Top 5 films


Shawn Michaels ❤
The title says it all, so I won't give much of an introduction. Just your 5 favourite films. That being said, I'm pointing out now you must give reasons. Any listing will be infracted. This is your warning.

5. The Silence of the Lambs
I love this film. I've lost track of how many times I've seen it, but it's as good as ever. Hannibal Lector is a character everyone knows about, regardless of whether they've seen the flilm or not. Having a psycopath catch a killer is a great concept, and inspired many more films.

4. Cool Runnings
I saw this for the first ime a little while ago, desperate to see what all the hype was about seeings as many of my friends were in love with it. I agree with them. One of the funniest, yet most emotional films I've seen. Everyone I know ended up crying at the end. No other film incorporates that with humour so well.

3. Saw 1
It took a while to choose which of the films of this series I wanted, but you just can't go against the original. I'm one of those who like all the films, so I'm not going to say they've got worse. But this one was the best. It starts off a story really well, and you just knew there would be more after seeing it. It is gory, but you actually see a reason behind it, instead of it just being there for the sake of it.

2. 300
Often classed as #1, 300 is my favourite film of the last few years, qwith so much attention to detail in it, yet still so explosive. The battles in this film are probably the best I've seen in a long time. That being said, this is very far off my general movie genre.

1. Mighty Joe Young
The child in me is released with this one. And as tempting as it was to switch 1 & 2 around, Mighty Joe Young has been my favourite film for years, and after watching it recently I know why. Charlize Theron is amazing in this film, some of her best work. The story of this is great. There is an incredibly old version of this, but I mean it's so old you can see the man in the Gorilla costume. Here I'm talking about Disney. It's a film that never fails to make me cry, despite knowing what will happen.
Can't have a top 5 in order so I'll put in 5 films I love;

Rain Man - Amazing. I have an Autistic brother so this really related to me. Very well done. Dustin Hoffman played the Savant well with Tom Cruise playing an asshole to perfection.

In Bruges - Bloody brilliant! The dark humor coupled with Colin Farrell's characters hatred of Bruges was genius. And I have been to Bruges I can pretty much agree what was said about it!

Hamlet - Kenneth Branagh 1996 Hamlet - Makes the book better. Branagh directs this and plays the lead. Plays like he is Hamlet, has the emotions of Hamlet and feels all of Hamlets pain. Never seen a Shakespeare done any better, not even close.

Sin City - Not my usual preferred genre but after catching it on BBC Three I was hooked then spent the next few months trying to buy it (being 17 when I first saw it) - finally got the 2 disc edition and loved every moment of it.

Uncle Buck - What can I say about John Candy? A pure genius on-screen. So many films that have been saved by Candy and Uncle Buck is one of my all time favourites films ever. The humor was fantastic!

Any of those in any order would complete a top 5

Mentions go to: Robin Hood Men in Tights, Garden State (Just Missed Out), 10 Things I Hate About You
5. That Thing You Do - This movie is just great all around. The story of a one hit wonder in the summer of 1964, this movie has a perfect cast and a great story. Tom Hanks could not be more on as the record producer as well as the director. This movie is just all around great, with a kick ass soundtrack too.

4. A Few Good Men - The best legal movie of the 90s for me and perhaps the best since 12 Angry Men. This is the epitome of an all star cast that absolutely knocks it out of the damn park. It boarders on 3 hours, but is worth every second of it at the end.

3. TMNT 2: The Secret of the Ooze When I was growing up, TMNT ruled the fucking world. A comic book that was originally meant as a parody of superheroes turning into a juggernaut like it is today, this was the less serious of the movies, but it is so much fun. Big monsters, bad puns, and Vanilla Ice randomly performing in an underground club and rapping about turtles? Amazing on so many levels.

2. Mr. Smith Goes To Washington - Most people here other than Shango likely have no idea what this is about. But given the state of politics today, this movie offers a glimmer of hope for the chance of one guy being pure still. Featuring my all time favorite actor Jimmy Stewart, the fillibuster scene at the end is breath taking.

