Which super villain would you compare Mr. McMahon to?

CM Steel

A REAL American
WWE chairman Vince K. McMahon and "Mr. McMahon" are two different people in-general. It wasn't until the "Montreal Screwjob" in 1997 that Vince McMahon gave birth to the Mr. McMahon at the sacrifice of Bret "The Hitman" Hart at the Survivor Series pay per-view. And still ti'l this very day we see the Mr. McMahon charactor from time to time on WWE TV.

From that time span we've seen "Mr. McMahon" in various feuds with his WWE superstars. Including the likes of...

-Stone Cold Steve Austin
-Hulk Hogan
-Bret Hart
-The Undertaker
-Shawn Michaels

The Mr. McMahon persona is a charactor yes. But which comic book super villain would you compare the Mr. McMahon chractor to? Remember back in '99 with the whole "higher power" angle? And it was Mr. McMahon revealed as that higher power. Kinda illuminati like IMO. But he came off to some views as a Dr. Doom-like villain wearing a hooded clock the way he did.

But, which super villain would you compare Mr. McMahon to?
I'd like to say Mr. McMahon is the Lex Luthor of the WWE Universe, but in all honesty, he felt more like Green Goblin at times. Both Lex and Norman were obsessed with getting rid of Superman and Spiderman just as Vince was obsessed with getting rid of Stone Cold. Plus, Vince is the owner of a multi-million dollar company just like Lex and Norman were owners of their own conglomerates. Vince has a lot in common with these guys, especially with other rich and powerful supervillains like Doctor Doom, Ra's Al Ghul and Vandal Savage, but truth be told, I think there is one villain who Vince is more similar when it comes to personality: TWO-FACE.

Two-Face used to be an innocent lawyer who eventually became a villain by victim of circumstance. You could say the same for Vince who was a lowly commentator who randomly got pushed into superantagonism after Survivor Series '97 in Montreal. After that, Two-Face had a psychotic break and became a mix of a extremely violent psychopath and a zany crazy loon. Vince McMahon is just like that. He has goons do most of the work for him just like Two-Face did, but neither of them were afraid to go one-on-one if it had to come down to that. So not only were they cowards, they were badasses as well! It's that total contradictory type of personality that defines Two-Face and who he is and Vince embodies that as well. Vince is obviously a much more comedic villain due to many times of being embarrassed on-screen, but Two-Face has had his moments as well. The only things that could make this comparison work even better is if either someone burns half of Vince's face off or Harvey inherits a wrestling company.

Still, even though Two-Face and Vince have a lot of similarities, I think Vince is in a class of his own. He's just that damn good at what he does, I can't see anybody ever embodying a character exactly like Mr. McMahon in a superhero story. Mr. McMahon has a unique ability that I doubt will ever be repeated in a wrestling ring, let alone in any other medium.
Easily, it has to be Kingpin. He always sent others to do the work, but did get his hands dirty when forced.
My 1st thought was definitely Lex Luthor (especially after getting shaved) but another one I could see him as is The Green Goblin. Rich owner of a corporation that is mad with power and sometimes goes insane. Plus Shane would make for a good Hobgoblin.

He isn't a bad guy/villian persay, but he is a bad guy with good intentions. All he wants is world domination, but as mutants being the alpha over normal humans lead by his Brotherhood of Mutants. In this case it's WWE dominating sports.

Magneto has ghanged so much over the years through comics. He's good, he's bad, he fights for mutant rights, he fights for equality. Never has be been just one solid personality.

He also usually leads a group to do his bidding, and works behind the scenes, while also working with other villians to obtain the same goal.
Vince McMahon is Dr. Doom

He's a genius, but is driven by his vanity. Plus, I don't know why, but I think they kinda look alike.
Magneto. He isn't a bad guy/villian persay, but he is a bad guy with good intentions. All he wants is world domination...

I'd call "wanting world domination" a pretty bad thing. I see the point you're trying to make though.

As someone else said, I think the Kingpin is spot on. A guy who manipulates things from behind the scenes, but is always out front, and can get his hands dirty when need be.

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