Was The Rock offered the $2 Million WWE were prepared to give to Brock Lesnar?


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I was doing lots of reading recently of possibilities of guest host on WrestleZone and other sites.

Some were crazy, and some were possibly... like Brock Lesnar. And it said Lesnar was being offered $2,000,000 just to appear at WrestleMania, but if WWE were willing to do that, do you think they would've given The Rock the $2,000,000 for this whole month and a half stint that they would've given Brock Lesnar?
I can see Rock saying yes only to help promote his new movie for that much.I don't think hes only being paid 2 million for his appearances leading up to Mania(if he does appear week to week leading to the big ppv). Hes likely getting more because hes way bigger then Brock ever thought of being and people have been asking for a return by him for years.
I think the only people that actually know the real answer to this is the Rock and the heads of the W.W.E. But, Do I think he got offered it? Yeah I do. and why not, if Lesnar was going to be offered it to just wrestle one match why shouldn't the WWE do the same for the Rock who will be making more then one appearance at Wrestlemania and most likely a few times during the road to Wrestlemania.

I actually feel he was telling the truth when he said that he didn't return to promote a movie or money problems but for the fans. But just because he didn't do it for the money don't mean he wouldn't of accepted 2 million dollars.

Would you turn it down?
i actually doubt tht lesnar was being paid 2 mil. maybe he wanted 2 mil but wwe cudnt afford to give him tht much for just one night. maybe 2 million dollars isnt a lot of money for wwe but just for one night i doubt it. maybe this was the deciding factor of lesnar not appearing. and cuz wwe didnt accept the terms they didnt reach a conclusion or negotiation with dana white.

the rock must be being paid loads sure. but he and vince had been coming up with something for a year waaaay before the lesnar rumors arose. so i dont thnk lesnars not appearing had anythng to do with the rock. theyre in two very different leagues.

and i just read somewhere tht wwe and rock r negotiating some kind of part time contract
Of course he was. But so what? That supposed $2 million is probably part or all of what The Rock gets for his appearances. What appearances? We will see.

I'm with Sparky when he says he believes The Rock isn't doing it for the money...sorta. The Rock did go through a divorce and I don't believe there was a pre-nup. So is The Rock hating the payday? Hell no. So The Rock is probably seeing a more healthy payday than this supposed $2 million that would have gone to Lesnar. But by the sounds of it, The Rock will be around awhile. In what capacity? We will have to wait and see. But I believe we will be seeing him more than just on the road to Mania.
Brock was getting $2 million to wrestle not talk or ref. Why would you pay The Rock $2 million to crack jokes and raise a eyebrow. Vince a businessman and a smart one, I don't remember the year but Vince payed the Ultimate Warrior $1 million to wrestle a 15 to 20 sec match at a mania and it bomb, I don't see Vince shooting his foot twice. If he's going spend $2 million on anyone for mania that person is going to do more than talk or sign the anthem, why over pay a person when your also giving them free world wide publicity.
I could see a very easy part time contract for the Rock I think leading up to Mania he might get used a bit like Bret Hart did (makes sense to me as he will be hosting Mania got to give him some face time) After that I think it will be a hey you free? We could use you and we are in the area here is x amount of dollars or something like that. It will be nice to see him every now and again as lets be honest the Rock is still actually pretty young and in great shape due to not being on the "wrestling" road which is a lot harder on the body than the acting one.

I don't think he will ever really wrestle again but I refuse to say never as he is only 38 years old so he still has a solid five years before he really moves into the range where I would not want to see a "dream" match from him (if he stays in great shape he could even be solid for up to 10 years) So I think at this point he is going back to where he has a LOT of fans and he can get pretty easy money for a light schedule so it's a win win for all parties involved.
Vince a businessman and a smart one, I don't remember the year but Vince payed the Ultimate Warrior $1 million to wrestle a 15 to 20 sec match at a mania and it bomb, I don't see Vince shooting his foot twice. .

The Warrior was a great draw but he's no Rock, The Rock's more then twice as good at the Warrior even every aspect (wrestling, promo's, merch sales) So whats the problem with paying him twice as much.