1. Hard Candy - This is the movie that got Ellen Page noticed and is just awesome. With a cast of 5 people, only two of which are on screen more than 2 minutes, this is a great indy film. Imagine what would happen if the Big Bad Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood's roles were reversed. Page is a 13 year old girl that turns the tables on a pedophile and becomes the predator. If you haven't seen it, go find it. Well worth it.
Goodfellas Being a huge Scorcese fan, this is most likely my favorite movie of all time. It's based on a true story and contains great performances from Ray Liotta, Lorraine Bracco, Robert De Niro, and especially Joe Pesci. To me, Goodfellas is the perfect movie.

Pulp Fiction Pulp Fiction is another great one. Samuel L. Jackson's performance is absolutely incredible. The dialogue is perfect, and the out of sequence manner in which the movie plays out really makes you pay attention. There are so many small details to pay attention to and I love that.

The Shawshank Redemption. A wonderful movie. Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins are great. The story is so well told, it's hard to not like this movie. Morgan Freeman as a narrator is awesome. The prison escape is fantastic and very unexpected. There are funny moments, serious ones, and some very happy ones.

The 40 Year-Old Virgin I had to throw a comedy in. This one just happens to be my favorite. It's hilarious, great performances all around. There are so many little lines that are hard to notice. On top of being very funny, it's an all around great movie. There's Something About Mary gets a mention as my favorite comedy as well.

Fargo An amazing movie. The accents are terrible, but hilarious. The violence is surprising, yet necessary to the film. Steve Buscemi has a great role and kills it, as does Frances McDormand. The Big Lebowski and Fargo were in a fight for this position. I really would rather put both.

This was hard, I ended up just choosing five randomly. In reality, I have no five favorites, just tons of them. But these are up there.
If I could divvy them up into categories, I'd do several top fives (action, comedy, drama, etc) but seeing as some can't really be clearly defined, and I'm too fond of many of these movies to not give them a top 5 spot, I think I'll have to do a Top 20 and several "honorable mentions" lol. I'll keep the explanations short to make up for the bigger list.

*Keep in mind, although I think a majority of these are the best films out there, not all of them are. Some are just purely favorites of mine that I find enjoyable, good films. And I'm kind of cheating by grouping sequels together as I see them as part of the same movie, just continuing and broken up.*

In alphabetical order, not in ranking order:

1. 2001: A Space Odyssey - Brutal to get through and most people (myself included) don't understand a damn bit of it the first viewing. But when you read up on it and you rewatch it, its absolutely awe-inspiring. Phenomenal symbolism, amazing message. Just great. Plus, it has so many classic scenes that the general public is aware of but has no idea it spawns from this film, such as using the Blue Danube or Also Sprach Zarathustra (Ric Flair's theme) for space/emotional slow motion scenes. HAL 9000 is EASILY - EASILY one of the top 10 villains in all of cinema history.
2. American Beauty - I have to admit that I disliked this film the first time I saw it as well. But that was years ago. I grew up. Now that my mindset has changed, I appreciate this film for more than just "hey the hot chick is topless". Spacey draws you in as an "everyman".
3. Animal House - Come on. Need I explain?
4. Batman Begins/The Dark Knight - Revolutionized not only the comic book film genre but the comic books themselves! That's an amazing feat. The Nolanverse takes the most serious and effective approach to perhaps the best comic book character ever to be created and treats him as a true literary masterpiece rather than "just a popcorn flick" like so many others have become. I would be extremely shocked if the third didn't round up the trilogy in a successful method. Perfect casting, perfect mood, etc etc etc.
5. Clerks - The rest of the Jersey Chronicles are ok, minus Chasing Amy, but Clerks is the best, followed by Mallrats. The movie doesn't try to do slapstick humor and it caters to a more cynical crowd. Hilarious. You'll never look at the number "37" the same way again lol.
6. Fight Club - I think everyone and their mother has explained this movie to someone else, so I'll spare you lol.
7. Forrest Gump - I consider this the perfect "just study an average guy's life" film. Granted, he's a bit less than average in some ways and above average in other ways, but doesn't that balance him out and make him average in the long run? Hanks is wonderful, the characters are completely believable in their actions, and the story is heartwarming even in the more depressing moments.
8. K-PAX - A lot of people shoot this film down, but I love it. Not withstanding the gorgeous soundtrack (especially "Grand Central"), Spacey is once again pulling off a role with such a multitude of power....nuts.
9. Memento - Either you love its editing charm or you hate it because it makes you think. Not for the dimwitted audience lol. Just go see it. I have to admit, though, that without the editing gimmick, it sort of falls short of being on the top 20 list, but with it, its very compelling.
10. Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! - Now this is how spoof movies are supposed to be made. This, Men in Tights, Not Another Teen Movie, Mafia, and Scary Movie 1 and 3 are the only ones that seem to be standing out as good, though. Lately filmmakers have been shelling out pieces of garbage, and its a shame. They need to rewatch Naked Gun and get back to the roots: witty satire and writing as opposed to cheap fad references that you're apparently supposed to laugh at just because you recognize what its talking about.
11. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - Its a goddamn marvel of modern science.
12. Pulp Fiction - Don't think I need to explain this either.
13. Reservoir Dogs - Definitely not "best picture" quality, but its one of my favorites.
14. Star Wars Saga - Yeah, I cheated and grouped 6 films together. So what? Lol. Its all the same story. Some areas fall shorter than others and some reach peaks that others can't match. From the lowest lows of the Ewoks and Jar Jar Binks to the highest highs of "No, I am your father" and the duels, I just couldn't leave these films out of this list.
15. Stranger Than Fiction - Many people dislike this film because it isn't a "Will Ferrell movie" in that it doesn't have the exact same jokes as the rest of his films and it isn't strictly a "comedy for idiots" with the catch phrase of the month that every moron spits out as if they're suddenly creative. The humor is much more subtle and therefore, I'm more appreciative of it. The story itself though is what I love, and how its so intricately structured. It must have been so difficult to write a script about a writer writing a book about a guy who is living the book and following its rules, but at the same time, the script itself for Stranger Than Fiction has to follow the same writing rules (as well as The Hero's Journey). Man. I don't think you can appreciate this film as much if you're not a writer.
16. Terminator/Terminator 2: Judgment Day - NoFate007. Lol. T2 is the best, though, and T3 I didn't group in because its horrible in comparison. T2 is essentially a perfect action film to me. It has nothing that is unnecessary and everything that is necessary is formed at the right and proper times.
17. The Godfather Trilogy - The third falls short of the first two, but its still decent enough that I didn't exclude it. Don't need to explain these films, right?
18. The Island - I have no clue why this doesn't get any recognition. I think its fantastic. The action isn't over the top (outside of maybe the giant letter scene lol but that was cool), and the action is an adrenaline rush at that. I'm not big on "action automatically = good" if it doesn't have support from everything else (characters, plot, etc). This film does. The characters have purposes and stay true to their traits, the story is able to tell you detailed explanations rather quickly, and its extremely interesting. I love it. Plus, the soundtrack is unbelievable.
19. The Shawshank Redemption - Perhaps the best movie, ever.
20. The Usual Suspects - If you don't know, I'm not going to tell you.

A Clockwork Orange
Big Fish
Casino Royale
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
Dumb & Dumber
Edward Scissorhands
Glengarry Glen Ross
Home Alone
Matchstick Men
Not Another Teen Movie
Robin Hood: Men in Tights
Spider-Man (not #2 or #3, only the first one!)
The Silence of the Lambs
5. Superbad - This movie is freaking hilarious. Everything in his movie reminds me of my high school. From the way the characters act, to the party scenes. I have watched this movie so many times and it just keeps getting better.

4. Friday Night Lights - Fantastic movie. A balls to the wall drama, that really shows you how important high school football is to some people. Phenomenal cast. Tim McGraw was a treat in this movie as the abusive father turned good. I can honestly say this might be my favorite sports movie.

3. Seven - An absolutely brilliant film. Probably Brad Pitts best performance. Action.Drama/Thriller/Suspense. What more could you want from a film. Morgan Freeman was superb as usual. Plus the ending is just too insane. Also...Kevin Spacey stole the show.

2. American Beauty - Beautiful is what this is. I really don't know what to say about this movie. Its simply phenomenal. Kevin Spacey might be the greatest actor ever. It just goes to show you that not everybody with money leads a perfect life and that beauty isnt on the surface,

1. American Psycho - Holy fucking shit. My favorite novel of all time transposed into my favorite film of all time. Not as good as the book, but still very good. It goes to show you that even the most simplest men can be insane. Christian Bales best performance. End of story.
Million Dollar Baby - My all time most favouritist movie. I just love the way that the story is so dense for what I see as essentially a three person movie. When I first heard about it being released, I had to see it and when read a couple of reviews even before I saw it I tipped it to sweep up at the Oscars. Swank, Freeman and Eastwood are brilliant together and I simply can’t fault this movie at all.

