Vince McMahon's Most Memorable Wrestlemania Match

What is McMahon's Most Memorable Wrestlemania Match?

  • Wrestlemania 17 VS Shane McMahon

  • Wrestlemania 19 VS Hulk Hogan

  • Wrestlemania 22 VS HBK

  • Wrestlemania 26 VS Bret Hart

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Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
I really wasn't sure where to place this, so if this needs to be moved, then please do so.

I did this thread a while ago, but it was poorly formatted, and Vince has one more Wrestlemania match under his belt.

Every time Vince steps into the ring at Wrestlemania, it's always a big deal. Going one on one with Vince at the biggest wresting show of the year is always something to remember. Let's review Vince's Wrestlemania matches:

Wrestlemania 17 VS Shane McMahon:

This was a brutal street fight between father and son at the big show with Mick Foley as the special guest referee. This was actually a pretty good street fight, and Shane came away with the win here. Although, I must say, the most memorable moment in this match for me is when Linda stood up from the chair, and kicked Vince in the famous grapefruits. The pop she got was totally insane.

Wrestlemania 19 VS Hulk Hogan

Who created Hulkamania? This burning question led to a showdown between the immortal one, and Vince. Vince and Hogan beat the hell out of each other in this match. Vince signing the contract for this match in Hogan's blood was just a classic moment. We saw the return of Rowdy Piper in this match, and he tried to take Hogan out with a led pipe, but it wasn't enough. In the end, Hogan finally got his revenge on Vince.

Wrestlemania 22 VS Shawn Michaels

Vince spent a while putting HBK though hell. All of the physical and emotional pain Vince put HBK through, led to a match between the two at Wrestlemania 22. Vince got help from The Spirit Squad, and his son, but HBK prevailed in the end. Shawn was able to beat Vince senseless, and he also hit a very nice elbow drop from the top of a ladder.

Wrestlemania 26 VS Bret hart

This is a match we all thought we would never see. After nearly 13 years, Bret finally got his revenge on Vince, and he had his entire family behind him to help. This match was pretty much just a beat down of Vince, but that's what was suppose to happen. Bret took all those years of frustration and anger out on the man who screwed him back at Survivor Series 1997.

My pick for Vince's most memorable Mania match is the one he had with HBK. Not only was this match very entertaining, but the storyline was just great.

What's your pick for Vince McMahon's most memorable Wrestlemania match?

Shane vs. Vince was my favorite, albeit, more for personal reasons that I won't get into. Shane lit his father up and the spots in the match were amazing (especially for two "non-wrestlers".

Bret vs. Vince was good too, not only because of the storied rivalry, but because Bret's use of the steel chair almost made you forget that he couldn't hit Vince in the head with it.
The one I'll remember is WM 17, Vince vs. Shane. I remember that storyline and I loved it. When Shane bought WCW I was still a child and thought it was legit so I was mega excited. The stuff they did in that match were great and it helped that it had a great crowd to pop well and such. It also helps that it was the only one I remembered other than Bret until this poll refreshed my memory.
I would have to say his match with Shawn Michaels because the build-up to it was great and in this match we got to see glimpses of Shawn Michaels of old when he was in DX and the part when Shawn does the elbow drop off the ladder was amazing. Finally, this is possibly one of the best calls by Jim Ross I have ever heard, it almost had me laughing my ass off.
I think his match with Hogan was the match that had the personal tension but still put on a great show...the match with Bret everyone knew Bret couldn't do much because he was not physically able to...however with Hogan there was legit personal heat between the wo from the Monday night wars and to have both of them put on a decent show gets my vote...I think this was the only match where Vince actually gave his best performance...this one def gets my vote...crazy part is the storyline reason for their rivalry is being duplicated right now, but I dont see a remake of another Wrestlemania match or appearance on Hogan's end lol
Real nice thread idea because I enjoyed Vince's matches at WMs 17, 19 and 22. My favourite one, and the one that I believe is most memorable, is vs HBK at Wrestlemania 22.

It had a great build up, beginning when Shawn simply told Vince to get over Montreal and grow up. I loved that segment. It continued with weeks of great segments and moments where Vince made Shawn's life a living hell, including the return of the screwjob at SNME. The match and feud would also lead to the DX reunion, which I actually mostly enjoyed.

The match itself was just what I, and I'm sure most others, wanted to see. Shawn beat the hell out of Vince. The reason why it is memorable to me is because of the great spots in the match. Shane joining his father's kiss my ass club, the sick ladder shot which opened up Vince and the end of the match where Shawn snaps and delivers an awesome superkick. The most memorable moment though is of course the huge elbow drop from the top of the ladder. Great stuff and Vince's most memorable Wrestlemania match in my opinion.
For me its the one against Hogan I was on the edge of my seat the whole ay through. The match drew me in like no other match on that event. I'd wanted to see Hogan kick Vince's butt for ages so this was sweet justice.
I really liked the Hogan match. It was brutal and symbolized everything a "street fight" should be. Bear in mind this was pretty personal also.
I liked them all but for me the most memorable is Shane vs. Vince. It was overbooked but who cares. It was fun andn Vince got his when he got slapped, kicked in the crotch, the mandible claw and a coast to coast. And Vince himself did a fair bit of fighting in that one too. That being said 19 was a close second for me.

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