Was there egg on Vince McMahon's face after "his death"?

CM Steel

A REAL American
In June of 2007 there was an angle where WWE chairman Vince McMahon was killed in a limo explosion outside a RAW arena. It was an angle that got took a little bit too far almost like the "God" angle years earlier. But around this time frame, the Chris Benoit incident happens. Where the WWE is looked upon in a bad light, and the Mr. McMahon death angle had to be dropped.

We were treated to a three hour tribute video show of Chris Benoit's greatest matches. When the RAW show opened we see MR. VINCE MCMAHON in the flesh! And he openly admits the script of the "Mr. McMahon charactor death" angle. Then when the smoke from the Chris Benoit incident almost clears. Mr. McMahon is back on RAW. Saying that the reason why he faked his death is because he wanted to see how much the WWE universe cared about him,lol.

So the "Vince McMahon death" angle is one of the few angle's in the WWE that started but never finished. So was there egg on Vince McMahon's face after "his death"?
Not really. Shit happens and Chris Benoit dying was a little more important than a silly script. What would you propose Mr. McMahon do, carry on wth the storyline like it's just another day at the office? No, I'm sure many people would've thought of it as disrespectful to Benoit and his entire family and that really isn't the kind of attention the WWE wants. There was nothing wrong with cancelling a storyline that revolved around death in honor of tragedy. It ended the way it should have.
I'm curious as to where they would've gone from there. He was clearly in the limo, the limo exploded, and they announced his death afterwards. What possible angle could they have come up with for him to miraculously return?
I'm curious as to where they would've gone from there. He was clearly in the limo, the limo exploded, and they announced his death afterwards. What possible angle could they have come up with for him to miraculously return?

Nah you don't have to think about it anymore. Just look at hornswoggle being Vince's son only to be revealed later that Finlay is his real papa :lmao:

Bottomline line is it will be just crap. I agree with Hamily Guy that they definitely drop that storyline to respect the death of Chris Benoit during that time. His death is more important than that crappy storyline.
No, I just think that they dropped the angle because they were going to make their public image worse and the reason to becoming less violent was because of the Benoit case.
I don't think dropping the angle was an embarrassment for the WWE. No one was going to care about the storyline death of Vince McMahon when one of the top guys had actually died. It was really just common sense to drop the angle.

Besides, it was just a wrestling storyline. The WWE had already put out press releases assuring people that Vince McMahon was not dead.

And actually, the WWE starts alot of angles they never finish. Most die more slowly and are forgotten tho (Why Nexus attacked UT in 2010, Raw Anonymous GM, etc.)
No No and Hell No Vince had egg on his face. The week before **** ****** flew the koo koos nest shareholders were pissed some actually thought it was true because Vince stuck to the script he didn't show at the office only his family and inner circle were in contact with him that script made Fox News and MSNBC and panic set it because of it. The script was working on the gullible. I remember the WWE website even mentioning it. Then you know what happens so Vince being the captain of the ship had to show his face in a tragedy involving an employee of his. It's not egg on his face he did what he had to do. He acted premature before the facts came out but he had to show his face.
Even with them dropping it the main part was already over, which was the death. It aired the night after the Sopranos finale. What they were doing was giving us the finale to the Sopranos we never got from the show. It was a great moment on Raw that nobody expected. The rest would have probably not have been as good as the actual death.
Characters die in soap operas all the time, so why can't 'characters' die in WWE? It's a scripted show, it was a storyline.

Benoit died, McMahon did the right thing. How was it embarrasing for him?
Well, there was no way Vince McMahon could have known that Benoit was going to go psycho, first of all. I thought the storyline itself was brilliant and had a lot of potential. People can say bad taste or whatever, but plenty of soap operas kill people off and wrestling is a male soap opera. When the news broke, there was nothing else Vince could do but publicly acknowledge it as a storyline and then drop it. He would look terrible if he didn't, and he's a smart businessman. That angle might have been his baby that year, but continuing it certainly would not have been worth the terrible PR he and WWE would have gotten because of it.

So in short, it was bad timing and bad circumstances and Vince did the best (and only, really) thing he could have done. I fail to see how he had egg on his face.
The same thing that happened with the limo angle, happened with Trump. When Donald Trump bought Raw, the shareholders were scared shitless and Vince had to drop the angle a week later.

