Wrestlemania 21-28: Brock Lesnar


Quote the Raven, nevermore.
So I was kind of inspired to make this thread after seeing one about Brock Lesnar claiming to be the best (if he never left). This got me thinking, if Brock did in fact stay, who would he have potentially faced at each Wrestlemania that he missed? Here's my list of who I think would have made the most sense.

It's important to note that if Lesnar never left, John Cena and/or Baatista probably would not have become the stars they are today. (Or at least as quickly.)

Wrestlemania 21-World Heavyweight Championship: Triple H(c) vs Brock Lesnar. (Lesnar would have won the rumble (again) and challenged Triple H. Batista enters MITB.

Wrestlemania 22-World Heavyweight Championship: Brock Lesnar(c) vs Rey Mysterio. (Mysterio wins the rumble and challenges a heel Lesnar. Orton and Angle have a singles match.)

Wrestlemania 23-ECW Championship: Bobby Lashley(c) vs Brock Lesnar w/Paul Heyman. (Heyman drafts Lesnar to ECW and eventually challenges Lashley. This could possibly keep ECW relevant at least a little longer.) Donald Trump chooses Kane vs Umaga instead.

Wrestlemania 24: Batista vs Brock Lesnar. (Batista faced Umaga at this Mania. Batista vs Lesnar would have been much better.)

Wrestlemania 25: World Heavyweight Championship: Edge(c) vs Brock Lesnar vs John Cena. (Big Show doesn't need to be in this match.)

Wrestlemania 26: Brock Lesnar vs Shawn Michaels. (I would've had Undertaker vs Jericho for the WHC, Edge vs Triple H, and Sheamus entering the MITB.)

Wrestlemania 27: WWE Championship: Brock Lesnar(c) vs John Cena. Have Lesnar retain and then The Rock comes out and gives him the Rock Bottom. The Miz comes out and cashes in MITB to win the title at Wrestlemania.

Wrestlemania 28: The Rock vs Brock Lesnar. (Events from WM27 cause this match. Same way as Rock vs Cena would've went. Rock is face, Lesnar is heel.) Cena would have faced The Undertaker and Triple H would have faced CM Punk. Jericho would then face Orton, and Kane would have faced Big Show/Cody Rhodes for the IC title.

Let me know if you guys agree and/or disagree with any of these. Thanks!
I have a always said that Brock had the potential to be there or thereabouts regarding being involved in the same conversation in the Mount Rushmore of wrestling. Hogan. Austin and Rock if he stayed on. Lot of interesting matches that could have happened in the Wrestlemania years. Brock v HBK would have been amazing to see.

But the things happen for a reason and fantasy booking is amazing. But none of them matches above are in the same category as Rock v Cena. Debate that!
I'm not as big of a fan of Brock Leanar's, as much as others, but there's no secret that Brock Lesnar was suppose to be Wwe's top face for a long while.
Wrestlemania 21- Evolution was the hottest thing going in Wwe, I believe that. batista would have always run the Royal Rumble with Cena coming in 2nd going to challenge Brock Lesnar for the Wwe title. (JBL wouldn't have had his year long title reign)
Wrestlemania 22-I can't possibly see Rey Vs Brock maybe Lesnar vs Angle and Mysterio vs Orton.
Wrestlemania 23- I Love the idea of Lesnar w/ Paul Heyman vs Lashley for the ECW title. I could have seen Heyman getting angry that lashley was being pushed as the face of the new ECW.( Lashley Wins)
Wrestlemania 24- Lesnar Wins
Wrestlemania 25- We would have got Show vs Edge and Lesnar vs cena at this Wrestlemania, though I would've rathered Show vs Cena and Edge vs Lesnar
Wrestlemania 26- HBK vs Taker 2, was good, if not better than the 1st, why would you want to get rid of that. Though lesnar retiring HBK would have meant more. I would have just stuck Lesnar in a match with Sheamus.
Wrestlemania 27 & 28- Is perfect, Miz gets an AWESOME title victory over Lesnar, AT wrestlemania and Rock Vs Lesnar's rivalry for Wrestlemania 28 starts.

I always fantasized about Lesnar, Edge, Orton, Cena, Lashley, and Batista being the top Main Eventers, for Wwe Since 2007.
Lesnar leaving was for the Best though. I can't possibly see Lesnar doing the things Cena has for charity and the media. If lesnar never left he would definitely have replace Orton as top heel. Cena/Lesnar would be this era's/generation's Rock/Austin, instead of Cena and orton.

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