Turning Point World Heavyweight Championship: AJ Styles (c) v. Daniels v. Samoa Joe

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I can see a swerve coming too. After the Style/Joe match at Impact, Daniels almost seemed to be smiling when Joe won. Either way, though I'm a big Styles fan and much prefer long titles reigns in general, I'm rooting for Daniels here just because he deserves the chance to be the top guy. He's an excellent worker and has earned the right to hold the title.
I'm glad to see this was the match we expected. I read a few places where they said this rivaled the first, and I really hope it did. AJ finally looks strong as a champion, and Joe and Daniels look like legit contenders. Who knows where this leaves the three of them going forward, but I'm sure we'll see something on Impact.

I'm also glad they didn't kill this match by revealing the attacker. It would have slowed down the momentum, and we would have ended up with something resembling Tara v. ODB v. Kong.
Great, great match here. I'm still torn on whether or not it was as good as the first one, but it sure as hell was damn close. Some of the most innovative moves I've ever seen in a triple threat match here, as these three men found new ways to punish both of their opponents at the same time, from Joe powerbombing AJ onto Daniels, to Daniels simultaneously putting the camel clutch on Joe while holding AJ in a boston crab. These guys must have had to get in the ring and practice some of these spots, because they were just flawless and I couldn't believe how well they executed them.

Really everything you'd want in a match like this was here. Countless reversals, close calls, submissions, power moves, flying maneuvers, stiff kicks, just a great, great match that lived up to all of the hype. This right here is definitely a contender for Match of the Year as far as I'm concerned. Just barely under five stars from me here.

Oh My God, is what I say to this match, this match was superb, everything about this match was amazing. The spots was absolutely terrific, Joe was fucking amazing, hopefully he stays like that. Daniels was brilliant as always set up alot of the spots which is good. AJ was superb as always, using moves he hadn't seen for ages. This match was just brilliant, my favourite part of it being when AJ did the Fosbury Flop onto Joe and Daniels, I completely marked out for it. Out of 5 stars, I give it a 5.
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