Vince Russo NOT HAPPY With Sasha Banks


Behold my diction
From the frontpage; Nick Paglino shared some tweets that Vince Russo had sent to the world in regard to how Sasha Banks ridiculed bra and panty matches from the Attitude Era.

Vince Tweeted the following:

[["I'm a Sasha Banks fan, but I think she just slighted some GREAT female athletes who performed at top levels while drawing huge ratings."

"The GREAT women wrestlers before Sasha didn't book the bra-n-panties matches--Ed and I did to HELP WIN A WAR. A WAR that saved the company."

"What a bunch of sexists PIGS. Guys can show off their bodies in short trunks, but women aren't allowed to? Somebody call Sports Illustrated"]]

The first statement actually got him into a Twitter spat with Lauren Foley where he ridiculed her for not knowing her history.

My take on all this is that Vince Russo is a depraved sack of shit, and he would really appreciate it if women would take pride in being exploited because he and Ed Ferrara worked really hard.

Vince earned some points with me for giving some candid interviews where he seemed like a straight-up guy, but yeah. One step forward, fifty steps back.
There were great women wrestlers in the Attitude Era; not just Trish and Lita either; Ivory deserves to be in the Hall of Fame; bra and panties matches were shite, and way too commonplace, and an obvious double standard; Vince Russo is full of shit.
Bra & Panties matches were stupid, cringe-worthy wastes of time. I can't remember a time I was ever entertained by them regardless of how great the women looked.

I don't have any ratings charts, but I daresay Russo is exaggerating the match's importance in WWE winning the Monday Night Wars.
Vince Russo probably believes that the women who worked under him actually enjoyed being put in those types of matches too. Ask Ivory and Jacqueline how they felt about them. Shit, even Trish has basically said in no uncertain terms, "I did what I had to".

If Russo actually believes that guys wrestling in trunks is comparable to some of the shit that the women were forced to endure during the AE, he's a bigger idiot than I thought he was. And that's saying something.
"The day I apologize for enjoying watching a women w/ a beautiful body-is the day I turn in my MAN CARD.Why do U think WOMEN watch wrestling?"

What a sexist jackass. Fucking cunt.
Yeah I don't really need too many details, in my eyes Vince Russo automatically loses every argument he's in, the guys a schmuck. I'd say he is borderline ******ed but that would be an insult to mentally challenged people. He is a perverted sexually depraved lying sack of shit, he takes credit for everything that went right in the AE and blames others for his failures. A chimpanzee could write good tv if he had DX, Rock, Taker, Kane, Stone Cold and Foley at his disposal. And WCW...of course none of that was his fault, he was "censored" and we never got to see his true vision.

He still denies responsibility and doesn't show much remorse over Owen Hart being shoved into that Blue Blazer bullshit. Anyone who has to start every statement with "Bro...bro..this bro... Bro this is the GOD'S HONEST TRUTH" is a pathological liar, not to mention a fucking stupid human being.

That being said, having read a little bit about this little feud I'm behind Sasha 100% in this. Fuck Vince Russo and anybody who defends him.
The women of today are comparable to the men in trunks because the bodies aren't the focus. The whole thing is about the presentation. Consider the following:




Compare that to the Attitude Era women.



Notice something: the women of today often wear a lot less clothing than they did in Russo's era. Today they're in gear that's a step above a bikini in the first place. The difference is it's not emphasized. Back in the day you would have Lawler shouting PUPPIES all the time. Today you have good looking women in very revealing outfits and their looks are almost never discussed. Other than Lana and Maryse (as in women who don't actually wrestle), when is the last time someone commented on a WWE woman's outfit, looks or body? It's been a long, long time.

In Russo's day, the women were glorified sex objects. Today they're wrestlers who happen to look great as a bonus. Those are very, very different things.
"The GREAT women wrestlers before Sasha didn't book the bra-n-panties matches--Ed and I did to HELP WIN A WAR. A WAR that saved the company."

This is like bragging about scoring the most points in a game, but defecting over to the other team at the Two Minute Warning.

