Triple H Might Be Injured


Pre-Show Stalwart
So if you watched the rumble you would have seen Triple H holding his quad and limping quite a bit also HHH was eliminated when there was still like 10 more superstars to come out and we all know he would have been in the final 3 or 4. So discuss the situation, how it will effect Wrestlemania and who should DX drop the tag titles too if he is injured.
Yes i noticed he was clutching his knee and during the little showdown with HBK, they had a little chat and it seems to me that Triple H told Shawn to eliminate him because he knew something was wrong. It was sudden. Even Cena looked shocked at the time.

Kudos to Triple H for noticing the injury and working out a quick elimination to spare more damage done.

Now since he may have torn his quad AGAIN the question is. Will he return?
i didnt see the rumble but if he is injured i am sorry to say that i think this is good for the company, and for mania. let them drop the titles to a young team, and push a star into one of the main events at mania, cuz im sure he would have been in one of them. not tryin to bash the guy, but its just getting old always seeing him there, let someone else have a chance to shine
I think he is injured. I was pretty sire that hhh will win the rumble and when he was eliminated i was shocked. I think he was scheduled to win the rumble but when he got injured Vince probly changed the plans right waya and let Edge won it. Now they have already planed the seeds for HHH vs HBK match but will it happen ?? This is the biggest question now.
Looked to me like he got hurt, but who knows. Could've been a tweek. Nothing serious. I don't want to see him out, but if he is this could be very good for all the future PPV's heading in Wrestlemania. This allows someone else to step up. Michaels to drop the title...if he is injuried more than likely it will be tomorrow night. Changes WM, but HOPEFULLY THEY WONT DO MICHAELS VS TAKER
Defintely, he looked injured to me. He looked like he was gripping his quad or something, which would be a bad break for sure. I don't think its anywhere near as bad as the previous 2 were, but its always a cause for concern. Whenever HHH does his spinebuster, I always cringe, because if he does even a little bit wrong, he can very well blow out his quad(like he did in december of whatever year that was, 07?) In the rumble match, HHH was spinebustering people like it was out of business, and it may have caused some strain on it.

Then I believe it was a simple elimination that HHH/HBK were doing that caused HHH to strain it further. This was the point where HHH/HBK were in the ring alone and seconds before Cena made it to the match. HHH seemed to say something to HBK, and not to long later HHH was eliminated by HBK. Then the camera never showed HHH walking back from ringside, which could further the fact that HHH may be injured. I also saw Cena being shocked by it also, as he did not expect HHH to be eliminated at this point. Of course HHH was suppose to be in the final 5, along with HBK, Edge, Cena, and Batista. These were the biggest stars in the match, and it was suppose to be these 5 in the end. But then it was not to be, it was defintely a shock to see HHH eliminated so soon. Im hoping this injury is not too severe.
Yeah, he looked like he messed something up. He was limping around pretty bad and definitely grabbing his leg. I hope he just pulled something because DX has a lot of momentum right now and all this animosity between HHH/HBK could be leading to something great.
I think everyone is looking to much into this. Right before Shawn got down there and cleaned house, Triple H was getting his knee beat on. He was just selling that injury... Just a thought
If they were planning on HHH vs Sheamus, then I hope to hell that HHH is injured lol. I really, REALLY don't want to see that. But if they were planning on HHH vs HBK, then I hope he isn't.

Still though, I don't see any type of reports claiming that he's injured, so I doubt he is. Usually when there's an injury the sites are aware of it real soon.
Well what i saw was a left quad out of place a lil bit and the right in place and then like someone pointed out earliar, HBK and HHH had a talk and the early elimnation came, now I see HHH being out but not long , he will of course have to drop the unified titles to someone and be off TV at least til Elimation Chamber, and I still dont see him wrestling then but simply bein a factor in some match some way but he will be there since hes the cover boy for the PPV, but then he will return a week after the event to start his feud wth his opponet(Sheamus) at Wrestlemania. ... These are all my opinions but from what i seen this is the best scenario so he doesnt miss MANIA...
This possibly explains Shawn's tantrum in the ring. Perhaps, Triple H was supposed to eliminate him and he was supposed to come back in and eliminate Triple H in return (or perhaps just superkick him, same difference really). Maybe they subbed in Charles Robinson for Triple H? I don't think this effected the overall result, unless Triple H was legit supposed to win. Come to think of it, Edge eliminating Cena did seem a little sloppy.

