Against All Odds: TNA World Title - AJ Styles (c) v. Samoa Joe

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Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
This match was announced tonight, with Joe cashing in his briefcase. I don't think they'll take the title off AJ yet, but this could be the beginning to a great feud. Joe and AJ have never had a bad match together, and with Lockdown looming, this could be a great main event.

I wouldn't be totally amazed if they made AJ lose here, to either turn him back face, or to keep the feud going, allowing AJ to get dirtier and more heelish along the way.
Im confused though, what is the 8 card tourney for. I thought it was the Against All Odds Mainevent.

Anyways im just glad Joe has a match and isn't going to get lost in the TNA shuffle due to the billion extra wrestlers that have been hired.

Wow, what a match this is going to be
Im confused though, what is the 8 card tourney for. I thought it was the Against All Odds Mainevent.

Anyways im just glad Joe has a match and isn't going to get lost in the TNA shuffle due to the billion extra wrestlers that have been hired.

Wow, what a match this is going to be

the 8 card stud tourney is to set up the challenger for lockdown not against all odds.

as for the topic of the thread. no i don't see them taking the title off of AJ just yet. I feel they are doing the one thing that WWE hasn't done yet. make their money in the bank equivalent LOSE most everyone & might even be everyone so far in both WWE and TNA who have won the briefcase have gone on to win the title that they have gone after.
If AJ does lose against Joe I see TNA somoehow getting AJ into the main event at lockdown because i'm sure everyone is betting on Angle winning the 8 man tourney
I like the feud. Plus it has a different feel to it this time with AJ as the heel. I believe that Joe is mad at AJ for not being the Warrior he once was. It gives Joe a direction as well as makes AJ look more heelish. I suspect that AJ will come out on top. Going one of two directions, either he respects Joe and distances himself from Flair, or AJ has some kind of outside interference helping him get the win. Personally, I think it will be the second of the two. I also think the interference will come from someone other than Flair, beginning the formation of some type of stable. Daniels maybe? Tomko?
AJ vs Joe, nuff said. As a wrestling fan what more could you ask. And also these sort of matches need to be saved for events like Bound for glory and not Against all odds. And also AJ has never beaten Joe in singles.
As a fan of the new TNA. This match will not make me order this pay per view. Infact Samoa Joe and AJ headlining makes me loose interest all together. Are we all watching the same two guys each week on impact? Am I the only one who thinks AJ is mid card level at best? Thats why Pope vs AJ was in the middle of the card. Oh yeah and Pope was by far the more entertaining and the star of the match. Aj Styles cannot complete a gimmick withouth making it look unbelievable or annoying to watch. This story with Flair makes him less creditable as a champion. He is stealing Flairs taunts and doing the WOOO..Tna is trying to tell us he is buying mansions in I am suprised they didnt say Charlotte, NC. Whne is he going to start using the figure four as his finisher? He is becoming another Jay Its just looks stupid to have the TNA champion giggling like a school girl over Ric Flair. What kind of creditability does that offer TNA? Why is this guy carrying a company? Oh yeah and then we got Samao Joe who hasnt been interesting since his streak was gone. First off I have seen the Joe vs AJ matches they are spots fest with below average wrestling and no story telling in between.

Jarrett vs Anderson from last week. These two should watch this and find out how to tell and story and put on a good match without spot festing all over the place. Now back to Joe. Why do I care about this guy? Why is he suppose to be so bad. In fact it was laugh to see him try and roar at Flair, causing Flair to cower in the corner. It would have worked somewhat if Joe wouldnt have took off his shirt and un leashed the rolls of fat on everyone. All I could think about was why is this guy so bad? He has more fat rolls than a Jenny Craig waiting room. Take a look at Matt Morgon now that guy looks intimidating.

Oh then went bad from there as Joe got on the mic and said pretty much average stuff using the big word inevitable to make himself sound smarter, but the whole altercation was horrible. Samoa Joe vs Aj Styles...main event a Pay Per View? WTF? This company wants to go against WWE like this? Its never going to happen TNA?

Top 5 TNA Stars

2.The Pope
3.Kurt Angle
4.Motor City Machine Guns
5. Raven

Sting, Pope,Angle, and Raven all have interesting characters, can cut a promo, and have average to good wrestling skills. All of which would make them more marketable as a champion to carry TNA than Styles. Styles has average ring skills + he flips or does a high spot. He is boring cannot tell a story and cannot cut a promo to save his life.

I am not a WWE mark I hate watching WWE. I love TNA I think they have gotten alot better. I have watched since the weekly ppv shows. I have always felt that way about Joe and AJ. Aj was always a spot fest guy who could not talk and needed to stay in the X division. Samoa Joe was interesting when he was undefeated. I am not sure if him being boring is his fault or the curse of the Goldberg gimmick. Any TNA main event a ppv with stars if you want people to order them. Anderson vs Jarrett drew in a 1.5 rating during thier match your high rating ever. They were great in the ring with such short time. Also it was 2 mainstream guys people new.
This just further clarifies that the young guys are the future of TNA, not the old. No matter what the critics say. These two should have a hell of war between each other. It may not be as special since AJ Styles is a heel and now limits his moves to get over. I love the new AJ, it may take a while to get use to but Ric Flair can get anyone over. I can't wait to see this match and who will face who at Lockdown. Especially since Lockdown is in St.Louis this year. I might actually make the 7 hour drive to see my first pay per view. I'm sure AJ and Joe will tear the house down on Valentine's Day.
First off I have seen the Joe vs AJ matches they are spots fest with below average wrestling and no story telling in between.