This just shows that the people who have stock in WWE are gullible idiots and WWE programming is affected because of it.
Yeah that was almost as bad as the time he was giving away money every week on Raw and all the sudden the whole set fell on him and he fell off the stage then a fuckin anvil fell on him. For some reason Vince seemed to be on the kick where some sort of horrible tragedy befell him every year or every six months and each time was supposed to mark the death of the Mr. McMahon character.

Some how he always survived and came back just as evil as before.

But I dont think he had egg on his face for the segment but he had a lot of egg on his face when it turned out they threw a huge tribute to Benoit and by the next week he was stricken from the record when it was said that he brutally murdered his family and the partial cause was thought to be the roids.

Anyone who knows anything about the WWE knows that they went through a huge steroid scandal back in 91 when the medical office of George Zahorian got busted selling anabolic steroids among other things to Vince, Roddy Piper, Hulk Hogan, and others. Hell, Piper even testified that he ordered steroids and received his shipment. Zahorian was found guilty on 12 seperate counts including steroid solicitation among other charges.

Then after Benoit died, every news channel and dirt sheet immediately concluded that in one way, shape or form, Benoit HAD to have been heavily using steroids causing an uncontrollable rage which caused him to carry out the murders. Ultimately, it was discovered that 15 or so past and present WWE stars back in 2007 had been indicated in an online pharmacy ring where they were said to be purchasing technically legal performance enhancing drugs as well as illegal steroids and other prescriptions. That list included Randy Orton, Charlie Haas, Adam Copeland (Edge), Robert Huffman (King Booker), Shane Helms, Mike Bucci (aka Simon Dean/Nova of ECW fame), Anthony Carelli (Santino Marella), John Hennigan (John Morrison), Darren Matthews (William Regal), Ken Anderson, Chavo Guerrero, Shoichi Funaki, Dave Bautista (Batista), Chris Mordetsky (Masters) and Eddie Fatu (Umaga).
Almost the entire list bought one or more types of steroids!

Later on it was confirmed that Benoit, Eddie Guerrero and Brian Adams had also all been customers of the same ring before their deaths and each purchased Nandrolone which is an anabolic steroid as well as the drug Anastrozole which is a drug which fights steroid side effects such as breast growth among other things.

Needless to say, with 3/4 of their top stars getting suspended, fired, or just plain saying "screw you Vince" and leaving like Booker T who got a 60 day suspension while others got 30, it looked pretty bad there for awhile.

So no, I highly doubt he was sweating the death angle at all.
Hamily Guy has it right. Real life trumps a silly wrestling storyline. Wrestling is make believe. As such, if you need to end an angle prematurely because of something that happens in the real world, you do it, without hesitation.
Vinnie Mac did the right thing!! WHo honestly gives a shit about some silly script when one of the top performers of all time actually did pass on. Vince is a powerful man but a fortune teller he is not!! He could have not predicted that Benoit would die!! Vince appearing in the flesh when that happened made all of us realize at that time that human beings are real stories are just that Stories!!!
The Benoit situation was obviously more important than the Vince death angle. If someone else would've announced Chris' death on TV I can already imagine what the press would say: "WWE's Chairman would've announced the death of one of his employees but he was too busy being dead himself".
The only "egg" on the face would be that it was a dumb idea to begin with, lets face it, where could it have gone? The world at large would have known VKM was still alive, kicking and taking conference calls... but the Gobbledygooker, Katie Vick and Mae Young and Mark's Handy moment were also dumb ideas, they'd have gotten past it...

Where it went wrong was reality, just as you create a PPV called Badd Blood and the guy who is gonna wrestle loser wears a dress against an apparently gay wrestler dies... its sods law... you couldn't write it if you tried...
The only egg on Vince's face after this had to do with the Benoit tribute show. The whole story was still unraveling when the show aired. It was actually during the show that i first saw on ESPN that Benoit was responsible for the murders. Here are all the superstars talking about the great family man Benoit was when the news is coming out that he killed his wife and kid. The next day WWE had to start defending themselves over steroids and concussions.

I understand WWE feeling as if they had to run the tribute show that night, the same way they did when Eddie died. But in hindsight i'm sure this is one thing that Vince might actually regret doing.
Not at all, He's the chairman of the wwe and Benoits boss. If he hadn't come out to say something because he wanted to "stay dead" than he would have went down in history as a much bigger asshole than he already will.

"sorry Benoit family, i'd love to come out and make a speech about Chris, a valued employee that passed away and someone you love dearly.... but i'm kind of in the middle of pretending i'm dead... sooooo.... if you can make sure and not mention to anyone that we talked.... really don't wanna break kayfabe over this. Thanks"

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