Regardless, I'm sure we'll hear of something soon. Triple H has had bad quads for a while now and I'd hate to hear of him missing another Wrestlemania due to an injury.
This possibly explains Shawn's tantrum in the ring. Perhaps, Triple H was supposed to eliminate him and he was supposed to come back in and eliminate Triple H in return (or perhaps just superkick him, same difference really). Maybe they subbed in Charles Robinson for Triple H? I don't think this effected the overall result, unless Triple H was legit supposed to win. Come to think of it, Edge eliminating Cena did seem a little sloppy.

Regardless, I'm sure we'll hear of something soon. Triple H has had bad quads for a while now and I'd hate to hear of him missing another Wrestlemania due to an injury.

I think you're on to something there bro. The whole attack on Robinson just seemed a bit out of place. It would have made more sense and would have gained more heat for Shawn if he SCM'd HHH, threw him out, and blamed it on Hunter's selfishness. Hmm, it'll be interesting tomorrow on Raw to see if HHH is there or not, and what Shawn's got to work with in the coming weeks...
This possibly explains Shawn's tantrum in the ring. Perhaps, Triple H was supposed to eliminate him and he was supposed to come back in and eliminate Triple H in return (or perhaps just superkick him, same difference really). Maybe they subbed in Charles Robinson for Triple H? I don't think this effected the overall result, unless Triple H was legit supposed to win. Come to think of it, Edge eliminating Cena did seem a little sloppy.

I don't think this was a result of HHH being injured. In fact, what I really think happened was that HBK was eliminated when he was not suppose to be eliminated. You had HBK and Edge on the ring apron. HBK knocks Edge back into the ring. Then comes Batista, to try and work on HBK to knock him off the edge. HBK is putting up a fight to hold on to the ropes and not get knocked off, and quite frankly Batista is not really putting all he could into knocking HBK off. But for some reason, HBK either slips or loses his grip, and then falls off the apron, thus being eliminated.

I actually think that for the first few moments, HBK's expression was genuine. He was shocked that he got eliminated, and was not sure what to do about the situation. The ref's clearly saw, so it couldn't be like an Austin situation where HBK could just get back into the ring. The ref's couldn't just turn their heads or let HBK back in like pretending nothing happened. If you look at the face of Batista, he seems in shock that he just eliminated HBK, like it was a total accident. In fact, the action in the ring just seems to altogether stop. Batista should not have been that hurt/tired to stop doing anything for like 3 minutes. He was the 30th entry, and he seemed fine a second earlier when he was trying to eliminate HBK. I think the rest of 'freak out' was rehearsed to happen later, so they just bumped it up earlier. But it also made the rest of the rumble sloppy, as HBK's either early elimination or the elimination not suppose to happen coupled with HHH's elimination messed up the final few spots.

Im not even sure if Edge was suppose to win the rumble, maybe he was, maybe he wasn't. I was sure that HHH or HBK would win it, and the expressions/sloppiness of the final few moments leads me to believe that the circumstances had changed within rumble. I don't think it was suppose to be Cena/Edge as the final two. It may have been suppose to be HHH/Edge, after HHH eliminates HBK. Or it may have been suppose to be HBK/Edge. But either way the possible injury and maybe a mistaken elimination caused huge problems I believe.
Hopefully, it was just a tweak & HHH bailed early as a precaution. If they do have to drop the belts though, then it should be to Punk & Gallows. Punk was great in the Rumble & as a tag champ, he can spread his message across all 3 shows. That would liven ECW quite a bit.
I actually think you guys may be over blowing this. A Triple H injury would of been reported on all the wrestling news sites. I dont think HBK or HHH was accidentally eliminated. I think Edge was supposed to win and thats what went down.
I'm hoping it's just a tweak. DX still has to make ends meet with the SES so I want to see their storyline end properly. I remember the other times that Triple H injured his quad he was on the ground in major pain. It didn't really seem like that was the case. He at least had enough to stand up to HBK and say "Eliminate me". So I think he knew something was wrong and as a safety precaution he got himself out of there.
if he did tear his quad it partly sux but then again it doesn't. he's been in every wrestlemania but 1 since 12. If he goes out this would be the 2nd mania he's every missed so now we can have somebody new go for the title. I thought the dx curse was over. if he is i wish him a speedy recovery but now we can have the future of the biz. Triple H reminds me of another man named Triple H (Hollywood Hulk Hogan).
I think everyone is looking to much into this. Right before Shawn got down there and cleaned house, Triple H was getting his knee beat on. He was just selling that injury... Just a thought

