Video Game Music

The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner
So I'm playing through Final Fantasy V right now. I'm not the world's biggest FF addict or anything - although I've enjoyed pretty much every experience I've had with the series - but I'm constantly blown away by how fucking incredible Nobuo Uematsu is.

Anyways...excellent video game music discussion...GO.

Bonus: Here's a video from my best friend's YouTube channel.

Your friend has some skill! But on the subject of the Duck Tales Moon theme, I'm afraid the reigning champion is Smooth fuckin' McGroove, a capella musician extraordinaire!


General video game music for me, though, my favorite is mostly from Nintendo, especially the Metroid series. In fact, a band called The Minibosses opened at a concert I went to last year; this is the ONLY time that I've ever bought merch for a band that I hadn't heard of before a show, and here's why;

Not a huge Smooth fan. Not a big solo a cappella fan.

I need to play more Metroid games. I brought an entire suitcase of video games home from my parents house when I visited for Christmas this past year. I paid way too much money to fly it, the bag got lost for 24 hours, and somebody stole Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros. Wii U. But nonetheless, here's a bunch of stuff...



And the full set-up...


Anyways. Back to video game music. You know what I need to replay after FFV is freaking Chrono Trigger. That game though.

re; Smooth. Hey, fair enough, to each their own.

There's some good memories in this photo, but I have two questions;
-Two copies of Pokemon Stadium, why?

Chrono Trigger. That game though, indeed. And yes, an absolutely haunting tune!
There is a prolific thread on this very subject in the non spam sections. Dagger ran it.

I remember. I'm on here so infrequently, and I can't promise when I am - as you can plainly see by the above - my contribution will be glorious enough to count as non-spam.

How you doin, NorCal?
I am phenomenal, that much is a given.

anyways, add another sentence or two, and your posts would contribute just as much as anyone elses.

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