Trade Taker for Orton


Celtic Warrior
The best way to freshen Raw, and to keep Smackdown fresh would be to make this trade, and preferably when they are both world champions. Think about it. You have Taker beat whoever goes into Summerslam (not sure if Jeff will still be with the company) for the title. Have Orton retain and then come up with some bullshit trade idea. They paid ZZ Top to host Raw so this isnt so unrealistic.

This will pull Orton away from HHH finally as well as add some much needed change to Raw. Taker may have to tweak his character slightly but either way his potential fueds with Cena and HHH would be huge. Meanwhile you Have Orton who can now fued with guys like Morrison, Mysterio, possibly R-Truth, and Edge when he comes back. These are all fresh fueds and would be exciting as hell if done correctly. I dont think that Vince could even fuck ALL of these up.

No ideas for ECW, but I don't watch it so I don't really care.

No no no no no no no no no. No. Orton is the only main-event heel on Raw right now. Undertaker is an uberface. This would be incredibly stupid. You would have Triple H, Cena, and Taker as major faces with no heel to feud with. Orton would do fine on SmackDown, but then CM Punk would lose his momentum as top heel on SD.
It sounds like it might work, but I believe Orton still has a lot left he can do on Raw, if we are talking feuds, there MVP, Swagger possibly, even though he is a heel, HBK when he comes back, there still stuff for him do.

As for the Undertaker, I think he like Smackdown better, less travel for him and more laid back environment, so I doubt he would want to move.

They could do another mini draft I suppose though, and then move Taker and Orton that way, as I said ti could work and could be cool, but I don't see it happening.
So you tweak Takers gimmick like I said, or you turn HHH heel. Its about fucking time anyway. Plus Im sick of Taker on Smakdown. Im not a huge fan, but I don't want him fucking up what is going on with Smackdown. He would SQUASH guys like Ziggler and pin everyone in his way.
Those are some good options on Raw for Orton, but he been there with Michaels SEVERAL times and can always feud with Swagger and MVP down the line. If MVP is ever ready that is.

Orton can always go back to Raw in a year or so anyway.
Giving Smackdown yet another heel won't help matters at all. Not only that, but you're trading away Raw's top heel?

And if you try to argue turning Taker heel...that will never happen. Taker is far too over to be booed for anything he does. He could tombstone Cena onto Triple H's quad while a burning American Flag waves above him, and Taker still wouldn't get booed.

Triple H heel? He'll still get cheered as a heel, almost as much as Taker would.

A trade of Triple H over to Smackdown for The Hart Dynasty would work. Bleeding Smackdown of their heels is of more importance than a few fresh feuds.
I will say that this is very wrong. All the Main Event superstars are exactly where they belong on the rosters. These changes would do a few bad points:

- No main event heels one RAW. Having a brand of all faces just doesnt work. Even if Triple H & Batista turn heel, then the storyline between RKO & HHH would go completely out the window as they would probably be teaming with Rhodes/DiBiase down the line. I dont think you can keep these guys separated

- No leader of Legacy. You can kiss Rhodes/DiBiase goodbye as they are still midcarders that hang with a Main Eventer.

- All the uber-heels are on SmackDown. Jericho, Big Show & Orton as the ME heels. You also go CM Punk, Dolph Ziggler, Kane, The Hart Dynasty... Matt Hardy when he gets back. Who does SmackDown have to batte these guys as faces who are legitimate threats? Hardy who has the WHC title, Mysterio who has the IC title & Morrison. If a heel wins one of the singles championships, there aren't many faces that could challenge for it.

If you are going to make a fantasy trade, try the midcard or divas. There are some good possible trades that could be made here that wouldn't effect the landscape that much.
That is true, with the who heel to face ratio on Raw and vice versa on Smackdown, I didn't think about that at first when I first posted I felt it could work, though it could still work, it definitely at this time would be a horrible idea to move Orton to Smackdown.

It could work to still move Taker to Raw though and move a face to Smackdown in his place. Who I don't know, but that could work, however Orton needs to stay on Raw, thanks all for bringing that to my attention.
Not a bad idea. However, both are where they need to be. Plus, Undertaker is Smackdown's signature star. He's been there basically the whole time since the draft (originally on RAW but only for a few months). Plus this late in his career, he'd be best off on SD. Imagine him feuding with CM Punk, and having Kane interfere. Then we can have Undertaker vs Kane III at WM26. Besides, Orton is in a pretty big program right now. If he left, Legacy would be demolished. I think WWE is finally making them look more legit than they did in March/April.
No, sorry...this couldn't work. As mentioned before, Orton is the top heel on Raw, and to me he wrestles for the "red" brand...he just wouldn't fit under the "blue" banner.