And yeah dude clearly has some kind of revisionist history about him. Sexually objectifying women didn't help win any war. Captivating storylines did. Making women out to be ****s was just a popular thing at the time due to Trash TV like Jerry Springer. He isn't some visionary. If anything he's a writer that had one good year going for him followed by a decade of cringe-worthy fan-fiction.
Just for fun, I'm going to give my reactions to each tweet.

I'm a Sasha Banks fan, but I think she just slighted some GREAT female athletes who performed at top levels while drawing huge ratings.

Vince is acting as though he's mad on behalf of great female athletes from his era. It's as if he really doesn't mind if you ridicule his creativity, he more wants you to not slight the women who worked for him. Obviously Vince is slighted -- unbeknownst to himself -- because he knows that he's the piece of shit who pushed bra and panty matches in the 1990s. Sasha didn't call out Vince Russo, and -- if I remember correctly -- she gave props to Trish, Lita and Luna. On Twitter; Vince ripped into Lauren Foley's Twitter rebuttal of the fact that Sasha gave props, because Sasha didn't mention every female performer from that era due to what he assumed was a lack of knowledge of pro-wrestling history.

Bottom line; he's drinking his own shit flavored cool-aid, and we're only getting started.

The GREAT women wrestlers before Sasha didn't book the bra-n-panties matches--Ed and I did to HELP WIN A WAR. A WAR that saved the company.

This is where Vince gives away the fact that his ire has nothing to do with any perceived slight of the women who had to work bra and panty matches, that it's all about him redeeming his character even though he was never directly called out. To my knowledge; Sasha never accused the female performers in question of pushing to be in bra and panty matches.

I didn't notice anyone demanding an explanation, but Vince does his best to offer something. He explains that he and Ed Ferrara did what they absolutely had to do to win the ratings war with WCW. According to Vince Russo, the bra and panty matches were the linchpin among every other idea floating around WWF creative. Having some amazingly talented individuals wasn't enough, they needed to have women essentially play-fight-strip in the ring to edge out WCW. He emphasizes "HELP WIN A WAR" in all caps because damn you if you doubt his reasoning.

Bottom line; don't you dare insult the women of the AE when Vince Russo is around! But it's okay to suggest that Rock, Stone Cold, Michaels, Bret and Undertaker weren't enough to turn the ratings tide during the Monday Night Wars. Those bra and panty matches were an absolute necessity!

What a bunch of sexists PIGS. Guys can show off their bodies in short trunks, but women aren't allowed to? Somebody call Sports Illustrated.

I'm not sure if Vince was calling out someone who made a comment toward his tweet, or if this was just him venting more useless bullshit. Probably the latter.

Satire is a tricky game, if you insist on playing the satire game you have to be very careful that you don't become your own punchline. Vince, if you're reading this, satire is among the many things in this world you're piss poor at using properly.

Vince's fake anger in that tweet was apparently directed toward women who might feel insulted at the notion that for their paycheck they'll be required to strip each other to their underwear while Jerry Lawler shrieks his arousal to the entire world. I didn't see anybody make a case about women wearing short trunks, Sasha most certainly didn't. When someone brought up how men aren't ripping each other's clothes off for ratings, Vince brought up tuxedo matches (of which there were only 2 that I can remember) and accused that person of not knowing their history.

Basically; If a guy is cool being exploited for sexual purposes, then it's an insult for women to have enough pride for themselves to recognize being passed off as cheap objects as a negative idea. I feel very sorry for Vince Russo's family. I went there, and I meant every word.

This next tweet was Vince responding to someone who mentioned how the AE was "different", which was meant to imply that bra and panty matches were therefore morally acceptable and we shouldn't judge.

And the women were PROUD to show off their hard work. Unless you were there-U don't know. I was there.

Let's remember that women didn't perform only in bra and panty matches, and that Sasha didn't insult the female performers themselves. I have no doubt that the women were PROUD to show off the skills they had acquired after training to take bumps and call spots, I didn't hear any women talking about how happy they were to be in bra and panty matches when in candid interviews.

Vince was there, but so were the women. It was most certainly a different time, but I don't think that human dignity is unique to this current generation. Vince is entitled to his opinion, but I think that Sasha -- as a woman -- is a much better spokesperson on behalf of the legitimacy of bra and panty matches in pro-wrestling history.
First of all, Russo saying that he booked those bra and panties matches because he wanted to help win a war, is hypocritical to me, since the dude jumped ship to the opposing side ffs.

