Trips and Cena Out?


Occasional Pre-Show
While, after Backlash finished, we saw both Trips and Cena get helped out. Just want to get your thought on;

1. With two of the biggest faces of the company supposedly out, what will happen?

2. What would you like to see happen now, with Orton as WWE Champion?

I'm guessing that Batista will now take that spot if they are both out for a while, but i can't say I'm excited with Batista Vs. Orton. But I guess I'm going to wait and have to watch RAW tomorrow. Should be a good show.
If HHH shows up tomorrow, he makes Batista look weak as he didn't return the next day (he took months, but this was due to a hamstring injury too). He should not be there tomorrow, and when he returns he will have words with Batista leading to a triple threat with Orton.

As for Cena, without a title and not in the title hunt at the moment, it may be right for some time off to recharge. I have heard he may be shooting a movie but we'll see. Unfortunately whenever he comes back he has the thankless task of squeezing an entertaining match out of the Big Show.
Now is probably the best time for these guys to rest up. RAW is stacked at the moment, and with Trips and Cena out, WWE has a chance to test out some of their other talent, and see if they're ready to accept a larger role on the roster.

Batista is the top face by default now, so he'll be going after Orton. It only makes sense, seeing as he has unresolved business with Legacy.

With RAW's two biggest draws out, that likely means RAW will take the form of the more "ensemble" show that it did last summer. That means guaranteed tv time for some of the more tested veterans, like Tista, Orton, Big Show, and maybe Matt Hardy. And the youngers guys like MVP, The Miz, The Colons, and (once he's healthy) Miiiissssteeerrrr Kennedyyyyyyy... Kennedyyyyyy will get some good exposure.

Cena HAS to be suffering from burnout, what wrestling a full schedule AND running the rounds on the talk show curcuit trying to promote 12 Rounds. A well deserved vacation for Cena benefits everyone. Who knows? He may not return until after his wedding/honeymoon.
They both definitely need some time off, especially Cena. This is the perfect opportunity for WWE to create some new stars because RAW's glass ceiling is temporarily out of the picture.

I'm hoping that they build up Legacy as the head of the show since they still don't look like a credible stable. Batista is the top face and still has issues with Orton so that's a decent starting point.
They both definitely need some time off, especially Cena.
You mean especially Triple H, right? Triple H has been in the main event title picture since Backlash last year and there is nowhere near as much interest in him as there is in Cena, who just came back last fall from a second injury in a year to get back the world title for the first time in a year. And Cena puts more people over. Triple H is the one who needs to get off our screens.

Hopefully Cena isn't taking time off though. A proper feud with Big Show is exactly what Raw needs at the moment as the two have amazing chemistry together.
Yeeeeeaaaaahhhh.... Cena lost because he has a movie coming up in May he's shooting and to be champ, u have to do houseshows, which is a rule within WWE that's associated with being the champ, which he won't be able to do because he's gonna be filming a movie. Triple h getting takin out on a stretcher is just a work. He's fine. He's just selling the punt. Just like Vince and Shane did when they got punted.
I think with what transpired this evening, this pretty much guarantees a Triple H heel turn, more than likely as soon as he returns. I see him turning on Batista, for Batista basically costing them the match by almost getting them DQ'ed.

Get ready for McMahon/Helmsley Era Part 2.

That will be one badly needed turn taken care of. Now for the other one. It's time for Edge to turn Face, badly. This "Ultimate Opportunist" gimmick has been absolutely beaten to death with Edge and it's time his character is given a complete makeover, complete with a Face turn.
this is a dream come true for at least a little bit of time we'll be able to have some new talent ascend the ranks of main event status
Yeeeeeaaaaahhhh.... Cena lost because he has a movie coming up in May he's shooting and to be champ, u have to do houseshows, which is a rule within WWE that's associated with being the champ, which he won't be able to do because he's gonna be filming a movie. Triple h getting takin out on a stretcher is just a work. He's fine. He's just selling the punt. Just like Vince and Shane did when they got punted.

well we already he's alright. besides trips doesn't do all of his house shows especially some overseas. but what people are talking about is whether these two will be out to sell injuries and rest up a bit. Cena really deserves it after all his hard work. love or hate him, he is a work horse and puts in more than hunter. hunter will probably be out next week considering he is selling injuries. though i really don't give a damn about hunter considering he is constantly burying randy
:suckit: trips
I personally think both of them will take at least a couple of weeks off ... maybe more. Have Orton go nuts on RAW for a few weeks and basically take over the show with Trips gone and have Batista battling but getting beat.
In the long run Trips comes back but is grumpy with Batista over the ending of the match.
Cena definitely could use some time off, but I doubt they will sell this bump with too much time. Maybe a week or two and he obviously comes back with a program with Big Show which could actually help elevate Big Show a little.
Hasn't wrestlezone been posting that there is a dark main event with Cena and HHH vs. Edge and Orton or something like that tomorrow?Don't you think that means that they're going to be on the show?
I think HHH will be out til after the next PPV. This allows Orton and Batista to have a 1-on-1 match and then HHH can return and make it a triple threat for the following PPV. Cena is a different story as he really doesn't have much to do on Raw at the moment except for a fued with Big Show but we've all seen that before. I think he'll be out for a couple weeks and then have a match with Show at the next PPV.
I think it's a good idea that they take a break from wrestling as you saw tonight at Basklash, HHH while being put on the strecher, the crowd began singing "Na Na Hey Hey Goodbye goodbye" obviously some people are tired of seeing HHH, so a break will do him good, maybe he'll come back as a heel. Also at Backlash tonight Cena was being booed & Edge was being cheered while they were trading punches, I think a break will do them good & give a chance to the younger guys in the midcard like Miz, MVP & Matt Hardy to show that they can be in the main event scene.
both should be at raw tomorrow. with the ratings decline, theres no time to take prolonged vacations. neither should miss more than a week.

