Ultimate Warrior Lashes Out At Triple H


Getting Noticed By Management
Ultimate Warrior Lashes Out At Triple H

On September 27, 2005, World Wrestling Entertainment released a video retrospective focusing on the wrestling career of Ultimate Warrior, entitled The Self-Destruction of the Ultimate Warrior. The DVD featured clips of his more notable feuds and matches along with commentary from WWE talent past and present, most of which are unflattering. Having been decisively squashed by the face painted grappler at WrestleMania XII, Triple H notably said that Ultimate Warrior was the most unprofessional wrestler he ever worked with.

Warrior posted a scathing message on his official website regarding WWE's burial piece, blasting those who criticized him, including Triple H. Warrior calls the future head of WWE "the biggest unprofessional asshole the business has ever seen" and accuses him of using human growth hormone -- undetectable during WWE drug testing -- to bloat his exterior.

"I'm the most unprofessional person you've ever stepped into the ring with? Well, now, ain't that pretty. Because what I remember, Mr. Stephanie McMahon, is that you were only in the ring with me one time -- and for less than 5 minutes. Here all these years since leaving the ring and becoming interested in mentoring young people, I often wonder what kind of impact I am having because I take it seriously and it is important to me do it effectively. Well, it sure sounds like I taught you very well in the 5 minutes you had in the ring with me. Because from what I hear you are the biggest unprofessional asshole the business has ever seen. You are welcome.

"And sure, in the ring that day it was a work, but in the locker room before the match, it wasn't. Don't leave the good parts out, puffy, little jealous man. Let's be sure and recall all the details and tell the audience how you tried to pull some rookie, punk bs with me, using that loser Gerald Brisco to steel your weak backbone, and I got in your face and told you to store it and that if you had something you wanted to discuss with me, you go find the man-balls to confront me yourself, don't bring a never-did-I-succeed-in-the business agent as a bodyguard and mouthpiece. It's funny that you have so much to say now from afar, because I remember giving you the chance to respond then, but your lips quivered you mouth shut.

"What I did that day was nothing personal, it was wholly professional. Ultimate Warrior was in a whole other league than all you B-players at the time -- yes, Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels included -- and it was my professional business responsibility to protect His worth. Whether you liked it or not, I didn't really much give a fuck. Yet, here you are today taking every cheap-shot opportunity you can to mock the Ultimate Warrior persona and deride me, personally, about how I handled my business as if you don't get it. But you do. In fact, you got it real well. Well enough that you followed my lead and have, as a professional asshole watching out for his professional self, done quite well for yourself.

"Hell, Paul, own up little, puffy man. You tried to replicate everything about me. So what you used a few more wrestling moves. Nobody cares and even fewer will remember. It was the Ultimate Warrior intensity and look you strove for. You knew this was the ticket. It became your mission. You even took up a serious interest in bodybuilding and began rubbing your very narrow shoulders with famous bodybuilders, like doing this would make you more of a real bodybuilder like I once was and, you prayed, more like an Ultimate Warrior. Difference is, Paul, it didn't work. Ironically, your bodybuilder friends are some of the same guys who used to ask for me for training advice when WWF came through town and we'd train at The Mecca, THE Gold's Gym in Venice, CA. Yet we can be sure -- they don't ask you. It's a good thing Vince backed off the drug testing as he did because without them you wouldn't have made muscle grade enough for the real freaks to even let you be one of their friends. BTW, to get rid of the puffy look, get off the GH and train hard. Yeah, that's right -- train hard. Your body tells us all that you train like a twat and rely most on your "sports supplements."

"Yes, Paul, sorrily, your whole career has been a mission to outdo Ultimate Warrior. But guess what little, puffy man? You failed. Oh, how you failed. I set an iconic standard none of you could reach. And you are bitter about it. So bitter. You all are. Indeed, it is this bitterness that you most have in common with your father-in-law. In fact, he recognized the depth of it in you and knew if something ever happened to him you would continue the mission to fulfill HIS vendetta. To secure it, he gave you his daughter. But he must be a little concerned, because it seems the only masculinity you can drum up is while you are hanging onto her booking skirt. You know, think about it. If I hadn't been smitten with my own honey at the time and Vince would have been more sensible, he might have hired me to become his son-in-law. You know, the Original Ultimate Warrior, not a dismal imitation. On second thought, I had strong self confidence and Vince never felt sorry for me as he evidently does for you."


Damn ...

um Puffy Man is an insult? I don't know how to take this.. I have no idea why wrestling sites are posting this as news today.
"Ultimate Warrior was in a whole other league than all you B-players at the time -- yes, Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels included"
Funny because they were in the hour long main event of that night and he was wrestling a nobody at the time.

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