Then, bra & panties were booked because you know, porn sells and they wanted everybody to watch wrestling. Everybody watches porn and everybody was going to watch those bra and panties matches.

But we all know that they were only meant to serve women as sex ads for ratings. What were supposed the performers to say? I don't do it? Sure, there were some girls who might have actually liked this, but not most women feel comfortable having to run around in strings and bras in front of a live crowd, then make out with their married boss on camera, just for ratings, just to keep their damned job.

So Russo, you can screw yourself.

Then he will come out and say that those pig matches between women in a mud were main event worthy of every Wrestlemania.
She was referring to the way women were used, not lack of talent of the women themselves. Though many of them indeed had no wrestling talent to speak of.

He is a fucking moron.
Congrats, Russo. You have people wasting their breath (or at least tiring their finger-muscles) on you for the second straight week!

Not to rag on anyone here, but bashing him or not, you're playing right into Russo's hand. The less said about this ass-tampon, the better.
Think its more WWEs way of saying: "Look, we did revolution and things changed". While in reality you have women wrestlers skimpier then ever, segments like on Smackdown where wardrobe mallfunction is part of storyline, yelling at them when they do little riskier moves(can imagine if Rollins was yelled for acctually hurting someone several times now) and threating to fire them if you dont like who are they dating.

Russo(as someone with huge ego who thinks he knows everything) just took it to personally as attack on him. When in reality its nothing more then WWE trying to put different picture at todays womens wrestling scene.
I was going through my early teens during the bra and panties matches deal in WWE and my buddy and I both found them to be pretty stupid.

Pretty much for the reason stated here by someone else. We already knew they were hot. They were showing their bodies off in pictorials and stuff so it really didn't even add anything we weren't familiar with.
"The GREAT women wrestlers before Sasha didn't book the bra-n-panties matches--Ed and I did to HELP WIN A WAR. A WAR that saved the company."

If Moolah hadn't set back women's wrestling an age in the first place, there wouldn't really need to be a Divas Revolution or Russo booking the Bra and Panties Era
Think its more WWEs way of saying: "Look, we did revolution and things changed".
They have and if you can't see that then you're not that intelligent
While in reality you have women wrestlers skimpier then ever,
Yes but as KB pointed out what they wear isn't the main thing about them, the wrestling is
segments like on Smackdown where wardrobe mallfunction is part of storyline,
One thing that's part of a much bigger storyline/gimmick big deal
yelling at them when they do little riskier moves
Show proof or I'm calling bullshit
(can imagine if Rollins was yelled for acctually hurting someone several times now)
This has what to do with anything?
and threating to fire them if you dont like who are they dating.
You go date a married Co-Worker and see if your bosses don't say something.

You don't really know what you're talking about do you?
Where do you all work where dating a co-worker is a problem? Are your managers in the fourth grade?
Most businesses don't want Co-workers dating for a variety of reasons.

1) one could be married.

2) a break up could be less than amicable causing issues at work.

3) They could be looking for 'alone' time while on the clock.

The way businesses see it is that people are there to work not look for a relationship.
Yeah I don't really need too many details, in my eyes Vince Russo automatically loses every argument he's in, the guys a schmuck. I'd say he is borderline ******ed but that would be an insult to mentally challenged people. He is a perverted sexually depraved lying sack of shit, he takes credit for everything that went right in the AE and blames others for his failures. A chimpanzee could write good tv if he had DX, Rock, Taker, Kane, Stone Cold and Foley at his disposal. And WCW...of course none of that was his fault, he was "censored" and we never got to see his true vision.

He still denies responsibility and doesn't show much remorse over Owen Hart being shoved into that Blue Blazer bullshit. Anyone who has to start every statement with "Bro...bro..this bro... Bro this is the GOD'S HONEST TRUTH" is a pathological liar, not to mention a fucking stupid human being.

That being said, having read a little bit about this little feud I'm behind Sasha 100% in this. Fuck Vince Russo and anybody who defends him.

Then fuck me then.