Requiem for a Dream - As far as depressing movies go, this one takes the cake IMO. Interestingly enough I have never met or spoken to anyone else who likes it, with the common complaint being it is too slow (Which I personally dont see). The thing I like the most besides the plot and performances is the music. That haunting theme music sends chills up my spine everytime I hear it.

Silence of the Lambs - Foster + Hopkins + Fucking awesome story = Solid Gold

Strangely though the above three movies, while I really do like them I have to be really in the mood to watch them, I just cant bring them out all willy-nilly and watch them but definitely my faves.

Final Fantasy VII Advent Children - Not the greatest movie ever and with far too much emphasis on fight scenes as opposed to plot development, it simply continues the story from my favouritist game ever, and to actually put voices to my Cloud and Aerith, well it made my day and one of only 2 movies I have ever paid more than $40 for.

Dreamgirls/Hairspray/Camp - I have grouped these together because I generally only really like one at a time. All are musicals and have their ups and downs but I just seem to get carried away with the story and can always justify spending a couple of hours in front of the TV for them.
4. Cool Runnings
I saw this for the first ime a little while ago, desperate to see what all the hype was about seeings as many of my friends were in love with it. I agree with them. One of the funniest, yet most emotional films I've seen. Everyone I know ended up crying at the end. No other film incorporates that with humour so well.

I never understood how they got any good at whatever that sport was called. There are plenty of better kids films. Better Disney films too. Better films about Jamaicans. And better films about bob-sledding.

3. Saw 1
It took a while to choose which of the films of this series I wanted, but you just can't go against the original. I'm one of those who like all the films, so I'm not going to say they've got worse. But this one was the best. It starts off a story really well, and you just knew there would be more after seeing it. It is gory, but you actually see a reason behind it, instead of it just being there for the sake of it.

The first one is the only decent one. Se7en is much better anyway.

2. 300
Often classed as #1,

/facepalm, /facepalm, /facepalm, /facepalm

300 is my favourite film of the last few years,

It wasn't even in the top twenty of the year it was released.

qwith so much attention to detail in it,

Attention to detail? What? Watch Zodiac, that's attention to detail. This is just some vague, orange rocks with men in red cloaks fighting ninjas in slow motion.

yet still so explosive.

ly shit.

The battles in this film are probably the best I've seen in a long time.

You don't watch many movies do you? These aren't the flashiest battles, nor the most authentic or the most brutal. I'll give you credit though - it's the most slo-mo I've ever seen. Know how long 300 is without slo-mo? Thirty minutes. The Matrix has less bullet time.

That being said, this is very far off my general movie genre.

Judging from your list, your general movie is genre... Disney Torture Porn.

1. Jaws

Probably. Love it. People feel it's so overrated that it's become underrated. I can't explain why I love it so much. It doesn't change your viewpoint on life, it's not even accurate. The effects aren't astounding - well, some are. It's a stone cold classic anyway.

Oh, and it's the only film that can really frighten me. Hate sharks.

2. Fight Club

Under careful analysis, the ideology of this movie doesn't even make sense. But who's sad enough to carefully analyse it. I don't care though. "Shallow and pedantic" it may well be, but it's still just brilliant. Nine years since release now. It's got everything I want in a movie.

Note to self: get super special edition!

3. Aliens

Fuck swords and sandals. Pulse rifles and combat boots please. The greatest sequel of all time, unquestionably. Alien one was tense and slow-paced. This was the perfect follow up, time to go to war. Game over, man. Game over!

Can't decide on four and five yet. I'll think it over. Maybe something made by Quentin Tarantino. Or The Dark Knight!! Nah.
4. Cool Runnings
I saw this for the first ime a little while ago, desperate to see what all the hype was about seeings as many of my friends were in love with it. I agree with them. One of the funniest, yet most emotional films I've seen. Everyone I know ended up crying at the end. No other film incorporates that with humour so well.