If you wanted some freshness on Raw, trade Cena or HHH for Taker. HHH getting traded to SmackDown last year was a giant breath of much-needed fresh air for Raw. I kinda died inside when he returned to Raw before 'Mania. I don't think either Cena or HHH would hinder Jeff Hardy or CM Punk's current progress on the other show.

Coming to Raw would be awesome for Taker and for Raw overall. I remember when he faced Orton on Raw a few months back and I think that was a pretty damn good match, a flashback kinda to their rivalry a few years ago. Hopefully he wouldn't bury all the younger guys...but imagine the feuds with Orton of course, Swagger, The Miz, and so on...
You would have to throw a feud in the mix. Maybe like Taker and Punk for Orton and Michaels would be good, to have some balance.
Jericho and Big Show are not exclusive to Smackdown. They are the Unified Tag Team Champions. You can have them feud with any top Faces on Raw. They should be doing than anyway instead of this bullshit Cryme Tyme feud. The Dynasty of all teams own these two
The only way that would work, is if the top two faces were made a tag team, and it would only last while Show/Jericho held the belts, because as soon as they lost them, Jericho would turn on Show, then go back to Smackdown and it would be back to the way it was. The purpose of Show and Jericho holding the titles is to build up the tag team divison not the singles divison, so with that alone it wouldn't work.
Jericho and Show will hold those titles for a while though. They could be that good together. Show is a talented performer if the storyline is right, and he and Jericho can be big for a while. Remember over 40 championships between them, which is a great statistic

As for Legacy so many people on this site think that DiBiase is ready, so why not feud him with HHH/Taker/Cena?
PERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRHAPS u make a totally different trade...send chavo to ecw to get him the fuck away from chavo and he would immediately sent to the main event...perhaps as a face...send christian to smackdown...unified tag title match E&C vs chris jericho and show ultimately leading to a wm26 match between edge and jericho and possibly send ricky ortiz to raw or some shit...fresh feuds and everyone wins
Why in the hell would you even consider moving your top heel to a different brand with the title, while also moving one of the biggest fan loved Superstars at the same time? This would be the ultimate display of terrible WWE booking. It would work well with the current pile of mess they produce every week, but it would be fucking stupid.

I don't see Orton losing at Summerslam to Cena, I see Orton losing at the all submission PPV that’s coming up, and due to Orton not having a submission finisher. I don’t honestly see him coming up with one in the next three months that would fit his character, seeing as Triple H does the Figure 4, the Crippler Cross face, and the "Main Event Sleeper" (you know the one I’m talking about, he beat the Buhba Ray Dudley with it on Raw a few years ago) and Cena has the STFU.

I also don't think the Dead man will be walking in time to return at Summer Slam, he got his fucking hip replaced in May; he won’t be back until winter.

If Taker goes to Raw, the only star that could replace him on Smackdown would be HBK. These two are at the same point in their career where Title runs no longer matter to them; they enjoy the business and want to see it stay alive. Their ensuring the future of the company by staying in it now. They don’t mind working with younger talent to put them over. Anyone who has been involved in a storyline with the Undertaker or HBK (excluding JBL) has reaped the benefits. Cena, Edge, Jericho, Orton, and Batista (who's still a worthless piece of dog shit in my eyes)

If you really want something great to happen in the WWE, get rid of Triple H completely.
no orton needs to stay on raw BUT i think would be a good trade cena to smackdown taker to raw cena needs new guys to wrestle and plus cena fits on smackdown since he came to the blue brand when he came to wwe
tlight- while I don't agree with you completely, I do think that getting rid of HHH all together would be sweet, you just cant do it. He will always be around (and in the title scene) until he retires. He is not going anywhere, so you have to do the best with what you have, and Orton jobbing to him week in and week out just makes Orton look weak, so Orton needs to go.

