Trumple H (The Donald Trump Thread)

Lewandowski was only part of the problem. A huge reason Trump kept the guy was because he not only liked him but Trump also liked his strategies of just saying whatever he wanted no matter what. Trump's ego puts Vince McMahon's to shame and Vince does have a sense of maturity about him, whereas Trump has seemed like a highly petulant, thin skinned child at times who lashes out at anyone and anything that has anything negative to say about him and/or even slightly disagrees with him.

The damage to Trump has already been done; all of his offensive statements are out there with people being reminded of them ad nauseam with most of them being recorded either on film or during phone interviews. He's still sending out childish Tweets and making outlandish statements while not providing any real degree of depth as to how he plans to fix things that are wrong.

Both Trump and Clinton have big favorability problems as neither of them are particularly well perceived or trusted by the public, if the various polls that've come out this week are truly indicative of how people feel. Clinton is seen as a career politician that's part of what many perceive as a broken system while Donald Trump is seen as a loud mouthed buffoon without any real plan as to what he's doing.

Like many Americans, I'm not overly wild about Hilary and I'm certainly not wild about Trump, but she's the lesser of two evils in this situation, at least in my opinion. At least she does have plans laid out, ideas that she's telling people about, depth to her campaign and organization among her party, for the most part anyhow, whereas many people see Trump driving the Republican Party towards a cliff. I'm repulsed by Trump as a human being and I had no idea that he was such a poor businessman no matter what he otherwise proclaims. I mean...when you're someone who declares Chapter 11 bankruptcy 4 times, I have difficulty believing that someone is the business genius that he claims to be.

It's insane to me that Trump could ever let Corey go since they seemed like kindred spirits, and it's even more insane to me that Corey is apparently still loyal to Trump as he refuses to share his understanding of who Trump would be most likely to choose as a Vice President. I think that the biggest risk to Trump's campaign in all this is that he apparently thinks that his kids and their spouses can fill the void. Trump's been sitting behind desks wayyy too long.

Trump may have burned any bridges he may have had with people who can think far enough ahead to be appalled by his statements and judge his character thusly, but -- for enough people to make a difference -- the game is as simple as; you're never wrong so long as you identify with the color that represents your political party. Whatever damage we normal folk perceive as having happened to Donald's reputation only make him sympathetic to his cro-magnon voting base. Any explanation we give for why Donald Trump would be a terrible president is beyond the capability of his supporters to comprehend, even if we explained using sock puppets and fingerpaints.

It is such a tricky game when you present ideas, in regard to a how one would rate the character of a Presidential candidate, that are fair and even tempered. Outside of this forum of course, I think the WrestleZone forum is the most reasonable sanctuary of thought on the entire internet.

I give Trump that he hasn't filed for personal bankruptcy, but that company's bearing his supposedly lucrative name have filed for bankruptcy. So he's not lying when he says that he's never filed for bankruptcy. Then again, this is honestly the only defense I can make on his behalf. He has no social etiquette, humility or decency, and yet he's the type who would immediately attack someone else for their lack of any of those qualities.

Hillary is dealing with the whole e-mail thing, which from my perspective is so fucking stupid. This explanation is going to get lengthy, so I'll make it a spoiler and sum it up after;
In my line of work, I've had e-mail accounts that are designated as secret. The biggest flub you can make is to send an e-mail using that restricted account and allow that e-mail to be received by any other account that isn't restricted, though the content of that e-mail is taken into consideration when deciding how severe one should be punished. Most of the time, e-mails sent through the secret account consist of "Wings tonight?" with a response of "Can't, got the runs". Now, if John Q Poopypants up and accidentally CC'd his Aunt's Gmail account when he sent that, the US Government would laugh its ass off and assume that his explanation to his Aunt would be punishment enough. My point being; simply maintaining a private e-mail server through which you occasionally share secret or top secret information doesn't show that you can't govern effectively. She took an easy route that broke a rule, but to my knowledge didn't compromise national security. Nobody can give me any kind of tangible negative consequence of what she did except that it was a rule for her to only maintain an e-mail through a government server, and she didn't follow it.
In a nutshell, there's bigger reasons to question Hillary Clinton's character. I recall Hillary being asked why she supported the Iraq War at a town hall, and her response was something along the lines of that she was really voting for increased scrutiny of Iraq's nuclear program and weapon stockpiles. Yeah, that was a bald faced lie and she likely knew it.