To tell you the truth man, i dont know which AJ vs Joe matches you have been watching. Watch the 20 minute classic from Turning point 05. High flying and storytelling. I dont understand how you can call AJ vs Joe matches spotfests yet you probably will call Undertaker V Shawn michaels MOTY.
i think aj will keep will end up being the 2nd time that they made who ever was challenging the world title ended up losing becuase remember when hernandez chashed in and mad ehis match a 4 way which was a dumb move by tna
Well lets not compare two legends like HBK and Undertaker to anything Aj Styles or Samoa Joe has ever done. If you want to compare those to then thats insane. I was simply saying they put on average matches at best and will not sale a ppv anymore than the last. They are trying to compete against WWE. Who is full of mainstream talent. The new TNA fans are not invested in Aj Styles or Samoa Joe. Hell alot have started watching since Hogan showed up what the hell has Joe done since then? Oh yeah he put on a horrible sluggish match against Desmond Wolfe. Whats the story here anyway Joe has not even been after AJ? Once again its the same as with all these TNA titles matches why am I interested? Whats the story besides TNA has ripped off money in the bank and and joe cashes it in? Kurt vs AJ would have sold more buyrates. There was a story there and I am sure Kurt will win the tourney and get his shot.

I guess with TNA's limited superstars Samoa Joe was pretty much all they had to place on the card. We all know every TNA fan for some reason believe Samoa "Fat Rolls" Joe is god. Even though he is about as sluggish in the ring as the big show. He cant talk on the mic and gets less fearsome and believabe everytime I see him. I am a big TNA fan but AJ and Joe have never been over with me. Also I am pulling for TNA and if you want to ride the wave of all the new intrest then it should have cleary been Anderson vs AJ or Aj Styles w/FLair vs Angle w/ Hogan. Having those two at ringside would have given something interesting to a match it looks like TNA will beat to death anyway. You need mainstream people to promote your PPV's if you want to gain interest in anything TNA does. I sit and watch goods stories through all these weeks to have Samoa Joe come out of hiding two weeks before the PPV to challenge Aj what build up.

Like I said before I am pulling for TNA and I just think promote better stuff. Give your bigger name guys a chance to put over AJ more. We all no Joe is going to loose anyway so that Kurt can get a rematch after he wins the title. If that didnt happen TNA really has shitty ideas then. We know its going to happen and I like that Aj and Kurt story even though I hate Aj. That story is making me like Aj. Thats what TNA has to do.
AJ will most likely come away with the win in this one because I think TNA is going to try and establish him as a heel champion now, and he is having a pretty nice reign. AJ and Joe are sure to put on one hell of a match, and this might be the start of an awesome feud between the two. The promo Joe cut on AJ and Flair the other night was so sweet because Joe put so much energy into it. Again, Styles probably comes away with the win, and that will hopefully help further this feud.
LOL, did someone actually say Joe and Styles matches don't tell a story? Obviously you never saw their match at Sacrifice in 2005, or really any of their matches. And if you have, clearly you don't know what the fuck storytelling is. Styles and Joe ALWAYS put on above average match-ups, and this is going to be no different whatsoever. These two know each other like the back of their hands and choosing this for the main event of Against All Odds is guaranteed to send the fans home happy with a great wrestling match.

AJ will without a doubt retain here, just as he should. I really hope they keep this reign going for a long time, been awhile since TNA has had a long-reigning champion.
AJ vs. Joe? Shit, that match will be insane. Those guys together are nothing but good things, and Against All Odds will be no different. Right now, AJ's in a position to continue his reign as a heel, and with Flair behind him to get that rub off, it only adds some dimension into AJ's character. Hogan was right in giving life into the guys, and AJ is only going to go up from this, and hopefully the match puts over Joe as well.
Like I said in the "Welcome Back Joe" thread, Joe's niche is these little forgettable pay-per-view matches. Across all the identikit TNA pay-per-views over the past few years, there are numerous Samoa Joe gems. His match against Christian for the NWA title a while back was one I pointed out as evidence. His match against Robert Roode - which was a great little mini-feud - is another.

I don't expect Joe to win the title, but I expect for this match to make me believe that Joe will win the title. I reckon he'll pull out the stops, kick Flair's ass, stop AJ from cheating and be within reaching distance of the title only to get screwed at the very last moment. And yes, it will be very entertaining to watch.

I'd also briefly like to point out that just because a match has two highly athletic wrestlers, doesn't mean it doesn't tell a story.
You know, it's a shame Hogan wants to build up AJ like he does, because I would love for Joe to win the title. I'm really looking forward to this match though and I hope it turns out well and maybe gets a rematch on iMPACT. I've always been a huge fan of Joe and his badass character, so hopefully he sticks around.

