Brilliant, But Unlikable, Films

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Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
If you're a film buff like myself, then you undoubtedly have a system for grading the films that you watch. Also, there are undoubtedly films that you give top marks to that, on a personal level, you don't like very much; while superbly made, these films fail to move you. Simply put, these are the films that you'd give a perfect score to but never watch again.

For me, no film screams "brilliant, but unlikable," more than Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey. Made some 40 years ago, few films to this day have paralleled 2001's production values and innovation; if unacquainted with 2001, even the most knowledgeable of today's film-goers would be floored by the technical mastery and genius Kubrick displays in this film.

However, I do have one major problem with 2001: it's 150 minutes long, and only about a 1/3 of that time has dialogue. Yes, for about two-thirds of this film, you are watching what you'd imagine a NASA worker's muted wet dream would look like. Furthermore, 2001 has an ending that is, at best, extremely confusing, and, at worst, flat-out laughable.

It is for these reasons that I consider 2001: A Space Odyssey to be the quintessential "brilliant, but unlikable," film. What say you, fellow WZ forum members? What are your "brilliant, but unlikable," films?
One film came immediatly to mind and I probably won't be the first one to mention this

Requiem For A Dream

I kind of admire this film. It takes guts to fully delve into addiction and not pull any punches, however that's exactly the reason why I'll never watch it again. Off the top of my head it's quite easily the most unpleasant, depressing and horrific film I've ever seen and I've absolutely no desire to ever watch it again.
Other that fall into this catergory are Mystic River, which was a black hole of a film and Revolutionary Road, which does the remarkable job of taking two people you won't like, making you enjoy their downfall and ends with you feeling sorry for them.

I think I'm forgetting something but that'll do for now.
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