure, When it comes to edge his spear might not be as great as when Goldberg did it, But i think he pulls it off very naturally and looks great everytime...expect when your trying to spear a 500 pound behemoth..Now if you want to talk about spears somebody here mentioned the one Batista uses. Now that my friend, is a case of somebody using a move they cant properly execute and just looks silly half the time. Edge has been using the spear for quiet sometime and can at least pull of a spear that looks credible.

But one to the topic at hand

There is one finishing move that just pisses me off everytime i see it. M.V.P and his Playmaker....WTF is a playmaker? Why does it look like my 78 year old grandmother could kick out of it? It just looks ridiculous and silly and dosent even look like it would hurt in the least. I swear all the people while they sit there and wait for the 3 count i bet you they think to themselves..You know, MVP could execute this move on me 10 times in a row and id still, probailly be able to kick out at 1. Makes me want to punch mvp in the face and say THERE MY FIST IN YOUR FACE BEATS YOUR NECK TWIRLY THING. I just hate it. Makes me angry everytime i see it. MVP for the love of god, get a new finisher.

And thats really the only move i have a problem with. If i think of another, i'll be back!
MVP's Playmaker: It has been said by just about everyone so far, so I'll keep it short. Terrible move. It requires too much work for no payoff, and just looks horrible even with perfect execution. The Drive-By Kick is so much better, and it is basically a kick to the head.

The Attitude Adjustment Fireman's Carry: A high impact Fireman's Carry that was supposed to be mocking the F-5. Granted, Cena delivers the move well, but I just can't buy it as a huge finisher. It looks like something I could really hit somebody with and they'd just get up immediately after. Not the worst, but could be better.

619: I don't know where to start with this one. Beyond the absurd Drop Toe Hold devastation setup lies the biggest Mosquito bite of a finisher I've ever seen. Not only does it not look like it does any damage, but the guys that sell the move just lend to the ridiculousness of the situation.

That's my take on some that have been mentioned already. Otherwise, I pretty much agree with everyone else.
Hate the 619. At first I thought it was kind of cool, but it annoys me now. You never see a guy land on the middle rope, ever, in any other match not involving Mysterio, yet amazingly, it happens at least once in every single Rey Mysterio match. Plus the move itself doesn't look powerful or devastating enough.

As much as I love Morrison, hate the Starship Pain. Again, looked cool at first, but too flippy and unrealistic.

Lastly, hate Sheamus's sinisher, don't even know what it's called, but it looks like a Razor's Edge from years ago, except whenever he does it, even though he's a really big guy, he seems to really struggle to get the guy up and apply the move with any conviction, making it look weak and ineffective.

For finishers I like, there's the GTS, Tombstone Piledriver, and Attitude Adjustment. Simple, effective, and devastating.
I know im not going to be popular with this but hey its just IMO...

HHH’S PEDIGREE . I never liked this finisher. It looks like it hurts but I don't think it should KO you. It shocks me that next to nobody mentioned this poor looking finisher. If we are going to hate on moves such as the killswich, zig zag, playmaker, and paydirt, calling them week looking, then why not the Pedigree?

CENA’S ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT. If i am not mistaken, I think He started out using the death valley driver. It looked devastating and painful. He should have stuck with it. Now it just a lazy fireman's carry.

R TRUTH’S LIE DETECTER. Its flashy but its just a flying forearm smash.

RAY’S 619/SEATED SENTON. This dos not look devastating at all. He should have stuck with his old finisher. I forget what it was called. The one he used in WCW. CAN ANYBODY HELP ME WITH THIS? He would be on his opponents shoulders crotch in face, and roll backwards under his opponents legs to pin him . This was perfect for Ray because it idealized his speed and size.

But the finisher that IMO is the most unrealistic/ not devastating is...

MORRISON’S STAR SHIP PAIN. He makes this move look so good. But after the flashy flipping and spinning, its just a splash from like 5 feet high .
Some of these complaints sound like nit-picking. Big Show's punch has been built up like death. And he takes time to build it up, cause he's a giant dude whose kinda slow. But he's got a huge ass fist. Same type of logic behind Khali's giant hand chop.