I never understood how they got any good at whatever that sport was called. There are plenty of better kids films. Better Disney films too. Better films about Jamaicans. And better films about bob-sledding.

3. Saw 1
It took a while to choose which of the films of this series I wanted, but you just can't go against the original. I'm one of those who like all the films, so I'm not going to say they've got worse. But this one was the best. It starts off a story really well, and you just knew there would be more after seeing it. It is gory, but you actually see a reason behind it, instead of it just being there for the sake of it.

The first one is the only decent one. Se7en is much better anyway.

2. 300
Often classed as #1,

/facepalm, /facepalm, /facepalm, /facepalm

300 is my favourite film of the last few years,

It wasn't even in the top twenty of the year it was released.

qwith so much attention to detail in it,

Attention to detail? What? Watch Zodiac, that's attention to detail. This is just some vague, orange rocks with men in red cloaks fighting ninjas in slow motion.

yet still so explosive.

ly shit.

The battles in this film are probably the best I've seen in a long time.

You don't watch many movies do you? These aren't the flashiest battles, nor the most authentic or the most brutal. I'll give you credit though - it's the most slo-mo I've ever seen. Know how long 300 is without slo-mo? Thirty minutes. The Matrix has less bullet time.

That being said, this is very far off my general movie genre.

Judging from your list, your general movie genre is... Disney Torture Porn.

1. Jaws

Probably. Love it. I can't explain why I love it so much. It doesn't change your viewpoint on life, it's not even accurate. The effects aren't astounding - well, some are. It's a stone cold classic anyway.

Oh, and it's the only film that can really frighten me. Hate sharks.

2. Fight Club

Under careful analysis, the ideology of this movie doesn't even make sense. But who's sad enough to carefully analyse it. I don't care though. "Shallow and pedantic" it may well be, but it's still just brilliant. Nine years since release now. It's got everything I want in a movie.

Note to self: get super special edition!

3. Aliens

Fuck swords and sandals. Pulse rifles and combat boots please. The greatest sequel of all time, unquestionably. Alien one was tense and slow-paced. This was the perfect follow up, time to go to war. Game over, man. Game over!

Can't decide on four and five yet. I'll think it over. Maybe something made by Quentin Tarantino. Or The Dark Knight!! Nah.
Top 5 is hard, really Hard. But I will attempt to try and do this with decent reasoning for it. I would put the Star Wars series in there but there are too many films.
In No Particular Order.

1) The Blues Brothers: There is something about this movie that I love, I think it may be the Music that does it for me as well as the story and acting. The Neo-Nazis, the Police etc. etc. All make this film part of the classic movies that I love to watch almost over and over again. John Belushi and Dan Ackroyd are brilliant in this, as is Ray Charles.

2) Ronin: I don't know why I love this film, It may be a combination of one of the most Epic Car chase scenes ever produced in live action. DeNiro is awesome in this as is his supporting cast The Concept behind it is great, as is its execution.

3) Patch Adams: This is Robin Williams best Film, there is an emotional connection that you don't often get in movies from the last few decades.

4) Forest Gump: This is such a great film, it just proves how good of an actor Tom Hanks is when you get distracted by the more recent shit film he has been in.

5) Midway: I love this film. It may not be the best War Movie ever created, but it was one of the first I ever saw, so it holds a special place, similar to Speed in holding a special place to me. But it is a good movie to watch regardless.
Like NoFate, it's impossible for me to list just five. I can do that for TV shows, but not movies. So I'm going to be like NoFate and post top 20, along with some honorable mentions.

1. Pulp Fiction - Because of the rape scene, my mom didn't let me watch this until high school, but it was well worth the wait. However, even though I enjoyed the film my first time watching it, I didn't watch it again all the way through until a few years later, and since that time, I've watched it probably over 50 times. It's an amazing movie. Almost flawless. The dialogue is my favorite of any movie ever, and there's shocking moment after shocking moment that one would never expect if you knew nothing about the film before hand..

2. The Departed - Best cop movie ever. Without a doubt. Matt Damon gives one of the greatest performances ever put to film. I love Matt Damon. He's one of my all-time favorite actors, but even I, a die-hard fan of the dude, I wanted to see his ass dead in this movie. I completely forgot I was watching Matt Damon and focused entirely on that coward Sullivan and wanted to kill him the entire second half of the movie myself. Leo gives a great performance as always too, and Wahlberg was awesome as well. My favorite Scorsese movie, and that's saying a lot.

