Triple H Raw Announcement

So Triple H just announced on Smackdown that on Raw he will be announcing something that will shake WWE to it's core. What do you guys think it will be? I'm guessing it's simply going to be a third wrestler added to the WM main event match, however effecting something to it's core sounds a lot bigger than simply changing one match. One match is only a part of the whole which makes me wonder what it could be.

Any guesses?

HHH will announce Reigns will defend his title shot in a 10 Man Battle Royal at Fast Lane. People like Bryan, Ambrose and Ziggler would be involved, however, Reigns wins in a dominant manner to solidify himself as the #1 contender going into WrestleMania
I just don't want Bryan in the Main Event at Wrestlemania now because forcing him in that match for two years in a row will get old. Wrestlemania XXX was special for how that worked out. Give Bryan another, real title reign, but don't repeat the same corrections to already repeated mistakes.

I love Bryan but I agree. It should have been Bryan vs. Lesnar and not another triple threat insertion. I don't think WWE has any wiggle room anymore swap Lesnar or Reigns at the main event.
I don't care what it is as long as he ignores the NERDS from the Net...

I don't want to see DB at WM.... AGAIN! I don't want Ziggler in the main event or Ambrose or whoever you lames love this week to hate next week. I just want to be able to watch wrestling and see what plays out.

I still say that not one person has given a legitimate reason for all the Reigns hate. He is green. He can't talk. He needs time.


That's like having the number 1 draft pick and sitting him on the bench for the first 6 years of his career.

His mic skills will improve when he finds his character but Damn y'all haven't given him the chance to do that yet. I also laugh because you guys act like Adolph and DB give great promos.....


Not even slightly.

Though must of you guys think the Miz is golden too. You know what I find hilarious. That y'all talk shit about Vince for LIKING MUSCLE HEADS but you go out if your way to HATE ALL MUSCLE HEADS.....

So really what's the difference?

I hope the announcement is because of the backlash DB has been banned from title matches FOREVER.....


The announcement is to address the controversy from the Rumble. They played up on Smackdown ALL night that the fans are upset that Bryan, Ziggler, nor Ambrose won the match. The announcement will be Bryan vs Ziggler vs Ambrose at Fast Lane for a spot in the title match. Ambrose will win. It'll set up Bryan vs Ziggler.

I would really think Daniel Bryan or Dolph Ziggler would win that match. Dean Ambrose is a VERY distant third to them in popularity, and like Roman Reigns, he's nowhere NEAR ready to be headlining a WrestleMania. Bryan had his amazing moment last year, 2015 should be the year of Dolph Ziggler. He's the man to carry WWE for the forseeable future, not Reigns, Ambrose, or Rollins.

And to avoid making it another Triple Threat Match like last year, they could have Seth Rollins announce on the RAW before WrestleMania that he's cashing in his title shot to make it a Fatal Four Way Match, because he claims to be so good, that he doesn't need to take advantage of a weakened champion.
They don't need to add to anybody to the main event. If they did that it would be worse than just having Reigns vs Lesnar. It completely devalues the Royal Rumble. Why even have the Damn thing if you can lose and still get into the main event? We're wasting everyone's time. I think if anything Reigns will defend the title shot and win that match. Knowing Triple H it'll probably be Reigns vs Big Show, Kane, Rollins, and J&J in a handicap match on RAW
1. It is either Hyperbole and we end up disappointed.


2. Vince McMahon finally steps down/announces retirement. HHH takes over the day after WrestleMania and promises a brand NEW WWE.
If McMahon was stepping down, I'm sure he would be the one making the announcement, not Triple H.

My best bet is that Lesnar has signed...
Maybe they will make him fight to keep his spot .. Stack the authority against him try and screw him in matchs .. Which they hope will get him over for WM they have what 7 weeks ?
Perhaps WWE have pulled the wool over all of our eyes. Perhaps HHH will be announcing the main event of Fast Lane will be Roman Reigns defending his title shot against....

Ambrose. Ziggler. Bryan. Kane. Show.

Elimination Chamber.

Reigns wins, looks dominant.

Wrestlemania we get Reigns v Lesnar, Ziggler v Bryan and Ambrose +1 v Big Show and Kane
I would really think Daniel Bryan or Dolph Ziggler would win that match. Dean Ambrose is a VERY distant third to them in popularity, and like Roman Reigns, he's nowhere NEAR ready to be headlining a WrestleMania. Bryan had his amazing moment last year, 2015 should be the year of Dolph Ziggler. He's the man to carry WWE for the forseeable future, not Reigns, Ambrose, or Rollins.