HHH will never be on Smackdown again
unfortunately the orton-hhh feud is far from being over because on October 4th there is a PPV called Hell in a Cell & what better way to end a long (and in this case stale) feud than with a Hell in a Cell match. I mean these guys have been in every type of match: steel cage, stretcher, no dq, i think 3 last man standing matches, etc.

also even though orton & hhh arent wrestling at summerslam, it looks like hhh & the returning hbk will wrestle the other 2 members of legacy at summerslam

also i doubt vince would end legacy via trading away orton cuz then what would happen to dibiase & rhodes

however instead of trading away orton, id trade away cena & put him in a feud with cm punk once he gets the title back from jeff hardy
hey guys my thoughts on this subject is that it wouldn't be a smart move to move orten to smackdown 1. Hes the biggest Heel in the industry right now and if the moved take to raw than they would have no main event heel for all the babyfaces to fued with. 2. He has his stable legacy on raw and it isn't smart to break it up quite yet
No,No, Hell to the no. Orton leaving Raw would be possibly the worst idea ever. Orton is possibly the only Main-Event Heel on Raw. (Big Show isn't in the equation since he is Tag Champ). I'm not saying there is no need for a trade, or that Taker should stay on Smackdown, but Orton can't leave Raw. Undertaker could be traded, but it would have to be a multi-man trade. I say have Evan Bourne, Primo, and Chavo go to Smackdown in exchange for Taker.

I really don't expect Hardy & Punk not to face off at Summerslam. I can't see a Triple Threat match between them. So I don't see Undertaker returning to Smackdown with nothing to do. Especially with one of the Big Four PPV's coming up. I think trading the Undertaker is a good move, but not for Orton.

Another option for a Trade would be Batista and Taker. Batista would add another face to the package on Smackdown, as if Jeff leaves, they might either have to turn CM Punk, or just let John Morrison be top face, which I think is to early to let happen. Might not be the best face on Smackdown, but he is an option in my mind.
hey guys my thoughts on this subject is that it wouldn't be a smart move to move orten to smackdown 1. Hes the biggest Heel in the industry right now and if the moved take to raw than they would have no main event heel for all the babyfaces to fued with. 2. He has his stable legacy on raw and it isn't smart to break it up quite yet

Snackdown already has the other biggest heel in the company on the show. If I recall his name is Chris "the Best in the World" Jericho, and although he's not currently in the Main Event or the WHC title picture, he's still a much larger heel than CM Punk, and anyone else for that matter, excluding Orton (their neck and neck in my eyes since Edge is out due to injury)

CM Punk and Hardy can go at least 2-3 more matches without losing its luster, but I see CM Punk winning the title back at Summerslam if Hardy takes a walk from the company because he wants time off. With Edge out Smackdown has a rather large void in the Heel to Face ratio in the Main Event picture, as in the only real heel Smackdown has that can Main Event is Chris Jericho, well I guess CM Punk counts as a full heel now, well have to wait and see how much he bitches on Smackdown this week after losing. And their only real big major face is Jeff Hardy, and we all have that feeling in our gut about Hardy and how hes a major fuck up.
Snackdown already has the other biggest heel in the company on the show. If I recall his name is Chris "the Best in the World" Jericho, and although he's not currently in the Main Event or the WHC title picture.

Ya u do have a point but there still is the fact that orten is one of the best heel's in the industry and it wouldn't be smart to move him to smackdown because there is already Chris Jericho and it looks like CM Punk is going to be a full fledge heel soon. So it would jam pack the show with top heels :/
This is a stupid idea because Orton is one of the few good things about RAW and the Undertaker is like the Face of SD! He has been on smackdown ever since the brand split in 2002. The only other superstar to be on one brand the whole time is HBK. Taking Taker from SD! is really fucking dumb period.
No,No, Hell to the no. Orton leaving Raw would be possibly the worst idea ever. Orton is possibly the only Main-Event Heel on Raw. (Big Show isn't in the equation since he is Tag Champ)

I think that your right by saying that, with orton leaving raw ( if ) there would be a huge gap for a main event heel however this could result in one or two things....

1) Jack Swagger MONSTER push in the WWE straight in the main event facing Cena and Trips I think this is the best choice because this guy is the present and future of the WWE IMO.

2) Big show main event push maybe turning on Jericho ? Nah don't fancy Cena vs Show again ....

3) This would be... BALLIN! Yes i mean his face character is stale and boring a heel turn could freshen him up and kickstart his main event career.

Just some ideas to think about :)

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