Anyway, if we all knew Lesnar was going to get 2M for one apperance then surely the Rock knew as well. So he's at least making that much for what looks like the road to wrestlemania rather then just an apperance, not to mention his after Raw chats and twitter account that he "agreed" too.
Brock was getting $2 million to wrestle not talk or ref.
Exactly, a 20 maybe 30 minute match that with the lack of build up there is no real point to pay for wrestlemania for that one match when you can watch it on youtube afterwards.
Why would you pay The Rock $2 million to crack jokes and raise a eyebrow.
I think he will be doing more then that. I think he will add matches, stipulations ect remember, "card subject to change" people will be more convinced to buy the ppv with the rock being on it for more then one match where it would be more obvious who will win then last years taker match.
If he's going spend $2 million on anyone for mania that person is going to do more than talk or sing the anthem,
Right because Lesnar is going to attract more non wrestling fans then the rock. Lesnar might of been a star on the WWE for a while but then he went to MMA, most of the kids, won't remember him where the rock has been in movies, tv shows ect it is a great choice all around to have the rock at wrestlemania, Is that choice worth 2 mil? Fuck no, but then again neither is Lesnar.
why over pay a person when your also giving them free world wide publicity.
Then why should Lesnar get offered that amount? It's basically the same thing.
Wow i expected somewhere 10 million. 2 million is a complete bargain. The rock makes like 10million per film with his disney films and certainly 2 million is peanut to him. The guy showed up on raw, going to headline-host mania, and may show up again on raw in the upcoming week. All that for 2 million is a good bargain.

I really believe the rock didnt do it for the movie and the money. Again i think the great one could have bargain for much higher amount given the fact his name is the SOLE drawing power for this years mania. If 2 million is correct than it really shows the great one does care for the people.
if the rock was offered 2 mill, i dont think it is that big a deal. a watch wrestlin on almost a daily basis, including TNA (usually on youtube and skipping alot) and i dont plan on paying for mania. but i know at least 5 people who havent watched wrestling in years already saying they are paying for it just for the rock (which i will probably freeload off of. So as of right now the rock is clearly the biggest draw for mania whether he wrestles, refs, talks, or even just sits there. His presence alone is enough for the former wrestling fans to buy, I think 2 mill for the largest ppv of the year for their current biggest draw is nothing.
The Warrior was a great draw but he's no Rock, The Rock's more then twice as good at the Warrior even every aspect (wrestling, promo's, merch sales) So whats the problem with paying him twice as much.

Anyway, if we all knew Lesnar was going to get 2M for one apperance then surely the Rock knew as well. So he's at least making that much for what looks like the road to wrestlemania rather then just an apperance, not to mention his after Raw chats and twitter account that he "agreed" too.

You really believe people were chatting online with The real Rock lol. After the lights went off on Raw the Rock went to get a piece of that pie that got out of the limo. And yes he is way better than The Warrior but who wasn't or is. I'm sorry but $2 million for a guest spot is highway robbery and who ever buys this PPV just to see the Rock sit,talk or ref has major issues or is not that bright.
Call me crazy...but I can see the Rock (being the guy that he is) calling up Vince and telling him he wants to give back to the fans. For everything the WWE has done for him he wants to come back and guest host Wrestlemania for free...as a way of saying thank you to Vince and the fans for help making him a star.

Then again maybe he's getting paid a shit load of money and everything he said in his speech was a load of crap.

I'll take the former.
You really believe people were chatting online with The real Rock lol. .

I dont know? but you dont know either?

I was just thinking along the lines of when they used to do byte This! It is a little hard to believe at times that he would do that, but theres a chance that it does. Whats one night of a live chat? he promtes his facebook and twitter? or is that not him either?
I dont know? but you dont know either?

I was just thinking along the lines of when they used to do byte This! It is a little hard to believe at times that he would do that, but theres a chance that it does. Whats one night of a live chat? he promtes his facebook and twitter? or is that not him either?

No most Famous people hire a person to manage their twitter, facebook and myspace. Their pages are only up to attract more fans and keep the regulars happy. And lets be real you think The Rock was going to talk to the zillions and Zillions of his fan online after the show. The minute Raw went off the air, he is off the clock. Why hang around when we don't know who is really typing on the other side of the PC.
IF The Rock agreed to step back into the ring at Wrestlemania and fight John Cena, I think Vince McMahon would have offered him any amount of money The Rock demanded.

You have to understand, 2 million dollars to Vince McMahon/WWE is like $5 to them.
IF The Rock agreed to step back into the ring at Wrestlemania and fight John Cena, I think Vince McMahon would have offered him any amount of money The Rock demanded.

You have to understand, 2 million dollars to Vince McMahon/WWE is like $5 to them.

No disrespect but Vince values every penny he gives away or loses. The man was crying in October or November about how WWE made $3 or $4 million less than 2009.
No disrespect but Vince values every penny he gives away or loses. The man was crying in October or November about how WWE made $3 or $4 million less than 2009.