And to avoid making it another Triple Threat Match like last year, they could have Seth Rollins announce on the RAW before WrestleMania that he's cashing in his title shot to make it a Fatal Four Way Match, because he claims to be so good, that he doesn't need to take advantage of a weakened champion.

I agree actually. I only have Ambrose winning in that scenario bc of the rumored Bryan vs Ziggler match and the reports that Vince apparently doesn't want to tell the same story from last year regarding Bryan. Also agree on Rollins being thrown in there. Idk though they're going to have to do something. I figured Reigns wouldn't get a good reaction last night but man was he drowning in them boos.

1) Undertaker is retiring/going into the HOF - If he can't go, and they now know this, the announcement would fit the "shake to the core" mould... Or it could be a Taker must win or his career is over stip.

2) Vince is finally hanging it up - Possible, but they can't "swerve" this stuff cos of Wall Street... if something is going down then they'd have to follow through for real.

3) NXT is to become the 2nd offical "brand" of WWE, perhaps taking over Smackdown.

4) Most likely... That Seth Rollins has cashed in his MITB contract at Fast Lane and that Brock Lesnar is compelled to show or be stripped of the title... amazed no one has really thought of this, that the MITB contract basically forces the champ to defend the belt... It could set up that Rock v Brock match nicely or if he has already started talking to MMA guys then they could just get the belt off him before Mania...
There's a lot of 'left-field' suggestions on here but as I understand it, the announcement is to address the 'controversy' of the Royal Rumble match (side note: nothing controversial about the match in itself, other than Curtis Axel/Eric Rowan, so technically nothing to address unless he is going to publically fire the booking committee...)

Therefore suggestions about Vince retiring/Undertaker retiring/anything that doesn't involve Roman Reigns are highly unlikely to be remotely correct
There's a lot of 'left-field' suggestions on here but as I understand it, the announcement is to address the 'controversy' of the Royal Rumble match (side note: nothing controversial about the match in itself, other than Curtis Axel/Eric Rowan, so technically nothing to address unless he is going to publically fire the booking committee...)

I was wondering if they might use that as a technicality now. Considering to win the Rumble you have to be the last man standing after 29 others are eliminated. Axle was slated to be in there, and he never made it, so Reigns technically won after only 28 were eliminated, they were one short.

The Rock couldn't save the day, so maybe they might use this as a way to change the main event at Mania. I don't think this has ever happened before, so it will be interesting to see if they do anything with it.
I think it will be something along the lines of taking the spot off of Reigns in an attempt to get the fans back on Reigns' side by getting the authority at their absolute worst against him. Seems quite logical to me but I hope it's more than that
HHH's words make it seem that it's something massive, it will inevitably be a disappointed.

My thinking is that Lesnar has quite to return to MMA and only HHH and the other big wigs know about it at the moment and that there will be a mini rumble at Fast Lane for the title.
I want to see this very match for reaction alone, Trips is a bad guy, but at the same time fans begging for him to take over, so if there is Vince in Sting's corner, fans will think twice who they cheer for - good guy Sting or Triple H as chairman.

HHH should be now just what Vince was back in the Attitude era, the love-to-hate man, for the sake of wrestling.

Sting does deserve a proper match to be appreciated. I hope the creative team won't involve him in a McMahon Family shenanigan.
4) Most likely... That Seth Rollins has cashed in his MITB contract at Fast Lane and that Brock Lesnar is compelled to show or be stripped of the title... amazed no one has really thought of this, that the MITB contract basically forces the champ to defend the belt... It could set up that Rock v Brock match nicely or if he has already started talking to MMA guys then they could just get the belt off him before Mania...

I don't think this one would work. When Daniel Bryan cashed in on Mark Henry in 2011, Teddy Long voided the title switch because Mark Henry was "injured" and was therefore not contractually obligated to wrestle that night. So I don't think the MITB holder can cash in on a night when the champion isn't appearing. Yet another reason why WWE NEEDS two World Championships and two brands.
It's possible that the whole thing is hyperbole. At the same time, the last thing WWE needs to do at this point is jerk people around because they're already pissed off enough as it is.

As for Vince stepping down, I don't see it. This is something that they probably wouldn't be able to keep secret, they'd probably have to inform stockholders ahead of time rather than simply just dropping it in their lap. I don't know for certain, it just seems like there'd be all sorts of legalities and technicalities surrounding a CEO of a publicly traded company stepping down.