3. The Karate Kid - The greatest underdog story ever told. Everything about this movie is perfect. The heroes couldn't have been played any better, and Johnny is probably my favorite villain of all time.

4. Goodfellas - My second favorite Scorsese film. The guy is just great at telling stories, and he proves so with this movie. Pesci is awesome, as always, and Liotta is great too.

5. Rudy - Explained in the "Greatest Sports Movie" Thread. This is the only movie I get goosebumps on EVERY single time I watch it. Sometimes even teary eyed, depending on my mood.

6. The Rules of Attraction - Loved the book, love the film just as much. James Van Der Beek gives such a great performance. Probably my favorite performance of all time when I think about it. I really don't think there is anyone who could've nailed the Sean Bateman character like JVDB did. Also, the other thing I love about this movie is that the rest of the performances were done to perfection as well, and when I say the rest, I mean ALL of them. The smallest of smallest parts had impacts on this movie and you don't get that often.

7. Batman Begins/The Dark Knight - If you've seen my post in all the Batman threads around here, then you know my passion for these two movies.

8. Good Will Hunting - What a touching story this one is. Here you have Will, who can be whatever he wants, but is content with being nothing and doing nothing, but yet, he still shows his brilliance anonymously any chance he gets. After a while, he gets realized by a professor and his potential finally has a chance to become something. If you've seen the movie, you know the rest and you know how great it is. Damon is awesome, and so is Robin Williams.

9. American Psycho - I really like the book, and I think this was the best movie adaptation that could've been done with it. Christian Bale, as we all know, was unbelievable in it and he's really the sole reason the film is as good as it is.

10. The Bourne Trilogy - Matt Damon pretty much kills my top ten list, as you can see. Love these movies, especially the third.

11. American History X - The only good film portrayal on American skinheads and damn... it's fucking good. Words can't give justice to just how great Edward Norton is in this. In fact, he's a little bit too good in it to be honest.

12. Casino - Another Scorsese film I adore. Hilarious as shit, and still dramatic and violent. A three hour movie that flies by like a thirty minute sitcom.

13. The Pianist - The most heartbreaking movie I've ever seen. Yes, it has a happy ending, but the scene where Adrian Brody and his family are waiting for the train to go to a Death Camp just haunts me. It comes off as so realistic and your heart just breaks watching that scene. The rest of the story is fantastic as well, but it's that scene that touches me the most.

14. Rocky Films - 3 and 4 are my favorites.

15. Gangs of New York - Scorsese makes the list again. This movie is awesome. I thought it was going to be crap at first, but it's amazing. Daniel-Day Lewis gives my favorite performance from him ever, even more so then "My Left Foot", "In the Name of the Father", "The Last of the Mohicans", and "There Will Be Blood". That's saying something if you ask me, because he was unbelievable in all those films, but this takes them all. Leo is fantastic as well.

16. Superbad - Absolutely hilarious. I knew I was going to like it going into it, but had no idea I was going to love it as much as I did. It's really the Seth and McLovin characters why I dig this movie so much, but that was enough for it to make my top 20 list.

17. Back to the Future Trilogy - Probably the most heartracing films ever created. The shit is so suspenseful, sometimes too suspenseful. It drives you nuts just watching Marty and Doc Brown fuck up time and time again, but it's great and a complete joyride to sit through.

18. Varsity Blues - I really don't know why I love this film so much, but I do. I can find many problems with it, but it doesn't matter in the end because I'm entertained to death every time I watch it.

19. Adventures in Babysitting - Love Elizabeth Shue, love this movie. Just a very fun adventure, and it's not even that far fetched.

20. The Last American Virgin - Hilarious movie. Most here probably haven't seen it, but it's an 80's teen movie that is not only funny as shit, but has a great ending that you would never expect.