Now, there are a lot of stupid things Vince Russo has done, but when someone is as universally hated as Vince Russo, he not only gets blamed for things that are his fault, but things that aren't as well.

Firstly, he was the head writer during the Attitude Era. Fact. Now, you can say that anyone could write good television if they had Austin, Rock, DX, etc. But do you think that the Hollywood soap and TV writers Vince McMahon had hired since have done a good job?

From what I recall on this board, the Attitude Era rocked, and the Austin-McMahon storyline rocked. Now, has the period since Vince Russo left as head writer been as good, or drawn as much ratings?

Also, while I don't agree with what he said about Bra-&-Panties, the question is, did those segments with Bras-&-Panties BEAT whatever WCW Nitro was doing in the same quarter-hour? If it did, then it was effective in beating WCW in the ratings, which is what Russo was hired to do.

He then went to WCW, and while he showed he recycled storylines (Made Booker T like a Rock ripoff, made Hogan a SCSA rip-off, recycled angles from WWE etc) I do not hold him responsible for the demise of WCW. WCW was dying before Russo set foot there. It was more Bischoff looking after his friends-Hogan, Nash and Hall, and using old guys in main events all the time.

There were two periods of Vince Russo's reign in WCW I really liked. The first was "The Powers That Be", where the "PTB" just put people in matches for his own amusement. I thought it created some interesting matches, and feuds.

Secondly, was the "Millionaires' Club versus the New Bloods". He pushed Billy Kidman (until Hogan buried him), he freshened up the main event scene (Jeff Jarrett, Booker T, Scott Steiner, guys who were underutilised in the past, now got main event spots, rather than fossils like Hogan, Flair, Sting, Nash, Luger and co).

Also, Russo was the only person to ever stand up to Hulk Hogan onscreen. Many might not like Russo, but I bet they secretly shared his sentiments when he paid out on Hogan on PPV. No-one had the balls to do that to Hogan before, and most of what he said about Hogan is probably true and what a lot in the industry think of the man.

Also, putting the belt on David Arquette. Now, it was dumb, but it served two purposes, (1) it got promotion for a movie that WCW made, and (2) as Russo predicted, it got mainstream coverage, by having Arquette and belt on the cover of "TV Guide". WCW needed publicity, and got it with this, so it was a marketing ploy, and got WCW out there, even if it pissed off wrestling fans (and I get why).

I also think Russo is hated in the industry because he is outspoken, and stands up to certain people. He only got this hate after he stood up to Hogan (I don't remember anyone bagging Russo during the Attitude Era). I bet Hogan, Nash and co used their stroke, and bad-mouthed Russo to all and sundry. He made powerful enemies. Now, I think Russo isn't the world's friendliest guy either, and that causes few to stand up in your defense. Rattling cages makes few friends in wrestling. So Russo contributed to his bad reputation, as well as crossing the wrong people.

Look, Russo is no genius or superstar writer. But he gets a lot put on him which is more the fault of others (e.g. Hogan and others being given too much creative control ended WCW, in my opinion, rather than anything Russo did, where he tried to change up the main event, and de-push the veterans).
They have and if you can't see that then you're not that intelligent

Yes but as KB pointed out what they wear isn't the main thing about them, the wrestling is

One thing that's part of a much bigger storyline/gimmick big deal

Show proof or I'm calling bullshit

This has what to do with anything?

You go date a married Co-Worker and see if your bosses don't say something.

You don't really know what you're talking about do you?

"You go date a married co-worker and see if your bosses don't say something".

It is a bit rich though, when that boss is a known adulterer, who touched up virtually every Diva onscreen, (sometimes in front of his wife) (and possibly some off it as well). Then you lose your right to take the high moral ground.

This should have been pointed out to Vince before he decided to break people up.
One thing that's part of a much bigger storyline/gimmick big deal
Sure. But still points that they are not over oversexualizing women for storyline/ratings etc.

Show proof or I'm calling bullshit

This has what to do with anything?
Pretty sure Rollins wasnt yelled at all. Which shows there still are double standards.

You go date a married Co-Worker and see if your bosses don't say something.
Actually, in my country nobody cares about that.

You don't really know what you're talking about do you?
Sure I do. Not my fault you dont understand the point.

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