If it's Reigns having to defend his spot in a series of matches, I'm not sure what it'll accomplish. Vince McMahon is going to have to realize that he can't manipulate fans into liking who he tells them to like. The days in which fans are just dazzled by a big ol' handsome, muscular guy that's in the spot mostly because of his look are pretty much over. If he ain't got the goods in the ring or is able to connect with them, they're not gonna embrace him. He brought The Rock out there during the Royal Rumble for God's sake in order to help smooth things over and it only made things worse. If the idea is to somehow build sympathy for Reigns, it's not gonna happen right now. Vince may well have fucked up this kid's career in the long run, or at least set it back in a major way, by trying to force him onto fans.

Another possibility could be a sort of tournament, maybe a miniature tournament, in which the winner is inserted into the match. The tourney could feature Bryan, Ziggler, Ambrose, Rollins, Wyatt and possibly Kane or Big Show to see who gets the spot. As with Reigns putting up his spot in a match or series of matches, there's no real logic behind this, but WWE Creative has to scramble for some way to save the WrestleMania main event from Vince's foolish decision making. However, if fans ultimately wind up getting what they want, i.e. Daniel Bryan added to the main event, they'll be willing to overlook any gaps in logic, at least to a large degree.

I don't see how Vince can simply stick by Roman Reigns because fans simply aren't going to embrace him. He's been forced onto the fans before he's ready, and before the fans themselves believe he's ready, so I'd say that most of them will continue to boo Reigns on principle no matter how sympathetic Vince tries to make him look. If Vince wants any chance of salvaging his main event at WrestleMania, it's going to have to be changed.
The roster has so little depth as is that there is no way the current WWE could sustain two separate brands. I loved when Raw and Smackdown when they were separate but it just wouldn't work right now.

That thought did cross my mind to so I figured perhaps they would bring some NXT talent up to the main roster. But now as the time's passing and I'm reading these various posts it very well may have something to do with the title match. I like the sound of Brock defending his title and maybe losing it to Rollins. I just hope the title match stays as a one on one match. Well, I would rather it be one on one.
The announcement will be to tell the fans they don't give a fuck what they think they will do as they want and if they don't like it to go to hell now that would be a shock. But more than likely it will be that reigns has to put his title shot on the line at fast lane and if he wins he goes to wrestlemania to face Brock
One thing is absolutely certain. The announcement isn't really going to shake the WWE to it's core. When they make these big proclimations, they NEVER live up to the hype.
Giving WWE the benefit of the doubt as to the 'core shaking' they're going to invoke, but also knowing their tendencies, here's what I think happens.

The Authority firmly stands against Roman Reigns and makes him hold up his spot in a Main Event match at Fast Lane against Daniel Bryan.

However, here's the catch; the Authority also announces their latest acquisition; ALSO Daniel Bryan. In essence, D-Bry turns heel, joins the evil scumbag group that CONQUERED him, and is now tasked with thieving away the title shot from the Babyface Hero, Roman Reigns.

The reaction that would stem from that announcement would show you for good and for all where all those guys truly stand in the WWE Universe as a whole.
I think they will go with the technicality that not all 29 men were eliminated and announce a Battle Royal at FastLane, of which, Reigns will either still be in the Main Event and the winner of the Battle Royal added, or Reigns having to try and win it again to get his spot (hilarious if he does too)

It's something linked to the Royal Rumble match and it will play out at FastLane for sure, free month on the Network, so will again want something big. I'd quite like a RR rematch, they literally do it all again (For the first time EVER etc etc) This could all be a work, what other relevance would there be to Eric Rowan randomly attacking Axel? one big swerve leading to controversy just in time for a free month of the Network and to push numbers further. Brilliant if it's all being deliberate.

Ps I thought HHH delivery last night was first class.
I don't see how Vince can simply stick by Roman Reigns because fans simply aren't going to embrace him. He's been forced onto the fans before he's ready, and before the fans themselves believe he's ready, so I'd say that most of them will continue to boo Reigns on principle no matter how sympathetic Vince tries to make him look. If Vince wants any chance of salvaging his main event at WrestleMania, it's going to have to be changed.

I completely agree with you JH, on what will happen if Vince takes this route. But I'm thinking this is exactly what he's going to do. He'll double-down on Reigns as his next big thing/face of the company and try to create a situation whereby the fans have sympathy for him as HHH makes him jump through hoops because The Rock came to his rescue before the match was over.

Let's hope that's not what HHH is talking about in terms of the "controversy", but I think it is. Clever wording from him in saying he saw the same thing the audience saw that night. Designed to make the casual viewer think he's referring to Reigns getting booed out of the arena, but I think it's a swerve and he's actually talking about seeing Rock interfere to help his cousin. So he'll put the screws to Reigns, a clear design to get the audience to feel sorry for him and start cheering him.

My gut tells me that won't work, but who knows for sure.
I guess I am not the only one dreaming about the announcement being about Triple H taking over WWE and Vince retiring, right? :D

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