The Paydirt and Zig-Zag, in theory and when executed best, spike their opponents head into the ground. I think Dolph's Zig-Zag always looks the best, cause of the intensity behind it.

And I saw someone say Regal's knee trembler. It's a knee shot.. TO THE TEMPLE. And it always looks and sounds vicious. So it's fine. Just like Randy Orton's punt, it both looks and sounds like a legit match-ender.

The only one in the WWE that looks like plain crap is MVP's Playmaker. It's horrible and looks like it bashes up MVP's knee/leg more than it does whatever it's attempting to hurt on his opponent.

Edge's spear is probably the second weakest looking finisher in the 'E. He should use his DDT as his finisher rather than some weak looking spear. It looks much better.
The 619 is the worst finisher in the WWE. It takes a ridiculous set up and looks completely unrealistic. It looks kind of cool the first couple of times you see it, but, it's just the kind of move that reminds you that you're watching fake fighting.

I don't like the spear as a finisher either. So many guys use it as a transitional move that when Edge, a main eventer, uses it to finish, it doesn't have as much impact. The same goes for DDTs now.
TO answer the question, "The Paydirt" and "The Zig Zag" both fit that category for me. I was never happy with the fact that Shelton went from using the T-Bone Suplex to whatever that move is supposed to be.

And as far as Ziggler goes, it's basically the same move as SHelton's but in reverse and then with them pushing the Sleeperhold with him now, it's only getting worse. He seems better suited for a finisher like a Fisherman's Suplex. And if you;re going to make him use a sleeper-like hold, why not make it the Dragon Sleeper?

Lastly, I have to make mention of MVP's Playmaker. I've never liked it and I think he's like the third or fourth person to be using it. Granted its much better than the Capoeira Kick he was using in the indies but not by much. Does anyone know if they've stopped him from doing the "Drive-by Kick"?
If it's all time I would say X-Pac's X-Factor... At first Waltman did it ok, but as the years went it was just lazy and soft looking.. Also Billy Gunns Fame Asser, it just didnt look like it does that much damage.. Road Dogg's and Test Pump Handle Slam looked weaked looking the way they did it..
I think Zigglers zig zag is horrible, R-Truths loie detector is horrible and regals Knee trembler is horrible. I think Ziggler is going to start using the sleepers hold. since he is being built up using it. and as far as R-Truth goes, He should stick to the lie detector being a routine move, and the axe kick being his finisher, and If he is going to wrestle a tag match at wrestlemania, he should stay in that tag team with morrison
Off the top of my head.

Ziggler's ZigZag - It looks like he just pulls them down by the back of their head.
Benjamin's Paydirt - Read above and replace "back" with "front"
Edge's Spear - that the implant DDT he does is much better
Cena's FU or whatever it's called these days - Should be a Death Vally Driver instead.
Big Show's punch - Stupid
Miz's Skull Crushing Finale - Not a terrible move. Just been used a lot over the years.
Regal's Knee - Regalplex is way better but I don't think guys wanna take it
Morrison's Starship Pain - Seems like he misses most of the time plus limited setups
Orton's RKO - the move itself isn't bad but he only has like one set up for it. As much as I hate DDP, at least he had a bunch of different setups for it. Orton should too. It would fit with the whole viper thing.
Big Show's punch indeed. I tell you what, let someone who ways as much as a small car punch you in the face, and tell me if it hurts. The sedcond weakest looking finisher in the WWE is the playmaker. MP takes about an hour to set it up, and then its execution looks slow and sloppy. However, it has absolutely nothing on the lie detector. The axe kick was fine, but now he does a move, that rarely connects, and even when it does it looks totally pathetic. By far the shittest finishing move in the WWE.
Big Show's punch indeed. I tell you what, let someone who ways as much as a small car punch you in the face, and tell me if it hurts.

They wouldn't be able to, becuase they would be knocked the fuck out, or dead. Everyone saying Big Shows punch or Regal's knee trembler are idiots. Those are some of the most legit finishers in the WWE. If you have the largest athlete on earth PUNCH YOU IN THE FUCKING HEAD you will be DONE in a fight, hello.

As has been said, the 619 and Playmaker are both shit. Both are silly as fuck to set up, and dont look the least bit painfull, and wouldnt BE the least bit painfull if done to you in a legit fight.

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