This match will obviously build AJ as a heel even more, and hopefully help build Joe back up also.
To me, it's an OBVIOUS AJ win! It's too early to take it off him. If they are gonna turn him into a mini Flair, you gotta make him look AMAZING! Joe is extremely good, but not good enough to take the title from someone their passing off as "Naitch"!
Now I am a fan of AJ and I am not the biggest one of Joe but I must say that I love when people hate on the WWE for doing Cena vs Orton for the 50th time or whatever when AJ vs Joe has been just as many times. Everyone is getting pumped for this match and yet we have all seen it a bunch of times before. I my mind it is just as boring and stale as Cena vs Orton. I want to know what makes them facing off for the 50th time different then anyone else facing off for the 50th time.
Because they have the showcase to allow them use different things without using weapons or a special gimmick. Im not bashing Orton or Cena, I'm sure if they were allowed to go 30 minutes and were told "Do what you want" they could do a lot more than people are saying but Vince and the creative "genius" (and I use that term loosely) seem to think that people pay to simply see each of the guys big moves and that's all. TNA has always been the company that allows you to go out and make the time you have yours and to not worry about what happens when you steal the show. Joe and AJ can do that and maybe they will or maybe they won't but everytime they have faced before one on one (to my knowledge) AJ has always been a face. So this adds a bit of different in that AJ is the heel and Joe the face, unlike Cena/Orton that always has Cena the face and Randy the heel, no matter what the crowd reaction is.
Because they have the showcase to allow them use different things without using weapons or a special gimmick. Im not bashing Orton or Cena, I'm sure if they were allowed to go 30 minutes and were told "Do what you want" they could do a lot more than people are saying but Vince and the creative "genius" (and I use that term loosely) seem to think that people pay to simply see each of the guys big moves and that's all. TNA has always been the company that allows you to go out and make the time you have yours and to not worry about what happens when you steal the show. Joe and AJ can do that and maybe they will or maybe they won't but everytime they have faced before one on one (to my knowledge) AJ has always been a face. So this adds a bit of different in that AJ is the heel and Joe the face, unlike Cena/Orton that always has Cena the face and Randy the heel, no matter what the crowd reaction is.

Great response, I agree completely

Now I am a fan of AJ and I am not the biggest one of Joe but I must say that I love when people hate on the WWE for doing Cena vs Orton for the 50th time or whatever when AJ vs Joe has been just as many times. Everyone is getting pumped for this match and yet we have all seen it a bunch of times before. I my mind it is just as boring and stale as Cena vs Orton. I want to know what makes them facing off for the 50th time different then anyone else facing off for the 50th time.

Also, can you tell me the last time we saw an AJ vs Joe PPV match? 2005, 2006? Also when have the stakes been higher, its going to be the main event for the world heavyweight championship, the fact that they are letting these two young stars headline the show is a gift in itself, also theres enough fuel in this going back to slammiversery when joe turned heel
I'd Have to agree with Mr. Platano1989 WWE burried Orton Cena into the ground PPV after PPV Raw after Raw, also it was always Cena as Face and Orton as Heel, now I'm not 100% but I don't think Joe and AJ have faced half the times that Cena and Orton have, and it has been awhile since they have had a match and I think this is the first for the World title I might be wrong, but I look foward to seeing the AJ Joe, fight, unlike how i would just wait for the spolier to see when they would finally put the title back on cena.

Just My Thoughts.
For me seeing Joe vs. AJ is going to be new and different since I've only recently been regularly watching TNA. But from the stuff I've seen on YouTube and the "countless" matches Joe and AJ have had, the fact that there's always something different and new to watch that makes every match unique makes a Joe/AJ match less stale to watch than a Cena/Orton match. These days, as soon as you hear that Cena and Orton are gonna fight, you wonder what's going on on ABC or NBC next week because you've already seen the same stuff before and the only differences they make are either Cena is going to win or Orton is gonna win. With a Joe/AJ match it's pretty much the same's the meat of the match that makes the match exciting and not stale.
i for one am not excited at all for this match i see aj retaining with the crowd 100 percent on his side even though he is a heel no one cares about joe he hasnt been anything since he lost his first match to angle and his bound for glory match with sting was worthless
Did you even watch Impact? The fans were behind Joe the minute he hit the ramp to attack AJ & Flair. People will be behind Joe and may actually be more for him returning to his character of just being a badass machine that goes out to hurt you.
he is the tna version of batista he is a waste of time i would rather see aj face lashley or angle again i think that him and jeff could have a great rivalry and a great match in the future tho and if rvd comes to tna him and aj would put on an epic match
As many others have stated, Orton/Cena can have decent matches, but if you seen one, you've seen them all. Which is unfortunate because I really believe both could do a lot more than they do.

What makes AJ vs Joe an exciting match even if it's been done many times before is that the chances of you seeing something you didn't see in their last encounters is pretty high. And at the very least you'll be getting a good wrestling match. Not to put down Orton and Cena, but when watching their matches you can only see the same moves before it frustrates you as a wrestling fan.
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