Ultimate X: Amazing Red v Suicide v D'Angelo Dinero v Christopher Daniels v Homicide

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RIP Sgt. Michael Paranzino / RIP CM
The winner will receive a future title shot for the X-Division Championship.

I for one think this match has got some great potential. Kind of sucks how little TNA has promoted the undercard to Bound For Glory, but it's shaping up to be pretty damn good card, and this match in particular has my interest piqued. We could definitely see some great stuff out of these four in the Ultimate X environment.

I wouldn't be surprised if Homicide wins.

Amazing Red has been added to this match, and his X-Division Championship is now on the line instead of a future shot at that title.
Yeah, considering the push the WE is getting, it wouldn't surprise me if Homicide won. Hopefully they give him a better run as X Division Champion. All in all the match has great potential, as are all Ultimate X matches.
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I'm pulling for Homicide to win this match. If Homicide wins, and gets a shot at the title, I hope he wins because maybe he'll have a better run than last time. This should be a thrilling match with lots of sick spots.
I think a heel wins here just cause Red is champ and unless that changes next week on impact Pope or homicide win. I'm kinda upset that this match is on the card. For the X division not to be defended on this show is a huge dissapointment and to be honest completely writing off the feast or fired match was a giant mistake.
IMO this Match has four people who have the Potenital to Win the X divison Title seeing as 3 of them already have won the X title at Some Point in the career Daniels, Homicide and Sucide. As Far as The Pope Goes i Could See the Pope as a Future X Champion but when it comes to Ultimate X i have to Go with Either Daniels or Homicide on this. Prefebably Homicide as he can Further his Push as the WE will prove to Be Stronger then The Mafia who is Slowly Dieing out Stiener/Booker will drop the titles to Mostly the BI and Eric young may possibly win the Legends Title thus Meaning the Mafia has no Gold
I think Homicide will pull out the victory here, but I would like to see The Pope win this. But I think that they should have put Amazing Red in this and have a 5 man Ultimate X match for the X-Division Title. Red would be epic in this match.
I really have no clue who will win here. I don't see Suicide or Dinero getting the shot, because it would cut into their feud. Daniels just had a shot, and Homicide just had the belt, so why would either of them need a #1 Contenders match to prove their worthy?

I'm sure this will be a great match, but no matter who wins, the result will turn into a clusterfuck. Red can work a match with just about anyone, so I don't care who wins...I just don't want to see it drag down the title...
DAMN!!!! get ready for what might be the most famous Ultimate X match in history, i mean you got Daniels and Suicide who can climb to the top of the steel poles that hold the X together and fly off the damn thing and you got Dinero who is a grappler being placed out his happy place, and you got Homicide who is most likey the wildcard is this as of late because he attacked a spanish announcer for ratting him out but i do think this match will come down to experience and out of everybody The Fallen Angel has won the most and have been in the most so i think he can pull a win out here, also for anybody wondering i am a fan of Christopher Daniels ever since i started watching tna in 2004 even when he was a heel i still cheered for him and out of respect to him i used the nickname they gave him in TNA
I haven't been watching too much Impact lately but all I read is that this match was just plain made with these guys just picked out for this match. I think since this is BFG & TNA always likes to jam alot of stars into a huge PPV then why not add more to this match. Make the biggest Ultimate X of all time with all X-Division Superstars including Amazing Red & turn it into a Title Match. I mentioned this in a another forum on this subject but it will be like watching alot of high flyin monkees jumpin around.

I think the title should be on the line in this Ultimate X. I'm mean why else would they get the belt off Joe in a quick before the PPV. Of course the other reason could be so that they don't want Joe holding gold entering his battle with Lashley.
I agree with jwhunt, add more superstars to the match, where are MCMG on the card? they aren't there, we know Sabin and Shelley are great so why not, maybe Kyoshi too. make the match for the title, you cant have BFG without an X-Division title match
Is anyone else thinking what's I'm thinking? What in fuck's sake is stopping them from just putting Red in the match and making it for the belt?! Fuck, Russo's a real moron sometimes.

It just makes no sense to have a No. 1 Contenders match at the biggest show of the year. Hell, Red could really have spiced the action up with some kella spots. Otherwise, expect this to look just like every other Ultimate X match these days.

