Triple H as the future on-screen owner of the WWE?


The Cerebral Assassin
Do you think this will happen one day? HHH bleeds WWE, and of course he has the connections- he will never completely close off his connection with WWE after he retires so- it could def happen. I mean, I just cant believe Shane or Steph will become the face of the control of company after Vince dies (and he's getting up there too). And it all fits- Vince will prob die around the time HHH steps down from wrestling in the ring.

This possibility has def been thrown around by alot of posters. Do you think it will happen? Would it be good or bad for the business? Do you think Steph or Shane would be better at it (I dont think they would)? If not HHH, who, in your opinion, should be the person to fill Vince's shoes after he's gone?
he would be a great on screen boss as he works face or heel, he is legit tough so could fight back, but also he would be a good off screen boss as he knows the buisness and once hes not active he wont be biased to himself anymore
HHH would be a great fit! I could see a ton of angles with this one. Just like the family squables the McMahons have now between Stef and shane... Could you see what a good T.V story line it would be if HHH took shanes side on an issue and Him and stef display husband, wife arguments. Slaps, Pedigrees? Or just HHH and Shane going at it. Like the vince and shane story lines, whose the better McMahon.

HHH running things would also create angle like the Austin vs Vince!
HHH being the big headed heel boss and you have that new up and coming badass, trying to take down the man!

Good Post! Hope I'm around to see it... or hope wrestling is around!?
I can honestly HHH running things on T.V. because it already happened (McMahon Helmsley era) but backstage I don't see guys who've been around as long as he has taking orders from him.

I can see shane running things backstage while stephanie runs the corperate world. I don't doubt that HHH would still have a lot of rank in the backstage area because he is after all family and believe it or not he along with stephanie control alot of stock not to mention how the company will be divided up after Vince passes.

Its common knowledge that HHH will be running the WWE sometime in the future but how and to what extent depends on his relationship with "daddies little girl"
Yes I reckon HHH will be the next on screen boss in the future too, but i can hardly see him actually becoming the new owner, Its A Mcmahon business so it will most likely staywith the mcmahons, meaning steph and shane running most things off screen and HHH being the controversial New "chairman" that everyone likes and hates at various points in time, much like vince now
Nobody can,try or wants to imagine WWE NoT run by Vince but yeah.H would make a very Plausible on screen boss.While he has ,knowledge of the workings of ,the locker room,& begrudging respect of MoST wrestlers,.,over the years,baring one or two,,.He is Family,& must have been involved in some business aspects recently,starting in Montreal (Oh ShuTTup!) .
If not youre talking a SeriouS second chance for someone whose been there,done that,.Im talking Cornette,Russo,Bischoff,Flair,,(Flair) ,hmmm,),,or Heyman.Eric in charge of WWE,the irony is unbareable! .I think Shane & Steph would run the company officially,with occassional interfering appearances but it would seam too much like the kids taking over their dads candy store for them to be KaYFaBe bosses.having said that theyve both come on leaps & bounds over the years dontcha think?
As I write this,the obvious springs to mind.An also retired-by-TheN -, HBK for SD GM? .
Of course he will be. Shane is actually a lot older than he looks and he was happy running things behind the scenes before he was called upon to appear recently, he has his wife and his one (or two?) kids to focus on. I think Triple H will take up the mantle, but in like a decade or something. If Vince dies in the next few years I see Shane taking power on a temporary basis until HHH feels ready.

I know he's been accused of monopolising himself over the years but on the whole I agree with most of his opinions on the business, one of the only things I didn't approve of is his thoughts on the Montreal Screwjob, he's the only one who is still openly in favour of it "f**k him" I believe was a quote recently... Besides that, I'd trust his mind for the business. He wanted Jeff to rise to the main event and I think it worked out better than people would have predicted a couple of years ago.

Let's be honest, in the time where he seemed to be champion like forever, who else would have filled the void? He was THE top heel of 2000 and he certainly knew better than a lot of the guys they had in the company how to be a main event mega-heel so I feel it made sense for him to be on top.

In terms of on screen I fail to see how it wouldn't work. Vince wanted to be a wrestler but couldn't be. Triple H has been about nothing but wrestling for most of his life, people say he got to the top by marrying Steph, but he was floating around the main event before any of that and he paid his dues beforehand. He knows the business, he is a 12 (I think) time world champion, he's big, he would command the respect and he knows how to be the mega-heel Mr. McMahon type character as well as the funny Mick Foley commissioner.
Of course he will be. Shane is actually a lot older than he looks and he was happy running things behind the scenes before he was called upon to appear recently, he has his wife and his one (or two?) kids to focus on. I think Triple H will take up the mantle, but in like a decade or something. If Vince dies in the next few years I see Shane taking power on a temporary basis until HHH feels ready.

I know he's been accused of monopolising himself over the years but on the whole I agree with most of his opinions on the business, one of the only things I didn't approve of is his thoughts on the Montreal Screwjob, he's the only one who is still openly in favour of it "f**k him" I believe was a quote recently... Besides that, I'd trust his mind for the business. He wanted Jeff to rise to the main event and I think it worked out better than people would have predicted a couple of years ago.

Let's be honest, in the time where he seemed to be champion like forever, who else would have filled the void? He was THE top heel of 2000 and he certainly knew better than a lot of the guys they had in the company how to be a main event mega-heel so I feel it made sense for him to be on top.

In terms of on screen I fail to see how it wouldn't work. Vince wanted to be a wrestler but couldn't be. Triple H has been about nothing but wrestling for most of his life, people say he got to the top by marrying Steph, but he was floating around the main event before any of that and he paid his dues beforehand. He knows the business, he is a 12 (I think) time world champion, he's big, he would command the respect and he knows how to be the mega-heel Mr. McMahon type character as well as the funny Mick Foley commissioner.

VERY well said greenlight, i agree with everything you said as to why he would make a GM. He could be a comedy figure, a serious heel boss, and a favorable face all in one. The possibilities with him are endless. He's everything Vince couldnt be (altho, of course Vince is THE boss of the WWE and always will be, alive or dead, mad respect to him).
Trips definatley the man for the job. Shane and Steph will always be actually running the business though, there is no way H will actually be owner of WWE. At the most he could be co owner....

But Trips would fit so well in the position of on screen head honcho. Would be good to see but as Play The Game said above: "...of course Vince is THE boss of the WWE and always will be, alive or dead, mad respect to him.
I think you'll find he already is partly running things so it wouldn't be that much of a stretch to change to being a permanent on screen boss or GM at the least. And gon g back to the McMahon Helmsley era, that was a glimpse of the future.

Trips also has that McMahon - No Chance in Hell type feel and can easily go between Heel and Face just like Vince.

Least he would do 1000% better job than Vickie or Teddy *SCOFF*
as for people refusing to follow orders, well they wouldn't last long then would they.

Irrespective Vince will still be incharge til he can no longer function which imo will be a long way off, and beyond that it's natural that shane will take over full control of the busines side and Stephanie over creative since they are laready doing that.

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