When Vince is gone....


Dark Match Jobber
Another thread got me thinking about something. One day, maybe soon, Vince McMahon will pass away. When that day comes, many of us believe that Stephanie will gain full control of the WWE and run it with HHH.....

But what if this happened......

Vince dies. HHH and Steph take control. Shane McMahon, having never seen eye to eye with Vince's vision of the WWE, decides to take his half of Vince's fortune and start his own wrestling league. From what I've heard about Shane, he has a ECW style mentality to wrestling, so the company would be marketed more at the 18-34 then children like the PG era is now. To top it all off, Shane calls his new company the WWF.

Could you ever see a scenario like this playing out? Would you like to see a scenario like that play out?

I figured that the only wrestling company that could compete with WWE would have to be owned by a McMahon.
well when vince dies we are all screwed because you see what hhh and steph are doing to the company right now.
I Shanes wrestling style is more along the lines of ECW that would be awesome if that happend that would be great!
I replied to the other thread, and I'll damn well say it again, Shane would be a fool to go against his fathers company, even if Vince is out of the picture, he'd still be battling against his brother-in-law and sister's company.

And I can't believe why people are so damn eager to have WWE called WWF or another company called WWF, remember people, it's not the name that's the cause of the product, and if you think that, you're an idiot.
If Vince really had remained calling his company WWF, the product would most likely still be PG right now.

If Shane is returning to a wrestling company, it'll be WWE, either as the owner, or alongside Stephanie and Triple H, but not as a competition.
I don't really foresee Shane doing anything of the sort, but I can see why you would be excited to see another wrestling company that was McMahon run out there.

I have had this fear for some time, that eventually what is going to happen is that after Vince dies, whoever takes over the company will either get tired of running it, or decide to cash in on the company and sell it to someone else. If that happened there is no telling what wrestling would be, or if it would be. Someone could do just as Vince did with WCW and tons of other smaller promotions, buy them, sell off all their assets, and keep the ownership of the named. What happens after Triple H and Steph go? Who runs it then? That is the situation I am dreading will occur.
Well after HHH & Steph go, as a user put it, their kids (two girls, and a brand new third child yet to be revealed) & Shane's kids (two boys) will take over

Hopefully giving us a new McMahon Family Feud storyline

Anyway if there's one thing I think I can guarantee about Vince's death seeing how much he loves the business and from the two storylines he's tried to do is that he'll want his death to have a storyline

What I mean is yeah we'll have the big tribute, but I believe he has an angle planned for when he really does die (was gonna do a thread on this but what the hell) and maybe his past two death angles could play into it as the guy finally got him then it ends up to be Shane tried to kill Vince

we'd know Vince really died but they'd work the angle because it was what Vince really wanted

or hell why not die and have ppl question whether he's really alive or not, he always said he was immortal and would never die anyhow, why not have Taker involved, why not just have him get ppl pretending he's still alive years after with ppl running it behind the scenes saying- "Vince says this" "Vince commands that" he can truly be the god of McMahonism that he is

but that aside I really do think Vince wants his death to have an angle attached

Shane will be involved of course Linda, why no one ever mentions her? She may not be successful with her race and if Vince died she could help atleast again with HHH & Steph, but Shane would have to be in some way involved on some level helping Steph

I even see a Steph/Shane feud where HHH & Steph ruin the company or not ruin it but hog the title for HHH and abuse power for YEARS and Shane finally comes and saves the company battling HHH in a Street Fight for ownership of the WWE

Dont want Vince to die soon but I'd like that match at WrestleMania 30 (they could fake his death again for the angle anyhow or wait)

those are my thoughts

Steph & Shane will share the company and Linda will guide them as a support along with HHH, they cant let HHH really sink into it because they can get divorced and I dont care who you are the WWE should always be fully in control by THE McMahons with HHH having no tremendous input and or ownership of any kind, he can HELP... nothing more

Shane cant just get kicked to the curb though

His absence will definately result in a shock return or something one way or another
I see HHH and Steph taking over, I don't however see Shane going against the company he once worked for, he would never go behind his fathers back whether he's dead or not and I don't see him doing that, besides did you say WWF, World-Wide Fund will just sue him like they did the WWE.
Another thread got me thinking about something. One day, maybe soon, Vince McMahon will pass away.