HONORABLE MENTIONS (alphabetical order):
Alpha Dog
American Beauty
Any Given Sunday
The Aviator
Blood Diamond
Every Kevin Smith film (yes, including Jersey Girl)
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Fight Club
Forrest Gump
Into the Wild
Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2
The Lookout
The Mighty Ducks Trilogy
My Cousin Vinny
Point Break
Raging Bull
Reservoir Dogs
Stand By Me
Taxi Driver
The Terminator (first 2)
True Romance

And there are so many others that I love, but those pretty much are the all time favorites, lol.
5 forbidden kingdom best action ever between lee and chan

4 star wars triology could not pick one great directing and characters made me beleiv anything was possiable

3 lord of the rings triology won all 11 oscars what more is there to say has never happened before or since then.

2 american gangster. best denzel movie and told great story of real gangster lucas to the core.

1 the dark knight best batman movie and commic book movie ever. heath will neve know what great work he did i what i icture as the evil joker
5 definitely the forbidden kingdom. this movie was good for jackie and jet being in there first film together. lots of solid action good looking asian women. i hear there making a sequal since they passed there budget. this could be a really ecellent sequal.

4 american gangster. tis one was one if not the best denzel movie ever. a new side of him plying a real life gangster frank lucas. this movie had great actors as well as true to the core throughout the movie in what actualy happened to.

3 star wars saga. sorry could not pick just one of these. all 6 told a great story. lucas coming back to make the 3 prequals was awsome as well. great action made me believe anyting was possiable. favortie characters all time darth vader, luke skywalker, han solo. three stories to tell the life of his dad to the darkside of the force.

2 lord of the rings triology. again all 3 movies great action told one of the greatest storys ever. done well kick ass graphics. the fighting was epic. told story of pre war and what was to come. great directing great place to film in new zeland. won all 11 oscars in 2003. this has never been done before or since then. talk about great movies how do you not mention this ones history.

1 this was hard between 1 and 2 but i think the winner is THE DARK KNIGHT this movie had great actors and was the best batman movie ever and commic book movie. what can i say thischanged life for commic book movies for thepast present and future. heath ledgers joker was oscar worthy in my opinion. bale good as always heath put a real good evil into the joker like i pictured the joker to be. its a shame he died. i heard they wanted him in the sequal to knight. ts also a shame he never got to see the full film complete and out before it hit theateres and was edited and all. he will never know how he changed movies forever:wave:
5. Flight of the Navigator
My favourite film as a child and I watched it for the first time in years the other day and forgot how brilliant this is

4. Monty Python and the search for the holy grail
If you havn't seen this yet then I highly suggest picking it up - full of brilliant laugh out loud moments from the pythons

3. Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrells
Brilliantly slick films with some very funny one liners

2. Battle Royale
When I first watched this I took it too seriously - then I watched again with some beer and turned my brain off - Awesome!

1. City Of God
Amazing film, I love the way it was shot and the charicters are easy to relate too
Before I post, let it be known I have really bad taste and movies and unlike some people who will name some of the greats(Godfather, Casablanca, ect)my favorites(or most)won't be winning any Oscars more likey Razzies instead.

1. Psycho(1960's version): I love this film with a passion. I am not a person who normally would watch such a old movie but we had to watch it in our crim class and I loved it. Norman Bates was a very complex character and he actually made you sympathize with him. Also Anthony Perkins played the character so well and gave it depth. Hitchcock pushed the boundaries and it payed off.
*Next one's are iffy*
2. I know what you did last summer: Let it be known during 1997-2002 I was enamoured with all of the teen killer movies(Scream, Urban Legends, Final Destination ect), but this was my favorite and still one of my top 2. Yes it was cheesy and such but it really entertained me and I have watched it probably 50 times or more. It didnt hurt that Sarah Michelle Gellar was my crush.

3. Saw(1): TIED: I just watched this for the first time last year. I heard all the hype but didn't really feel the need to watch it. Then one night it came on TV, so I gave it a try, and I loved it. I really liked the psychology behind it and the twists really made the movie.

3. Juno: TIED: A self described Ellen Page fanatic, I just loved this movie. It really get's a bad rap since it was so sucessful and Oscar nominated but I loved it and obviously both the critics and fans alike did too. Ellen Page is a remarkable actress and really made Juno her own. Michael Cera, Jennifer Gardnier, Jason Bateman, ect were all awesome aswell. I just loved the quirkness of Juno the character and her relationship with Cerra. It's also touching at parts as well.