I'm picking the Notorious 187 or The Pope for this one.
This could ultimately wind up being the best match on the card. As everyone has said, it has a lot of potential. I doubt very much it'll be Suicide or Dinero as a win for either would cut right into the middle of their feud. Dinero, in my view, isn't ready and I have no interest really in seeing Suicide in the X-Division title scene. Since Daniels, also as already mentioned, had a shot for the title, I don't really see it happening again. Since the WE seems to be the emerging alpha faction in TNA, it makes sense for Homicide to walk out with a win. It could lead to a much more meaningful reign with the X-Division title because lord knows his first run completely sucked ass.
Apparently Amazing Red has been added to this, making the match for the title...That completely changes the dynamic of the match.

I originally said that giving the shot to Suicide or Dinero would be stupid, because it'd kill their feud, but now, it would be smart to give the title to one of them. It'd give them a reason to keep fighting, and maybe give us a story to follow.
Now that Red has been added to the match I hope he wins and keeps the title. He is a new face in the Championship scene and I hope he keeps the title until at least the next PPV.

Either Suicide or Pope can cost the other the title when they're so close to keep their feud going. As for Daniels & Homicide I don't really want either of them to win. I can't explain it, I just feel that giving either of them the title will just drag the X-Division down to the same it has been for a while now, Boring
Amazing Red has been added to this match, and his X-Division Championship is now on the line instead of a future shot at that title.

Well with the addition of Amazing Red into this match, that really changes thing. First of all it adds the X-Division title to the match-up instead of a shot at that title, and honestly I think TNA has made it rather obvious that Red will be losing the title at BFG now. It's not a guarantee, but with him being thrown in so quickly with his title on the line, I don't see him walking out with his championship. Which kind of irks me a bit, I really liked his shocking title win.
Well with the addition of Amazing Red into this match, that really changes thing. First of all it adds the X-Division title to the match-up instead of a shot at that title, and honestly I think TNA has made it rather obvious that Red will be losing the title at BFG now. It's not a guarantee, but with him being thrown in so quickly with his title on the line, I don't see him walking out with his championship. Which kind of irks me a bit, I really liked his shocking title win.
IF Red does lose the title I will be annoyed, irritated and will lose faith in TNA.

I will be annoyed and irritated no matter who wins (if it isn't Red) but for TNA to keep my faithThe Pope needs to win. Everyone else in this match has held the X-Division title and The Pope hasn't held it yet. Call me crazy but I like an exciting title scene instead if the same old crap every week (which is why I'm hoping to god Red keeps the title).
Before Red was added, I was sure Pope would win. After mulling it over for a while, I'm actually going to go with Red retaining.

Red just got the belt, and though that hasn't stopped guys from losing belts in the past (ex. Lethal Consequences), the fact that Don West has become Red's manager makes me think that they have plans for him so I don't see Red losing here.

The 3 hour impact (which was great) has really changed my thoughts on this match as a whole. Before, I thought Pope had the only legit chance to win, but now Homicide has a big chance of taking it. It looks like something is about to go down between Homicide and Suicide so they may give the belt to Homicide for Suicide to chase until the eventual unmasking happens. It would also give World Elite some gold. If Red doesn't win it, I definitely see Homicide taking it.
I think TNA realised that while Red can get it done in the ring, he really doesn't have much of a characetr. Now that Don West is his manager, I think we'll see him start to pick up some steam. By having him win this match, and by giving him a mouthpiece, the fans will start caring more about him. My money's on Red.
Excellent opening match. Beginning to end, there was tons of spots, and that's what we all expected/wanted. Don West did a great job of building Red as a legit champ, and it was nice to see him retain.

The scaffold was a nice touch to the match, although I was a bit worried that Daniels might have been killed by Suicide. The stars of the match were definitely the Guns, but Red and Suicide hit nice spot, after nice spot.
Solid opening match that really got the crowd pumped up. It really, REALLY could have benefited from an extra 5 minutes, but as it is, this was a very good opener. There were some very cool spots, and the final spot with Daniels just looked absolutely sickening, looked like Daniels was seriously injured. Glad to see Amazing Red retain the title, I figured he'd drop it here after being put into the match so late.
So, yeah, I just watched this match again, this time on my television. Holy---shit. That match was ridiculous, I may have severely underrated this match before. Perhaps watching it in good quality on a big screen helped matters, but that match was just fantastic spot after fantastic spot, and they all flowed together perfectly. Very, very impressive match here that it appears I severely underrated before, this was probably the match of the night now that I look back on it. There was more than one moment where I simply had to say "Holy SHIT" while watching this match, and I'm notoriously hard to please.
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