Don't count on it. Mr McMahon will nevah die!!!

When that day comes, many of us believe that Stephanie will gain full control of the WWE and run it with HHH.....

With Shane gone from the WWE, that is most likely to happen. Although Shane could always come back.

Vince dies. HHH and Steph take control. Shane McMahon, having never seen eye to eye with Vince's vision of the WWE, decides to take his half of Vince's fortune and start his own wrestling league.

Will never happen. Ever. I don't think Shane would disrespect his father and family's legacy to go against the mega-power that is (and still will be by then) the WWE.

From what I've heard about Shane, he has a ECW style mentality to wrestling, so the company would be marketed more at the 18-34 then children like the PG era is now.

I think by then, the ECW type fan will have long phased out and there won't be the demand for that sort of product.

To top it all off, Shane calls his new company the WWF.

Never going to happen, ever. A well known British charity organisation put an end to the initials WWF and I imagine the terms of the lawsuit, means the initials can't be used ever again.

Could you ever see a scenario like this playing out? Would you like to see a scenario like that play out?

No and no. I personally think out of respect for his father, Shane will join Steph and HHH seeing as Shane will most likely get some control of the WWE passed down in his will, I can't see him passing that up.

I wouldn't want to see that happening either. I don't think Shane would be willing to put up the cash and time to start up a wrestling company, bearing in mind the hold the WWE already has on countless arenas over the world, all the historic footage the WWE has, the history, the fanbase, the reputation, the talent, the tacit knowledge of the wrestling industry itself... I can go on and on forever, but I don't see it happening.
I'm pretty sure one of the reasons WWE changed from WWF is because of the World Wildlife Found or federation i forgot which, but they were also WWF, so the wrestling company WWF got changed to WWE. But anyways, that would be cool if shane made his own wrestling promotion, that would be intresting.
FIRST AND FOREMOST, if Shane McMahon ever started his "own" wrestling promotion it would not be called the WWF. Vince McMahon was forced to change the name of the WWF to the WWE by the World Wildlife Federation. Granted the World Wildlife Federation didn't care about the initials UNTIL the WWF/E had become a multi billion dollar company and they were looking for a free handful of cash.

SECOND, Shane McMahon's primary interest isn't wrestling, it's Mixed Martial Arts. Shane who is good friends with UFC Owner Dana White, has tried to convince Vince and Dana into some fashion of a working agree for at least 5 or 6 years now. At one time Dana was for it, but Vince has never been. So if Shane did ever open his own promotion I could see it being a hybrid of Wrestling and MMA.

THIRD, if Shane McMahon did ever start his own promotion, whether it be pure wrestling or a MMA/Wrestling Hybrid as I mentioned above, he might struggle at first, but honestly he would eventually over take the WWE. Shane has ALWAYS been very in touch with the fans and what the fans wanted. Stephanie has always been the one to knock off Shane's ideas even if Vince liked them.

FINALLY, if Shane McMahon does decide he is ever interested in getting back into wrestling, I couldn't picture him going back to the WWE or even starting his own promotion. I picture him buying an up and coming promotion in either TNA or RoH (and he is worth more then enough to out right buy either company out, not to mention Shane and Jarrett remain very good friends). I could even picture him coming out at the end of a broadcast similar to how he did when the WCW storyline started, giving a similar speech (directed at maybe Stephanie and HHH, since Vince in this theory is suppose to be gone) and at the end of it saying "Oh and this time it's not a work, this time I really do own "fill in promotion name" and this time I really am going to take down the WWE!"

Hey there's some wishful thinking there, but a lot of fact at the same time.
Shane will not start a new promotion. Assuming owneship of WWE is split equally between Shane and Steph it's not logical for Shane to give up his share or to sell his share of the company. I do see Shane returning to the WWE and maybe we will see a new direction for the company. I also don't see Vince passing away anytime soon. Just look at his health, he's in his 60s and he can still wrestle a match. It wouldn't surprise me if Vince is still around for another 25 years or so.

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