I see myself voting for Hillary because she seems like the safer bet, the devil we know in other words. Donald would probably give me a huge raise to my paycheck if he gets elected, but while I have a lingering thread of self-worth I can't see myself helping him to be the President.
I don't want to go Jesse Ventura here but once Rubio and Kasich began to fade away I began to ponder if Drumpf has gutted the GOP from the inside to secure another 8 years of Clinton. There is just so much bullshit that comes out of his mouth that I don't know whether he believes it or he's working everybody over. Im sure I'm not the only person who has thrown this idea out there but come on, since the Reagan administration there has been a Bush or Clinton in the presidential cabinet.
There isn't too much to say about the election, aside from the fact that I feel like a nutcase conspiracy theorists in my belief that this entire election is a farce, and not really happening. I don't have anything positive to say about either of our likely candidates, but I don't think either of them winning will have any affect whatsoever on my day-to-day life. That makes it really hard to give a shit about what's happening.
Before Trumple H became the Republican Candidate we know today, he was a rookie in 2005 that went under the name Drumpfer Hearst Helmsley. Why is this important today? Well, a certain video leaked recently that many would consider a little bit tasteless:


"But it's locker room banter!!!" some may shout at the top of their lungs, not understanding that this is not the 1990s and forgetting how powerful the men in that bus really were.

"Killary etc. etc. Bill would fuck etc. etc."

Okay. But what point is anybody getting at with this? That yeah Trump is a misogynistic piece of shit that brags about sexual assault, but at least he didn't follow through with it? After all the really stupid things he has said, people are still in favor in him because he had nothing indirectly to do with the deaths of four Americans? Because as far as I can tell, that's the only card people want to play when they side with Trumple H, The Smark of Smarks. The Cerebral Palsy Assassin. I can go on forever with nicknames, because this election is tragic and I just want to smoke pot legally in Arkansas.

Please make Jill Stein and Gary Johnson fuse back into Bernie Sanders. They're weak on their own.
From what brief subtle nuggets of wisdom I've been able to draw from the spin doctors of the various news networks; Donald bragging about being able to grope women because he's a (newlywed) famous guy is worse than Wikileaks most recent leak of Hillary's conversations with Wall Street executives where she admitted that she doesn't relate very well to the struggles of the middle class.

Julian Assange promises to leak every week, so maybe there's worse stuff yet to come.

Trump tried to downplay his comments from 2005 as "just locker room banter" before deciding to take the high road and apologize to us on CNN saying:

"I never said I'm a perfect person, or pretend to be someone that I'm not. I've said and done things I regret, and the words released today -- on this more than a decade old video -- are one of them. Anyone who knows me knows these words don't reflect who I am. I said it, I was wrong and I apologize. I've traveled the country talking about change for America, but my travels have also changed me. I spent time with grieving mothers who've lost their children, laid off workers whose jobs have gone to other countries and people from all walks of life who just want a better future. I have gotten to know the great people of our country, and I've been humbled by the faith they placed in me. I pledge to be a better man tomorrow, and will never ever let you down. Let's be honest; we're living in the real world, this is nothing more than a distraction from the important issues we're facing today. We are losing our jobs, we are less safe than we were eight years ago and Washington is totally broken. Hillary Clinton and her kind have run our country into the ground. I've said some foolish things, but there is a big difference between the words and actions of other people. Bill Clinton has actually abused women, and Hillary has bullied, attacked, shamed and intimidated his victims. We will discuss this more in the coming days, see you at the debate on Sunday."

So, yeah. He apologizes, but only really to those people who foolishly let themselves be distracted. It's a very convenient moment for him as he could offer up a brief statement of "I apologize" before rambling on with a patronizing observation of how we're all living in Hell and offering up a Hillary Clinton bashing debate promo.

I really hate every stupid motherfucker that voted for him in the primary.

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