4. The Dark Knight: Before watching this I had not liked a single Batman film before and never really cared for the series either. I never really bought the hype so I went into the movie having no expectations. I left the theater and it was all I could talk about for a few days. It was very exciting and action pack with being too much action. I though Ledger was brilliant, Bale was good, and even Maggie Gylenhal was alright. I loved the whole twist where he saves Harvey instead of her and I really felt bad at that part. Just a truly great film that I had no expectations of.

5. American History X: What a great movie. Norton was amazing in this role and really showcased his talent. The movie and certain scenes just stay in my memory like the Supermarket scene when they are dumping all the stuff on the girls face. The movie is chilling and one of my personal fave.
1. Goodfellas

"As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster." That line says it all really. Easily my favorite mob movie of all time. Liotta, Pesci, De Niro, all gave riveting and phenomanal performances. Featuring great action, beautiful writing, and an immersive soundtrack, there's really not much more you could ask from this film.

2. Pulp Fiction

I could list dozens of reasons why this movie is one of the best out there. I could tell you about the amazing performances, the side-splitting humor, or the ingenious use of irony. However, I think the fact that it was nominated for seven oscars, and has recieved better reviews than any other movie speaks for itself.

3. The Dark Knight

If you haven't seen this movie, you might be wondering what all of the fuss is about. Well, simply put, its the greatest super hero movie of all time. No competition. The action is fast paced and frantic, the stunts are awesome, and Ledger gives one of the most chilling performances I have ever seen. In fact, Ledger is without a doubt the star of this movie. Without him, it wouldn't be getting half the praise its getting right know. Every moment you watch, your waiting for the joker to strike and unravel another one of his diabolical schemes. Watch it, this is one movie you will never forget.

4. Tombstone

It may be historically inaccurate, but I could care less really. Kurt Russel and Val Kilmer are great, especially Kilmer. As Doc Holiday, he gives both a humorous and believable performance. The action is awesome, and always keep you at the edge of your seat. Its long, but never ceases to deliver a bevy of shocking moments. If you ignore the sometimes wonky dialog, its one hell of a good time.

5. The Departed

My second favorite movie by Scorcesse. I loved the action and suspense this movie provided, along with its unbelievable twists and turns. Whalberg was hilarious, and Nicholson was absolutely superb. Damon and Decaprio were amazing as well.
In no Particular Order:

Jackie Brown: I believe Pam Grier was about 49 years old when she starred in this movie and she still looked hot. This is my favorite movie Quentin Tarintino movie. The dialogue and plot was great. Robert DeNiro plays something other than some type of mafia/mob role and does a great job at it. The soundtrack was great as well.

The Bourne Trilogy: 007 James who? This is probably the only Trilogy I've seen where each movie was better before the previous one before it. Great Action and Fight scenes?

Departed: I've seen a lot directors try to pull off the "Dirty Cop" plot in movies but Scorcesse does it the best here. Very suspenseful and well acted by everyone who was in the movie.

Casino: Another Scorcesse spectacular. One of the few three hour movies I can sit down and watch without feeling like it's just dragging on and on. Joe Pesci is a funny little guy.

Forrest Gump: A very very beautifully told story.

Honorable Mentions:
The Green Mile
A League of their own
The Hurricane
Pulp Fiction
1. The Dark Knight - I didnt even like Batman until i watched this. The acting is phenomenal , The story line s great and keeps you on the edge of your seat. The Joker is one of the most compelling characters in history and is actualy very creepy. It's just a overall great movie.

2. Forrest Gump - I honestly dont know why i like it so much. It's just a great movie that i can watch countless times and still love it. It has a cheesy greatness that comes with it. I think that alot of the appeal is the basic messege that even if you're mentaly disabled you could become a millionaire.(You can be anything you want to be)

3. 30 Days of Night - I know it isnt the most brilliant story line or the best acting ever. But it pretty much fits all of the requirements for a favorite movie of mine. It's action packed and has vampires. That means it's awesome. It has revoultionized the Vampire into a bloodsucking killer that has no regard for human life. That makes it great.

4. Cloverfield - I might just be a victim of its hype , But i loved the movie. It was like nothing that i have ever seen and it had insane hype. It was just brilliant in my mind. I know most people think they're too good to say a movie like this is one of their favorites , But seriosly , Who would actualy rather watch some cheesy movie with a good plot than they would a movie packed full of action and Thrills ?

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