plus how can you say cena needs time off when hes been injured off and on his entire career?
Even though I hate them both, losing their top two babyfaces on one show is a pretty big blow, especially with no other believable main event faces on RAW (HBK is still out until whenever, although a feud with Orton would be a good way to come back). Their mid-card is full of babyfaces that lack ME cred (MVP, Kennedy, Kofi...and that's pretty much it) and the believablility as World Champions. RAW needs to make some stars SOON or else their main event picture is going to look weak as balls until Superman and Thor return, which at that point kills all the momentum any upcoming babyface has.

It's a sad time to be a RAW superstar.
It is obvious they will go with Batista as the top face for a couple of weeks. Cena will definitely be back to set up a PPV match with the Big Show, but he will likely at least take tomorrow off.
I think they should, and probably will ... give Trips at least two-three weeks off. There is NO WAY Trips is at RAW tonight. If he is it REALLY makes Batista look week after being out forever following the kick to the noggin.
I see Hunter taking three weeks off to allow for an Orton/Batista match at Judgment Day. Orton will retain and Hunter will show up again the following night on RAW to book himself versus Orton in a Hell in a Cell match for Extreme Rules which Orton will also retain his belt at. From there we go to Night of Champions which would be a great time to finally run Orton/HHH/Batista.

I'm hoping that will eventually lead to HHH vs. Batista splintering off into their own feud so that Orton can move on to bigger and better things.

Cena probably won't take any time off. Maybe a week tops. He's got a ready made feud with Show and there's no real reason to put it off.
Its a little weird to put both their biggest stars on the shelf so one will be back but I'm tired of seeing them in the title picture all the time...and not Batista again...since losing the WHC to Undertaker at WM23 he has had 12 title
Correct my if I'm wrong, but wasn't Triple H punted at the end of the triple-threat match at Wrestlemania 24? Was he taken out on a stretcher then? One kick to the head is more devastating then another? How many times did Triple H come back when he and Austin were having their rivalry? Austin dumped The Game upside down from a very high crane while he was in a car and then the game comes back like 2 weeks later to screw Austin out of the title
no way either one takes too much time off. either way the double sided ***** that is cenahhh will continue to simultaneously ass rape every superstar on raw until their assholes are as wide as the big shows waist. and i doubt the pricks would even have the common courtesy to lube up first.
I hope Tripl H is off tv for a while. He was becoming a boring face and boring champ like Cena was. He just needs to turn heel already. But I doubt that will happen cause of this "PG kid oriented" crap. I'm glad Randy won tho. He looks better with it neway. He's younger and a bit more athletic than Trips. When Trips wins it, its only to catch up to Flair's title reign. He just has it to have it basically. Same with Cena. When they win it, its so typical. But now that they're both off the show selling their ''injuries", this will give WWE a chance to focus on the younger guys and mid-card guys. That's if WWE decides to take that route which I doubt they will because they aren't that smart when it comes to that.
Big Show attacking Cena instead of Edge was another fuck up by creative. Weren't Show and Edge supposed to have issues because of Vickie?

You are correct. When Show didn't chokeslam Cena right away, I thought he was gonna drop him and attack Edge instead, woulda been cool.

But having HHH and Cena gone could def be good so that maybe you elevate someone else, give them a shot. And I swear, if I see Kennedys name again lol......Give MVP, Matt Hardy, or even Miz a shot in some big matches. They could freshen things up since it would be some new matches. I know Cenas getting married, if its soon, then this "time off" would make sense.
Big Show attacking Cena instead of Edge was another fuck up by creative. Weren't Show and Edge supposed to have issues because of Vickie?

Big Show attacking Edge would have turned him face on a brand full of main event faces. Also, having your top babyface receive help to win the title doesn't happen in wrestling much, especially from a guy the crowd hate.

Big Show had no place at all interfering in that match. All it sets up is Show vs Cena. I know Cena got some good matches out of Khali so there is no one better for it, but Cena is above making Big Show look good. Show's time as a main event player should be over.
I've only seen Christian on ECW highlights since his return. I was surprised by how well they reacted to the title change. Good match considering the limitations of Swagger.

WWE needs to pair Edge up with Christian while they're both champions. From the promo between them I don't think they'll cross paths for a while. I think it was just done for the sake of it.

Big Show as a face would have been ok if Cena and HHH stay out a while. I understand how you feel about Show in ME, but what else is he supposed to do? Hes getting towards the end of his career as well, so I have no problem with him in big matches as long as he does well.

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