Glad someone else caught this too. McIntyre and someone else were working Hunters leg pretty consisitently before HBK showed up. I think they're just setting up HBK/HHH for Mania, just as I thought they would. The early elimination will just be fuel for the fire, as I'm sure Trips will throw that in Shawn's face.
If he tore his quad, then he wouldn't have been walking to the back. I'm pretty sure that he wasn't meant to win it, because Edge winning it makes a hell of a lot more sense in hindsight. He may have tweaked something, but I doubt it. Usually in such instances we find out pretty soon, and we haven't. What I would certainly say though is that it isn't hard to roll out of the ring or even lay down for a while in the Rumble if he was supposed to make a big elimination. I'd be very surprised if he wasn't supposed to go out then.
Someone mentioned he walked back on his own, but wasn't he not shown? So how could we know. I know they don't normally show people after they've been eliminated, but after the way it happened, you would think that they would show it, since he'd be pissed.

And as far as him not being able to walk, maybe it wasn't that severe. Maybe he caught it early enough. The first time it happened, he finished the damn match and was in the walls of jericho, so regular walking may not be a big deal.

But its prolly nothing, we haven't heard anything, I'm sure we would have.
Someone mentioned he walked back on his own, but wasn't he not shown? So how could we know. I know they don't normally show people after they've been eliminated, but after the way it happened, you would think that they would show it, since he'd be pissed.

Exactly the point. People can say its a work all they want, or they can say that HHH is not really hurt because it as not been reported yet. But is that because he himself has not gotten any news, and the wwe is trying to keep it low because they don't know the extent of the injury. I don't think it was as serious as his prior injuries because HHH did keep on for a little while after the injury might have happened. It could be just a slight pull of a muscle that will keep him out of action for a week or 2. Might mania coming up, I don't think the wwe wants to push the panic button unless needed. They did enough of a job covering it up so if its no big deal, then HHH can still stick around.

What I want is for someone who attending the show, someone who was close to the action to tell me how HHH got to the back, and how he looked. Was he in pain? Did he need someone to help carry him to the back? Because the camera's definitely did not focus onto HHH after 1 small shot of him lying on his back selling the superkick. I think this will give a clearer indication of if HHH is injured or not.
I would agree with someone else who said that if he were injured, we would've heard about it. But after watching the re-play, something definitely happened. HHH and HBK clotheslined McIntrye over the top rope. As they did, HHH's leg buckled, and he immediately started limping. This continued as Cena entered the ring and as HBK eliminated HHH. Again, I think if it were serious, we would've heard about it by now. But something happened. We'll have to wait and see on RAW.
Is SES still the #1 contenders since they never actually had a match? If he is injured the should have the match tonight on Raw or on Smackdown this week and just have hornswoggle replace him, and HBK can make up an excuse for him. Since Edge and Cena were the final two, will cena maybe win at EC, edge vs cena at mania, and then taker vs hbk.
Hopefully Triple H is alright, the last thing he needs is another injury involving one of his legs. If they are planning doing HHH vs HBK this would be a major setback, and probably hault a few other storylines.

Although, if there have been no reports yet, he's probably fine. Probably just a slight pull of a muscle of something is all that happened. The good thing is, if Triple H didn't win the Rumble, if he was injured, it doesn't totally set back everything for Mania and after.
No offense guys, but I very seriously doubt its a tweak. Hes either hurt, or nothing at all. HHH has been injured several times, he would know how bad something is. Plus, why would he jeopardize altering the whole plan for the next several months? If its nothing, I'm suprised he didn't react, and suprised they didn't show his reaction.

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