I agree but I'm saying that 2 million dollars to get The Rock back in the ring would be nothing when you think about how many PPV buys they'd get out of it. Vince is a business man, he knows that if the rock would fight John Cena for a 2 million dollar payout he'd cash in with all the PPV buys and hype.
I haven't read through the responses, so forgive if it's been said already.

Yes, The Rock is probably a bigger name in pro wrestling than Brock Lesnar. He had a longer career, and is remembered in a better light.

BUT, Brock Lesnar is a HUGE PPV draw. Look at what he's done since arriving in the UFC. He's the biggest attraction they have, and that counts when deciding who gets paid what. Rock is sort of a draw at the cinema, but Brock brings in the money where it matters to Vince; on PPV. They might be getting the same amount, but I wouldn't be surprised to find out Brock was offered more than Rock.
my god

dozens of returns by so many wrestlers but one return by the rock and not only current wwe fans but ppl like my 42 yr old mom r talking abt it. its over the sports news as well. on facebook, youtube, my space, blogs, forums, google news. everywhere its the rock returns to raw to host wrestlemania

i doubt any other returning superstar can get tht type of reaction
I haven't read through the responses, so forgive if it's been said already.

Yes, The Rock is probably a bigger name in pro wrestling than Brock Lesnar. He had a longer career, and is remembered in a better light.

BUT, Brock Lesnar is a HUGE PPV draw. Look at what he's done since arriving in the UFC. He's the biggest attraction they have, and that counts when deciding who gets paid what. Rock is sort of a draw at the cinema, but Brock brings in the money where it matters to Vince; on PPV. They might be getting the same amount, but I wouldn't be surprised to find out Brock was offered more than Rock.

im srry dude but do u watch the ufc ??? brock lesnar is the guy tht gets booed most of the time. hes nothing near the biggest attraction they have. u want attraction u check out anderson silva, frank mir, cain velasquez, shane carwin. these guys r ufc attractions. not brock 'i didnt tap out, i was pounding the ground' lesnar and the rock is a much bttr draw than lesnar be it wrestling wise or entertainment wise.
No most Famous people hire a person to manage their twitter, facebook and myspace. Their pages are only up to attract more fans and keep the regulars happy. And lets be real you think The Rock was going to talk to the zillions and Zillions of his fan online after the show. The minute Raw went off the air, he is off the clock. Why hang around when we don't know who is really typing on the other side of the PC.

You should stop talking about things that you have know clue what your talking about. If you knew how the chats work on WWE.com, You would know that he wouldnt be talking to "zillions and zillions" of fans. Thy only selected a few questions for him to answer and then he left.
Whatever they gave The Rock, I am just glad they did it. I don't care where the money came from.

The Rock finally being back in a WWE ring was epic, and I don't even care why he was there. It is all based on the fact that he WAS there, for me. I have been waiting a long time, and he surely didn't disappoint.

Maybe they were able to give The Rock a little more money, since Lesnar didn't come over. One thing that really gets me, is I wonder how close Brock really ever was to coming back to WWE, if even just for one night [Wrestlemania].
I'm not sure that WWE has $2million to give The Rock just for a Raw appearance and Mania appearance(I personally don't think he will appear again before Mania, although would love it if he did).

WWE has been going through some tough times lately and I am not so sure Rock will be getting paid THAT much.

If he is getting $2million then I hope it is for a few Raw apps before Mania, the Mania appearance and maybe another appearance sometime afer Mania, Summerslam maybe?

If Rock wanted to he could easily work a very part time schedule with WWE, even with filming his films. He could work x amount of dates in a year, whether than be 1, 2, 3 or more, I wouldn't want to see Rock more than that if he wasn't wrestling as there is only so much he can do, like host a Raw, or come and lay the smackdown on some trash talking heel etc. It would feel more special that way.
You should stop talking about things that you have know clue what your talking about. If you knew how the chats work on WWE.com, You would know that he wouldnt be talking to "zillions and zillions" of fans. Thy only selected a few questions for him to answer and then he left.
Was you backstage on Monday, did you ever witness and actual celeb. do a online chat. Not to brag but I have and the celeb. never stays not in wrestling, not in baseball, not in football not even after a music video. I used to work in the Security and Law Enforcement field for 15 yrs and worked protecting many celebs. and this is how I know about what I wrote. No disrespect guy but you really need to get in touch with life behind the PC and not take TV and Entertainment so seriously because they don't care about us. Do you think I protected people because they were celebs, no I did it for the money just like The Rock and everyone else in the entertainment world. I wish you well dude.

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